《Legacy of Terra: Forgotten》[Forgotten] X: Bittersweet
Zoë was shocked by what she had witnessed on the screen. The overseer had been attacked. But if that had been done by anyone else than the Knight Protector, she would have labelled it an attempt at a coup. And after that Helix had given some strange instructions to King. No matter how she looked at it, there was a change at who had control over the mining complex. Soon the security staff would be purged from those loyal to Oliver Tharks. She was very glad she had changed sides because it was becoming painfully obvious that Helix was the one who was coming out on top.
“Miss Kurtz, why don’t you and I go for a walk.” The man spoke softly next to her.
It wasn’t as if he was really giving her any choice. She had to give him some credit, he knew how to give commands, while disguising them as requests. Zoë was yet to determine which was more worrying, being ordered around or thinking she was doing him a favour.
“You wish to see the local sights?” She made the sarcastic comment without thinking and bit her tongue.
“Something like that.” He smiled at her after removing his helmet. “I believe, I might be too overdressed. I take it there are a barracks near here?”
“Yes, it’s…”
“Then, lead the way.” He took her by the shoulder and gently pushed her towards the door. “Parolu en la loka lingvo. Uzu civilizitan langon, se estas kriz.”
“Understood, Helix.” She understood the AI’s words.
Zoë was sure that no one else was going to leave the room. They would be too busy bombarding it with questions. One look at the eggheads was enough to confirm that. They might have restrained themselves while Helix was around, but now… At least. She was not going to suffer through that.
It took the two of them less than three minutes to reach the chamber where the shifts stored their gear. It was big enough to cater to thirty people, with lockers and secured storages lined on the walls and benches in the middle. The back of the room was separated into a trio of showers, not that she would ever use them.
“You cannot be serious…” She heard Helix exclaim from behind her.
“Why? It’s as good as any changing room.” Zoë shrugged unsure why he was so shocked.
“I just don’t know if it was bravery or stupidity that gives you the courage to use a bio-hazard quarantine room as a changing room. You people have even tapped into the chem-waste pipes.” He chuckled not stepping inside.
“That’s a stupid place to put such a thing, to begin with.” She glared at him, challenging him to say something more.
“Please come with me.” He stepped inside, after doing a scan, based on the way he stared into every corner of the chamber.
The two of them made their way into the rightmost shower stall and Helix stopped by the wall. With what looked like just a bit of force from his fist, a panel opened, exposing a set of thin wires. The entire thing was covered in black mould and the smell of damp air burst out. The man gave the thing a look of utter disappointment and shook his head before he shorted two of the wires. The wall on which all three shower stalls stood, slid open, leading to a dark and ruined corridor.
“What the…!” Zoë jumped back a step startled.
“That used to be a blast wall.” Helix pointed at the entrance from which they had come. “This was the door. This entire chamber was part of Biotics Lab 2. No wonder your people are showing signs of implant degradation.”
He shook his head and made his way back to the rows of lockers. “Which one will fit me?” He motioned for her to come next to him.
“I don’t know…” Zoë had no way to know what size he wore, not to mention all their gear was custom fit from what they had on stock.
“Is there anyone amongst your people who is one hundred and eighty-five centimetres high, and let’s say about eighty-three kilograms in weight?” She hated that look of his, it made her feel as if she was stupid.
“Jackson is about that size.” She pointed at the locker behind him, still trying to figure out why he was looking for a set of security armour when his was superior.
“Good.” The rammed his fist into the door of the locker and bent it with a single strike.
He then wrapped his hands at the crack he had created and tore the entire thing from its hinges. Zoë was sure of it now; he was far stronger than he appeared. She made a note to never piss him off unless she was safely stowed away in a battle-frame. The man in front of her took the chest plate and examined it for a bit before placing it on the bench. He did the same with the leg and arm plates and turned to her.
“Is that all?” There was confusion in his voice.
“Standard issue security gear.” She unzipped her jacket to show hers, too late remembering it was in tatters.
His half-smile made her blush and she cursed herself for a fool. He was the enemy, well sort of. Either way, there was no need for her to show her body off to him. It had to be drugs, that was it, she was sure of it.
Before she could come up with some sarcastic comment to excuse her behaviour, he had stripped the top of his armour and was looking at her intently.
“Well?” He asked and arched an eyebrow.
“Well, what?” There was a good chance she was misinterpreting his question and stopped her hands from going to the lock of her plate.
“I don’t see an arming drone, so I assume you help each other with the gear.”
“Right… I mean no!” Damn her mouth speaking before thinking. “You just need to…”
She had reached for him and before she could finish her sentence was pinned against a locker. Helix’s forearm pressing against her throat, while his other hand had both her wrist grabbed above her head.
“Do remember I am faster and stronger than you. So, please Zoë, do not get any stupid ideas.” He let go of her and smiled as he offered her a hand to get back up.
“Now, be a good girl and help me take off the back panel.” He turned around to show the back portion of his armour was still attached.
Following his instructions, she released all the seals holding the item in place and placed it on the bench. The bloody thing had to be at least thirty kilos. Next, she placed her fingers on the hidden seem of the smart fabric and slid them up along his spine, revealing his skin underneath. Zoë bit her lip, seeing the well defined and hard muscles. As her eyes took in the nice sight, her expression turned to one of shock. The area between his shoulders was a painting of pain.
Scars, both made from bullets and blades and burned flesh warred for control. A second look revealed there were more, albeit faded ones, on his lower back and the side of his ribs. He turned around, letting the body glove dangle from his waist. On the right shoulder, he had a tattoo of the same mark that decorated his armour, but the asterisk was replaced by a horned skull without a lower jaw. Underneath was the word Heliks written in a baroque script.
There were three entry wounds in a neat line on his right peck and a large scar, most likely caused by a plasma round, on the left one. But the mark, just underneath his ribs caught her attention. It was two fingers wide and by the look of it fifteen centimetres long. That was a killing blow, there was no doubt about it in her mind.
“How?” It was the only word she could form as she traced the scar with the tip of her finger.
“Xith ion lance.” His voice was emotionless and level. “Caught me off guard on Maroose Yo.”
That was amazing. All she knew of Xith weapons was what they had told her in the Academy. You get hit by one, you die. It was the biggest fear of every cadet to come to face with some leftover group of the damned arachnids.
“And this one.” Zoë placed her hand on the burned scar, her eyes fixed on it.
“A heretic auto-spitter emplacement during the boarding of the Hariada.” The only word she recognised in his response was the word heretic. Instead, she gently slid her palm to the three scars on the right.
“Those are too big to be from a standard kinetic weapon.”
“A D’zer burrower. The damned thing ran feral when its psi-lock was shattered when Carthage shot an awakened psi-witch on Jara III.” Helix did a good job hiding it, but she heard the note of pain in his voice at the mention of his comrade.
“I’m sorry…” Zoë wanted to embrace him. He was just a young boy in her eyes. One which had a very sad and bleak life to this point.
“Miss Kurtz.” She lifted her head and looked at his charming smile and captivating amber eyes. “I wouldn’t normally mind you groping me, but as it is, time is short.”
She felt the blood rushing to her face, turning it scarlet and hoped it would reach her head and pop a vessel there. That way she would not have to live through this moment any longer. However, her wish was too much for her abysmal luck. Quickly she retracted her hands from his chest, which was so hard and well defined and… Focus girl! She screamed in her mind.
“Oh! Don’t use Jackson’s body-glove!” She took a hold of Helix’s arm as he reached into the locker. “That was what I wanted to tell you! Our armour uses a mechanical lock, you could keep yours off… I mean on… Please shoot me.” Zoë buried her face in her hands while he chuckled and got dressed.
Once he was done, he had only placed the chest plate on over his body-glove. But without the torso section and shoulder-guards of his own one, he could pass for a security guard. If one did not look too much into it. That would not be hard, because of those eyes of his… Focus, damn you! It’s not like he is the first guy you’ve seen with his shirt off. Zoë could not understand what about him had her so riled up.
In all honesty, she was glad the two of them walked in silence back to HQ. It spared her from saying something idiotic, though she noticed she had started swinging her hips a little bit more than normal since he was walking a step behind her.
As she had expected, the security room was a mess of conversations. The eggheads were locked in what looked a fierce debate and had even managed to pull Dr Saiko into it. While that was going on, Felix was shouting profanity at the AI. It had to do with it breaking some code or inventing one or something like that, from what she understood from all the techno crap man and machine were throwing at each other.
Quickly she rushed to the large man, to stop him from tearing the console before him. With the corner of her eye, she saw Helix slowly drop on the chair she was in before he had come with Virginia in tow. He placed his rifle beneath the cables, hiding it from view and leaned back and closed his eyes while giving the AI a command she could not understand.
“Lucas.” He could feel Tess gently rock his shoulder. “You got to wake up.”
“I know.” He smiled without opening his eyes. Moments like this were rare.
“You know Virgil is going to be mad if you are late for the briefing.” He felt her snuggling next to him under the covers.
“Is that right?” Lucas wrapped his arm around her shoulders and pulled her closer. “We are three hours away from the transition point to real space. Until then, we are officially under Free Reign directive.”
“I am pretty sure you are abusing that one.” Tess purred in his ear.
“Besides, you are still under observation, doctor’s orders.” This time he opened his eyes to see her mischievous smile.
“I do remember him telling me I was supposed to rest in my bed for a few days…” She pinched his lip with her teeth. “But I don’t recall you being included in the treatment.”
Lucas just lay in the bed, enjoying the comfort of the pillow and the soft sheet covering him. Well, Tess’s company was also very welcomed. But if he was honest, he would have liked to spend the last few hours of not running around a battlefield, getting some rest.
“Hey, do you think it is the same in the other units?” She asked in a soft voice. “I mean we are the only mixed one, so I was just wondering…” It was an innocent question, after all, she was the newest member of the Demons.
“I would think so. Especially within squad Daeva, fraternisation is very encouraged. Shayatin, on the other hand, are very private about it and try to mix with other army elements during Free Reign.” He answered as he traced the edges of the new cybernetic arm he had installed on her.
“That would explain why Hector and Thor were so excited that we would be sharing a transport with the harpies.” He could feel the smile in her voice, as well as a hint of jealousy.
“It’s because they are Gen 6, just like you.” He gave her a playful smile. “We old guys are very interested to see what has been changed with you.”
“Ass.” Tess poked him in the ribs with her elbow. “So? What’s the verdict?”
“I have to admit, you have quite a lot of stamina.” Lucas smiled again. “But you lack the cold fury of the Demons.”
“Seriously? I think you should have your eyes checked doc. Have you seen Carthage?” She lifted herself on her elbow and stared at him.
“That’s because Nia is Passion.” He swiped her hand and forced her back on the pillow next to him.
“What do you mean?”
“I forget that your generation lacks the complete indoctrination we had.” He sighed and continued before she could interrupt him again. “Do you remember the scripture of Condemnation?”
“Not really. Though I am sure Athena gave me a good lecture on it when I asked why you Gen 3s are so obsessed with earning a last name.”
“Righteous wroth befell the Blessed Saint of Hell, once He had seen the unclean pollute His realm.
He asked the faithful and virtuous and they did respond to His call and marched to meet the beasts.
Many martyred souls fell before the unclean, and with each, His heart wept for their sacrifice.
The Blessed Saint in His anger stood from His throne and promised death to the unclean.
He who ruled the Holy Garden of Hell had made it into a Paradise, locking many monsters away.
First He unleashed the ancient golems Shayatin, chained to His throne - promising them freedom.
With the fire of anger burning within their cybernetic hearts, they charged through the Gates of Hell.
He then turned His gaze to the scorned daughters of Saint Lilith and promised them forgiveness.
The Daeva spread their wings and screamed and shrieked their cries as their fury consumed them.
But those horrors were not enough, for the Blessed Saint of Hell wanted to purify the unclean.
He went to the deepest depths of the Holy Garden and unshackled the Demons of old.
Once men and women, they had allowed both virtue and sin to corrupt them into monstrous things.
To them He promised war, yet, they refused Him, for war they knew was eternal.
He then promised them carnage, but it was not carnage they craved. For freedom, they asked.
The Blessed Saint refused them, for setting Demons free would be a torment upon the faithful.
They asked His forgiveness, but He would not allow their corrupted mouths to worship Him.
Finally, they asked to be mortal in the hour of their death and The Blessed Saint nodded his head.
Should they fall defending the faithful, they would be resurrected to fight again. Demons do not die.
And should they purge the unclean, He would grant them names and allow them mortality as a gift.”
“You, know, Athena was right. You would make a good chaplain.” Tess was serious about it; he could hear it in her voice.
“I suppose.” Lucas shrugged. “Though I’m not much of a believer in that theological crap.”
“Really? Is that why you can quote the scripture?” She giggled next to him.
“No, it is because the ordained scientist of the Church of the Third Hell decided it was not important to give Gen 4s and later the same motivation as us Gen 3s. Because it worked too damned well, giving us a life expectancy of six years.” He could not hide his anger, despite knowing it was not her fault.
Lucas felt her push away from him and stand on the edge of the bed.
“I’m sorry, Tess. I shouldn’t have snapped at you. But you have to understand. Virgil, Athena, Nia and I, we were indoctrinated to believe this and at the same time forbidden from accepting the faith. We had to question it, to know the truth. It was supposed to make us better weapons and in a way it did. And Discharge, you have to understand this, us four are the last Gen 3s. There are none left in either Daeva nor Shayatin”
“Demons are cunning, wicked and uncaring monsters, roaming the places the faithful would never visit.” She quoted at him. “Yeah, I know. I guess they really did a number on you guys.”
Lucas buried his head into the pillow unwilling to submit to the guilt he felt. The silence between them stretched for a minute before Thessia broke it.
“I wanted to ask you something last night.” She turned to face him, her amber eyes staring into him. “Back when you were patching me up, Virgil said it reminded him of the mission on Terra. I checked; the Demons were never deployed to the Holy Garden.”
“And that’s how it’s supposed to stay.” He gave out a sigh but knew he had to answer her question. After all, she was one of them now. “Back when we Gen 3s left the vats, we were ordered back to the Imperial Palace. We had to dispose of the Gen 2s because they had started mutating and getting aggressive. The defects were not fixed until Gen 4 rolled out.”
“I was wondering why you administered the pink stuff only to the other Gen 3s.” She said, realisation plastered on her face. After he gave her an annoyed glare she added. “Sorry, please continue.”
“As I was saying, back then Dorian was Discharge. He charged at the turret emplacement and just like you lost his right arm. On our first deployment at that, again just like you.” He threw the pillow at her before she could make another silly comment.
“What was Terra like?” Tess asked and returned the item to him with a direct hit to his face.
“It was beautiful.” Lucas closed his eyes, remembering the first image he had seen of the Holy Garden of Hell. “The green storm clouds outlined on the bright blue sky.” He felt Discharge snuggle back next to him.
“The blooming trees and fresh grass, outlined by the blasted mountains and radioactive black sands of the great desert. The vast habitats with their crystal domes, surrounding the Palace. The ash wind blowing at the ancient stones of its walls. All of it reflecting the red of the burning sea… It was beautiful, glorious and frightening.” He finished as the image danced in his mind’s eye.
“Helix, wake up. I detect Tharson Waves from the woman, named as Alexandra von Eisstahl.” The AI’s voice cracked in the implant in his inner ear.
“How long was out?” Lucas asked, his mind kicking to full speed almost instantaneously.
“You have been asleep for thirty-two minutes and nine seconds. I was forced to interrupt your rest cycle by seven minutes and fifty-one seconds, due to the detection of the anomaly.”
“Classification of the waves?” He overlooked the remark and all the chatter around him.
“Readings indicate latent psi-witch.” The AI paused and added in a sterner voice. “She would be an important asset for project Goliath.”
“Isn’t that interesting now.” Helix smiled and stood from the chair, ignoring the thinly veiled command.
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