《Legacy of Terra: Forgotten》[Forgotten] IX: This is Home


Their pace through the corridors was faster than Donovan was used to. He had proof now that he was out of shape, despite trying a regular training schedule. Another thing that had to change, should he manage to save his skin. Although, at the moment it looked that the Overseer’s skin was in far greater danger. The Chief suspected that there was more to simple outrage for breach of protocol that had the Knight Protector almost screaming for blood.

To think that her face had decorated the propaganda posters for the last thirty years, was strangely surprising. Alexandra did not look a day older than twenty-five, at least not physically, but Donavan could see the age in her eyes. He was not surprised that she had used extensive gene treatments to hide her real age, he was surprised that considering her post she had not chosen a different digit at which to stop the clock.

Donovan wanted to smile, thinking that even those who stood at the top were as vain as the rest of them. However, he was not sure if doing so would not land him in greater trouble. Because whatever was going on in HQ was definitely not a system glitch and it won’t be long before the Knight Protector noticed it too.

Finally, after a twenty-minute jog, they reached the residential area. Calling it that was stretching the word, since the UR had simply stuffed two adjacent large storage units with pre-fabricated housing units and told the miners to move in. He had to give it to those first misfortunate souls, they had really made a home from the place. Of course, it was all due to all the contraband that security had ignored over the centuries. That was something they could not blame him for. All Donovan did was miss the occasional small shipment of recreational drugs, smut material and a few commodities with less than legitimate origin.

Mobile food processing stations, flickering holo-displays and buzzing neon signs decorated almost every two-story building. They made the place look like a shanty town, the type that could be seen on every planet. Even though the miners were a far cry from the destitute and undesirable souls of those places, they moved in the same way. A good four hundred people were preparing to leave for the night shift in small groups or had gathered to grab their allocated food portion before going back to their rooms for some well-deserved rest. The crowd parted as the group of soldiers made their past the first section, covering the nearly three hundred meters in a couple of minutes.

At the back of the next section of the improvised town was the door leading to the proper crew quarters, which were reserved for the security staff. Only the eggheads had made a nest on the other side of the complex, near their excavation sites. The Overseer, on the other hand, wanted to lord over the people of Last Hope. That was why his office and quarters were located on the upper level, which was accessible only through the lift at the end of the security staff area.

The office covered most of the platform between the two residential sections on the far wall. Its opaque windows preventing anyone from seeing inside it. Donovan new there was a multitude of observation drones nested in hidden alcoves just beneath the re-forged artificial glass. As well as many sensors and cameras, which meant their passing through the mining town could not go unnoticed. The Chief feared that the idiot Oliver could do something stupid that would further complicate his post as head of security. Donovan’s mind raced with possibilities of what could go wrong, that he missed when they had reached the lift.


“Security Chief Rex, the authorization code.” Alexandra von Eisstahl looked at him with those scrutinising green eyes of hers.

Donovan took a deep breath and input the sequence on the pad, which was supposed to release the door’s lock. Without a connection to the system, it would not work and as he expected the screen flashed a bright red.

“Is there a problem, Security Chief Rex?” The Knight Protector asked in a voice that promised nothing good.

“No, it is fine. Just a glitch…” He saw the same damned message as he tried to connect to the network. “Those happen from time to time. We are working with very old equipment and there are a lot of imperial systems that haven’t been cracked yet…”

He saw defeat written on the woman’s face; it was something he had not thought possible. The entire situation was confusing enough for Donovan to have him honestly worried. His days of peaceful existence in what he had hoped to be an easy posting, had ended. He was sure of it now.

“Any other access to the upper level?” She finally spoke after a moment of contemplation.

“There is a utility ladder, but only you and I will be able to fit through there. Too tight to have people with combat gear passing through it.” He pointed at the small concealed hatch door just a few steps away.

“Technician Yusuf.” She turned to the Innari troopers and a man stepped forward.

“Mistress von Eisstahl, I can bypass the lock in twenty minutes.” The words were followed by a crisp salute.

“Too long.” Alexandra looked at the Chief again. “How far is your Security Command room from here?”

“An hour away.” Donovan shrugged forgetting for a moment who he was talking to. “Pardon me, Mistress. We are used to referring to distance in terms of walking time. That makes it about one, one and a half kilometres from our current location.” He did his best to stand at attention and look like a proper Academy cadre.

The feed cracked back to life in his ear the moment the message appeared on his ocular implant.

“King, you damned arse! What the bloody hell was that?” Donovan roared.

“Sorry Chief… I had to re-roll the packages… The network had an… issue. I’m really sorry… sir.” Felix’s shaky voice sounded over the feed.

It seemed the large operator was quite worried and how could Donovan blame him for it. After getting threatened by the Knight Protector, the system had crashed, things were looking grim for the man. At least, the Chief could make a show that he was competent and engaged in running his people. After all, he was forced to work with the worst of what the Academy had to offer.

“I’ll deal with you later, Mr King.” Donavan faked the sternness he had never felt.

The Chief made the input again and this time the screen flashed green. Soundlessly the lift’s door opened and the group entered it. He finally could let go the breath he had been holding.

The message caught him by surprise. Donovan was about to contact Felix again when a video feed played on the display of his implant. It covered the entire left side of his vision and he could see it very clearly and wanted to scream. It was a recording from the camera above the door of the command room. Someone had opened it and he could see Kodiak and Zheng turn. Both men died before they could reach for their weapons. The shooter from the dig-site entered, accompanied by Dr Werner. Zoë stood from the chair at which Saiko was examining her hand and approached the Doctor to receive a shot of some drug, clearly from the way her face changed. After that Virginia turned and passed what looked like a chem-injector to the shooter. The video stopped and looped.


The lift’s door opened and Donovan exited, more by habit than because he had control over his movements. Everything felt like a bad dream. The damned bitch Virginia had known the shooter, just as the Commodore had suspected. And that damned girl was also in it. No wonder the manaic had not killed her but taken her with him. They had used her to gain access to security HQ. Once the Knight Protector was gone, he would kill them, without bothering with procedures.

Donovan entered the Overseer’s office and understood an argument had started, but all he could think about was the message. He tightened his grip on the chock baton at his waist and rocked his mind to think of what to do.

He had no idea what a control AI was, but he knew enough about AIs to know it was nothing good. If a foreign machine had taken over the system, that would be nearly catastrophic.

“Mr King, status of Protocol ATD zero two?” He hissed.

“Chief, Protocol ATD zero two has been activated. Turrets are hot! Repeat turrets are hot!”

“What?!” Donovan could not believe what he was hearing.

“Security HQ is in lockdown! Guard Helix prevented guards Kodiak and Zheng from aiding Overseer Tharks escape. Both assailants are dead!” Felix’s voice was sounded on the verge of panic.

“Damn! Shit! Fuck!” The Chief could not stop his cursing.

The argument he had missed between the Knight Protector and the Overseer, it was something very important. He should have paid attention. But if that was the story they were going with over the feed, it meant that they were covering their betrayal from Alexandra von Eisstahl. And if he said something against that action, he would be the one labelled as a traitor.

“Knight Protector von Eisstahl. I did not expect you to come to these parts of the Republics.” Overseer Oscar Tharks crooked smile split his wrinkled face.

“Overseer Tharks, you are to surrender the station to my control.” She barked at the clown in the garish pink striped blue suit sitting behind the desk.

“Is that how you want to play it, girl?” The old man narrowed his eyes and addressed the Security Chief. “Mr Rex, this is an attempted coup. I want all security staff to aid me!”

“Let’s not go that way Overseer Tharks. Surrender peacefully.” Alexandra wanted to yell, but this was her official duty and she was a professional.

“You do not know who you are messing with, girl!” Spit covered Oliver’s cracked lips. “Donovan, kill her!”

Two of the Inari troopers pointed their guns and the stunned Donovan. The man had the look of someone who was dreaming and not believing what was shown before his eyes. Without waiting, Alexandra activated the burst laser hidden in her forearm plate. The short beam cut right through the aged Overseer, slicing his left arm off, as he reached for what was a gun in his desk’s drawer. The heat of the blast was strong enough to cauterize the wound, preventing potential death due to blood loss. The only drawback was that it was a hard weapon to use, if her aim was just a little off, she would have killed the man.

Not that it would have mattered to her. From what Alexandra had seen, Overseer Tharks had done far worse things, in his ninety years on the post, than stealing from the earnings of Last Hope. The centuries-old hub units, which she had passed through, had supposedly been renovated a decade ago, according to the official documents. There was also the way Chief Rex had commented about the system glitches, as if they were something normal, meant that the upgrades had not found their way to the complex.

She had to give credit to the comms operator, who apparently was also covered the position of the main tech. Perhaps she had been a bit too hard on the man when they first spoke. It was clear that the Commodore and the Overseer had done too great of damage to the morale of the security forces. Perhaps, just perhaps, she had been wrong about this place, blinded by her anger. After all, the Chief had not followed the insane command to attack her. By the look of him, the thought had not even registered in his mind. On top of that, he had ordered the lockdown of the security room, which was a very reasonable command.

“Chief Rex, once we have Mr Tharks back on the ship and ready for transit, I would like to meet your men in HQ and congratulate them for what they have done.” Alexandra gave the still stunned man a crisp salute.

“Trust me, so do I…” Donovan murmured.

“Oh, and Chief, I want a list of all personnel loyal to the Overseer, on this desk by the time the morning shift starts.” She added from the office doorway.

Lucas allowed the relaxing sensation to linger a moment longer. Mainly because he knew that it would be a long time before he would feel it again. But mostly because he needed a moment to remember his comrades, his family. No, it was gone now, he had finished checking every part of his weapon twenty-six seconds ago. Pretending to check a few more things, he scanned the room.

The giant Felix and Zoë were once again chatting, but by the glances, they directed his way it was obvious that either the girl had convinced the tech to switch sides, or he was trying to justify his new choice to her. The group of scientists looked at him as if he was the missing link which was supposed to explain all. Then, there was the physician, the man was unreadable. He was calm and simply observed what was happening. The attitude of a former soldier, a good one at that. Approaching him would be tricky.

As for the other techs, they were clearly simple pawns. But life had taught him that pawns could be dangerous. That was why he needed people who could control them. For start, Lucas needed to ensure his control over the guards and for that he needed information.

“Can you gain access to the systems added to the original one?” He asked the AI.

“Yes, Helix. The local AI used by the new occupants of the station is less complex. However, doing so will not go unnoticed.”

“I guess, I should take your word for it.” He placed his helmet back on. “I want access to video and communications feed, limited range. Exclude civilian channels.”

“Understood. Please wait.” There was disappointment in the soft voice of the artificial intelligence.

“Hey, big guy.” Lucas walked towards the tech and stopped next to his station. “How long before your people notice the feed is down?”

“Uh… The Chief should have already noticed… sir.” He could see Felix’s indecision if he should salute or keep to his chair.

“And no one has come to check it out?” He could not believe that this would be a major issue for any force.

“That is… We’ve had many glitches, drops… and things like that. It’s considered normal… for half an hour of downtime… Longer then forty minutes… will trigger an emergency signal…” The large man’s voice was unsteady and filled with fear.

“Helix, I have control of the feeds.” The AI chimed.

“Good. Locate armed units and push video recording to my feed.” Lucas said before switching back to the natives’ tongue. “Felix, I am going to give you limited access back. You will turn the system back on when I tell you.”

“Ok… I don’t…”

“You do not need to understand. You just need to do your job.” He did not have the time nor felt the need to explain his plan.

Different captures began to cycle on the display of his helmet. A few two- or three-men units were patrolling corridors or area’s he had not seen. There was a large group of guards and what had to be proper soldiers in the docking bay, that had been discussed on the feed. By the look of it, the soldiers were taking control over the station. Or they did not trust the security force and had taken it out so that they could complete their unknown task. What caught his eye was the mech that was on the edge of the docking platform.

It resembled an overgrown mix between a Mark 3 powered suit and a defence drone. However, it was nearly twice as large compared to each and sported quite a few extra weapon systems. That would be a problem to deal with, it was good that it could not pass through the corridors of the station. Either its operator was very confident or very unprepared. There as also the possibility that the mech was used for only guarding the ship.

“Push video recording 22Z7A to the main screen.” Lucas ordered the AI and turned to Felix. “What is this?”

“Damn! That’s the Scolia!” The large man exclaimed.

“It’s the Knight Protector’s personal battle-frame! I never thought I would be this close to it!” Zoë added with shock and awe written on her face.

Lucas did not care what a knight protector was, nor how important or famous the machine was. He cared about the mark painted on it. He had missed it on the lower resolution on his helmet, but here he could see it clearly, the Snake and Sword crest of the heretics.

“What does the mark on it mean?” He asked, doing his best to restrain his anger.

“That is the highest honour a war machine and its operator could earn. The Snake and Sword is awarded to only the most distinguished and proven veterans in the entirety of the United Republics. To get it, you’d have had to basically save the Union.” Zoë blurred.

“Analise the footage and follow the mech’s operator. I want visual.” He contacted the AI through the closed feed in his helmet.

“Located, pushing real-time video.” The AI responded a couple of seconds later.

Helix could see a woman bearing the same crest on her plate leading a team of the black soldiers and what looked like a security guard. They were making their way to a door of some sort.

“That’s the Chief! With the Mistress von Eisstahl!” Zoë leaned in to get a better look at what he assumed was her hero.

“Where are they?” Lucas asked, hiding the fact that he had made a mistake by having the signal play on the main screen.

“Looks like the overseer’s… I mean, that’s the lift, leading to… Overseer’s Tharks’ office. They will need code confirmation… to operate it.” Felix offered as he tilted his head to get a better look past the girl’s shoulder.

By the looks of it, the commander and the knight were not going for a friendly visit. Which meant there was going to be a significant change to the chain of command for the station. A very good moment for Lucas to force the Chief into following his lead and cementing the girl’s position as his compatriot, while he came up with a proper plan.

“Felix, wait for them to make the first attempt after that contact them and give them a reasonable explanation for a system restart or something like that to cover for the last fifty minutes.” Helix tapped the man on the shoulder and switched to the feed with the AI.

“Give limited access to the tech. Monitor his chat, I know you’ve broken down the dialect, so that should not be a problem.”

“As you command Helix.”

He heard the chief yell at poor Felix, for something he had not done. Well, he had done many things, but they all had been beneficial to Lucas.

“Force a feed, written message only, to the Chief’s comm implant. Use my unit sign, but do not use codename.” He instructed the AI.

“Show recording from the moment I entered Command. Cut frame by two per cent. Stop recording and convert to loop.” He finished happy with the result. “Send it through the feed to the Chief.”

Lucas gave the man some time to process what he was seeing before contacting him again. With little deception, he could have some control over him, but only for a moment. He waited for the confirmation sign when he noticed the knight-woman enter the room, her stance and anger were obvious. And then she shot the old man using a short-range burst laser. Both Zoë and Felix next to him shouted in confusion, unsure how to react.

This, Helix realised, could be the base for a far better plan. He smiled and turned to the two future former guards and gave his instructions.

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