《Clockwork》Chapter 3 Scrapyard base


Nova and I just look at the broken Clockwork curiously though my sister had her hand on her mouth while chuckling.

"Is...everything ok?" The player asked.

I crouched next to Nova and whisper in her ear. She nods then starts talking.

"Who are you?" Nova asked him.

"Is there...a need...to ask...before helping?" The broken player asked.

"Bro doesn't trust anyone but me, mom and dad." Nova replied in a matter of fact tone clearly showing she was old enough to notice that.

"...Wow." Was all he says.

"Bro said no name no repair." Nova finally says sealing the deal.

"...Its Bulk...Bulk Steel" he replied.

I nodded then scanned the area. He had a left arm but the missing right. Like myself his legs were broken and were missing the gears.

"Nova." I called out.

She looked back after I called her and came over before I whisper again in her ear. I told her to tell Bulk about the gear box and his engine.

She did that while I look through the scrap. As I looked I also notice a number of Clockwork beginning to turn on. I scanned the inactive ones and found a right arm that was still functional and began scavenging it.

With two arms I worked much faster because my dexterity was back to 10 now. While I removed the arm I looked through the menu looking to find some way to talk without speaking vocally.

I found it. Simple text messages which is like a PM system but it only has a five meter range unless I find a part to improve that. I activated that system and on the bottom of the view a simple line appeared.

After I removed the arm I return to find Bulk releasing puffs of steam while he slowly works on his legs.

When I get in range I connect with him.

"Hey, sit straight and hold the arm while I attach it" I ordered him which takes him by surprise.

Bulk sits up startled and looked up to find me holding the arm. The tool gear on his arm withdraws before he sticks his arm out.

"So you...trust me now?" He asked tilting his head.

"Who said I'm speaking" I say looking down at him.

"Can you...at least...tell me...your names...since i…told you...mine." he asked.

“I’m Techno Gear and that is my sister Nova Gear” I replied in a deadpan tone.

I hand him the arm then guide it into place before I started to work to attach it.

"Can I help bro?" Nova asked

I find Nova standing beside me.

"Some...other time." I replied

"Ok..." she says.

She slumped down sad.

"Can you...look for...gears for...me." I asked not being able to handle seeing her so sad.

She visibly brighten and nodded before she began looking through the broken scraps all around.

"You like...your sister...a lot...huh." Bulk said.



It was a short reply to cut the convention.

I worked for a bit before I finished and Bulks arm was on.

He moved a bit the arm. Nova returned with her arms full of gears. She dropped it and the small gears on her face pulled back around her mouth making a smile. I pat her head and thanked her. I then started examining Bulks legs and see what gears are missing and replace them finally getting them working.

"Thanks. It might....have taken...me hours...before I...got up...and running." Bulk says as he slowly got up.


His flat toned robotic voice showed a few signs of excitement.

"Nova...come." I said and started to walk away heading down hill

"Hey...where are...you going?" Bulk asked as he watches us leave.

"Find a town or someone to tell me what happened." I replied not even looking back.

I send that message before picking up Nova and jump down to a ledge below. I was constantly scanning. Nova was helping me after I explained how to use the scanner.

Bulk was following us and from the shifting in the lights from his eyes, he was scanning the rubble as well.

We spent a few hours walking around but all we found was scraps and half repaired Clockwork that were in the process of repairing their legs.

"Hey! What are...you looking for...really?

"Don't know" I replied.

"If you want...answers why...not get...a random....inactive clockwork...working?" Bulk ask.

I stopped when he says that and thought about it.

""Ok then. Better than nothing" I say.

I looked around and found a mostly complete clockwork. I opened him up and fixed the gears there. I found that he lacked a battery so I put the extra one I got into place. Then filled the half-filled fuel tank.

"How does it turn on?" I ask.

"Look for an on button." Nova says before chuckling at the rather obvious answer.

"What about in the head?" Bulk replies.

I sit the robot up and pulled the head cap off and look around. It was like looking inside an old computer. It took a minute before I found a switch near the base of the head where it connects with the neck.

The robot shakes a bit as the engine comes to life. Soon a bit of steam appears from the pipes.

I leave him sitting down while the battery charges.

It was empty but began charging. When it hit 20% the charge suddenly dropped to 5% but the robot started up. The lights in his eyes turned on as his visual sensors turned on. Slowly it sat up making a lot of creaking.

"Who...are...you? Where...is...this? Why...is...my...body...so...rusty?" The reborn clockwork ask.

"Well...we wanted...to know...the same...thing. We repaired...you to...find out." Bulk says.

"I...see. I...remember...working...in...my...workshop. Then...war...after...it's...blank." he says in broken phrases.

"Do you know where this is?" I ask.

The Clockwork looked at me. I saw him scan me then look up and around.

"This...was...once...called...the...scrapyard. A...Clockwork...grave...made...by...other...races." he replies

A this point he began trying to move his body but sparks flew as he moved.

"My...gears...are...broken." he says.

"Bro only woke you up sir." Nova said flat out.

"Mind...fixing...my...arms...kids?" He asks.

I nod and pulled the gears out and fixed his right arm. With it working he began repairing himself.

"What's your name?" i ask him.

"Rust...Ironhide. Is...you...voice box...broken...boy?" He asks looking at me.

"Bro only talks with me. He doesn't trust people." Nova says.

"That...will...be...a...good...habit...in...this...world." he replies.

"Speaking of...voice box...yours seems...really bad." Bulk said as he questioned the robot.

"Yes...must...replace...it." Rust replies while he continues to work.

He finishes his repairs and gets up while examining his range of movements.


"*Beep* scrapyard...exit...not...found. Must...charge...completely...for...large...range...scan. Suggested...action...to...take. Make...shelter...and...make...stronger...body. Low...level...threat

..detected...at...2 km...north...east...and...west. South...safe...for...5...km." Rust says in a robotic tone showing that was the system after a relatively large scan.

"Let us head south." I say.

"Suggestion...head...east. Weakest...threat...quick...material. South...only...holds...scrap." Rust replies.


"I think we should at least try following him." Bulk says.

"Are we going with the robot?" Nova asks me.

I sigh after hearing Nova.

"Fine we will follow, we can learn more from you anyway" i say reluctantly.

I didn't look at him.

"We...should...help...other...awake... clockwork. Safer...in...numbers." Rust says.

I just shrug. We gathered tools, gears and parts from the surrounding scrap and Rust found a new voice box which worked good only pausing every third word.

From there we headed east with Rust leading and along the way we grouped up with several broken clockwork and a group of 5 raising our number to around 14.

We continued walking around the mountains of scrap and soon enough the night sky began to brighten up as the sun began rising.

2 km seems little but when you have large mountains of scrap in the way it turns into a mountain hike.

As we reached 1.5 km we found a spot that was somewhat flat.

"Suitable location for...making a base. 0.5 km east...is breeding ground...of low level...threat." Rust says.

We walked onto the flat area that fits everyone. It looked like a cave because a huge piece of metal was blocking the scraps from coming in. We watched as Rust pulled out the tool gear and with the welder on high power he began cutting the back. When he got half way he stopped since his power reached 20%.

"Rotate with me...to make a...door. We will be...digging into this...hollow area to...make a small...settlement." Rust says and points to the wall.

Understanding his train of thought I walked over and started cutting as well getting to the peak before stopping.

One of the others took my place as I sat down and refueled and added water.

"This should make...a good place...to start remaking...the clockworks nation." Rust says somewhat happy at the prospect.

“Have fun. I’m only staying until I can improve this battered body enough to protect my sister.” I say without caring about his opinion.

"Full power scans...have yet to...find an exit. The skies are...open but the...scrap yard is just...too vast." He rambles on like a poet.

"Then we...fly." i said.

I spoke those words as I got up and went outside with Nova and began to looked through the scraps finding plate pieces I was missing.

I notice him approach again.

"Your processors are...slightly damaged. Limiting your mental...capacities. Do you wish..for repairs?" He asks.

I thought for a moment while looking straight at him.

“Only me. I shall do my sister.” I tell him.

"Okay." He replies simply.

After that he walked around looking through old scraps and returned with a few dozen circuit boards and other wires.

"Shall we begin?" He asks.

I nod and sit cross legged after opening the head cap. I hear him drop the part and then start looking around. Soon I feel a him remove a piece and I feel myself get dizzy as he removes a part from my head but a moment later he put something in the spot and I felt even better than before.

It continued for about 20 minutes which in that time the door had been completely cut into the thick metal revealing all the scrap behind it.

When he finished and put the cap back on I felt renewed.

You have restored most of your robotic brains capacity by repairing it.

Intelligence debuff has been removed

Wisdom debuff has been removed.You have completely repaired your bodies systems and are working at full capacity. The trait Rusty body has been removed.

A small smile appears but vanishes as I stand up.

“Thank you. Teach me how to repair my sister” i said.

"The child doesn’t...need it. Her body is...newer than ours...and has less...damage." he replies.

I narrow my eyes at him but he just cracks a small smile.

"Shall we get...back to work. We still have...a base to...build." he said and escaped from my glare.

We walks off and begins instructing the others to start pulling the scraps from the opening.

I look down at Nova who smiles back. I do a quick scan which I have not done until now and see that he is correct. Her body is newer .

Must be a gift for having to live in this world with me or it's done for kids. Well at least that is one less worry. I thought before going to help l, Nova cheerfully follows.

What is done was mainly a mass scavenge of whatever was removed out of the way.

For an entire week we did that. We drained many seriously damaged clockwork of water and fuel because to us that is essential instead of food. All those who came with use were given repairs to the brain which wasn’t possible without someone doing it for them.

After that, a few went out and brought back some half repaired working players. But it didn’t stop there. Any clockwork that was dug out and still had a good working brain was repaired and brought back to life because they hold much more knowledge than us.

By the end of the week we had around 30 players and 10 npc and our base was somewhat reinforced and had 4 rooms and 1 large storage we cleared. Junk was thrown out so we didn’t have to keep it all.

In terms of skill gain just scavenging had any gain. Most of us are capable of repairing ourselves besides the brain and because of that when our bodies are working we stop improving except for the occasional metal plate which is changed or added.

Our stats change depending on how much padding we had mainly our toughness.

After this week we started digging out a new room but it was probably the most important. A workshop. As we are we are no more than walking scrap metal that can’t fight. The “threats” Rust picked up probably have materials we need but we can’t fight with bare fists.

The room was dug out in 3 days but now began the serious work. Rust took Bulk, Nova and I and began teaching us what workshop gear we needed. As of now it's impossible to make any form of forge because the fuel consumption would kill us all. Instead it was a few workstations and tools we were taught to make. This worked with our tinker skill so it began getting experience.

By the end of the week even Nova who was a child had learned how to use her game systems like status windows and was starting to get that we needed to work to survive and was helping with the construction. She learned how to bring out the tool gear and use it which helped but as any child with tools she had to be disciplined a few times before she understood it was for work and not play.

We had now several work stations with basic metal hammers and tools made for working. It felt more like a carpenter's station but as Rust came in with a few others holding pipes and other metals he began teaching us weapon making. Real basic crude weapon making.

From the pipes and metal sheets we had he had us make some clubs and rusty shields.

As you can guess we will be using this to fight. The tools we made were mostly stuff for shaping and bolting while the tool gear was still our main tool for cutting and welding.

Making our weapons like this gave us the skill Crude weapon making.

It’s a mix between blacksmithing and carpentry because we use a workstation of a carpentry with blacksmith materials.

Afterwards we were given time to get accustomed to them.

The next day Rust came to me and Bulk who were sparing in the base entrance trying to get a combat skill.

"Found you both. Have you grown...accustomed to the...weapons?" Rust asked.

"Calling this...a weapon...is an...insult to... real ones." Bulk said while looking at the cruel weapon in his hand.

He was right these are the stats on both the club and shield

Old Pipe club

A club made by welding three pipes together and having a flattened area as a grip. It’s a mediocre weapon used by the desperate.

Attack 5-8Rusty sheet metal shield

A club made by welding two sheets of metal together and cutting them into the shape of a small round shield. A small metal hand grip as bolted on the back

Defense 6-9

If you think of it as newbie weapons then it's better than most in other VR games but when taking into account that this game was made to be hardcore we can only guess how weak these weapons are.

"They are enough...you remember the...threats I told...you about?" He asks.

We nodded to him.

"I have scouted...them, here is...a visual." He said.

Rust has requested permission to upload video feed.YesNo

We press yes and a download bar appears on the upper right of our vision. When it finishes it also opens. It takes our whole view and we see what Rust did.

From high above we could see large autonomous spiders. They walked around guarding a huge cave in one of the scrap mountains near its base.

Every so often new spiders smaller ones appear and go back inside after picking up scraps. The area in front has been picked clean of all metal and actual dirt was below their claws.

The image changed to one closer but still out of view. I sense the scanner activate aimed at one of the bigger ones.

Autonomous Iron Drone

An iron spider recently built to guards its lair. Made of refined iron of low quality and programmed to attack on sight.

Basic sensor

Large engine

130 power battery

The image ended after that.

We looked at him for a moment.

"Recently refined...how?" Bulk asked.

"The queen. They are called...Factory queens. They are level...4 threats but...the drones and...gathers are only...level 1" Rust said.

The levels he is talking about is not like us who are level 1 but can go up. It’s a ranking system that determines the danger a threat poses. Level four is a boss class monster while level 1 is minion class.

"Don't say you want the queen dead right?" I said.

"I do but...we are all...two weak now. We need to...revive the Tanks." He said.

"Tanks what...are those?" Bulk asked curious.

A new request came for a download and we accept. This one was also video feed. It showed Rust walked south of the cave and suddenly he encounters three huge mechs two times his size. The name Tank fit them. He looked through them and found two were missing engines and the other with almost half his gears gone and a moderately damaged engine. All the brains were functional but some damage was detected.

The video ends there.

"Request revival of...those Tanks for...security. Heavy duty combat...units. Also need quality...parts for upgrades." Rust said.

Mission: Tank Revival

Rust has gone and scouted out the threats. Afterwards he encountered the remains of three heavy combat tanks. From the extensive damage they can't start up and your continued survival requires their services.

Difficulty F

Reward: Heavy duty units, ???

Success: Revive the tanks 0/3

Failure: Complete destruction of the tanks 0/3

"If it’s...so needed...I'm in. Techno?" Bulk said questioning me.

I nod as accepting.

"I'm coming with you bro. It’s boring working so much." Nova said pouting.

"Too...dangerous." I tell her

"Then you shouldn't go either." She says.

She is really smart for her age. I end up giving in because of the argument but on the condition that she doesn't get close to the big drones. A few others also joined in and after picking up gears and tools we needed for the repairs we take up arms and head over to the spot the cave is to get some fresh metal.

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