《Falling Star of Evolution》Chapter 17 & 18: A family by circumstance (Part I & II)
Karnage : Enjoy! I won't be doing the rewrite again. I'll just finish this and write what I want afterward! ^^
Chapter 17 & 18 -
Sol looked at the corpse and begun examining it, he could see a faint trace of green aroma blowing off of it's body. It looked incredibly toxic, much much more so than the poison he had created. It didn't look like the work of human either, Sol quickly pulled out a vial from inside of his satchel and begun extracting the poison. The poison burned the floor as it dripped and made Sol wonder what sort of poison could do this and last this long, however he was happy nontheless he acquired some.
He begun examining the corpse and first took it's runic ring holding it by a cloth, he used the Water Orb and thoroughly washed the ring before making personal contact with it. Now that he looked closer he could see the poison was splashed on the man's lower body and half of it had been eaten away and it was surely what killed him and not the dagger in his Dantian. Sol immediately began inspecting the man's runic ring.
Sol was pleasantly surprised to discover the man had a great amount of gold coins and could be considered quite wealthy. The ring also possessed quite a few odd things Sol didn't know about and seemed to be quite precious and valuable. There were also good things like C-grade beast leather armor, and a great heavy sword with a gem embedded in it's hilt that gave off a terrifying gleam.
Sol thought this man's bag set up was very erratic and didn't make sense, it even had women's clothing and jewelry. It possessed poisons and medicines of many types even some Sol didn't recognize and were variant plants. Being in his current predicament he was grateful for these supplies as they might save his life and quickly transferred all the goods over to his runic ring.
Sol's intuition told him this man was a thief of some sort and his collection was quite nice, luckily Sol found a note that had a list of all the items with descriptions and smiled. Sol took out the armor and found it to be strange. He also wondered why the man wouldn't use something as good as this, when he read the description he understood why.
C-Rank Cursed Dark Leather Armor -[Armor made from a Cursed C-Rank Beast, tough defense and durability. Cursed properties of this armor induces and incites madness on it's user by directly interfering with the user's Dantian. Not recommended for long usage. Able to take a bracelet form but madness effect increases]
Sol was pleasant to read this, only probably someone like him could use it. Naturally he immediately equipped it, The armor was dark red and completely made of leather. It suited Sol's golden-magma like hair and deep golden eyes completely and he was quite taken with it. The person who designed the armor had quite a bizarre fashion sense but possessed great combat knowledge as well and designed the armor with an assassin type feel. Dressed in red, Sol looked bastardly dashing and would most certainly steal hearts.
The armor was quite easy to move in and it kept one's body scent inside, Sol tested it's range of movement and was pleased to know it didn't restrict one's movements at all. If it did restrict his movements then it would serve Sol no purpose and it would just be a flashy piece of equipment.
Sol took out the Heavy sword with the jeweled hilt from the runic ring and it instantly crashed to the floor sinking into the soft earth by it's edge! Sol could not hold it at all!
Mitra's voice sounded out instantly!
(Master! This sword is a good sword! It's definitely something good!) -Mitra
Sol gazed at the sword and it was quite heavy. Sol was sure he wasn't able to wield it as he was now. It gave off a cold gleam and a divine terrifying feel, there was also a deep sense of pride hidden within the sword that gave off an unyielding righteousness. It was about 130 cm long and was completely straight up until the edge of the blade which was crescent shaped and gave off an executioner's feel.
Sol quickly searched through the list to see the name of this sword.
Divine Executioner- [Holy relic of the Sun Temple, not much is known about this sword besides the fact that it was the most treasured artifact of the Sun Temple.
Rumors were spread and some people believed that this sword was in fact the sword that was wielded by the God Baldr Hyperion Crassius who slew the God Beast of Arlanvale in exchange for his life. However no one had awakened the sword ever since and no one could prove such and it was eventually forgotten in time becoming just a historical piece. The Faint traces of power in the sword still mesmerize people to this day]
Sol sensing light affinity with this blade subconsciously reached out and touched the hilt.
[IMPUDENT!] -???
Sol immediately let go of the hilt as this voice sounded out in his head and an image of two huge golden eyes stared at him viciously for a split second. The voice made Sol shudder as it sounded like a Divine God, much much different than the time he spoke with Mitra. Back then he only felt fear, but this time it was much more real and a dense killing intent flooded out!
[Your ugly face is impudent! Don't dare talk to master like that! Hmph! If I had my full form what could you possibly do! Hmph! One day master will subdue you too! Then you'll be number 2! Hmph! Only because your previous owner left you with a bit of power you can be this arrogant! Hmph! I wouldn't even put you in my eyes once I grow!] -Mitra
However the sword didn't respond to Mitra's provocation and immediately became dormant again.
(So it's a either a Sentient Weapon or an Intelligent weapon huh..Judging from this reaction it's probably incredibly powerful and definitely something high tier. However I won't be able to wield this anytime soon that's for sure, I think when I'm able to wield Mitra freely I'll try again...) -Sol
Sol laughed as he heard Mitra's voice in anger. He quickly stored back the sword and after skimming through a few materials for a few minutes he decided not to waste anymore time and decided to carry out the rest of his plan. Right before he was about close the runic ring, he saw a book that looked a bit old within the old man's runic ring. Sol gave it a glance and read the title.
(Journal huh...It's best I find out just who you were) -Sol
Sol after giving a faint glance at the cocooned beasts in the wall, sat down and begun reading.
[Journal of Madius Relias Solzen]
[...I am a thief by trade and profession, the best of the best there is...hehe I created this journal to record my notorious deeds and make sure that one day the world knows my origins] -Madius
Sol kept reading and reading and the more he read the more disgusted he felt, the man had killed and used quite a few people to achieve his goals. The money in this ring was soaked in the blood, Sol felt disgusted when he thought about where the money he received came from. Were it not for Sol's sense of survival he would already have tossed it away.
The last entries in the journal of the thief astonished Sol!
Apparently the man had stolen two eggs from a S-Rank or higher Dragon-Serpent Species, led it to a city and made it trample the city when it couldn't find the egg. What's more is the thief destroyed the egg in the city, enraging the beast and it gave no quarter destroying the city. The thing that disgusted Sol were this man's methods, even after the people in the city showed him a warm welcome and was even taken in by a noble.
When Sol read lower down it shocked him even more...
[The name of the noble family I used was called..Krauss. The head of the house was called Leowald Krauss, his wife was Irena Krauss and his daughter was Salira Krauss] -Madius
[!!!!!] -Sol
[Without a doubt, the Salira he's referring to is the 3rd Queen! The symbols and names can't be wrong!] -Sol
Sol started connecting the dots. When he read about how the man had used her family, Sol immediately understood.
[Could this be why she probes strangers so irrationally and without respect for others?] -Sol
Sol had a new understanding of the 3rd Queen, she would rather offend the few to save the majority. Sol himself thought if it happened to him, he would probably be much more untrusting than her. Sol then gave a sigh, packed up everything in his runic ring and immediately turned to leave.
(I should go have a word with her, after all some of the stuff this guy stole is her family heirlooms...I'm keeping the gold though) -Sol
(Hmm...It seems master has affinity for thieving!) -Mitra
Sol laughed at Mitra's comment and then looked at the book one more time and only now had he noticed it had a single page left and it was stained in blood, Sol began reading.
Madius's POV:
I finally escaped the city, I used the brilliant tactic which I had in mind and the S-Rank beast as sure as rain flooded the city. I thought I had bought myself enough time while escaping, I burned several Sour Pined Leaves in my escape which was more than I had thought would be needed but I absolutely had to escape no matter how expensive they are, they worked like a charm and repelled the beasts nearby.
(Seems these Sour Pined Leaves possess some kind of effect like the Fishtail tree) -Sol
Just when I thought I was safe I heard the terrible howls of the S-Rank beast and judging by the disturbance in the forest it's coming my way. I thought for sure I could escape! The creature is much too smart, I underestimated it! It knew from the beginning this was a plot but it still ground the city to dust! I already angered it, even if I drop the egg here it would definitely still come to kill me!
Before I knew it I was out of Sour Pined Leaves but that doesn't matter because the beasts of the forest are running away at full-scale and want absolutely nothing to do with me! It seems they can tell I offended it! It's getting closer and closer....I found a Bloodmana Wasp hive and this is my last chance! I began running towards the Bloodmana Wasp hive, I took out a dagger and I smashed my own Dantian to bits. I knew for sure that this was life or death and I hate the fact that I stole this cursed egg!
I left the dagger in my chest because I absolutely can't afford to bleed out, luckily these Wasps are dumb and so long as I hide inside the hive near the entrance I should be fine.
(Seems this guy didn't know about the Guardian Wasps) -Sol
The S-Rank beast was absolutely terrifying! Somehow some of the Wasps can see me and are standing at the entrance of the hive!! Luckily for me I still possess a few Beast paralysis poison vials! I threw the both bottles at the two Wasps that could see me and ran past them, the S-Rank beast which was right behind me ignored both Wasps completely but it's body still destroyed it just by colliding!!
I made it into the hive....however, not before the S-Rank beast shot poison at me and poisoned my lower body...I'm hiding in the first part of the hive after I rolled the egg down the hive and it rolled all the way down the tunnel....The Wasps that can see me are just staring at me... They tried to attack me a few times but the poison burned their skins and now they're keeping their distance...It seems I can't even hope for a quick death..this poison is slowly eating away at me and I can't move....not even the Wasps dare touch me...
I can hear the S-Rank beast still gnawing and biting at the entrance, forcefully enlarging it...It's only a matter of time till it makes it's way into the hive....I can only hope that it follows the egg all the way down into the hive and meets the Queen Bloodmana Wasp.....Ahahahha.....those wretched beasts should just kill themselves, Ahahahahahaa.
Judging from the noise outside....I'd say it's using it's poison to forcefully enlarge the entrance....10 minutes have passed...Ahh....It finally entered...It's looking at me...it's too big to enter the first part of the hive and it's just looking at me....Is...it..smiling at me? The Wasps dared not approach it...It went down the tunnel for it's egg and ignored me......Hah...So it knows I'm dead...I really wish..I never stole that wretched egg....those nice people that took care of me....I regret it all...
(The note ends here in a trail of blood...it seems this guy was responsible for the destruction of Salira's city. No wonder, No wonder) -Sol
End of POV.
After thinking he wasted too much time, Sol quickly put away the book and begun heading downwards deeper into the hive. He didn't want to mourn for that disgusting man and left him without a burial.
On the way down to the second pocket, he encountered a few more Wasps but they were either killed or crippled. Of the types he encountered, most were Guardians and a few Bloodmana Wasps with only two variant types which only deepened Sol's suspicion and not long after he came across the second pocket.
What bothered Sol was that one of the Variant Wasps had grown a half complete eye which was much better than the first one he encountered and made his suspicion even more real. Sol had to be careful with these guys now, what if he encountered one that had already developed both Intelligence and a Collective conscious? It would cause a terrible outcome! He decided here and now that he would disarm all variant Wasps as to avoid making a mistake.
When Sol had arrived at the second pocket, he peered inward and saw something strange. The second pocket only had a few regular Bloodmana Wasps, completely different to the first pocket that had quite a few Wasps. This one rather than have beasts, had cocoon like eggs all over the wall and all around the entire pocket, these Bloodmana Wasps were injecting the walls like the first pocket and some were moving the eggs closer to the walls.
(So..this is where you hold your young huh...) -Sol
Sol immediately dashed over to the entrance of the pocket and kept out of their range. One by one he shot arrows into their wings, when they fell he would chop off their arms and legs. Afterward he carefully placed an Explosive Fire Orb in the middle of the eggs and quietly left the room leaving the buzzing Bloodmana Wasps.
(It seems the first room was where they group up and a security point of some sort. Hopefully other rooms won't be overly occupied and just like this one) -Sol
Sol then left and headed deeper downwards, he encountered more Guardian Wasps and Variant Wasps on the way and barely any normal Bloodmana Wasps. Sol noticed that the Wasps he encountered seemed slightly off, and seemed more vulnerable. When he observed closer, he noticed they were under the effects of the poison he created which surprised Sol greatly.
(I know that some fumes would have entered the lower levels...but for it to be this powerful...) -Sol
He dispatched them quietly and carefully, the lower he got the less Wasps he encountered which Sol found strange. Finally he encountered the third pocket, after confirming with Mitra that no patrols were coming Sol peered in.
(Oh...My God...) -Sol
When Sol looked in he was terrified, he saw many more cocoons with beasts in them but what was even more terrifying was the amount of variants he saw guarding them.
(So many!!) -Sol
(Master...you should really back out while you can...this keeps looking all the more dangerous) -Mitra
Mitra nervously and anxiously warned Sol inside his mind.
(Not yet! I was just surprised by the number. I have much more poison I can use, What I'm worried about is that my suspicions are real. This is a new race of Wasp that will certainly cause great terror) -Sol
(Indeed master, the Wasps among other beasts have always kept secretive and are actually quite terrifying. Even mother warned me not to stray near a nest, I don't think it would be a problem for mother though. However master, this nest count seems different from what I remember...There should be more Wasps than this...) -Mitra
(You've been in a hive before?) -Sol
Sol was quite surprised.
(No it's just hives are usually bigger, there should be more than a few thousand but this nest barely has a few hundred. Mother told me these things) -Mitra
Mitra proudly spoke, Sol pondered who Mitra's mother was. Judging by the way he spoke of her Sol determined she was quite powerful. Sol quickly shook off the useless thoughts and begun placing the powdered bags quietly, the Wasps were busy tending to their captured beasts and were not minding the entrance. Naturally they would never suspect a human to be in here and massacring them, and not to mention they didn't have the IQ to even think otherwise.
Sol after carefully placing the bags at the entrance, doused them in some medicinal wine and lit it up without a second thought. He took out his Water Orb and doused the cloth around his face once more.
(I have to make sure and get all these variants and make sure they can never be re-produced) -Sol
The purple gaseous clouds instantly flooded the chamber and the Wasps sensing the change immediately choose to vacate the pocket rushing towards the entrance.
However, the ones that made it close were shot through their wings with arrows. Shortly afterward they succumbed to the poison and were paralyzed to the floor. Sol quickly drew two swords from his runic ring and begun crippling them. Afterward he used a staff and pushed them together in a corner and placed an Explosive Fire Orb directly in front of them.
Sol didn't linger and immediately left towards the lower levels.
As he passed down the corridors, the same thing happened, the Wasps were caught by the drifting smoke and collapsed onto the floors. Following the same logic, he crippled the Bloodmana Wasps as well as the Variant Bloodmana Wasps and killed the Guardians. This time he came across more variants than anything else and was quite disgusted. Sol couldn't help but think about that other Wasp hive as he thought of the variants and the thought of whether it was more advanced than this hive scared him to stop thinking about it.
Sol arrived at the 4th pocket and peered inward, to his surprise it was incredibly enlarged and seemed unreal and very much like the entrance of the hive.
(Wait a minute....the entrance to this part is exactly the same size as the rest of the tunnel and the entrance....could it be? This is where the S-Rank beast came?) -Sol
Sol thought about it and felt a bit of dread, he then came to a realization and pulled out the thief's journal from his runic ring.
(.....It's exactly as I remembered, indeed he did roll the egg down in the hive. Judging from the entrance of this pocket, the egg would most certainly roll in here rather than further down the hive...I should check it out. There is no way the beast can still be in here when the Wasps are here) -Sol
Sol quickly entered and noticed there were no Wasps in this pocket and also this pocket had been badly damaged as if a great fight took place. The earth was overturned and had dried venom splashed all over the walls.
Suddenly Mitra's voice sounded out filled with panic, fear and incredible madness.
Then Sol saw it....Two huge red eyes staring at him from the darkest depths of the pocket. When Sol saw those eyes, he froze in complete shock and his head went slightly dizzy. The incredible killing intent flooded the chamber and sweat beads appeared like never before all over his skin.
The bloodthirsty and sinister cold hiss filled the entire room, It was filled with hatred and Sol could feel as though the killing intent was crushing his lungs and preventing him from breathing. He subconsciously took a step backward, the pair of red eyes stared at him unmoving. Sol grit his teeth and stared back and tried his best to issue out a command to his body.
[Enhanced vision!] -Sol
With the help of his enhanced vision he saw it, a dreadful Incredibly huge serpent like body that possessed spikes throughout it's face looking more like a dragon than anything else. It's hood also possessed a pattern that looked like eyes. The strange thing about the snake was it's color, It was white, gold and red mixed giving it a divine feel, but anyone who knew anything would tell you the more beautiful a snake looked the more poisonous it was.
It's scales looked as though it was made of steel and bound together with the purest fire. It also had stubs a bit lower than it's hood and it seemed to be wings that were broken. When Sol looked at the lower body of the snake, he was shocked as he noticed another silhouette laying half eaten and half decomposed near the snake. It was a Wasp much much much bigger than the rest, too big to be even called a Wasp.
The stinger of the Wasp was impaled into the snake and it was pinned against the wall. Several other Wasps were dead and decomposed on the ground.
(That....looks like it's the corpse of the Queen?) -Sol
(Indeed master, it is a Queen! That means the Queen below is young!!! That's great news master!! It means this S-Rank Dragon-Serpent killed the original Queen and the one below is young!! No wonder the nest seemed this small most likely this snake wiped out most of the Wasps when it came down here and killed the Queen.
The New Queen is weak and that's why she hasn't picked up on us yet and why the new Wasps are still deformed and not completely evolved! This is good master and this snake is pinned to the wall so we are safe!! Master without a doubt this is a S-Rank Winged Golden-blooded Basilisk Queen!!) -Mitra
Sol looked at the Serpent's eyes and could see nothing but pure blind hate for humans deep inside it's red bejeweled eyes but the for some reason the snake was looking at him vigilantly.
(By all rights this sort of beast shouldn't fear me even in it's current state....but why do I feel fear?...It's not fearing for itself....then why?.....Wait! The egg!!) -Sol
Sol vigilantly looked around and finally spotted the egg that was to the right hand side of the pocket. The Beast was pinned to the back-left side of the pocket and could clearly see Sol's line of sight!
The loud and bestial roar shook the entire hive causing the Wasps below to buzz furiously but they still never came up which was proof they knew the Beast was still in there alive and well! The Beast clearly wanted to scare Sol away from the egg and was enraged. It hated humans, because of humans it ended up in it's current predicament.
It lost one of it's children to humans because of human's greed and now another one had appeared to steal it's egg. How could it stand that? Sol looked at the S-Rank Basilisk Queen and felt extremely sad in his heart. This creature had suffered endless for it's children and the ultimate end was that it would die with it's egg in plain view unable to nourish it. Sol ignored the furious roars and picked up the egg.
The Beast wriggled ferociously on the stinger but was unable to free itself and it's eyes became even redder as it stared at Sol viciously! Sol raised one hand towards the Serpent indicating it to stop, holding the egg with the other he opened his mouth!
[STOOOOOP!!!!!!!!] -Sol
The beast quieted down as if it understood, naturally Sol knew it would understand as the thief's journal stated it was S-rank and was indeed intelligent. Sol didn't need a journal to tell him that though, he could feel it on his own.
Even though the S-Rank Beast quieted down it still looked coldly at Sol, it was surely expecting this nasty human to ridicule it now that it was helpless and trapped against the wall and held it's young hostage. A normal human would never give up this sort of reward, the S-Rank beast knew how much of a reward it would be for the humans to acquire one of it's egg. It even expected Sol to torture it from afar or perhaps make fun of it, however contrary to what it believed Sol begun speaking.
[I am not your enemy and the reason I came here was to find someone. Please calm your anger, I have no intention of stealing your child. My parents sacrificed everything to protect me, unfortunately they were not able to know if I lived or died or how I turned out. I'm sure you are the same and judging by your wounds you don't have much longer left. I know you would want to know whether your child survives or not and I will give you that opportunity. So please calm your anger proud Queen] -Sol
Hearing this the Beast calmed somewhat and it's expression lightened however it was still vigilant. This beast knew this human was probably the only shot it had at being able to nourish it's egg. The situation was dire, the egg had been without nourishment for quite a few years and only because of it's sturdy origins as a basilisk was it able to hold out this long and this made the Queen nervous.
Seeing the beast's expression calm down somewhat, Sol sighed and began walking towards it. He was still terrified and even Mitra warned him a few times not to be careless and he should just leave the egg here and go. However Sol didn't listen to him, Sol knew what parents would do for their children and couldn't help admire such parents. Even if it was a beast.
The S-Rank beast upon seeing Sol walking towards it actually had a look of surprise. It knew before the human could have taunted it and stayed away and would be completely safe but this human actually decided to trust it. Thoughts ran through it's head and it wondered if the human was planning to sneak attack it but when it scanned Sol it realized he did not have the power to kill it and if it only snorted venom on Sol it could kill him. The Queen was actually moved by this act and watched on quietly.
Not to mention from start to finish the beast had not detected any lies in Sol's words. It began to think, from beginning to end Sol never looked at it in hatred or anger. It did sense the initial fear but it knew how powerful it was and certainly startled him, but it had truly never felt any ill intent from Sol like it would from a regular human and it's huge eyes locked on Sol curiously.
The Queen truly couldn't believe what this human was doing and started wondering if this human was insane, yet while it thought these things it did not reject the advancing Sol. Naturally Sol was a bit terrified but he didn't want to see this Queen mother die without having it see it's children survive and he marched forward. Before long he had already passed the Queen Wasp and stood directly in front of the huge S-Rank Beast.
The beast instantly appeared in front of Sol's face and placed it's face right in front of him letting out a low hiss. Sol's pupils contracted and stared warily at the S-Rank beast. The S-Rank beast then licked his face playfully and turned towards it's egg. It rubbed it's head against the egg gently and gradually an expression of fear emerged in it's eyes. It let out tiny low growls and then looked at Sol with a weird and pleading expression.
It brought out it's fangs which terrified Sol even more but then he realized the beast was up to something and wasn't planning anything with ill intent. It seemed to want Sol to do something and brought it's fangs near him. Sol followed it's movements as if he understood and lifted his free hand near the egg. The S-Rank beast then lightly placed one of it's fangs in the egg and the other in Sol's hand.
All of a sudden Sol started feeling blood being drained from his body at a rapid pace, he could see the blood going towards the egg and was quite surprised. The egg seemed to spring to life as it absorbed the blood greedily and seemed to love the contents. The Queen showed an astonished expression as it tasted the blood of Sol and seemed to look at him weirdly. It continued draining blood while paying careful attention to how much it was extracting.
Sol started feeling lightheaded when a rush of blood entered back into his body from the fangs, the blood he received was filled with anti-venom and it seemed to be the blood of the S-Rank beast and some tissue from the egg. Sol fainted as his face became pale and the egg landed gently on his stomach....The egg glowed continuously as it sucked mana from Sol's body at the same time Sol's body initiated it's absorption effect and begun absorbing mana from the surroundings at a terrifying pace.
The S-rank beast looked even more astonished upon seeing this and had signs of excitement and happiness. It had begun to grow worried that Sol wouldn't be able to last the blood contract but upon seeing Sol's weird bodily physique it grew happier by the minute. Sol had no idea what he was currently going through, if he were awake he'd know that he was currently attaining his Soul Beast
There were two ways for one to attain a Soul Beast, One was through summoning which most people did. The other was a circumstance of great luck when one made a personal connection with a beast, which was currently happening.
The blood from the S-Rank beast immediately fired up Sol's evolving nature and begun integrating itself into his body, Sol immediately broke through to the Second Order Warrior as the excess mana absorbed into his body condensed into his new muscles which had become strengthened by the S-Rank beast's blood. Impurities were being forced out of his body by the S-Rank Queen and it acted as a filter to Sol's body after realizing he had no Dantian.
The S-Rank beast knew that having Sol and her child becoming Soul Partners was the only way to save her child. The beast when it thought of Sol's nature, it didn't think twice and immediately decided to initiate the contract. Gradually Sol's complexion started regaining it's original color and the mana absorption effect slowed down as the egg reached it's climax glowing at fast intervals!
*Crack* *Crack* *Crack*
Sol had woken up just in time to see the egg on his stomach cracking, the light blinded his eyes for a moment and when it settled down. He saw a tiny golden head peering over the broken shell and staring at him intently with a hint of fatigue in it's tiny eyes. Surprisingly enough as Sol was focused on this tiny little head, another similar head poked out higher above the first tiny head and begun looking at him with the same baby-like eyes.
Sol had to admit when these baby Basilisks are young they were incredibly cute. Red jewel like eyes, A slender golden white body with tiny hints of red streaks, the scales looked so soft as if one gripped too hard it would break. Their tiny hoods weren't as fierce as their mother's and was more flappy giving them a playful like appearance.
Sol was completely dumbfounded as he stared at the two tiny cute golden-white heads that looked at him intently as if asking for a hug. The two tiny serpents crawled on his chest and begun rubbing their heads on Sol's chin. The S-rank Beast upon seeing these twins had it's excitement climax. One child was good enough, to have two of it's off-spring from one egg was simply a dream.
Sol pointed towards the S-rank beast and whispered to the two tiny serpents and they immediately shifted their gaze toward the S-Rank beast. He knew they would understood though he didn't know why and so he shakily stood up with the twins in his hands and moved them closer towards their mother. The two serpents rubbed their heads towards their mother who did the same.
Sol felt his heart break a tiny bit as he looked at this scene and tears couldn't help but leak from his eyes. The beast noticed this and she seemed to understand Sol may have had a similar circumstance, one could see the gaze the beast looked at him with was 100 times warmer than when they had first met.
It wasn't a human who brought out these repressed feelings of Sol, but a beast. A beast regarded as one of the most vicious and cruel beasts, A Winged Golden-Blooded Basilisk. The S-Rank rubbed it's head against Sol and licked his tears, at the moment it looked as though she had three children. The tiny twin basilisks had become incredibly tired and wanted to sleep, they were quite sad when they noticed their mother's condition and it was the current situation that kept them up.
It seems they were intelligent enough to understand the circumstances at least, In their eyes they saw the S-rank as their mother and Sol as their father as he was naturally the first person they saw first and could feel the innate bond between them. They made little "wuwu" sounds as they rubbed their heads together and a hint of sadness evident in their tiny jewel like red eyes.
The S-Rank beast once more rubbed it's head against her two children as if saying goodbye. Afterward the two tiny beasts crawled down Sol's arms and wrapped themselves around an arm each, a flash of light came and Sol felt a swift burning sensation in his arms.
The two basilisks had surprisingly merged into Sol's arm and what appeared were two golden snake tattoo's wrapped around his arms. Right before they became invisible and merged, their complexion had gotten better and it was evident they were replenishing their energy through Sol.
The S-Rank beast watched the entire process and afterward once they had became settled in it finally looked as though it begun relaxing. It gave Sol a gentle look and it's mouth curled slightly as if giving a smile, little by little the light in it's eyes faded as if it were holding on to the last bit of strength it had just to make sure it's children survived.
Sol bowed toward the S-Rank Basilisk and dried his eyes, he felt a bit at a loss but was happy he was able to see this mother see the birth of her children. As he was just about to turn around and leave.
Sol was surprised to see the two fangs of the S-Rank Basilisk Queen had been purposefully pushed out and fallen to the floor.
Suddenly a powerful light blasted out from the S-Rank Basilisk Queen and enveloped the fangs. Sol saw a shining phantom like white S-Rank Basilisk form leave the Queen's body and it looked completely beautiful and magnificent exactly like it's original form. It's golden colors flashed out and it rushed towards the Fangs and combined itself.
After a few minutes, the light started dimming and a warm and gentle voice sounded out toward Sol from the Fangs.
[Thank you human...I didn't think there were any like you...Because of you I was able to see my children born...Please accept this, I will stay with you and help you protect them. Below there is a mana well that was prepared for the new born Queen, make sure and get to it quickly! The one you want to find is probably down there near the Queen. Collect some of my venom and may it bring you good luck. Human might I ask what your name is?] -Queen Basilisk
[I am Sol, my lady Queen] -Sol
Sol bowed as he spoke and thought to himself this was a Queen worth respecting. The Queen seemed to be amused by this human bowing and gave out a warm laugh. Compared to what Sol thought her voice would sound like, it was quite different and instead very warm, gentle and filled with a strong sense of pride.
[Sol take my fangs, and may it pierce all your enemies. Unfortunately I'm not powerful enough to become an Intelligent Weapon like your friend there on your back, but I should be able to become a Sentient weapon and help you till you grow fangs of your own. Take care of my children well and in return I will take care of you] -Queen Basilisk
[....I have to say...I never thought the day would come when I would be saved by a human...It's not so bad] -Queen Basilisk
Sol knew he would never hear this warm voice again and shortly afterward the light faded from the fangs. Sol bowed once more before the Fang Blades and promised to them silently that he would protect them with his life.
- In Serial16 Chapters
A world with two moons
Ever been in love? well I know I weren't at first except... I met them 1 by 1 with different circumstance's and situations. I did not even know that we were meant to be together. hell I did not know it was still possible for me to learn what is love. and to actually fall in love. with all the crazy things that happened I though that I would forget all about love and such. but I was wrong. at the end of things it came to me. not just one, not two. but A lot of them came to me, chased me and showed me how much they love and cared for me.It all started when I met her, she was my very first love. she was my everything and now she is part of my everything. I lost her then I found her again this time I shall not let her go and so the others that love and cared for me.I really am glad that I manage to came to this planet. I have a harem*cough* I never knew life could be so wonderful if we just have to live it fully and enjoy it while we can.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------WARNING- this FF will contain Mature content as I update this,* Sexual *Gore *Foul language's---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------(I warned you guys, now enjoy yourself and have fun reading my FF)
8 171 - In Serial10 Chapters
All Precogs Must Die
In a world where every man, woman, and child has powers of some sort, there is only one ability that is feared above all else. Precognition. Follow Ryan, a false precognitive as he works to join the Power Regulation Agency, the premier organization in charge of categorizing and managing dangerous abilities. Along the way, he will have to face criminals and murderers of the worst sort, while enduring the scorn of his peers and coworkers, as he struggles to overcome the stigma of his own abilities and do something to improve the world. This is my first posted work, and will be participating in Writathon. If there are errors please point them out. If there is constructive criticism, that is also appreciated. No set schedule, updates will occur as chapters are written. [participant in the Royal Road Writeathon challenge]
8 122 - In Serial15 Chapters
Otherworldly Magicians Return(indefinite Hiatus)
(I will not be posting any more chapter until the end of my college semester or later.) The Hero, Kaiser fought the Dragon Empress for seven days and seven nights and on the eight-day finally defeated her. Thinking of his parents he decided to return home, leaving his beloved behind. He chose the most dangerous method to return but failed. Now summoned yet again to this world with his mana core destroyed, he chooses to restart? But this time unlike before, he has only ten years. However, unlike the previous summoning, others were also summoned.The reason why...The Fallen... Synopsis by Assasisin.
8 136 - In Serial19 Chapters
An Average Zombie's Path of Evolution
Rewriting as a new Series.
8 157 - In Serial120 Chapters
The world's first VRMMO [ Fantasy Online] have just begun. All the people couldn't help but felt excited beyond belief, dreaming new adventures and becoming heroes that fight monsters. However, when the game goes live, the elation of these people quickly turns to horror as they discover that it was impossible to log-out. Though an eccentric, self-proclaimed hedonist, Hero Stein, became one of these players. Gave his all to survive and protect the people he wanted to protect but it seems the women of fate have something in store for him. Involved in the fight between gods! Can he create a new myth that transcends all other existing myths? Is the world they thought really was nothing but a bunch of data? A fictional world? Just what and who is the real Hero Stein...?!
8 232 - In Serial16 Chapters
Stiles Pairings {BoyxBoy}
This book is about multiple boyxboy pairings with Stiles Stilinski in them.Stiles is always the 'girl' in the relationship and I do take requests,they just have to have Stiles and be boyxboy.I WRITE SMUT AND FLUFF,you can request either one,it doesn't really matter.
8 167