《No Longer a Game》Chapter 3: Ascent
The Mountain of Yune wasn't the tallest mountain on the continent. It wasn't even the tallest in the kingdom. It was, however, the coldest. Yune was on the northern edge of the Todos kingdom. The kingdom itself was located in the far north of the continent. The temperature could easily drop below freezing every day.
Therefore, Thadius was very fortunate that he had made his hike during the spring instead of fall or winter. Not only would it be below freezing around the clock, the snow would make it nearly impossible to travel. In Yune, once the snow set in on the mountain, no one would go up. Anyone trapped on the mountain after the first snowfall was considered dead.
+1 Strength
+1 Stamina
Thadius had gotten a few of those messages as he jogged up the mountain. After the first few minutes of his relentless climb, his stamina had fallen dangerously low. He hadn't experienced any fatigue, but he had a feeling that completely depleting his stamina wouldn't be a good thing. With that in mind, he would slow down to a determined walk or sit down for an hour to recharge before picking up the pace again, but he wouldn't wait until it was full.
In fact, his stamina hadn't been full since he left Tony's house. With every message, he could go a little longer before he needed to rest, and the hiking became easier. So he took in the scenery along the way.
The forest all around the trail was alive with wild life. It clear that regular animals weren't counted as monsters. Yet, no matter how far he went, he didn't see a single predator. Were carnivores counted in the monster category?
While lost in thought, he received this message.
A mysterious pressure is being exerted. Stamina consumption will be increased by 10%.
Just when he had settled into a rhythm, this sort of message pops up. Thadius sighed in exasperation. 'I can only keep going.'
Thadius reached the end of the trail after about 15 hours. If that mysterious pressure hadn't hindered his progress, he might have made it sooner, but Thadius wasn't to type to dwell on it.
You've reached the end of the Yune mountain trail. Beyond this point, the air thins gradually. Stamina consumption will be increased by 2.5%. The penalty increases in correlation with altitude.
Thadius sighed again. It was bad enough that some mysterious pressure was making it harder to progress, but now the air he breathed was working against him.
He was thankful that this was a game. Going at the pace he was with only a few short breaks, would have been extremely taxing in real life. If at all possible.
'Those stat gains really helped out.' he thought as he chewed on another piece of jerky.
A quick snack for a weary traveler
For the next 3 hours:
+15% stamina regeneration
While thanking a certain old man, he pressed on. But he hadn't gone far before his troubles increased.
A mysterious pressure is being exerted. You are getting closer to the source. Stamina consumption will be increased to 15%.
'There shouldn't be any monsters, but has anyone actually checked beyond the trail? They wouldn't claim it was true without checking the entire mountain, right?'
A seed of doubt had been placed in Thadius' mind. As a level 1 player, an encounter with anything that could survive on the mountain would be hazardous at best. He wanted to get to the peak, but he now had to consider whether or not it was worth dying for.
Thadius looked back the way he came, then he looked toward the misty peak.
'I've already come this far, and I am a little curious about where this pressure is coming from.'
He set off again at a moderate pace. He couldn't jog with all the penalties working against him, so instead of trying focusing on speed, his new goal was to simply keep moving. With the evening sun on the horizon, he knew the cold would assault him as soon as he let his body cool.
Fatigue finally set in after several grueling hours. His stamina was still in the green, but it was mental fatigue that plagued him.
-Hey, Brandon. The doc has been nagging me about getting you out of there for some grub. Just say 'logout'
There was a bright flash as he was taken back to reality. The lack of feeling below his neck was an immediate reminder of his harsh reality.
"So, how was it?" Curtis greeted him with a smile as he took off the Dark Chariot. He had been watching the playback footage, but he wanted to hear about it from Brandon.
"If felt good. I never thought I'd get another chance to walk or run. Thanks, Curt." Brandon said with a satisfied smile.
Curtis shook his head and patted his head. "Don't thank me. All I did was make a suggestion. It was better than having you watch T.V. all day in my opinion."
"Definitely better than T.V." Brandon quickly agreed.
"And now that you've experienced it for yourself, do you have any questions?"
Brandon had plenty of questions, but the rumble of his stomach interrupted his train of thought.
"Ah, that's right. Let's talk while you eat." Curtis brought over the tray that had a hearty looking meal on it. Thadius was ravenous after Chaos Online had awakened his long-lost appetite.
During the meal, the two conversed between every spoonful. Though Curtis did most of the talking, Brandon was surprised by how little he knew about the game.
"So all I have to say is 'status' and I can see my progress?" he asked.
"Yeah. It shows you everything, from your class skills to stats." Curtis nodded.
"And how do I get a class?"
"Depends. I'm a Squire right now, which is categorized as a pre-class. I got it by volunteering.
If I fulfill the requirements, then I'll become a Knight. At least I hope so, the guy I'm serving is an asshole." Curtis sneered as he mentioned his in-game lord.
One of the main selling points of Chaos Online was its class system. In most games, once you pick a class, it's disadvantageous to switch. Sonsoft went the extra mile and developed what they call the 'Lawless' class system. While the game supports a full roster of beginner, hidden, rare, and unique classes. The Lawless class system introduces hybrid classes for even greater chaos.
Hybrid classes are exactly as they were advertised. They're classes that are born from a specific combination of classes and abilities. A Mage that has learned a specific number of spells and switches over to a Soldier has the possibility of unlocking the Spellsword hybrid class. Most people would think that a Spellsword wouldn't be able to cast spells like Mage or fight as well as a Soldier. With the Lawless system, that way of thinking is incorrect. A Spellsword is both a Mage and a Soldier while also being able to learn all the abilities of both classes. The Spellsword also has the benefits of said classes.
Unfortunately, the requirements for getting a hybrid class are hidden, and the skills from classes outside the formula, cannot be used. Most importantly, once a hybrid class is chosen, the player can no longer switch classes. So if the Spellsword also learned Healing from the Priest class, the skill can no longer be used since the Priest class was not included in the pre-requisite classes for unlocking it.
"But wouldn't that just cause people to get a bunch of classes and level up the skills?" Thadius asked after Curtis had finished his explanation.
"No. Unless it's a hybrid class, using skills from different classes won't be as effective. You can still use them, but you won't have the benefits from the class, and the skills will level up slower than normal."
"But a knight throwing fireballs is still dangerous..."
"But a Spellsword throwing fireball is deadly." Curtis countered.
"So hybrids are better?"
"Of course, but they're hard to get since you'll never know the requirements. Not only that, if you plan on getting a super hybrid, you'll be spending most of your time playing other classes anyway."
"Super hybrid?" Brandon frowned. The number of new terms he just learned was beginning to overwhelm him.
"It's just a term people came up with for hybrids that have advanced or rare classes a pre-requisites."
"You can combine any class!?"
"No. Unique and pre-classes like the Squire will never be pre-requisite classes for hybrids. That has already been confirmed."
"But the rare and advanced classes can?"
"Beginner classes too. I just told you I'm a Squire right? Knight is the next level, so it's an advanced class. If I switch to a Mage and advanced to a Black Mage, I could probably get the Dark Knight hybrid class." Curtis explained with a thoughtful expression.
"Right? But I have no idea if the class even exists. I'd basically be playing by faith alone. So even if hybrids are powerful, getting them is a pain in the ass. And if you jump the gun and get one early, you might miss out on a better one or cut yourself off from classes and skills you've already learned."
"So it's basically an investment." Thadius thought out loud.
"A blind investment." Curtis nodded in agreement.
"With enough time though, it really will be Chaos Online..."
Curtis laughed. "That's what I said!"
They had talked for about an hour after they had eaten. Brandon was excited about the possibilities and was anxious to get back in the game.
"Set me up. I'm going back in."
"You sure? You haven't even slept. I mean, you could sleep in game, but you're probably dead by now..."
Looking at Curtis' playful smirk, Brandon suddenly feared for his in-game avatar. "Explain."
"When you log out, your body stays behind. Most people wait till they can find an inn before they log out." Curtis replied as he put the Dark Chariot on Brandon's head.
"Happy travels. Say hi to Christina for me!" Curtis turned on the machine before Brandon could form any response. He could hear a chuckle in the background as a bright flash clouded his vision.
Due to the cold, your health dropped below 15%. Max stamina has been reduced by 50%. Stamina regeneration has been reduced by 50%. Your condition will worsen until body temperature has stabilized.
"Mercy!" Thadius roared hoarsely through numb lips.
It had only been about an hour and a half in real time since he had logged out, but over 6 hours had passed in-game. Thadius was on the verge of his first death, and had it been a little colder, he would have had frostbite. If it had been snowing, he would have been dead hours ago. Dying in Chaos Online forced you to log out for 24 hours in real time.
'I really would have frozen to death.' Thadius cursed silently. Although the sun had been up, and his coat had sustained some of his body heat, he still felt that his body had turned into a chunk of chocolate ice cream.
He slowly got up and walked to get his blood pumping. Thinking back on his conversation with Curtis, he looked at his stats. "Status."
-50% Stamina Regeneration
"View skills." he called out with chattering teeth.
Controlled Breathing LV.7 Intermediate
Tailoring LV.1 Novice
"Intermediate? View Controlled Breathing." he called out again.
Controlled Breathing LV.7 Intermediate
Stamina consumption when moving with Controlled Breathing active is cut by 8.5%
Stamina regeneration with Controlled Breathing active in increased by 9.5%
+Stamina regeneration doubled when not moving with Controlled Breathing active
'Did it upgrade my rank because I was already using it that way? I thought it corresponded with the level...Would've been nice to get a notification though.' Thadius complained silently as he moved his body.
A few minutes passed before he warmed up enough to drop his penalties. So he stretched and continued his ascent. It wasn't long before his stamina plummeted, but thanks to Controlled Breathing, he shortened his wait time for regeneration. Though he still had to stop often.
Only a few hours had passed and he sat down to take another break. It was then that the mysterious pressure penalty spiked to 35% stamina consumption.
If it had been the pressure alone, he could have persevered. Unfortunately, it was a combination of the atmosphere, the pressure, and the increasing grade of the slope.
After another hour of struggling because of the slope, Thadius was forced to crawl. It was surprisingly easier than walking and allowed him to go for a longer stretch of time at the same pace.
That all changed when he came to a 20ft(6m) rock face, with an inexplicable fear washing over him.
A mysterious pressure is being exerted. You are extremely close to the source. Stamina consumption has been increased to 50%. You've been intimidated.
Attack power -25%
Attack speed -25%
"Mercy!" Thadius cried as he pounded the ground in irritation.
At this point, many people would turn back or find a way around. Thadius wasn't one of them.
"I got this!" he muttered before sitting down to catch his breath.
For the first time since leaving Old Man Tony's, he completely recharged his stamina. Then he jumped, grabbing hold of a small ledge and securing a foothold. The burden on his stamina was tremendous. Merely holding himself in place was draining, forcing him to take risks to climb higher or drop from depleted stamina.
Minutes later, Thadius pulled himself to the top of the rock face. What appeared turned out to be a wide ledge that stretched out and curved around a bend. Below the ledge was a long drop with sharp rocks at the bottom. Beyond that, the view was breathtaking. There was an ocean of green as far as the eye could see. The grass swayed in the wind, making waves of jade and emerald. More mountains lined the horizon with slopes vanishing into the clouds.
Thadius sat down and took it all in. It was still quite a ways to the summit, but if the view was as beautiful as this, he had no problem making the journey.
After an hour to fill up his stamina bar to a decent level, he walked the ledge cautiously. He still couldn't explain the terror that gripped him, and his body screamed at him to turn back.
He stopped when he came around the bend.
A man was sitting on the ledge, gazing out into the distance. He was dressed in an all-white robe that matched the color of his hair. Despite the wrinkles that etched his face, he seemed to be full of vigor. He was quite tanned as well. Almost as if he had never spent a day inside all his life. The most striking feature, however, was the plain sword on his lap.
Thadius broke out into a cold sweat at the sight of him.
A strange man is giving off a heavy pressure. Due to your proximity, stamina consumption is increased to 75%. You've been paralyzed by fear.
It was all very confusing to Thadius. He didn't want to be afraid, but that didn't stop his body from reacting. To get any closer to the man made him feel that jumping off the cliff was safer. Yet, Thadius was a man on a mission. He wanted to get to the top regardless of the risk.
The paralysis wore off and he slowly made his way forward. That was until the man moved. With a solemn expression, he picked up his sword and brought the point to his abdomen. The image of a samurai flashed into Thadius' mind.
"Whoa!" He had leaped forward, trying to take the sword from the suicidal man.
The sword he had reached for was suddenly at his throat. It had been turned on him in the blink of an eye. Rage was clear on the man's wizened face.
"Who are you!?" he rasped.
Thadius slowly raised his hands. It was the universal sign of non-aggression. "Old man, I don't know what you've been through, but is it so bad that you have to throw your life away?"
"What I do with my life is my business! Who are you to interfere!?" the man snapped in reply.
"If you were so prepared to end your life, why wait for someone to come before you go through with it?" Thadius countered.
"I don't need a witness!"
"I didn't say you did. I do think you wanted me to stop you though..." Thadius stated when he locked eyes with the man. The ever-present dread seem to increase a few folds when he did.
'Could this be an event?' he thought. No matter how he looked at the situation, it was as if the man had been waiting for someone to stumble along.
Anyone that came to investigate the mysterious pressure would have eventually found the old man. Though the game was already a month old, Thadius found it hard to believe that no one would explore the local mysterious mountain that didn't have monsters.
A few moments passed in silence before the old man moved the blade from his neck.
"You've soiled my blade." He grunted as he tossed the sword to the side. "After all I've accomplished, I can't even die as I wish. Is it too much to ask for, extinguishing my life on the battlefield?"
Seeing that the man was no longer hostile, Thadius tentatively asked,"Can't you just go off and fight somewhere?"
"It's not that simple! If I wanted to have a sword plunged into my chest I'd have...." The man sighed and looked off into the horizon,"I want to face a man as my equal. To fight at my full strength. Then, if that man should prove greater than I, my life would be his to take."
He looked back at Thadius."That is the death I seek. The taste of steel after the final battle of my life."
"Have you searched everywhere? There's bound to be someone out there."
The man laughed, shaking his head."Where do you look when all around you are recognized as the strongest?"
"Then teach som-"
"I've tried! There is no one that will stay. They all cry like women and run off. I can't even pass on my knowledge, my strength..." he said as he looked down at his rough hands. They were covered in calluses from years of holding a sword.
Thadius knew what it meant to be recognized as the strongest. Football fanatics across the country were calling him the greatest of all time. In merely two seasons, he had broken records that had inducted veterans into the Hall of Fame. His future had been too bright.
In his heart, Thadius knew his decision had already been made. With an unwavering gaze, he said,"Teach me, old man. I have nowhere to go and nothing but time on my hands."
The man looked him up and down then stood up. After walking around him, he patted Thadius down, feeling his muscles. Then he grunted as he put his hand on his chin in thought.
"Show me your status card." the swordmaster said after a while.
'Status card? Must be like an ID.' Thadius for a bit before answering honestly. "I don't have a status card but....show status."
A bright screen popped up in front of the man. His eyes nearly popped out of his sockets. "You're a Traveler!? I'd heard, but...maybe. And your name is Thadius?"
"Yes, sir." Thadius nodded.
Recovering from his shock, the swordmaster straightened his back and introduced himself. "Thadius, my name is Corban. Do you have what it takes to survive my training?"
Learn everything that Corban has to teach you. You will fail if you leave the mountain. The quest cannot be retried.
REQUIREMENTS: Stop Corban from committing suicide within 3 days of feeling his pressure. Offer to be his student.
REWARDS: Unique class
"My body is ready..." Thadius declared.
"Good, now try not to faint." Corban suddenly commanded.
You've been targeted by an overwhelming pressure. Stamina consumption is doubled. You've been weakened.
-25% Strength You've been paralyzed by fear. Hyperventilating. Stamina will not regenerate.
Thadius immediately crashed to the ground. All the strength he had accumulated was useless before the swordmaster. He struggled to breathe, and every fiber of his being screamed run.
"Fight it boy. Don't just take it lying down." Corban called out as he watched Thadius struggle like a fish out of water.
'Fight this!?' Thadius complained in his heart. He couldn't even lift a finger, let alone fight this monstrous pressure.
Watching the futile struggle, Corban crossed his arms and stroked his beard with a thoughtful look. "Hmm...it seems I got a little too excited. I had already forgotten you were only level 1. My apologies."
The pressure was gone in an instant, or most of it. The state of the air had returned to the previous level of intensity.
"What is the purpose...of such...an exercise?" Thadius gasped for breath.
"You don't have Fighting Spirit. Without it, you won't survive." Corban stated.
"I...understand." Although he didn't know why he needed it, he could understand that Corban was trying to help him obtain it.
"Good." Corban nodded.
The pressure returned, but this time Thadius was ready."Gugh!"
He barely managed to keep himself upright as the paralysis dropped him to his knees. He tried desperately to think through the fear that controlled his every sense, but it was as if a thick fog clouded his mind. 'This will not defeat me!'
"Aaah!!" A shout of defiance was all he could muster as he fell to the side. Screaming while hyperventilating was a bad idea. His shallow breaths weren't enough to get the oxygen he needed. His vision started to darken.
You screamed defiantly in the face of overwhelming power. Your tenacity has unlocked the Fighting Spirit stat.
+10 Fighting Spirit
Before fainting away, he could hear a satisfied chuckle above him.
"There it is. You're officially my student now."
You gained the unique pre-class: Disciple of the Iron Dragon
+100 Fighting Spirit
+Weapon Mastery skills gain x10 EXP
Thadius fainted.
- End25 Chapters
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