《All The Skills - A Deckbuilding LitRPG》16. Why Did You Run
For a startled moment, Arthur wasn't in his bedroll on top of a thick mat of straw. He was back at his home village, hiding under scraggly bushes as the red dragon roared and killed the soldiers underneath him.
A second dragon's roar shocked him out of sleep.
It was real. It wasn't a dream.
He's found me, was Arthur's first, panicked thought. The red dragon had told him to give the card to his father. It didn't matter that his father refused to take it. The dragon would only see him as a greedy, disobedient child...
Heart pounding, Arthur untangled himself from his blanket and stood. He was torn between running to the door, to explain to the red what had happened... and fleeing.
The animals in the stables shifted around nervously. They didn't like the sound of the predator outside, but the walls gave them the illusion of safety. It was early, too. Pre-dawn just started filtering through the cracks between the planks.
Why weren't people screaming? Surely, others must have been woken by the roar?
That curiosity was enough to cut through his fear. Arthur edged to the open entrance and looked out.
There was a dragon in the sky. Not the red, but a silver beast with a blue underbelly. It was making wide circles around the town, roaring at intervals as if to announce its presence. A silhouette of a rider sat on its back, swinging their arm back and forth in an exaggerated wave.
Arthur's fear melted away. He looked up in awe. A dragon and its rider were visiting the town.
All around, doors opened from houses and apartments as the townsfolk were alerted to their new visitor. Most looked tired but interested. Some seemed downright relieved.
The baron's man, the overseer, strode to a wide spot in front of the inn. As the largest building in town, it was the most distinctive. In contrast to the sleepy townsfolk, most of whom were still in the clothes they'd slept in, he was dressed in finely pressed pants and a fancy jacket. The buttons of his station gleamed in the early morning sun.
Turning, the man gestured for two boy assistants to come out from the crowd. They did, both carrying green flags. The boys went to either end of the courtyard and waved the flags.
Up high, the dragon gave a short bark of acknowledgment and completed a sharp turn.
As it came closer, Arthur saw it was smaller than the red had been. It was thinner overall, with delicate proportions including longer wings that looked almost translucent in the sun. The muzzle was sharp and pointed downward at the end like an old man who had a crooked nose.
It landed with easy grace. Its eyes were as blue as the sky. It looked around with alert interest and started sniffing deeply, swinging its head toward a nearby group of townsfolk. They drew back quickly.
The baron's overseer came trotting up to the dragon, desperate to be the first to greet and bow at the rider. He called up something to him but it was too far away for Arthur to hear.
Whatever he said, the rider ignored it. Instead, he straightened in the dragon saddle and stood up tall to balance effortlessly on the beast.
He was every inch a large, carded man. His dark skin was smooth and free of all marks. His eyes glowed the same color as his dragon's — an eerie blue that stood out from his face.
"Good people!" the rider called in a booming, practiced voice that easily reached down the street, "I am Sir Rider Chancy and this is Dashi. Our hive has received a request to settle the matter of a crime. What has happened here?"
Immediately, several townsfolk cried out with strident voices.
"My home's been broken into!"
"My jewelry stolen—"
"The schoolhouse has been ransacked!"
Chancy turned to indicate a squat, white, one-story building at the other end of the square. "Is that the schoolhouse?"
He waited for several affirmative answers before he leaped from the dragon's back and landed easily on the ground.
The growing crowd of townsfolk parted for the rider as he strode towards the school.
Arthur was enthralled. Forgetting all fear, he jogged to see what would happen next. Though more people were filtering into the square as word spread, they gave wide room for the dragon. Arthur squeezed in through the gaps. The dragon wasn't doing anything scary anyway. Just sniffing hopefully at people over like an overly-friendly dog.
He got close enough to see the rider point to one of the broken-out windows of the school. "When did this happen?"
"Three nights ago," the overseer told him, and added something else but the dragon was sniffing so loud, so close, that Arthur missed the rest.
He turned to see the dragon examining a nearby girl up and down. The girl stood stock still, pale in fright. She sagged when the dragon moved on.
What was it looking for? Food? Arthur wondered.
His father had told him that dragons were like beasts. The red dragon had spoken and mostly acted like a person, but this one was more like a friendly dog.
"Doshi!" Chancy called.
Immediately, the silver dragon's head popped up and it trotted over to its rider — as fast as a beast half the size of a house could trot. People quickly made way.
"Oh, this will be fun," said a familiar voice to Arthur's side.
He looked up to see that Red had joined him. The man had his arms crossed and was chewing a bit of wheat in his mouth.
"What do you mean?" Arthur asked.
"I've seen these two work before. The Harvest Moon Hive usually sends this pair out to resolve small-town complaints. Watch."
Both the dragon and rider faced each other. The man's face was blank in concentration, the dragon's eyes half-closed.
Suddenly, the entire town square was transformed.
It was still early morning, yet the pinprick of a hundred thousand stars now dotted the sky. Everything but the people had a strange, ghostly double outline. Like they were there... and yet not.
Some of the townsfolk murmured and were shushed by their neighbors. Arthur looked up at Red to see the man's attention fixed on the schoolhouse. Arthur did the same.
The windows looked... strange. Both broken and unbroken at the same time. An outline of the fake overlaid on top of the real. It hurt his eyes to focus too closely.
"Go later into the night," Chancy told his dragon.
The stars above wheeled a quarter turn like Arthur was seeing the night pass by in seconds.
Then the dragon spoke for the first time. "I see them."
The stars stopped. Around the corner of the schoolhouse in the not-quite night came the translucent image of four boys. They were laughing and joking, though no sound came from their open mouths.
With a jolt, Arthur recognized them all as boys from the dice game. Though out of the group, only the referee had been the one to ruff him up.
And it was the ref who, laughing silently, picked up a stone to fling it through the schoolhouse. The others quickly joined in.
Arthur flinched as the glass broke, even though there was no noise. Glass was expensive and precious back in his old village. To just ruin it for a laugh was... unthinkable. To do it when they were lucky enough to have a schoolhouse at all for teaching? Criminal.
When the windows were shattered, one of the boys got the bright idea to kick the door in.
Arthur wasn't the only one annoyed judging by the angry buzz of the crowd.
Chancy turned away from his dragon and the strange scene faded away. "Are these children known to you all?"
"Yes, Sir Rider."
"Then fetch them."
Arthur turned to Red. "What kind of card can do that?" And how did he get ahold of it? he added silently.
Red shrugged. "Dragons and riders link cards, you know."
Arthur shook his head. He had no idea.
Red snorted. "I've seen this pair's song and dance before — rumor has it, they've got no cards good for scourgling eruptions, so the hive sends 'em out to put on a nice face for the common folk."
Arthur did not care a bit about politics. He wanted to know how the cards worked. "Linked powers? Does that mean the dragons have a Special card? Like part of a set?"
Red shrugged again. Right. He was the wrong person to ask.
At that point, several of the boys were brought forward. One was the ref who looked sullen and defiant.
The baron's overseer pounced at once, demanding their ages and family names. He seemed disappointed when they were all under eighteen.
"If you were of age, I'd send your worthless hides to the border!" he snapped. The blood drained from the boys' face. "As it is, maybe a public caning and repayment for the damage to the schoolhouse will have to do. Until then, you will sit in the cells and think about what you did—"
Abruptly, the silver dragon thrust its long muzzle forward, sniffing so hard that several nearby ladies' skirts flapped in the wind. It seemed fixated on the ref. In fact, it nearly knocked the boy over in his enthusiasm.
"Chancy, we must not let this one go!"
"Easy now, Doshi."
The rider gently pushed the beast's head away and looked down at the ref. "What's your name, son?"
"B-Bertum. Everyone calls me Bert." He stared from the dragon to the rider to a frightened-looking couple who had to be his parents.
"Well, Bert. How about instead a caning and you working off the damage here, you come work for the hive instead?"
Bert's eyes grew wide. "Really?"
"Really. In fact, I'm certain the hive can replace those windows you broke right away if you agree to stay the summer. Is that a fair deal?" The last question was directed toward the overseer.
The man nodded. "Yes, yes. If you can handle him—and I'd better not get any word of you discrediting our town," the overseer said sternly to him.
Bert frantically shook his head that he wouldn't. The boys beside him looked shocked and stared at the rider pleadingly, but he ignored them. It seemed only Bert was to be given this chance.
Arthur meanwhile watched with a growing burning in his chest. It was envy so deep he could not put it into words.
Not that he wanted to see Bert get caned. Okay, not a lot. But he'd done a crime that would have had him sent to the border had he been a couple of years older. Instead, he was getting his sins paid for and, from the sounds of it, going with a dragon rider.
It wasn't fair. Arthur and his mother hadn't had the chance to go to a hive when his father got in trouble with the King. Not that they'd leave his father, especially since his mother had been pregnant at the time, but still! It wasn't fair.
One of the townsfolk gathered the courage to step forward. "Begging your pardon, Sir dragon rider, but there's the matter of our burglarized home."
"And my jewelry!" a woman added. "It was stolen right out of my shop."
Chancy leveled a stern gaze down at Bert. "Did you have anything to do with these crimes? We'll see the truth soon."
"No, sir!" Again, Bert shook his head. "I didn't and neither did my boys. It had to be someone else."
Chancy stared at him for a long moment as if weighing his words.
"Well, then let’s find out who was responsible. Shall we?" With that, he nodded to the man who'd had his house broken into. The man started leading him down the street. With a cheer, the townsfolk followed. The unlucky boys who had not been noticed by the dragon were pulled away, presumably to the cells.
Arthur started to follow the crowd. He was stopped when Red put a hand on his shoulder.
"Why do you stink of tobacco? And what's this?" He plucked something out of Arthur's hair. To his horror, it was a bit of crumbled leaf.
Arthur froze, his mouth working, trying to verbalize an excuse that his brain had yet to provide.
Being a short man, Red wasn't that much taller than Arthur. Yet at that moment he seemed to loom over him. "This is from Second's cart, isn't it? If I go through your pack right now, what will I find?"
"Nothing!" he said. "I just looked, I swear. And I put it all back. I swear!" he repeated. "I didn't take any of the—"
"Stop." He held up a hand. Then he sighed and looked around to see if anyone was nearby to listen. "I don’t want to know what Second's carrying under there. It's safer for me. Safer for you, too."
Bert had said he had a Lie Detector card. Arthur had been mostly sure he had been lying at the time but what if one of the local officials had something like that? Or stronger?
Red waited for a beat for Arthur to process that thought. Then in a lower voice he said, "I'm the caravan leader, but Second's a carded man. If he finds out what you did, I can't stop him from dealing with you in a way he sees fit. You understand me?"
Arthur felt the blood drain from his face. He felt faint. "Yes. I only looked, though."
"I don't think he'll care. Do you?"
Arthur shook his head.
Red sighed. "There's a stream just this side of town. Go wash. While you do, I'll be searching your packs. You swear you don't have anything you shouldn't have?"
"I swear."
"Go on then. Wash like your life depends on it."
Released, Arthur sprinted away.
The stream was more like a river, and it was ice cold. Arthur plunged in anyway, clothes and all. He came up sputtering.
This was a sheltered bend with a rocky bank and large green trees providing shade. The whole place was pretty and lush in a way he wasn't used to seeing yet.
The water was calmer in this bend of the river, too. In the gentle current he saw a dirty film come up from around him.
He swore he felt a twinge from his Tidying skill. There was no need to wash much in the border village, but he wondered if one reason why the adults disliked him was because he was a dirtball kid.
Arthur ducked under again, rinsing out his hair. Then he shucked off his shirt, pants, and shoes.
He set the boots on a nearby rock to dry and started working to get the worst of the stains out of the rest. The worst came away in blooms of dirty water, but he kept scrubbing to loosen the ingrained stuff.
He would have rather seen the dragon and rider using more magic than doing his laundry... but he was well aware he'd gotten off lucky. He'd gotten so used to the pungent tobacco scent that he hadn't realized it was on him. And if Second had noticed the bit of leaf in his hair... well, he might have killed Arthur just to make sure he carried none of his cards in his heart deck.
Again, he was lucky that Red didn't know enough about cards to check there.
Stupid, stupid, stupid! he berated himself.
How many times was he going to avoid disaster by luck until it caught up with him?
He scrubbed his shirt harder, annoyed with himself.
There was no warning. There was no noise or any sign he wasn't alone in the river at all.
Arthur turned, shirt in hand to lay it on the rock to dry.
Doshi the dragon stood on the river's bank.
"Hello, boy. Why did you run from me?"
- In Serial29 Chapters
Just Don't Shoot the Quartermaster
Aliens are real! And monsters! But that's racist, don't call them that. And there's magic too! The life of humble, hard-working Carioca*¹² Rafael Barro is thrown into disarray when the interstellar Multi-Unity Alliance comes knocking. During the negotiations to take Earth in as a Protected Member-Planet for the glory of our AI overlords, the aliens ‘accidentally’ break the Veil that keeps the mythics protected from humanity’s knowledge, revealing the creatures of legend and myth that were hiding among us for millennia — from the doorman to global leaders. After a series of mishaps in his ever chaotic Brazil, our intrepid hero decides to join the Unity's Army, where he ends up as a inglorious… quartermaster. The Unity takes all recruits to make matters worse, including the mythics! And the cherry on the damn pie is Rafael Barro’s extra assignment: writing this historical first-hand report on the wonders of Earth’s diversity, the seamless adaptation of all its members, and on his gallant units’ first stellar expedition ever to defend another precious*³ world! Are we talking about the same planet? (Reader discretion is advised; Contains Graphic Language and Potentially Excessive Swearing) *¹ Carioca = demonym of someone from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. *² humble and/or hardworking Cariocas = not necessarily mythics, ordinary ones actually exist. *³ precious = inasmuch every living planet is precious. Editor's Note: Someone disable his permission to edit the draft on UnityDocs, please! Hello, I'm McKing and I aim to write an original story with elements I've never seen put together before. Feel free to point out any mistakes you see — I'm not a native speaker, so I'm sure a few will pass me by. Sci-fi; Humor; (Brazilian) Urban Fantasy; faint shades of LitRPG. **Be warned it has a bit of an (absurd) slice-of-life beginning though the story is being subtly (I hope) worked on and eventually shifts gears (a bit). I planned to say that from the beginning, but I forgot to add it.** I hope that you enjoy it and that I can grow as a writer with your contributions. No Fixed Update Schedule. My inspiration comes in bursts and so will the Chapters. Sorry if that displeases you (I love regular updates too), but I'm afraid that's the best I can do for now. Keep in mind that it is a work in progress and things can eventually change a bit - I'll try to always note the changes. Sorry for the bad cover, it was the best my sorry skills could do! I hope you enjoy it,Mcking
8 85 - In Serial13 Chapters
Those Who Wander
Gave into temptation to rewrite. Story under construction.
8 164 - In Serial13 Chapters
Chronicles of Nirn
On hiatus while I rewrite. Freyja is more than your average adventurer . . . That is, she would be if any adventurer could be called average. She travels across Tamriel with her family. Crazy politics, troubles with local villages, relationship problems- bad luck always seems to find this unfortunate traveler at the worst times. Will Freyja survive life's heartlessness? Or will she be overcome beneath its ruthless trampling? Follow alongside to uncover this unhappy traveler's fated path! Note: This is book one of a five book series. Note: I had help from the Royal Road community to write the synopsis. Special thanks to all the authors that contributed! Important!!!: This is an Elder Scrolls/Skyrim fanfiction. I do not own nor claim any sorts of rights to the incredible game Bethesda has created! I’m writing this for fun. [WARNING!!: Contains beheadings, backstabbings, murders, lots of gore, mild swearing, drugs, and the use of alcohol. Content may not be suitable for all audiences.] This is my first book, so please don’t judge the grammar too harshly. I’m leaving all the editing for when it’s done anyway. Note: I am writing on Webnovel, Scribble Hub, and Royal Road. IMPORTANT!!: I will be working mainly with the user Lyric_Drake. I give credit to them, because they have helped develop the story and what will come afterwards. They also helped with lore and character design. And they came up with the title! So great job Lyric_Drake, and thank you!
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Skeptic Loyalties
Loyalties Where do they lie? With your loved ones With your leaders perhaps your friends Maybe yourself doesn't matter, sit and listen. A story of trust, betrayal and lies. This is just a past time so don't expect too much. Ps This does not have a set chapter release schedule. Maybe Weekly?
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A Different kind of Hero (Marvel)
With his wish, he was set free from his hell-like world, now on another world follow Alexander on his quest to reclaim normality.. or some of it sigh.... who am I kidding! his in marvel universe for god sake where is normality in that! Just to let you know I don't own Marvel
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" Marry me" He saidI was shocked why he wanted to marry a murderer. Yes , he consider me as a murderer while I know the whole truth I just hope one day he come across the whole truth . "No" I replied" I am not asking you, am ordering you" He said gritting his teeth in anger. Zeeshaan Mallik - A 28 year old business man, Aggressive, Possesive, Dominant, Handsome,Passionate and Abusive. Daneen Khan - A 21 year old, fragile, soft, kind-hearted and lovely girlHow their life will be if fate will tie them up together in a bond of nikaah with alot misunderstanding , hate and anger. Read the story to find out.
8 127