《Clockwork》Chapter 4 Tanks


Our group of 10 poorly fitted clockwork slowly climb down a rough path in the scrap mountain towards the clearing.

Before reaching the place we split up into 3 groups with my group having one extra Nova.

The plan was simple I guess. Two groups are going to flank the two drones. After agreeing they run away from the cave where the other spiders are. Some 100 m or so before confronting it. The third team will go first and assist one team to cripple the legs without damaging the engine then race over and attack the other.

We need the most usable parts possible.

Bulk, Nova, me and another girl are in one of the flanking teams.

We arrived soon after and waited to see the others. When everyone was in place the middle team gave the signal and both teams, minus Nova, jumped out and attacked.

Bulk keeping to his name had built something that should called more a hammer instead of a club. Two handed and half his size, 190 cm tall, he ran in front as the huge spider drone rushed us while the other ran the other way.

Before we reached it Bulk swung the club down and the spider ran right into it but it was aimed to the side so it hit its two front right legs.

"Move back." Bulk shouted.

Having caused lots of damage to it we moved out of the clearing and drew the spider away. Even with two legs broken it still had surprising speed to it.

We ran for about a minute and stopped and ran in different directions.

Bulk headed straight to the drone. I split to the left and the girl ran to the right circling and flanking the spider.

Bulk tried to do the same thing as before but this time the spider stopped and the huge club flew straight into the ground raising dust but that helped out as we approached.

My scanner already picked up the body of the spider and when I was close I swung in a horizontal swing smashed the middle rod of its third right leg and he collapsed. The girl also took one of the legs making it impossible for it to stand.


When the crippled warning appeared the other two smiled. I quickly scanned the structure of the spider looking for a way to turn it off but not find anything I thought of a better idea. I open my tool gear and move the others out of the way.

"What are...you doing?" Bulk asked

“Watch” I tell them.

The body was like a real spider. A three part body. I simply stumbled on the mid-section and pushed the spider down and with my tools I began unbolting the head and with the bolt cutter tool I slowly ripped the head off. When I removed the final wire I got a really interesting message.

You have deactivated the Autonomous Drone. Body has completely shut down and it can be completely scavenged.

I picked up the head and tossed it up and down.

“Done.” I said.

The other two had their mouths dangling on their hinges watching me remove the head.

Surprisingly the head is quite big. About half the size of mine and with a really cool head piece.

Looking at it the head width and length matched a clockwork but it just wasn’t the size of a human head. With one of the screwdrivers I added to the tool gear I unbolted the head piece and looked at it from inside. It was surprising a bit to find it had a few circuits on it. I did a scan to see what it really was.


Drone faceplate (head gear)

An autonomous drones face plate. It’s a piece that cover up the head and holds part of the scanners of the drone. It also works to amplify message system within the hive network of the drone. It works together with a transmitter module inside the head to amplify the range that messages can be sent as well as increase scanner range, power and clarity.

Durability 40/45

I blinked a few times and re read this.

To think the face plate had such a function. From the looks of it I can attach it to my head if I replace part of my face plate.

I then look at the brain circuits and find half a dozen parts that I saw Rust using to repair me. Only difference these are MUCH newer.

A small smile appears as I open my inventory and store both the head piece and the brain.

“Let's get working.” I order them.

I move to the side and start working on its legs. We were going to separate the body from the engine and then take it to the Tanks.

From what I harvested from the drone were the undamaged leg joints. They were similar to the ones in my body. Many were just like those in my hands so if I could replace them or build a new hand I could have a new hand that didn’t shake from being old. Also all the iron plating were removed and what could be attached at the moment was changed out. I gained 2 toughness from replacing parts of my arm with new iron plates that fit their.

Once all the gears and such were removed and stored we began moving the engine back near the clearing. It was really heavy but halfway through the support group arrived and lightened the load. When we reached the clearing I face palmed myself. Why?

I find Nova holding a normal club in both hands above her head and fighting the small collectors. They fight by jumping and timing it right she hits them like a baseball making them fly far and not only get damage from the impact but from the fall.

"Hahaha...she would...make a...good baseball...player if...she could...do that...against monsters." Bulk jokes.

“I told her to stay hidden” I said irritated.

"Nope you...told her...to not...fight the...drones. She is...currently fighting...even weaker...bugs." Bulked replies.

I go quickly and help clean them up and scold her for being reckless. But I pat her on the head for killing so many. With a scan I see she leveled up though I did as well, which meant that she killed a lot of collectors to level up.

We quickly gather the bodies to dismantle later and then get out of their towards the Tanks.

A quarter of the way we meet up with the other group and find them carrying their own engine.

All the while our bodies creaked under the weight of the engines.

"FUCK!! I feel...like my...body is...about to...fall apart." Bulk shouted in protest along with his body

"Ha It's not far...from that Bulk." One of the other player say.

This brings about a many robotic monotone laughs.

"I can’t wait until we...can get some voice boxes...that actually show our emotions. Being stuck with such a….monotone voice is depressing." Another one said

“Work harder than.” I replied to their badgering.

The message is sent to everyone and a few chuckle.

After 20 minutes walking in the uneven scrap we finally see them. Standing in a somewhat clear area we see them.


“Hey isn’t it strange that the Tanks are in a clearing with little trash lying about?"

"Nope. Rust said...this was...where the...spiders gathered...their metal...at one...point. They are...too heavy...to move...so they...are left...behind." Bulk said.

As we arrive we place the engine in front of the tanks.

We needed to look up because they were easily 2 meters and 80 some cm. Nearly three times as wide to the size and their chest area was huge to hold the engine inside. The general body was human shape but it had a distinct look of a huge gorilla because his arms are long and are supporting his upper body while leaning forward.

I walked around it scanning it and soon I found a spot to open him up on his back. It open like a door, down the middle outwards. I open the first completely and find the insides missing a few gears and the whole engine.

I point at Bulk and to the others.

“Get to work. NOW!” I text. It lacked all the tension but the feeling coming from me was enough.

Everyone starts moving about and Bulk climbs the back of the next one and opens it up.

I look through all the gears and replace those that are broken and put new ones for those missing.

Once the chest space was done I moved to the head, shoulders, arms and so forth. It was easy enough to repair the damage in the head since it was just a few wires. The arms had a few small gears missing as did the legs.

With the check done we then move to the hard part. Getting the engine up. With 7 people we were able to push it up and after a bit we go it into position and attached the pipes, hoses and wires to all the places.

It took an annoyingly large amount of fuel and water to fill him up, 5 fuel cans we had and 7 of water.

I was seriously hoping this would all be worth it.

I climbed up and open his head cap and after looking a bit I find his on button and press it.



Nothing. I press it a few times but nothing.

“Nothing.” I said irritated.

"Maybe he needs battery power for his?" One player says.

"Is there a plug or something. We can transfer power to him?" Another one suggests.

Everyone started looking around and even near the battery but found nothing. At least until Nova looked at the most unexpected place.

"Hey bro I think I found it. Right here in his but. I looks like the electric thingy." Nova shouts.

When I finally looked back I saw her open her tool gear and the welder sparked to life and she shoved it right up the hole.

The next moment all the open plates automatically closed while the engine came to life. All the gears began moving. Moments later the eyes lit up.

I ran over and pulled Nova away from it after removing the welding tool.

When I looked back the giant tank was lifting his creaking body lifting his arms. It was slow at first but soon steam began appearing and I could see on my scanner that the battery was charging and the oil was beginning to flow.

The creaking soon began to lessen and his movements increased.

"What is this? Where am i? Activating scanners...Several worker class located in immediate proximity. System scan shows aging of over 2000 years. Body functioning at 40% capacity of original specifications. 2 Tanks in the immediate proximity shut down and heavily damaged. Lack of engine detected, replacement found." The tank suddenly said with a perfect unbroken voice.

It suddenly looked at the next tank and turned its body towards it and slowly walked over.

Each step shook the ground.

When it reached him he picked up the engine carefully and lifted it like it was nothing and dropped it into the open space where it went.

"Requesting working class to begin repairs effective immediately." It said.

We took a second to realize what it meant and a few of us ran forward and instructing him put the engine in correctly. Then we attached everything and did a check of the rest of the body in case we missed something then we tried to activate and like the other one it needed a charge.

This time I went up and shoved the welder into the plug and like the other it came to life and closed itself up.

It did the same as the first one but this time we already had half a dozen people on the last one but then the unexpected came up.

"The engine is damaged and we don’t have parts to repair it. We need to get back to the base and scavenge parts." A player said.

"Working class requires denied. Empire requires all tanks working." The first tank said.

I connect with the two tanks.

"Working class has established text communication. Speak."

“There is no empire left. The world is in ruin. We must take the last Tank to the base.”

I send a map leading to the base.

"Assessing if statement is true. Contacting kingdom...contact failed...all contact has failed communication stations not present in the area. Knight mode deactivating releasing restraints on tanks conscience." It said.

The lights in the eye that were a bright blue dims down to white like all of ours as did those tanks two.

"...Knight mode is off...What the hell! Where are we. Why is my body rusted!" The first tank suddenly shouted.

"We revived...you. Mind helping..us take... this guy...back to...the base...so we...can wake...him up...as well?" Bulk asked.

"Bolt is down huh. Let’s get him moving. System scan says only 40% capacity, fuck that is some screwed up damaged." The second tank said.

"Still enough to drag this idiot back." The first one said.

They were much more laid back then you would think something so huge to be. At least when they are themselves.

They walked on all fours like gorilla but I think it was because the body couldn’t hold their weight right now but when they grabbed the third tank each one stood on one side and linked one arm under the inactive one and lifting the arm over their heads. One then held the back while the other held near the waist and they lifted him like that and walked forward.

It was strange but it still worked and we were able to get back to the base with all three. Thankfully the circular metal piece that made the cave was large enough to let the three enter. They placed the inactive one in the middle and then moved back.

"Well that was fun. We really need some major repairs so we can stand up straight." The second tank said.

"You guys were...quick to finish...that mission." Rust said looking at the three tanks.

"It was...surprisingly easy...or maybe...those drones....were simple...minded." Bulk commented.

"You mean the spider drones? Work class like you should easily handle something like that." Tank two said.

"True but we...need you three...to handle the...Furnace queen. We need her...furnace to begin...making new parts...for our bodies." Rust explained.

"A queen...here?" Tank one asked.

"With our bodies only at 40% its power we would be pressed to subdue a queen with only three of us." The second one said.

"We can...fix you...up more. As you...see scraps....we don’t...lack." Bulk said.

"Scraps won’t handle our power but I guess it’s better than nothing." Tank one said.

"What we really need is for the weapons to come back online. Even the pressure fist is off." Tank two said very annoyed.

Tank 2 suddenly pops open his right arm and shows a few large glass orbs hooked to a suspension system just behind the wrist. It was connected to the engine. The pipes were leaking steam. The attack must run on steam power to make one hell of a punch.

"Anyway you guys...did great. Now...we have tanks...that we can...model our upgrades...after. We can soon...reach their power...by upgrades through...their guidance. Not only that...they can keep...us safe." Rust said.

Mission: Tank Revival (complete)

You have revived the Tanks and can now slowly upgrade to tank class clockworks.

Reward 2 levels

Tank Class discovered.

“What are you names?” I asked

"Right we didn’t say. I’m Reinfred Blacksteel though I guess it's Ruststeel now." The first tank said with a dry laugh.

"Hub Ironfist and this offline idiot is Bolt Spark" The second tank said introducing the third one as well.

"Hmm. Does the...surname have...anything to...do with...your most...defining feature?" Bulk asked curious.

"Nope but it’s something we aim for." Reinfred said.

"Bolt is a bit unique since he has electric weapons but as you can tell he will be useless for a long time before he can produce enough power to use them without draining himself." Hub said.

"Yeah it...will be...useless for...now." Bulk said.

"Lets woke him...up quick so...we can get...on with repairs...for all three...of you." Rust said.

“I’ll be in the workshop doing something for myself” I said.

I excuse myself as the others begin repairs on the giants.

I head with Nova to the workshop and I take up a workstation.

I pull out all the new gears I picked up and the small collectors and dismantle them. Their small engines were interesting but too small to be used for anything at the moment so I stored them in my inventory. With new material to work with I remove the plates over my right hand and disconnect my right hand and slowly dismantle it and begin replacing the joints with new ones while storing the old ones. Once done I built the hand up and connected it then began doing adjustments until I felt it was okay.

You have upgraded your left hand with new joints.

+3 dexterity

Closing the window, I do the same with my left hand and get another 3 points. With what remained I upgraded Nova’s hands as well. After it was done I was admiring how quiet the movements of my hands had gotten. No more creaking with every move even if it was very quiet it was still annoying. It also helped that my hands were no longer shaking because of the bad joints though I still had elbow and shoulder joints to find or make to completely stop the shaking.

With my newfound dexterity I took out and dismantled the drone brain and found the transmitter the description of the head piece mentioned. I store that for my personal upgrade later and remove the remains leaving only a few circuits left. The drone brain had quite a good catch to it.

I call Nova over and switch a few parts that I found doubles. She said the change gave her 2 intelligence and wisdom which made me smile.

With everything done on Nova’s part I take the parts I needed and looked for Rust.

I found him overseeing the repairs.

“Hey I found some parts for upgrades” I said.

He looks at me the shrugs.

"Good so go...replace them." He said indifferent.

“Brain upgrades” I said annoyed.

"Oh...Wait until Bolt...is up at least." He says turning to me.

"Bro if you need someone to change the things I can do it." Nova says.

I smile at her but I couldn’t trust her so much to leave my brain in her hands.

I resigned myself to waiting. When the Bolt started up it was like the other two but with a quick command from the other tanks the knight mode deactivated.

"Hm...Where is this...Hey you two bastards where are we." Bolt say as soon as he noticed the two tanks.

"Fuck you Bolt!" Reinfred shouted.

"Wars over and the world got fucked. We are in one of the scraps." Hub explained.

"What! The scraps that sucks. Found the exit yet." Bolt asked.

"We just woke up as well you asshole." Reinfred said insulting the ohe tank.

"Want to go." Bolt said ready to have a showdown with the other tank.

Rein and Bolt quickly got in each other faces but were separated.

"Stop fucking around or we won't get repaired enough to fight. Especially you Bolt. You are as low as 30% of your original specs just sit and let them start working." Hub shouts at the two of them.

"tch!" Bolt clicked his imaginary tongue.

*boom* *thump* *crash*

Each one let their weight fall on their asses finally calming down. We were a bit scared to approach but seeing it calmed down Rust ordered to begin before coming to me.

"Okay then let's...go inside." Rust said seeing the repair underway.

We went to the workshop again and I dropped the pieces down. His metallic eyebrow rose and he scanned the pieces.

"Drone headpiece...transmitter piece several…drone brain components. All new. Lucky man you...are." Rust said.

“Less talk more upgrade.” I said pointing to my head.

I was already sitting with the cap off.

"Want to put…this head piece…on." Rust asks.

I nod.

I heard him move a bit and then I feel him begin messing with my head...literally. Removing and replacing each part with one of the new ones. The finally part that was placed in was the transmitter. He then closed the cap and then took a screwdriver and unbolted a few screws and removed the head piece. This removed my vision and left me in the dark for a few moments. He then took the new one and put it on after connecting a few wires that go into it and then screwed it in.

With the new piece in my vision was finally restored and I had a much larger range of vision going more towards the sides. The scanner could also scan at a larger range.

You have upgraded your brain extensively..

+6 intelligence.You have changed your head piece. Improvements brought by the new head piece and adding a transmitter.

Larger visual range

Larger scanner rank

Range of text messenger increased from 5 meters to 20 meters

"This is quite...An impressive upgrade. Be careful of...others jealousy." Rust warned me.

“Don’t worry. I never trust anyone except my sister.”

"Yet you trust...me to upgrade...you." He said.

“It is a method for you to pay your debt to me for waking you up” I reply.

"...True. What of these...extra parts?" He asked.

“You can have them, I’ve already upgraded myself and Nova so have fun.” I said by message. "Come Nova." I said out loud.

I get up and walk away leaving the stunned Clockwork with a few remaining new brain upgrades. I see him pick them up from the corner of my eye and take them outside most likely to use on the tank to increase their brain capacity.

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