《Auntie toasts the VRMMORPG》13. Riverstones and Crafting
The next hut on their tour contained the 3D printer.
"This is getting better and better!" Flora said, hugging a pillar of the pavilion-like construct. "Just leave me here and come back tomorrow or next week."
Lana laughed. "Okay, I will relay to Rob he should pick you up when he returns."
Flora connected her workshop module with the printer and her nock. Her surroundings changed slowly to her old workshop.
"I'm home again!" Flora smiled. She had built her workshop like a gothic cathedral with pointed arches and stained glass windows depicting household appliances like mixers, toasters, and electric beaters. On the workbench in the middle was still her last project before her license for the CAD-system had expired, a diamond toaster. After she petted it, she opened the marketplace.
"I've got an idea. " Flora smirked. "I'm much stronger and more agile than in the real world. I'm not used to it yet, and we can exploit this by an old-age suit!"
"I don't understand, Milady."
Flora smirked and selected the exoskeletons. She sorted them by price ascending and user rating ascending. After she scanned a few, she discovered one she found promising. The reviews trashed the design.
"This piece of garbage is more a hindrance than a help!"
"A medieval armor suit supports its wearer more!"
"No skills are preloaded. I uploaded 'Sprint' and 'Power-Punch'. The latter broke the mech-suit. The former broke my legs!"
"If you ask where the 5 OV reg goes, this monster steals from you: It's into heat! After half an hour, it starts burning your body!"
"Excellent!" Flora exclaimed and bought it for 1 VirDo. "We will modify an exoskeleton that is heavy and unwieldy to train up my stats."
Her previous work as an industrial designer didn't give her insights into power armor, so she was more comfortable altering an existing one, at least, until she got a better understanding of the technology.
She assembled the armor according to the blueprint but modified it. Every large solid plate, she broke up and layered it for better mobility, and smoothed ridges and edges. She wanted to have the full range of motion, but it shouldn't be easy to move. Additionally, she added a second, frosted visor to the motorcycle helmet because she wanted to train her perception with restricted sight. At last, she installed tasers on the torso and legs.
"Milady, those tasers point inward."
"I know, dear. They are for electrifying myself."
Flora tested the exoskeleton, and it was horrible to use. Every step needed immense power to move against the resistance of the uncooperative joints. The whole armor weighed over 100 kg and did nothing to help the wearer to sustain it. Through the frosted visor, Flora only recognized silhouettes. When she touched her fingertips against each other, the electrical current ran through her. On the first try, she wasn't damaged by it, so she upped the current. That didn't help.
Aidan knew the answer to the problem and activated friendly fire in her options. Fortunately, you could specify it for different groups like parties or bystanders or just yourself. Because she didn't want any misunderstandings because of toasting her new clanmates, she chose the last option.
Now, the tasers hit her for 10 damage.
"What happens when I die in the workshop?"
Aidan explained her body was still on the outside. She could even watch it through a camera in the workshop module. Her bodies in the hut and in the workshop shared the pool values. If she died in either space, she would be teleported to the loser's corner. Flora got a few ideas from this information but wanted to finish the current project first.
"So, what do you think about it, Aidan?"
"Milady's genius is evident! Only a rare talent can make this awful blueprint even more appalling."
"Thank you, thank you." Flora grinned bashfully. "Let's make it a bit prettier."
She coated the outer layer in a matte white paint and the inner layers a light green. First, she thought about adding some ornaments but decided against it. You can't beat simplicity for transforming coarseness into elegance.
"You created a modification for the design SmasherXXXRulz. Please name it."
"Name: SmasherXXXRulz - Counterflow-Training
Type: Mech-Suit
Regular Mode: 5 OV Mana-Regeneration.
Built-In Skill: Taser - Electrifies wearer. Cost: 10 mana.
Tier: 0
Rating: D
Do you want to publish your work?"
"Of course not! I only publish high-quality designs." Flora reacted on instinct, but then thought it over. "On the other hand, if it can help me, it could help other people as well. Let's publish it, but mark it as work in progress or alpha version or something."
Flora set the price to 2 VirDos. The system determined half of the money would go to the designer of the original. Flora doubted it would ever sell, so she didn't care.
Now she ordered the printer to assemble it. She had to pay for the raw materials, but they were cheap, under 1 VirDo. Tier 0 materials were available in every printer, but you had to feed higher tier materials to it.
Tier 0: Materials found in the real world.
Tier 1: Level 1 - 24 materials.
Tier 2: Level 25 - 49 materials.
Tier 3: Level 50 - 99 materials.
Tier 4: Level 100 - 199 materials.
Tier 5: Level 200 - 249 materials.
"Our next project is digitalizing the book '1000 Homemaker Spells'. I want you to be able to read it to me and show me the diagrams."
There were no shortcuts available, so Flora designed a book scanner with automatic page-turning. She had built one of those before in real life to scan old family photo albums, so the construction was no challenge.
However, the energy supply puzzled her. In the Cetviwos portable gizmos took energy from the user. A jack in the nock of the player and the device connected them. It rerouted some of the player's Mana-Regeneration to the machine.
For inspiration, Flora inspected the energy supply of the mech-suit and found a box. Wires from the jack ran into it, and the other side connected with the electrical circuit of the suit. 'Bingo!'
After taking the box apart and failing to figure out how it worked, Flora bought it premade and added cameras to her shopping cart. Unfortunately, she found no vacuum cleaner in the marketplace. She wanted to use suction to turn the pages.
Flora refused to build a vacuum cleaner as her first device, so she turned to the toaster on the workbench. After a few finishing touches, she declared the outrageous design ready for publishing. The toaster was shaped like a cut diamond. Every edge consisted of diamonds, and the planes were gold, with small brilliants stuck to them.
"You created a new device.
The system recognized the device as the Earth device Toaster.
You transferred a device from Earth to the Cetviwos.
You created a new design.
Please name it."
Flora was in a cheerfully silly mood after tinkering with a real toaster design after all this time on cold turkey: "If you have nothing to brag about, you can still show off this toaster."
"Name: If you have nothing to brag about, you can still show off this Toaster
Type: Toaster
Regular Mode: 0 OV Mana-Regeneration.
Built-In Skill: Toast - Roasts content. Cost: 5 mana.
Tier: 0
Rating: F (First of its kind, counts as S)
Do you want to publish your work?"
"Yes, fabulous!" Flora exclaimed. "1000 VirDos! One VirDo for the design and 999 as a fee for bad taste."
"Do you want to upgrade the 3D printer?
Current progress: 9/50"
Aidan explained that to upgrade the rating of the printer, the clan not only had to pay money but also had to prove they deserved the better printer. If a crafter supplied a new modification, design, or invention with a better rating than the printer, it counted towards the upgrade progress. Flora was happy she had the opportunity to help Robby's clan along and agreed.
Current progress: 18 / 50
Unnoticed, the printing of the mech-suit had finished. Flora left the workshop and donned the exoskeleton. Before reconnecting, she cleared her blinking notifications: Physical Vigor rose two levels, Physical Defense, and Magical Perception one level. Of the other stats, only Modelling and Design and Metal Affinity had leveled up.
That reminded her to check the metal handicap: it was at 50 OV! She tried to get one marble to move with telekinesis, but it didn't even shudder. Worried, she logged back into the workshop and tried using magic there. It produced the same result, nothing.
"I want to use magic." Flora chuntered. "Metal Handicap is such an arbitrary way to spoil my fun. Let's replace the metal."
With Aidan's help, she determined 10 kg was the maximum she could use and still cast magic. Her metal affinity was 5 LV that translated to 7 OV. 10 kg steel had a metal handicap of 14 OV. At least, when wearing metal as armor, because distance played a part.
Skills only worked reliably when the value of the affinity was the same or higher than the handicap. However, if you don't mind wonky spells, you could use them with only negating half of the handicap. Half was good enough for Flora, who wanted to train her Metal affinity as well. After replacing most of the metal with white marble, she printed it and exchanged the suits.
"We will see what the suit does to my training efficiency!"
Next, Flora designed a handheld vacuum cleaner. It resembled a futuristic gun. The parts flowed seamlessly together, and in no time, the process finished, though the suit and the electro-shocks slowed down her movements and magic.
"You created a new device.
The system recognized the device as the earth device Hand-held Vacuum Cleaner.
You transferred a device from Earth to the Cetviwos.
You created a new design.
Please name it."
"Name: Handy-Suck
Type: Vacuum Cleaner
Regular Mode: 2 OV Mana-Regeneration.
Built-In Feature: Clean - Sucks in matter.
Tier: 0
Rating: F (First of its kind, counts as S)
Do you want to publish your work?"
Flora confirmed the following questions, and the upgrade progress of the printer rose to 27/50.
"Alright, back to the page-turner."
Now she had all the core technologies, she assembled the machine while modifying the parts to her needs. The book would lie on a frame, and one robotic arm with the suction ability of the vacuum cleaner turned the pages gently. Mountings for cameras and the AI disk surrounded the structure and recorded the pages.
"You created a new device.
The system recognizes the device as a new invention.
You created a new design.
Please name the invention and the design."
"It's a page-turner. Let's call the design Basic Page-Turner."
Name: Basic Page-Turner
Type: Page-Turner
Regular Mode: 5 OV Mana-Regeneration.
Built-In Feature: Turn Page - turns pages.
Built-In Feature: Scan - digitalizes the book pages.
Tier: 0
Rating: F (First of its kind, counts as S)
Do you want to publish your work?
"Sure." Flora set the price to 1 VirDo. No reason to get greedy over such a convenient gizmo. Before logging out, she started the print of the page-turner.
Back in the hut, she had the chance to see the printer in action. Turrets extended from the columns and the roof beams and focused on the middle of the pavilion. Molecule by molecule, the page-turner appeared in the center.
After the printer had finished, Flora fetched the book and Aidan's disk from her inventory and activated the device by inserting Aidan's jack in it.
"All clear, Milady. I'm starting the scan."
"Very good." Flora watched the procedure a few seconds before she entered the workshop again.
By pressing her fingertips, she released the electricity. She started to like the feeling. It didn't hurt; it just tingled a bit and numbed the areas it hit. It was quite relaxing.
"Aidan, the pain doesn't seem realistic. Can you tell me something about it?"
"Yes, Milady. Your current pain settings are at 30%. This is the recommended value. You can go as low as 10% and as high as 70%."
Flora's health was at 43, so she had room for testing.
"Raise it to 40%." She activated the shock again. Now it was even better, like one of those electric massage devices.
"Up to 50%." This time she felt a bit of pain, like touching a rail while being charged by wearing synthetics. "We leave it at 40%, or are there any advantages for raising it to the maximum?"
"No, Milady. In the past, there were benefits, but CentralTank removed them and reduced the maximum from 100% to 70% because hardcore gamers got problems with PTSD."
Flora raised her eyebrows. "Of course, the experience is virtual, but if the feeling of losing a limb is real, there might be psychological consequences. I can even imagine physical effects like a heart attack if I get startled by a sudden assault."
"Only partly, Milady. You don't get startled, but you imagine yourself getting frightened like in a dream."
Flora wasn't convinced. She had woken up from nightmares before, drenched in sweat with a hammering heart.
"Let's start the next project," Flora said resolutely. "I don't want to think about activating the tasers while I'm immersed in my work. Let's build a device for my body outside. I've got hundreds of ideas on how I can torture myself, I mean, on how I can train myself."
For her first design, she decided to keep it simple to test some of her theories. She built an iron and stone coffin with a few tasers and a vibrating mechanism. Vibration therapy prevented bone and muscle loss in space and accelerated healing, and Flora was looking forward to its effect in the Cetviwos.
You created a new device.
The system recognizes the device as a new invention.
You created a new design.
Please name the invention and the design."
"It's a training-coffin. Let's call the design 'V0'."
Name: V0
Type: Training-Coffin
Regular Mode: 5 OV Mana-Regeneration.
Built-In Feature: Vibrate - vibrates.
Built-In Skill: Taser - Electrifies wearer; Cost: 10 mana.
Tier: 0
Rating: F (First of its kind, counts as S)
Do you want to publish your work?"
"No, this is only the first iteration in the development cycle." Flora was more particular about her original designs.
"Do you want to upgrade the 3D printer?
Current progress: 41/50"
"Sure," Flora answered and gave the command to print the coffin.
"Congratulations! The printer is ready for an upgrade of its rating.
Current progress: 55/50"
Flora messaged Lana that the 3D printer was ready for advancement and checked the time. It was already at 14:30. Her appointment with Ali was at 16 o'clock, and it wouldn't hurt to be early to get a feel for the location first. But not that early!
After putting her body in the training-coffin, Flora grinned. "Let's design a toaster for the Cetviwos! Theme: Welcome to the Metaworld!"
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The Jinni and The Isekai
Jinni babes, isekai samurai, dungeons and quests! What's not to like?Below you can find the individual blurbs for each of the books/arcs in the series. Please don't forget to follow, rate, and if you're feeling like a true adventurer, to write a review! The Jinni and The Isekai (The Jinni and The Isekai, #1) Shiro Takeda, a samurai deep in debt and forced into a swashbuckler’s life, wanders in search of dungeons to raid so he can pay back his loans. Unfortunately, his lenders have already sent headsmen after him. His fortunes change when he finds a piece of legendary loot—a jinni lamp. But before the insolent spirit can bestow her gifts upon him, Shiro must find and kill the Jinni’s current master; a sultan of vast wealth, power and harems. Perhaps with the help of his newfound companion, Shiro can discover who isekaied him into this strange land. * * * The Black Cobra of Mar’a Thul (The Jinni and The Isekai, #2) With his new companion, Jessamine, Shiro finds himself in Darshunn, the shining jewel of the Abassir Empire on a quest to find a way to sever Jessamine’s bond with her master Darius. With her full powers, surely they can work together to discover the mystery behind who isekaid Shiro into these lands, but all goes awry when the samurai is confronted by the Black Cobra of Mar’a Thul, a top-tier adventurer working for the vizier Faridoon al Rashik. * * * Coil and Strike (The Jinni and The Isekai, #3) After arriving in Darshuun and losing Jessamine to the Sultan Darius, things couldn’t be worse. Jessamine was unresponsive when Shiro last saw the lamp. But he can’t go back to save her. Not yet. Because first Shiro must set out with a top-tier adventurer known as the Black Cobra of Mar’a Thul in a desperate effort to rescue Ali before he’s tortured and executed. *** The Sultan of Darshuun (The Jinni and the Isekai, #4) With the help of Ali and Debaku, Shiro has found the top-tier adventurer, Razul in the dungeon of Azurbadan. Now with the strength to fight Darius and his Scorpion Guard, it is time for the group to come up with a plan to get into the Sultan’s Palace to find the lamp and rescue Jessamine.
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He traversed two paths in total and left them with an empty heart. He traversed the third path and felt a void in his soul. He let others imprison him so he could seek answers and then recreate the Universe. The Answer was found, yet he was left unsatisfied. Led by the Beast that watched the Universe till its destruction, he found new meaning. In the new life he created, he began walking a path of blood. He choked a Prince with one hand and beheaded a King with the other. He killed a General ten kilometers away with an arrow and even dragged a Continent in order to get what he wanted. Yet beyond the never-ending river of blood, the core of his heart blossomed as he found himself a reason to live other than glory. Under the bleak life of chaos, blood flowed to nurture a flower, that bloomed to represent himself. Instead of Emptiness, he found life from death, and as he looked back at the path he had walked, he smiled as blood coated his lips. This is him, trying to find a place where he can gain humanity. == This story focuses on the world and the characters; there would be genocide, fights, and some bloody encounters. This is not Harem, sorry for Harem lovers, but that’s just how it is. The art for the cover isn’t mine. The credits go to its original creator.
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