《A New Breed of Pirate: A VRMMO Tale》Chapter 21


Next thing I know, she fades back into the group of players. Before I can do anything, the rest of the group dissipates into the crowd of locals. The only thing I can think to do is commit what I can to memory, and unfortunately all that comes to mind is her. I recall her bright red hair and powerful figure. Although, that's strange since the image I have in my head is just 'fit'. Nothing about her was muscular or brawny, but the word powerful is at the forffront of my mind.

It takes a few moments to clear my head, but I look towards Zijde to see what he thinks, “Hmm, we will only be in town for a few more days. Until we leave, there will be a significant presence on the ship to protect our assets. That should be enough to dissuade any potential thievery. Well, if you count three as significant.”

The continued look of worry on Bheki’s face tells me all I need to know. Zijde might be putting on a strong front for the rest of the crew, but anyone would be shook after witnessing that level of self control. If she wanted, she could’ve taken our chest. I don’t know if it’s underconfidence or lack of trust in her manpower, but she decided to leave us be.

I guess no matter how badly my instincts scream otherwise, I can only reciprocate that level of respect. I know my situation in the crew isn't high enough to make any wild accusations or demands to attack anyone. Anyone walking past Zijde or I would think twice before they attack. All I can do is be thankful we didn't have to fight for our lives.

Before I know it, we are safely beside the ship. Short of a cannon, there isn't anything that could reach us this far out. As we wait, a rope is lowered to raise the loot we have. After that, we all climb a rope ladder to relish in the relative safety of the ship. Zijde motions towards Bheki to pick up the chest, and as I try to offer my help, Zijde just gives me his charismatic smile, “ Bheki and I have it Utah. Don’t worry, we will get your payment. Why don't you celebrate with the crew? After the last few days, you deserve it.”

I can't help be get the impression that this is the first time Zijde shows me I don’t have his complete trust. Which is fair… he hasn’t even known me for a week yet. I know I won’t betray him, but if he just fully trusted me I couldn’t really respect him as a captain could I?

As they went into the captain’s quarters, the crew broke out a cask of French brandy. We all started dipping a mug into the 50 plus gallon barrel, and it was less that a quarter full after a couple hours. I planned on being responsible, but through excitement and peer pressure, I ended up as drunk as the next dirty pirate… which would make me a dirty pirate.


Damn... it’s surprising how much pride that label fills me with. It almost makes me wonder if that's what I was always meant to be. Or, am I drunk?

Notification Title: A pirate's life for me--> Makes it easier to convince people you are a pirate.

Title huh? That reminds me of all those other notifications I got.

Notification Blood High 0-->1 Blood High

A sense of euphoria due to past trauma associated with blood. Increases pain tolerance, reaction time, strength, and willpower. Warning: At a certain threshold, rational decision making is all but impossible.

Achievement: The first person to unlock a unique skill. Experience in this skill will be gained 10% faster Small Guns 34-->35 Blades 24-->25 Blades 25-->26

Damn, that is by far the most skill levels I've gained. I mean, did every player’s skills develop that fast to begin with? And I wonder what's up with that unique skill. I guess it makes sense, not many people have the same relationship with blood as I do... I still can’t get over what it felt like lying in the middle of a road with all that blood pooling underneath me. I still have the image of my bones sticking out of my mangle legs… and the blood squirting from my arteries…

I shake my head, clearing those thoughts. There is absolutely no point in dredging all that up right now. I pour myself another glass of brandy and start sipping it. I think it actually it might be peach brandy. Well, if I really wanted to figure out the kind of brandy I’m drinking, I should probably not shoot the first four glasses. I sit back on the railing to relax and take in what's going on around me.

The gentle lapping of the water on the side of the hull and waves crashing on the shore is almost as relaxing as the ocean breeze against my inflamed face. Although, it’s hard to do much relaxing when dozens of drunk pirates are full-swing partying all around you. There are a couple of them racing up the rigging to see who’s the fastest. Which being 40 plus feet off the ground while drunk is dangerous enough. Racing while being 40 plus feet off the ground while drunk is borderline suicidal, but they do seem to be having a lot of fun. On the other side, I see about 15 men lining up on the side of the railing to… yep, they are having a literal pissing contest. And from the cheering it looks like the second guy from the right won. And from the jeering, it looks like the third guy from the left just embarrassed himself after pulling it out. Poor guy…

“Alrighty friends! If I can have your attention, I have an announcement to make.” Zijde takes his spot next to the helm of the ship. “I know that you all are having fun, but I must get you all off the ship before you bastards burn it down like my first ship.”


The crew lets out a huge cheer like burning down a ship is something to be proud of.

“Yeah, yeah I know. She was a piece of shit that almost drowned us all more than once, but I can’t let anything happen to the Going Swiftly. So, if you all will work on lining up, we can start getting all of you paid. The pay will be 15 pieces of eight tonight. All together, you each will get 140 pieces. You’ll get paid again this time next week, but you’ll be paid 7 pieces. That’ll last us 20 weeks, which should get us through the hurricane season.” The crew starts cheering even louder this time. Zijde holds up his hand to quiet them, “Now, that’s if we decide to take this hunting season off. We can always head back out and see if our luck continues. There will be a vote held tomorrow after Duncan’s funeral. So, think about what you wanna do.” Zijde point over to where Bheki is setting up a table, “Alright, we have your pay over there. Bheki will hand it off once you call your name and make your mark in the ledger. After that, you free to take part in whatever form a debauchery you fellas wish. If it's OFF the ship.”

Now, you would think it would’ve been utter chaos trying to pay over hundred drunk pirates right? Well, to my surprise, it is much more organized than when I had to line up for lunch in elementary school. Yea, there is some whooping and hollering, but no one is fighting over whose in front or shoving someone to get ahead of them. Hell, the worst thing that I see happening is the one guy stumbling around trying to keep upright… welp, there he goes. He fell all over someone, aaanndd damn... two of the guys are just holding him up. I guess they wanna help him get his money.

I watch for about an hour as people say their name, make there mark, and then Bheki hands them a small cloth pouch. There never once was a fight or even an argument. The whole thing was rather surreal actually.

As the line dwindles I take my spot at the very back. I figure Zijde and Bheki want to talk to me about my crazy-ass plans. As I walk up to Bheki, I see him writing at a fervent pace, “Name?”


He looks up to see me smiling. Then he leans over to see if anyone is behind me. The look of relief is humorous to say the least, “Oh thank the gods. The amount of concentration it takes to make sure no one tries to get paid twice is mind-numbing. Which is the opposite of what you want. The only way I can get through it is knowing the captain has an impeccable memory. The last time someone tried to cheat us, Captain Zijde caught him and threw him and all of his pay overboard. He actually drowned himself trying to get it back.”

I look over to see Zijde smiling, and he looks quite pleased with himself, “Yep, serves the bastard right. Always remember the first rule Utah. We always put the crew first. I’m glad you chose to wait until last, since you would have had to wait anyways. Help Bheki with the table and chest.”

I simply nod, and Bheki and I pile the chest and papers on the table. Then we carry it all into the captain’s quarters. As we walk in, I’m not sure what to expect. I know Zijde is very well read and spoken, so an extravagant cabin wouldn’t surprise me. But, I am met with a simple cot, bookshelf, and the same table Bheki used for a desk. This is an extremely barebones as a captain’s quarters. I mean, Captain Saehrimir had hundreds of pesos worth of decorations in his.

Although, when I think about it, this sounds exactly like Zijde. Out of all of the very few captains I’ve met, Zijde is the only one who would never ask anything of his crew he wouldn’t do himself. Which makes me respect him that much more, but there is is soooo much wasted room here! I mean, you could fit fours cannons here to attack anyone chasing us. I mean, I’m sure the captain stole this ship and didn't have any say in how it was built, but this is such a waste. I guess all ships in this day and time were partly built to stroke the captain’s ego.

It only takes us about 10 mintues to set up the table, and just as we were finishing, Zijde comes in with a pot of stew and a bottle what looks to be tequila.

I perk up when I see that golden, delicious liquid, “So, what's in the bottle Cap’n?”

He gives me that same charismatic smile that makes me feel like I'm the center of his world, “I’ve never tried it. It was on that ship you took. I think it’s called tequila. I've never heard of it.”

All I can do is smile broadly, “So, do we have limes and salt on the ship Cap’n?”

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