《Kill 10 Rats》Volume 2: Chapter 4
We didn’t have a map so my apprentice and I wandered blindly through the woods. I used the time to explain the skill system to MoProblems, and we talked about our real lives a bit. He was a sophomore in high-school, and was quite willing to regale me with endless tales of high-school drama. I told him about college life, and gave him some of my experiences from testing. I skipped over the parts about being trapped, as well as my relationship with Hanna. I still wasn’t sure how I felt about that whole mess yet, not to mention that telling someone my last actual relationship had been with an NPC was too depressing. Besides I was in a game, big brother might be listening and there were some things that had happened to me I wasn’t sure were standard.
All in all the trip was pleasant. I found quite a few plants I could use for spells, a feather I could use for an air focus, and in general it was just nice to socialize. That’s what online games were mostly about after all. It was a place for nerds like us to meet people with the same interests and whom we could relate to.
Both MoProblems and I had hopped back to the real world for a break and some food. During which I’d discovered how sore my legs actually were. I’d never really thought of it but this system used your real movements to control your character. It was real exercise. Which likely explained why I’d lost most of the gut I’d been sporting before Nexus had abducted me.
I logged back in and MoProblems was still laying on the ground motionless. At first I was confused, but figured out you didn’t actually leave the game when you logged out. Your character just went to sleep. That made camping out very dangerous. I’d have to start building barriers again. That was likely for the best anyway. I needed to grind up my magic skills after all, and I had some ideas I wanted to try out.
I browsed my skills while I waited. My elemental magic and earth magic had leveled after my trick with the earth wall. That had been pretty damn cool if I did say so myself. More interestingly, I’d finally had time to check out my new ability for getting my Two Hand skill to beginner rank.
Heavy BlowA Focused strike that burns large amounts of stamina in exchange for power.
Rank: Novice I
Damage Multiplier: 3.0
Stamina Cost: 100
That was a pretty strong strike but not really that useful. A full powered strike was usually enough to kill pretty much anyone anyway. And one-hundred stamina was about three normal fights worth, and would leave me with a whopping 4 stamina. For one strike it wasn’t a terribly good trade, but new moves meant more options and options were always good. Down the line it might be useful.
A flash of blue light appeared next to me, and MoMagicMoProblems suddenly sat up. He blinked a few times before turning towards me and pushing himself to his feet.
“So how long you planning on playing today? We’ve already been at it most of the night?” I asked. I was planning on a super-binge, but I was now honor bound to my apprentice. I would have to stay in the area if he was going to log.
“Pffft , It’s a brand new MMO. The best one ever. I’m not leaving this thing for any reason other than food and bathroom breaks.” He said grinning.
I laughed. “That’s what I wanted to hear.” That was one worry taken care of any way. I’d likely crash out in another six hours or so, but it was best to get a good foothold.
We started off north battling the occasional goblin and a couple weird forest spirit things. I didn’t really do much, leaving my gnome apprentice to use his magic and get some XP. We were camping to let him recover his mana when he pointed to the west. “That’s smoke isn’t it. I wonder what’s going on?” I looked the same direction and saw a plume of white smoke rising in the distance.
“Looks like a quest to me.” Quests were always good.. We set off, and it didn’t take us long to find what we were looking for. We crested the next small hill, and saw a village in ruins before us. Fires still blazed but most of the buildings on this side of the village had already burnt down. The village looked similar in size to Valor’s Crossing, but the style of construction was slightly different. I could see humanoids of various races digging through the rubble and filling packs with loot. We approached more cautiously taking note of our surrounding and looking for an ambush.
The quest window popped up in-front of me. It seemed I’d be getting more pop-ups than I was used to now that I was a real player.
Justice for HillsbrookOrc’s have raided the town of Hillsbrook and stolen away most of the women. The men have left to get them back, but they left the town empty behind them. Bandit’s have moved in, and begun looting the village. Stop the bandits, find the orcs, and obtain justice for Hillsbrook.
Recommended Level: ???
Difficulty: ???
Rewards: ???
“That’s detailed.” MoMagicMoProblems said sarcastically beside me.
“No kidding, and those don’t seem much like bandits to me.” I said watching the looters from a distance.
“What do you mean. What would they be?” He asked, curious.
“If I had a guess? Players. Look at all the different races, elves, humans, dwarfs, There’s a fairy-girl with them, a sylph or something probably, and I think that guy is some sort of frogperson. NPC’s don’t really mix like that. “ I explained. There were about a dozen in all, but they should all be level one or two still. I was feeling pretty confidant. I started walking toward the village.
“A PK quest? Is that a thing in this game? And you're just going to walk over there and challenge them all” He asked his voice rising for a moment, then cracking before continuing at a more manly pitch. He jogged along behind me looking panicked. It was rather curious. I couldn’t think of any games where you actually got quests to kill other players.
“That’s the plan, and your helping. Most of them are level 1 like you. Throw some fire around, have some fun with it. It’s not like you’ve got anything to lose by dying.” The boy literally had no items and no money besides his book, which I figured was bound to him by his class. It’d be good experience even if he died.
We strode up to the village like we owned the place. A shout went up when someone spotted us and a few moments later a guy my age wearing some impressive armor walked out and met us at the village outskirts. He had short-cropped blonde-hair, sharp blue eyes and an arrogant look plastered to his too-pretty face. My irrational hatred of any male better looking than me, which was pretty much everyone, immediately placed this guy on my enemy list.
“This is out catch. Turn around and get out.” His voice had the tone of absolute command that only the extremely confidant or the extremely spoiled can ever quite manage. It was the kind of voice that expected the world itself bend to his will.
“Well, tough break for you but I’ve got a quest to kill you for looting this village.” I said taking no heed of his commands. I took the opportunity to check him over looking for anything useful. His gear caught my attention immediately. He was wearing a solid steel breastplate, a polished kite-shield, and a longsword with a golden pommel. This guy had WAY too much gear for someone a few hours into the game. Granted, I couldn’t exactly throw stones in the “too powerful for a noob” department, but he had me out geared and I’d been playing for a month.
A few of his apparent cronies started muttering but he cut them off with a glare and turned a sneer in my direction. “I got level boosted to 10 noob and bought a full set leveled gear. You really wanna fight me for some stupid quest go right ahead.”
Level boosted. How’d he manage that?I was strong for my level stat-wise, but I had no gear except my hammer. I suddenly wasn’t sure who’d win this contest. I’m sure I had more fighting experience in game than he did, but the big variable was the quality of his gear. Would it be enough to make up for my two levels? Most likely more than that. Too late now. I couldn’t chicken out in front of my apprentice. It would set a bad example.
“I think I do actually.” I said, activating stoneskin. I felt that odd sensation creep over my skin again. During the last fight I’d been too busy to pay much attention, but I looked down at myself as my body turned stone grey. Weird, but cool.
The knight just laughed. “Alright, buddy you asked for it. I’ll even give you a free shot.” He dropped his arms to the side then tapped himself in the chest with one hand. That was a bad move. I wasn’t sure I could fight him head-to-head but If he was just going to let me tee off on him he was screwed. In raw destructive potential I was king. I rolled my neck until it popped making a bit of a show of it. Then popped my knuckles and hefted my hammer off my shoulder. I took one hop-step forward and started my wing before activating my new ability.
Heavy Blow….
The head of my hammer started to glow with an orange corona of energy as it started forward. The swing accelerated and left an orange trail of power in the air as my hammer crashed into his breast plate. It sounded like I’d hit hit him with a wrecking ball rather than a hammer. His breast plate simply disintegrated into black mist. He flew backwards away from me with his chest completely crushed. He rolled on the ground before landing in a heap a good twenty feet away. It was pretty obvious he was dead. However instead of disintegrating into black mist as I was expecting there a ghostly figure of a young winged woman appeared behind him.
The angel was transparent and glowed with a soft white light. She raised her arms and the knights body vanished and reformed in a swirl of golden energy. Then he was standing in the same spot looking unhurt and thoroughly pissed off. Aside from his now missing chest-armor he wasn’t even winded.
Great, A paladin, the most over-powered, obnoxious, awful class to try and fight in a duel. They were like that in every single game and this one was apparently no exception. He walked towards me grinning. Wearing an expression that was 5 parts smug and 10 parts fury. He drew the gold-handled sword at his belt and fire bloomed down the length of it as he stalked towards me. My eyes widened. That couldn’t be standard equipment.
Oh crap, that strike had taken all but a few points of my stamina. I was panting and couple barely stand at this point. This wasn’t going to go well. He swung overhand and I raised my hammer to block, but it was a feint. He changed his swing into a lunge and and drove his burning sword into my chest. I gasped in agony, but gritted my teeth and in a last desperate move managed to pluck a single hair from his head as the world went black.
You have been Killed by a Player
You will respawn at the closest rez point.
You have lost 35 Gold
You have lost 1 Level
I respawned in the forest near the village. I could see the smoke from town in the distance but couldn’t see the other players anymore. I sat on the ground fuming. That bastard had made mincemeat of me with items he’d obviously paid real money for. not to mention his cheaty paladin resurrection power. I hated guys like him, spoiled, arrogant, and with all the money and influence they needed to back up their boasting. He was everything I despised in the world and he was probably Jasmine's boyfriend. They definitely deserved each other. I used that irrational thought to build on my anger and I was nearly snarling by the time I heard a gasp and a falling body behind me. MoProblems must have been dealt with as well.
“That really, REALLY hurt.” I turned to see my apprentice rubbing his chest. “I’ve got my pain settings at 50% and thought I was going to die... What are you doing.” He asked. I’d taken a stick from my bag and scratched a circle in the earth. I grinned maliciously and held up the short blond hair still clutched in my fist.
“Witchcraft” I said as started digging in my pack. “I’m going to curse that bastard until his balls fall off.” I took out a small shriveled grey mushroom, my water skin, and then paused. Did I really want to do this? I wasn’t really sure what would happen if I tried.
Screw that bastard anyway……
I reached into my pack once more and drew out a small shattered piece of dark stone. It seemed to suck away the light around it. Even in the bright afternoon sun, the clearing we were in took on an ominous feeling.
Fragment of Corruption(Mystical)
A shattered piece of the Orb of Corruption. Much of it’s magic has dissipated, but it’s still useful for amplifying dark spells.
Effects: Unknown.
“You know witchcraft? How’d you learn that?” MoMagicMoProblems asked beside me. poked the short blonde hair into the mushroom and sat in the middle of my circle.
“Let’s see, Fire obviously, but what else. Something insidious for that bastard. Water then.” I muttered darkly as I continued to prep my spell. “It was an accident actually.” I finally responded as I kept working. I learned it trying to figure out elemental magic. It’s got some solid buffs and protective spells but this is the first time I’ve ever sat out to actually curse someone.”I pulled out my water skin and sat it at one point. Then lit a piece of bark on fire for the other, finally adding a drop of my blood for death. No scratch that. Blood willingly sacrificed was good for white magic, but for black magic…
“Hey give me your hand a sec….” I said as I picked up a sharp rock. I turned around grabbed MoProblems proffered hand then stabbed him in the meat between his thumb and forefinger.
“What the hell!” he shouted as he pulled his hand away.
“Sorry needed blood.” I said as I placed the rock with gnome blood on it at the other tip of the triangle. I did feel bad, but It heal in a few minutes.
“You could just asked.” He grumbled under his breath.
“I couldn’t actually. I am sorry but you have to use blood that you took without permission for curses. It’s in chapter three of my witchcraft book.” I explained while I finalized my spell.
I drew the symbol for vigor in the middle of the circle and was about to add the fragment when the world froze.
I winced. Mom had apparently found out after all. I was afraid she might. A throaty laugh came from behind me, and I turned to see Baria in her full splendor. She was dressed the same as before, her white toga immaculate, and her golden hair spilling down over her shoulders. She had a small mischievous smile on her face and her eyes twinkled with laughter.It was the kind of smile that had toppled Troy.
“I’ve never actually been a mother before. Procreation is something my kind don’t bother with.” Her voice was as warm and smooth as ever, touched with a hint of amusement. Was she reading my thoughts?
“Well, you should try it sometime. It’s a fun with a good partner. Besides I thought you said you had a son?” I asked puzzled. It was hard to think with her standing this close to me. I just wanted to lay down at her feet and hope she scratched my belly.
“Son is….. the most obvious comparison, although derivative may be a better word, but that is a discussion for another day. I came here to prevent you from doing something foolish because that boy stung your pride.” She said her voice becoming serious.
I sighed. “I figured, So you don’t want me to curse him?” I asked my voice petulant even to my own ears.
“It is not my place to tell you what you can and cannot do. Merely to inform you of consequences. Witchcraft is about balance, and balance requires darkness as much as light. Is a spell to curse one who has done wrong, worse than a spell to bolster someone who will use that strength for ill?” she continued in her honeyed voice.
“You humans attach stigma and disgust to the oddest things. A man who builds his wealth on the suffering of others is, while not lauded, is at least allowed to do so. While a man who steals that wealth to feed his family is punished. It is illogical and arbitrary, but I have strayed from my point. ”
“Your spell is not evil. Your anger and pride are unfortunate, but not unfounded. However that” She said pointing to the shard still in my hand. “Is evil, in it’s truest form, It’s only purpose is to corrupt and destroy, to grant power to those who have not earned it. In that state the damage it can cause is minimal, but you’re being a hypocrite by employing something so foul.
I sighed. “Alright fine, you win.” I said and reached out with the shard on my hand trying to give it to her. I saw a flash of fear in her eyes for the first time and she took a step away from me.
She shook her head. “I told you that was dangerous. Much more so to me than to you, but my son has forgotten that I still hold sway in this world.” She closed her eyes for a moment and a blinding golden beam emerged from her hands. It poured onto the stone, and there was a violent clashing of energies before the darkness broke and the stone turned the same shade as her golden eyes.
“More souls pour into this world by the hour young geomancer. To them it is a diversion, a place to play the hero, to rescue damsels, and escape from their lives for a time. However, to my kind it is our home. As more souls enter this place this world will grow. That growth will bring with it wealth, glory, strife, and war.” She looked deeply into my eyes for a moment making my brain stutter. “I’ve chosen you for my side Thomas Ritter.“ She smiled at me fondly and my heart lurched. I really could not get my head straight around this woman, or goddess, or whatever.
She pointed at the golden shard I was now holding. “That is not come trinket to use for impressing a girl, or smiting some dragon. It it’s a piece of me. Use it only when great need arises, and only for the noblest cause. Now go, I’ve lingered over-long in this place.“ With that the world crashed back into motion and she was simply gone.
I shook my head trying to absorb all the information she’d just given me when MoMagicMoProblemss voice intruded on my thoughts. “So how does it work? Is it like rune magic?” the young gnome behind me asked, completely oblivious to the conversation that had just taken place. Right the spell.
I ran my hands through my hair then put the now golden shard back in the bag. “Uhhhh… Kinda. It’s a combination of a lot of things.”
I explained the basics to him then told him to give me some silence as I powered the spell. I used the vast majority of my mana and the colors swirled and danced. This time instead of the neon bright colors my witchcraft normally produced, the energies the circle produced were more dark and saturated. They melded themselves into a vile bilious green as I shaped the spell. l and broke my circle, and the swirling power shot off in the direction of the village. I Grinned as I imagined the look on his face. Baria hadn’t told me not to curse him. She’d just told me to do it with my own power.
Player Theodore sat on a stump near the village smiling. They’d been able to round up a couple hundred gold worth of weapons, ore, coin, and other items. It was easy money, his favorite kind. The biggest haul had come from that noob though. He’d dropped 20 gold by himself. Bastard must have had at least 50 gold on him. It was a fortune with gold prices the way they were now. He should know, He’d spent more money on his armor and weapon than he had for his game system. A player only lost a percentage of the gold they were carrying when they died, and then they dropped an even smaller fraction of that.
Didn’t matter though. He’d killed that hammer wielding idiot. Thankfully his resurrection ability had been up. It would be days before he could use it again, but he’d won in the end. He was glad his uncle had conned him into playing this. His uncle worked as mid-level manager at Nexus and had wrangled a Jump-Start code for Theo. Personally, he wasn't sure he wanted to play a video game with his uncle but he had enjoyed it so far. Seeing the look on that guys face when he stabbed him, priceless. He rubbed a hand across his bruised chest while sneering. Then something hit him from behind and he gasped as nausea and weakness assaulted his body.
You have been Afflicted with Curse of Impotence
Magic: Witchcraft
Duration: 3h
Effect: End -4, Con -2, UBstr -2, LBstr -4, Attractiveness with NPC’s of the opposite sex decreased by 50%.
Note: I put this chapter up early, because I think I'm gonna have to re-write the next part. When I was going back through and editing I decided it wasn't quite up to snuff. So It'll likely take a bit.
As always thanks for the reads, and I saw a couple new positive reviews. Thank you everyone, and I hope you'll keep reading.
Edit: Spelling/Grammar
Edit2: From the comments, and after talking to a buddy I've mind I've edited the last part to explain why the Paladin was level 10.
- In Serial8 Chapters
Cultivator vs. System
To hang out, join my Discord server! Book 1, The First Step is on Kindle, KU, and Audible! Book 2 follows on July 26th. Book 3 is currently on my Patreon and will migrate to Amazon eventually. If you'd like to read my newest free work, check out Good Guy Necromancer on Royal Road. Screw your System. I just want to cultivate. Long Fang is stranded in a foreign world where proper cultivation has been replaced by annoying blue screens. He is confused and alone, but not for Long. He completely ignores the System. He makes friends. He forms his own, wholesome sect, and spreads cultivation across the wild world. But blue screens do not take kindly to rejection, and Long Fang’s stubbornness soon finds him pitted against the forces that be. To overcome the System tribulations, he must quickly grow stronger and wiser… But first, he needs to get past that one annoying town guard. This is a fun, light-hearted read, not a deep one. Chapter updates are M-W-F, and constructive feedback is more than welcome. Thank you for reading!
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My Girlfriend, the Necromancer
The power of the Orb cleaves the skies and shatters the earth. It heralds the advent of a new era, one where humanity is no longer at the top of the food chain and we must rise to the challenge when faced with our own extinction as a species. I could hardly care less. All I ever wanted was to love my Allie, to grow old and wrinkly by her side as I held her hand before taking my last breath on this green earth. To have our love echo through the ages, an ode to the last great love story on the planet, one that would endure the end of humanity, the breaking of the world, and even defy the dread summons of Death itself. It’s said that when the gods unleash their fury upon mortal kind, they grant their wishes. Well, crap. This is a gritty end of the world survival story with modern fantasy/romance/game-like elements in it. The main focus will be character development while stats and menus are there as a fun vehicle to empower the imagination. This is a work in progress and I deeply appreciate any helpful suggestions, so please don't be shy with input! Currently posting at least one chapter per week.
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The Fat Prince Volume 2: A Hero Among Thieves
Prince Cyrus Coates was once living in the lap of luxury, casting pixie dust to bring him food and write letters to his beloved Princess Trinity; but now he's out on the road trying to save his true love from a mishap he made. Joined by his magician-jester companion, Archibald and Princess Trinity's diguised femaled knight, Vanessa Montero, he vanquished the wicked Everblood singer Rosemary, but new troubles have arisen in her place. Cyrus has arrived in Thieves' Town, a district in Scum County where his royal parents have used their power to make the residents toil in mines for the prince's precious pixie dust. Unbeknowest to Cyrus, while he lounged at home, carelessly casting pixie dust for all his needs, common folk worked from dawn until dusk providing him with his luxury. Cyrus is forced to not only discover the truth about his decadent life style, but save the town of rogues from the forces of darkness that threaten to overtake the whole kingdom! Can Cyrus right his parents' grave moral wrongs against Thieves' Town and become a hero among thieves? Or will the Everblood menace triumph? Find out in this thrilling second volume!
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The Rise of the Rune Master
Did you ever ask yourself what kind of person you are? What if you got yourself in a difficult situation where you need to choose whether to sacrifice one person for the lives of many or risk the lives of many just to save one person? What would you choose? Alfred is a normal teenage college student. He has nothing special, his looks, voice, height, background, and talent. All of them are average. The only thing unique to him was his curious mind. If something piques his interest, he will find out everything he could about it and overanalyze it to make a theory in his head, even if it's useless and he will never use it in his entire life. One day Alfred finds himself in this new world, where danger is everywhere, and death is a daily occurrence. He will be forced to make difficult choices and decisions that will challenge his integrity. Can he survive until the end? or he will be consumed by the madness of sadness and guilt that will accumulate in his heart? Not all is darkness in this world, there are also some things that will give Alfred hope. He will learn a mysterious power called a rune that will give him the power to protect his life and his people. Can this mysterious rune become the savior of Alfred and his people or this mysterious rune will be the reason for their demise? [Author's note. English is not my main language. I'm trying to study more, and expand my vocabulary to improve my work. If you like my story, please add it to your library, I will upload a chapter every day. If you want to support me please give this work your review thank you.]
8 73