《Kill 10 Rats》Volume 2: Chapter 5
“I’m not sure putting an impotence curse on a rival is setting a great example for me.” MoMagicMoProblems said after he stopped laughing. He was looking at me with a mock stern expression that made him seem spock-like with his pointed ears.
“I disagree, the lesson here is that childish pranks make for the best revenge. If you escalate a revenge into violence you’ll lose a part of yourself. If you get revenge with impotence magic or flaming dog poo you get to keep the moral high ground. Not to mention it’s way more hilarious.” I said stone faced.
“There is no way you can actually believe that.” He said rolling his eyes. I shrugged then stood up and and hoisted my pack again.
“Come apprentice, we have orc’s to slay. We’re not strong enough to take back the village, but we can at least pitch in with the orcs. We’ll do a good deed and maybe salvage a reward.” I said walking into the woods. MoMagicMoProblems nodded and we sat off. I wasn’t sure how we’d find the orcs since neither of us had any tracking skills to speak of, but wondering around a fantasy forest filled with monsters couldn’t possibly go badly.
I think it took us all of three hours to get lost.
“That game is work. I’m sore all over dude.” Chris complained rubbing his leg muscles. I’d finally logged off at about 11 am. I’d spent all night wandering aimlessly looking for orcs. Luckily, 11:00 Am meant meant all the pizza places had just opened. So now Chris and I were vegging out on the couch while we waited for our food to arrive.“I’ve had to fight about a dozen goblins. I ended up dying once since it takes so damn long to regen. Made this sweet knife accidentally and got a quest for turning in goblin ears to a nearby village. I’d like to try more smithing but can’t get any ore. This game is too hard core.” He grumbled sullenly. “What about you?”
“Well, almost got killed by boars, gained an apprentice, got PKed, then I’m pretty sure we got lost…. and don’t talk to me about hard-core. I lost a level and 35 gold when that ass-hat paladin killed me.” I countered.
Chris’s eyes bugged and he looked like he was about to choke to death. “Thirty-Five gold?! Do you have any idea how much gold is selling for right now?!” He said incredulously.
I had no idea actually. “Uhhhh, no but a lot I’d imagine since 99% of the people in the game don’t have any, and most of the players are rich enough to blow 5-grand on a game console.” I replied shrugging.
“Yeah, Alot...Heh….” He said flaty. “Try like 100 to 150 USD each. Which if i learned to multiply correctly just means you lost four-thousand dollars in a pointless pissing match.” He said shaking his head at my now pale face.
Now I felt terrible. I hadn’t paid that much for my car. I put my head in my hands and asked through my fingers. “How do you sell gold anyway? Is it all third-party sites or do they have an official way.”
Chirs snorted. “Of course they have an official way. It’s like Colorado and pot. Anyone with a brain knows it’s better to make money taxing something people are going to do anyway, then spend money trying to stop them from doing it.” Chris laughed again. “Nope, in any city with an auction house you can set-up buy and sell orders for it. It uses the account info you used when you made your character. Just pop in how much you want to sell or buy and at what price, and the money will be deposited or withdrawn from your account for the low-low price of a 15% handling fee.
I laughed bitterly “15% huh?, you’d think they were shafting us bad enough at 30 bucks a month. “ I sighed. “Oh well, On the bright side that means I can make it back while the prices are still screwed up. Once people start getting more gold the market will plummet.” I said to Chris. “You must be happy. How much is that sweet knife of yours worth?” I asked before adding. “How’d you get it anyway?”
“Funny story actually.” He said now looking excited to tell his tale. “Anyway, so I was fighting goblins right and one of them dropped this piece of bone. Boom! crafting ingredient on my first kill. Well, I was like, man I gotta make something sweet with this but the goblins almost killed me since all I had was a stick. So I had some time to burn while I waited for my HP to regen outta the red zone. Then I remembered you telling me I could just use a rock. So I found this pretty cool rock and started whittling at this piece of bone. Then I unnuo. I guess I got kinda into it. I just wanted to get it just right, so I kept working and working. It was suddenly like four hours later and I get this pop-up notification. ‘You’ve created an Uncommon Item!’”. He finished in his bad announcer voice.
“You made an uncommon bone knife. With a rock……” I said baffled. Leave it to Chris. That idiot is always doing stupid stuff and having it turn out golden. “Uncommon Items have stats right? What’s it do?”
“That’s the bummer. I read online that crafted items were selling for five or six gold each. But my knife only buffs witchcraft. I mean seriously who even has witchcraft as a skill?” He said sighing. “Some guy bought a flaming sword one of the dev’s kids made for five grand. I bet I could get at least 600$ outta that dagger if witch was a popular class. There’s probably only one poor goth girl out there I could sell it too.” He finished depressed.
“I seriously want to both both punch you and hug you at the same time.” I said shaking my head. It really was going to be one of those days. “One: I’m a witch. The first and probably only one at the moment. Two: I’m pretty sure I know where that sword ended up. That paladin gutted me with it earlier.”
I told Chris my story, about MoMagicMoProblems, the village, the rather short-lived fight and my petty vengeance. I left out the part about Baria. I still wasn’t quite prepared to spill those beans yet.
Chris was still making fun of me when the pizza guy arrived.
I logged back in and was greeted to a chorus of loud screeching hisses. Night had fallen and the little camp I’d sat-up had apparently been discovered. I quickly scanned the area while grabbing my hammer where it lay beside me. A dozen or so small lizard-like humanoids surrounded my spell circle, pressing against the invisible barrier. They had yellow vertical slitted eyes, short lean bodies, and long sinuous tails. They were garbed in rags and furs,and all of them held crude stone weapons. The screeches and hisses got louder as they saw me raise to my feet.
Thank god for my protection spell. They would have murdered MoProblems and I in our sleep otherwise. I’d never actually seen my barrier spell in action. It was odd too see all the creatures around me pressing against the open air like it was a giant pane of glass. I’d read the description, but It had never been attacked while I had it active. The site of the lizard-things unable to get to me was oddly unsettling. Luckily, none of the creatures seemed smart enough to attack the barrier directly. It didn’t have much HP, and would only survive for a hit or two, but the creatures hadn’t seemed to have figured that out. They were all just pressing themselves against the invisible wall and looking angry. There was a flash of blue light beside me and my gnomish student finally logged back in. His eyes flew wide as saucers as he took stock of the situation.
“Wha, what’s going on?” He asked, his voice stuttering in fright. He had learned early on that being attacked actually hurt in this game, even with the pain turned down. Being ripped apart buy these things would not be pleasant.
“It seems our camp has been discovered.” I said with forced calm. “You got any new fancy spells you wanna try out. Fire Nova? Chain lighting? Chocobo Meteor?” I asked as I tried to come up with a plan. He shook his head frantically and I sighed. Didn’t look like I was getting much from that quarter. What good was a wizard who couldn’t even hurl lighting or summon volcanoes. Seemed unfair I had to do all the close-up work and do the magical heavy lifting.
Time to do something big and stupid then….
I thought darkly. Seemed I was doing that a lot lately. Fortunately, I seemed to be developing a knack for it.
I reached for my earth magic. In working more with my elements, I’d come to the conclusion that earth wasn’t a very subtle element. Which made it less than useful in some circumstances. On the other hand for something like this when all’s I really needed was to cause chaos it would do just fine.
I flexed that odd part in my brain I used to control mana and poured it down into the earth. As I did so, one of the lizard things finally seemed to wise up, and a stone hatchet crashed into the barrier. There was a flicker of brown and red light, before the barrier went transparent again. The ground started to shake as it always did when I used my magic, but instead of trying to wrangle the earth into a wall, or some other effect, I just kept pouring in more mana, letting it spread out and run wild. The shaking intensified and soon it was an effort just to stand. Another axe fell on my barrier and there was a loud crack and the spell shattered. A bloom of fire spread outwards from my lashing the creatures, but the damage was minimal. The spell was never meant to hold against a determined assault or do real damage. It did however add to the confusion of the already chaotic fight. I cut the mana flow before I drained myself too much to fight, and cast stone-skin over-myself before I waded into the on-rushing mob. taking care with my footing.
I used a wide horizontal swing to sweep the closest attackers away. It did little more than press them back, but I used the time and stepped toward my apprentice, trying to create some space around us. He’d need room to work his magic so my main task was to defend us while he did his wizard thing and whittled them down. The creatures surged around us, stumbling and flailing as the earth continued to buck and shift beneath them because of my earthquake.
I struck out at those who came near, trying to push them back and knock them down. Small gouts of flame began erupting among their massed forces throwing them further into confusion. MoProblems had finally come to his senses. He was only level two after dying but his spells were taking their toll as the rest of the fight turned into brutal melee.
I user my brute power and long weapon to hold back the tide. I crushed joints, bashed hands, and used my body to absorb their attacks. Slowly their numbers drained away as we slew them. The last lizard went down with a blow of my hammer, just as my apprentice spent the last of his magic and passed out.
Two flashes of blue light illuminated the night as both of us leveled. The young wizard sat up instantly and looked around. “What happened? I was fighting, then everything just went black.” He asked looking at the pile of corpses around us in the flickering fire-light.
“Mana burn-out.” I replied while I sat down to meditate. I’d need to get another barrier up, and I didn’t have the mana. “ Happens when you push too much magic through your noggin. Although, I’m honestly surprised you lasted that long, how much mana do you have?”
“Like 40 or something. I get a ton of bonuses from my class and my int and wisdom both get added in with my resonance.” He said.
“What a cheater. I’ve got nine levels on you, and you’ve almost have as much as me.” I whined. “Good fight by the way. I thought we were going down there. ” My breathing finally started to calm and I remembered my knife. I stood up and searched my pack then went to work on the bodies . I felt a little bad since they were sort of humanoid, but I figured their skin would make a decent pair of boots.
I ended up with five pieces of leather,and a couple crafting drops. Not a bad haul, for a couple minutes work. The best part however, was the fact that the leather’s description identified the beasts as kobolds, and kobolds always lived in caves. My priorities immediately shifted from questing to loot.
“New plan! Were not going after the orcs.” I said.
“Is that because you’ve got a plan, or because you got us lost?.” MoProblems asked as he knelt and crossed his legs. I scowled at him and he laughed. “You thought I didn’t notice we’ve been wandering around for hours. Don’t get me wrong, it’s not like I have anywhere to be, but I’m sixteen not twelve.”
“Anyway” I said drawing the word out in an obvious attempt to change the subject. “We need to find out where the kobolds came from. They should have a cave around here somewhere. We’ll start walking in circles outward when the sun comes up. Unless I can follow their tracks. Although, we’ll have to wait till my wounds heal. Bastards bruised two ribs, and broke an ankle.” I grumbled.
“Why are we hunting for their cave, instead of completing the quest?” He asked curious.
“Four reasons. First: because we can. Second: loot. Third: I need to mine about 20 tons of copper ore, and Fourth: We really are lost, and I have no idea how to find the orcs. ” I responded. Chris had been doing some reading while we ate pizza and found out how screwed up the game's economy was right now. Since gold was worth so much real money, and people were trying to leveling crafting it was creating a huge resource vacuum. Since we weren’t going to find the orcs, we might as well add some black numbers to my bank account.
“I’m with you on the first two. That fight was a mess, but great XP, but why copper ore, can’t you farm professions later?” He added confused.
“Because that’s exactly what everyone else is going to be doing. You know that kobold tail I gave you is worth about fifty bucks right now? There are no gear drops in this game. Zero. Which means everyone is scrambling to level crafting professions to make gear, but no-one has any raw materials.” I explained.
“Because in this game, you actually have to go grab an axe and start chopping a tree if you wanna get wood. It’s boring, monotonous, and hard work. Not to mention that you have to spend skill points on crafting professions out of the same pool as combat professions. Which all translates to a HUGE gap between supply and demand. So... right now while the price of gold is the highest it’s ever going to be there is a HUGE demand for raw materials. I could honestly pay for my college this year with a couple weeks work if we can start selling before people catch onto how screwed up everything is.” I said, trying to convince him.
“You should pick yourself up a crafting skill or two as well. Everyone is out here grinding like crazy, but that doesn’t really help you. The more stuff you do between every level, the more your stats raise. So not only will we make mountains of money, but we’ll be getting good stat gains while we're doing it. You’ll be the most beastly wizard in the game and have all the gnome chicks after you.” I finished.
“I’m not sure how mining is going to help me with my magic stats. Besides I’m more into elves anyway, or maybe a drow. White hair is kinda hot, and the way they always act better than you…...” He got a wistful look in his eye and I started to worry about his taste in women.
I raised an eyebrow. “ A drow, really? You are one screwed up little gnome. And obviously something like mining isn’t gonna be your prime choice. I’m building a brute so for me mining is awesome. For you I’d go with something you have to use your head for, alchemy, tailoring, something like that. You could try crafting wands or something. Not sure if there’s some sort of enchanting skill, but there probably is.” I added, shrugging my shoulders. With that we re-prepared our camp and waited for the sun to rise.
Needing time to recover from my wounds, and not having slept for going on thirty hours, I finally decided to crash. I was so tired that I fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow and slept like the dead until three the next morning. Then I grabbed a quick shower, some food, and hopped back into Otherworld.
MoProbelms was still logged out. So I checked my character status and tried to find the direction the Kobolds had come from. It was mid-morning in game. Which put the time difference between central time and server time at about seven hours. At least where I was on the server… I had no idea if there were in-game time zones.
The ground around our camp was torn up everywhere. Clumps of grass had been torn out leaving muddy ruts, and there were charred patches from the fire spells MoProblems had used. After carefully scanning the area I. I saw some skinny three toed tracks heading in from the west. Luckily, the soft ground made it easier or I’d have never been able to find them.
You've Unlocked a New Skill!TrackingThis skill is unlocked by successfully finding and attempting to follow tracks. This skill increases one’s ability both to find and understand clues in the environment that reveal a creatures passing. The higher the skill level the more information can be gleaned from the tracks Also includes the ability to hide and obscure tracks.
This skill increases by finding, following, or obscuring tracks.
It had been a while since I gotten a new skill. Granted, this one wasn’t super useful, but since as far as I knew you could have as many skills as you wanted there was no reason not to get it, and it could be very helpful. Especially since it likely got a boost from my outdoorsman secret skill. Which I’d finally maxed out at Novice V. Hopefully it would be good enough to find their base.
We sat off when MoProblems finally logged back in. The trail was pretty easy to follow. The kobold's hadn’t been trying to hide much and the ground got progressively more damp as we moved. By the time we found the cave it was nearly noon in-game, and the wet forest-lands had turned into full blown swamp.
The whole area stank of dead fish and rotting plant matter. Shallow pools of water were separated by narrow strips of mud and sand. While a single deeper channel of slow running water snaked it’s way through the area. The whole place was filled with life. A dozen different kinds of birds called to each other while they swooped down to catch fish or frogs. Insects buzzed everywhere and every step seemed to scare a snake or rodent from the grass.
The cave was on a small island of semi-solid ground surrounded on three sides by the small creek. We approached cautiously. On the lookout for more kobolds or other nasty swamp creatures. As we stepped onto the island we got alert we were waiting for.
You Have Discovered A Lair!Red-Tail Cavern
“I guess that’s us” I said. after clearing the pop-up.This wasn’t exactly what I’d been hoping for. The thought of spending the next few days camping out here and farming wasn’t a pleasant one.
“I think it’s fairly interesting. I’ve spent all my life in the city. I’ve never seen a wetland before.” MoProblems said cheerfully. He was looking rather chipper, and his much lighter weight had let him stay above most of the muck that I’d had to slog through.
“Wetland is just a polite name for swamp.” I shot back. “It’s the one all those environmentalist types use when they are trying to get you to give them money.”
“Hey, it was your idea to come here and wetlands are important to the environment.” He rebutted.
“That would be true, if this was a real swamp in the real world.” I said. And regardless of the possible ecological benefits, that doesn’t make this place any less humid, mosquito infested, or rank.”
Water ran down the walls of the cave as we entered. The walls were grey stone, but the tunnels reminded me of the last time I’d been in a dungeon. Which summoned up a host of complicated feelings. Images of insane dire-rats, and the horrible numbed dead feeling of my paralyzed legs fought for mental real-estate with images of Hanna and our constant bickering. I should really try and find her. Although, I had no idea where I was in relation to Valor’s Crossing. Besides, the tech said all the NPC’s had been wiped.
I sighed and moved deeper into the tunnels. It only took a few steps before we were charged by the first group of kobold’s. They seemed to be a bit more powerful than the ones that attacked our camp, but there we a lot fewer of them. The narrow hallways made things a great deal easier as well.I could just use my bulk to plug the tunnel while MoProblems used his magic to pick them off.
We managed to clear three rooms before my mounting injuries forced us to retreat. I took the opportunity to scout for ore, and was pleased to find a good amount of copper and tin in the rooms we’d cleared. I’d back back for it after we got our base set-up.
We retreated back outside and found a semi-dry island a half-mile or so from the entrance where we decided to make camp.
“Are you sure this is a good idea?” MoProblems asked as I scratched another witchcraft sigil into the massive circle. It had taken me a good three hours to prepare our camp so far and it was by far the best one I’d managed yet. I’d dug a fire-pit and carried in rocks to line it as well as other for seating, and had even found some dry grass for us to sleep on. We planned on spending a while here and I wanted to go all out. It would give us a solid base of operations, and hopefully level up my camping skill in the process.
The spell I was working on to protect us was a monster. I wanted something more stout after the kobold attack and after plundering Witchcraft for Noobs for secrets, I’d come up with a model. It was easily the largest and most complex spell I’d attempted. Honestly, it was probably too complex but I had a plan for that. I’d draw the outer circle nearly ten meters wide, and reinforced it with five sigils of protection. The smaller spell circle that would power it was my first attempt at a three-element spell, and had sigils for Fire, Power, Healing, and Rejuvenation.
I wasn’t sure how much mana it would actually take to start the thing, but I was pretty confident it was more than I had. Which was why I’d made my apprentice learn witchcraft. He had a bucket load of mana for his level and I figured if I used him as a mana battery it would probably be enough. The real question was if we’d be able to handle the mental strain of that much mana between the two of us.
When I finished scrawling the last sigil I returned to where MoProblems was sitting around the spell circle.
“You ready?” I asked as I took a seat across from him.
“Uhhhh, Not really.” He said looking a bit worried.
“Common… It’ll be fine. What’s the worst that could happen?” I said wheedling.
“You just had to say it didn’t you………”
We joined hands in true witch fashion and started to pour power into the spell slowly. The circle started to glow as the neon tendrils of power started to swirl. We poured in more power and the first of the five sigils in the small circle flared to life. I felt a sudden pressure on my mind, and started to sweat. This we going to be bad.
“Steady….” I told MoProblems as the power continued to accumulate. “Just keep the flow even. I’ll shape the spell, just do your share of the lifting.” The second and third sigils were bad but the by the fourth the pain in my skull was nearly unbearable.
The colors shined brighter, illuminating the area around us as the daylight faded. The fifth sigil sputtered for a moment then flared to life, and I heard a faint whimper from MoProblems as the pressure increased even further. I saw the moment that he lost consciousness but I lost track of everything as the weight of his half of the spell slammed down on top my already over-taxed mind.
The world went red as the blood vessels in my eyes burst and I screamed in agony as everything faded away.
“Can you hear me? Are you alright” Someone screamed into my ears with a megaphone . I groaned and tried feebly to cover my ears. I rolled over and curled into a ball before vomiting. That sent another fresh bolt of misery through my aching head. I felt like I’d spent the entire night drinking the cheapest nastiest booze I could possibly find.
“Why…..” I groaned feebly as I tried to pry my eyes open. I’m not sure exactly what I wanted to know. Honestly, it could have been any number of things. Why did my head feel like someone had drove railroad spikes through it? Why was I rolling around in my own vomit? Why was someone screaming at me?. It could have been all of those or none of them.
“Are you alright Noob Slayer?” The voice screamed again.
“Stop……” I moaned again. But the voice was insistent.
“Just log out. The camp will heal you eventually.” The voice said again.
Oh, Right…..Logout…
I thought weakly.Suddenly, I was in my apartment and the pounding, horrible, awful pain was completely gone. I felt like I’d had a good night’s sleep, which I likely had, come to think of it. I wasn’t sure how long I’d been out in game, or how that translated into real sleep, but I felt great. Which was an incredible contrast to how terrible I’d felt a few moments before.
So I spent the day, grocery shopping, running errands, and cleaning up the apartment. I didn’t log back in until almost twelve hours later.
The world was still black when I awoke. I blinked a few times and realized my eyes were indeed open I was just blind. It was a very odd feeling and not at all a pleasant one. The world around me seemed a great deal scarier than it had been only a few moments before. I tried to calm myself and called out.
“Are you here?”. MoProblems should be around here somewhere. Although, he might have decided to try a bit of leveling on his own while I was indisposed. I moved around cautiously but made sure not to move too far in any direction. I didn’t want to end up away from camp. I needed it to heal my sight. Finally a few minutes later i heard footsteps.
“Are you alive now?” MoProblems voice asked from the darkness.
“Not really. I’m blind.” I said as I felt around me to make sure I didn’t trip over anything.
“Really?, Didn’t know that was possible, but it would explain your eyes. They look terrible. Well, all of you looks terrible. Your face is covered in dried blood and I’m pretty sure you rolled in your own puke.” he said heartlessly.
“Well, you're a bright ray of sunshine today.” I said sarcastically .
He snorted. “I’m not feeling very sympathetic. I told you it was a stupid idea.” He griped.
“You didn’t say it was a stupid idea. You just asked me if it was a good idea. Which it was. “ I said defensively.
“Did the spell even work?” He asked. It was a good question. I didn’t remember breaking the circle but without my eyes I had no real way of finding out. I told him that and he snorted.
“Just open your log. I can’t see your status screens when you open them. So you don’t really SEE them do you? They are illusions. Which means they should work regardless of if you're blind or not.” He explained impatiently while leaving out the implied ‘you idiot’.
“Fine then…. Log”
Log Default Filter
User Has Taken 5 Damage from Spell Feedback
User Has Taken 10 Damage from Spell Feedback
User Had Been Afflicted with Headache
User Has Taken 15 Damage from Spell Feedback
User Has Taken 20 Damage from Spell Feedback
User Has Taken 25 Damage from Spell Feedback
User Has Taken 85 Damage from Spell Feedback
User Had Been Afflicted with Bloody Nose
User Had Been Afflicted with Brain Hemorrhage
User Had Been Afflicted with Blindness
User Has Entered Critical Status
User Has Created A New Spell!
User’s Barrier Sub-skill has Ranked Up!
User’s Barrier Sub-skill has Ranked Up!
User’s Barrier Sub-skill has Ranked Up!
User’s Barrier Sub-skill has Reached Beginner Rank
New Skill Unlocked
User’s Barrier Sub-skill has Ranked Up!
User’s Witchcraft Skill has Ranked Up!
User’s Witchcraft Skill has Ranked Up!
User’s Witchcraft Skill has Reached Beginner Rank
New Skill Unlocked
User has Used Camping Skill
Camp Quality Increased to 171
User’s Camping Skill has Ranked Up!
User’s Camping Skill has Ranked Up!
User’s Camping Skill has Reached Beginner Rank
New Skill Unlocked
User is Unconscious
User had Regained 1 Hp
User has Regained 1 Hp
User has Regained 1 Hp
I started laughing. My plan has succeeded beautifully. Well, maybe not beautifully but I was a function over form kinda guy. I must have broken the circle accidentally when I fell, or possibly when I was rolling around in agony. “I told you it was a good idea. I just got three skills to beginner rank.” I said smugly.
“You're also blind and haven't been able to play for at least 12 hours.” MoProblem’s said sharply. “Did you get any good skills at least?” I was already way ahead of him.
Open Spellbook…..
Vocal IncantationsAllows Users to Increase the Potency of Witchcraft Spells by Adding a vocal incantations to their spells. Potency increase will be based on the quality and relevance of the incantation.
Activation: Passive
Sympathetic BarriersAllows User to create Barriers and links between barriers symbolically. Allowing for the user to power circles and create barriers without having to draw the lines manually.
Rank: N/A
Activation: Passive
Tranquil RestAllows camps created by the user to heal severe grade injuries.
Rank: N/A
Activation: Passive
New Spell…. Expand…….
A complex Witchcraft barrier based on Three Elements shaped by ten sigils and using five different reagents. Barrier provides moderate protection against entry, and will trigger a powerful fire effect when breeched. Barrier also provides a small bonus to both HP and Mana regeneration.
Elements used: Fire, Earth, Water
Sigils used include: 5 Protection, 2 Fire, 1 Power, 1 Healing, and 1 Rejuvenation.
Barrier HP: 254
Hp Regen: .2083%/Min
Mana Regen: .2083%/Min
Fire Dmg: 20-80
Name Spell….. Beginner's Fire Nova Barrier of Regeneration
It looked Like everything would work out after all.
AN: Bit of a long chapter here. Although kinda slow plot wise. Sorry about the shrinking text on the log table. I'm not sure why it's doing that, but I can't seem to fix it without making it about 100 times worse. So I'm leaving it for now.
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3 Fictions 1 Posts 0 Threads FlyingDutchman Follow Author Saturday, January 23, 2016 5:07:46 PM Saturday, January 23, 2016 5:11:34 PM Peoria, Il Ghost Pirate
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- In Serial1554 Chapters
History’s Strongest Senior Brother
The first time Yan Zhaoge crossed worlds, he landed in a martial warrior civilization that was at the peak of prosperity. He ended up in the book storage building of the the Divine Palace, which collected and preserved the classics of the entire world from all fields of knowledge. However, a world class calamity struck soon after and even the Divine Palace was destroyed. Yan Zhaoge’s soul once again crossed over, but this time he arrived in the same world, except countless years have passed. With his brain full of rare books and classics from the era of peak prosperity, Yan Zhaoge’s second crossing over to the present era was like a gamer who was used to playing hell mode suddenly finding himself playing the game on easy. That was just way too awesome. But before that, he needs to fix a certain problem. “I’m not a main character? In fact, I’m actually the the main character’s love rival and the antagonistic Mr. Perfect senior martial brother? This script is wrong!” PS from author: ‘History’s Number One Founder’ is already complete with 4.6 million characters, I welcome you readers who have favourited and fed my book until it became fat to enjoy this book as well.Thank you for reading updated History’s Strongest Senior Brother novel @ReadWebNovels.net
8 684 - In Serial90 Chapters
Realistic Tower of God: The Martial Way
A man had given his all to walk on the treacherous martial way. He was once great, however, just like everything else in the world, he had reached the end of the rope and disappeared without being able to reach further on the the path. However, fate has something else in store for him. Suddenly waking up in the mysterious and grand tower, all of his fiber being will tested. Will he survive in this dangerous and unforgiving place with many ancient monsters reigning on the top? Will he manage to survive and find the next path of the martial way and fulfill his ambition? Only time will tell.
8 260 - In Serial10 Chapters
Psycho in a fantasy world
Psycho reborn in a fantasy world attempts to make himself the most infamous killer. Game like elements and other magical stuff to help the character.
8 135 - In Serial53 Chapters
Juryokine: Exile of Heroes
One year after Toke Gnasher, the infamous Juryokine, saved the city of Sorakines from his fallen hero, he and Zashiel are still on the run from a nationwide manhunt. Dubbed a terrorist by his own people and an unholy monster by Zashiel's, the two of them seek refuge in the neighboring country of Vlangur. There, they find work on the Seventh Swordfish, a floating circus with a mysterious ringleader. They aren't out of danger yet, though. Word of Toke's exploits has given rise to a cult with him as their guiding deity, and the vengeful Sorakine commander, Sir Klevon, has deployed a hunter more deadly than any they've faced before... Zashiel's sister.
8 136 - In Serial106 Chapters
Hodgepodge is a collection of stories set in a realm where planes fly, immortals walk, people summon weird animals, a rabbit uses a traveling shovel of death, a man and his dog try to change the future, and the underworld decides to send someone to calm things down to stop the flow of the dead. Please enjoy.
8 498 - In Serial8 Chapters
Love or Obsession
This is an Asano × Nagisa. They have an odd relationship. Well Nagisa thinks they do. Asano loves Nagisa to a point of obsession. Asano would do anything for Nagisa. Asano won't let anyone take Nagisa away from him. There will be swearing and some inappropriate stuff. Don't read if you are a innocent little muffin. The cover was made by 'ISpeakOtaku'.
8 113