《No Longer a Game》Chapter 2.5: Winter Coat
When Thadius and Old Man Tony left the Grand Temple, the sky was darkening and the temperature had dropped considerably.
"Mercy! If I'd known it'd get this cold. I would have gotten some clothes instead of buying flowers!" Thadius shivered when his lungs filled with frigid air.
"The cheapest coat runs for ten copper, ho ho." Tony laughed and took a swig from a bottle he pulled out from his shirt. The old man didn’t even seem to be bothered by the cold.
"Old Man Tony! Can I have a coat!?" Thadius pleaded. He could already see his breath in the air.
"I don't have any extras, but I have plenty of pelts. You can go down to the tailor and have somethin' made. 'Til then, you can stay at my place. You'll be out of the cold at least."
Thankful for the offer, Thadius followed Tony back to his house and arrived before nightfall. As soon as the door was opened, Thadius rushed in while rubbing his arms for warmth.
Old Man Tony’s place was a cozy little hut with two rooms. The first space seemed to serve as a living room and kitchen. There was a fireplace with a kettle for cooking, and a small couch was pushed to the corner. The other room was hidden in the back. There was no bed out in front, so it was safe to say it was Tony’s bedroom.
"Make yourself comfortable youngin'. I'll see if I can find those pelts." Old Man Tony said and shuffled into his room.
Thadius sat down in the chair by the fireplace. A chill had settled in the house in Tony’s absence, so he looked around for a way to start the fire. Before he could find anything, the old man returned with a bundle in his arms.
"Here, I won these in a game a few months back. The man would've bet the clothes on his back if I hadn't stopped him, ho ho!" he chuckled.
Thadius couldn't help but smile helplessly. He had a competitive spirit too and could understand the unfortunate man. He had probably wanted to play until he won against the old man, but ran out of stuff to bet.
"Alrighty, move aside and I'll get dinner started!" Tony declared as he moved to strike a fire. Almost immediately, a flame had burst to life and spread its warmth throughout the room.
With only five pieces of bread to munch on, Thadius wouldn't deny an invitation to a warm meal. It was a curious thing for him though, eating inside of a game. The mystery as to how they replicated the flavor of food intrigued him.
While the stew was being prepared, Thadius challenged Yune’s Chess Champion again and lost a couple more games of chess. The fact that he lost didn’t him upset him much, it was the fact that he wasn't even a challenge for the opponent that made him clench his jaw in frustration.
After his third loss, the stew had cooled a bit and was ready to be served. Thadius took a bite and was pleasantly surprised.
A hearty meal of meat and vegetables.
For the next 24 hours:
+2.5% health regeneration
Thadius nodded his head in approval and took another spoonful. "This is pretty good Mr.Tony."
"When a man lives alone, he picks up a few things here and there." the old man smiled while getting his second helping.
"You keep cooking like this and you might not be alone for much longer."
"Ho ho!"
They shared a few laughs and swapped stories while they ate. Tony gave him a few chess tips while Thadius tried to explain the game of football. After a few hours, Tony got up to go to bed. Thadius on the other hand, wasn't tired at all.
Tony pointed to the corner. "That couch is as good as any bed you'll find at the inn. Make yourself at home, I'll see you in the mornin'."
"I don't feel very tired though. You wouldn't happen to have any books would you?" It had been a while since Thadius enjoyed a good book. Rose used to read to him in the hospital, just to give him a break from watching TV. It had been a long time since then.
Tony shook his head. "The only books I have are about old stories and myths. You might not find it very entertainin'."
"That's fine. It's just to pass the time until morning." he replied honestly. He could log out, but he enjoyed feeling the sensation of his arms and legs too much to leave.
Tony nodded and went into the back room, returning with a small stack of books. There was an especially thick book at the bottom titled The Untamed Continent. Thadius grabbed that one first.
'This should keep me busy till morning.' he thought. Then he settled down in the chair and cracked open the book.
As it turns out, the Central Continent was the largest on the planet, as well as the most dangerous. It was surrounded on all sides by smaller land masses, making it a prime target for expansion. Unfortunately, the continent was littered with dangerous monsters and hidden dungeons, so if the wildlife didn't kill you, the environment would. There isn’t a single place on the Central Continent that isn’t treacherous.
For years, the various kingdoms had tried to establish a foothold. Since the Central Continent had easy access to all the lands surrounding it, if a nation managed to tame it, they would have an abundance of land as well as all their enemies within arms-reach. Therefore, the kingdoms were all competing to be the ruler of that untamed land, and the competition wasn’t always peaceful.
Thadius read page after page, piling on the knowledge. To his surprise, the book also mentioned Travelers. It stated that the Travelers, whose arrival was prophesied by the Gods, would be the key to expanding the territory on the central continent since they didn't know death. With them leading the way, the monsters would be quelled and the dungeons plundered.
The few chapters after that went into detail about the dungeons and monsters that had already been discovered. The book went over the lay of the land and how to survive the harsh conditions of specific regions that had been properly surveyed. Thadius took in as much as he could because he had a feeling he would use it in the future.
+1 Intellect
+1 Wisdom
During his reading session, Thadius received a few points toward his wisdom and intellect. This continued all the way until the sun had come up.
As the birds began their song, Tony shuffled out from his bedroom. "Mornin'."
"Good morning. How'd you sleep?" Thadius asked, finally closing the book.
"Like the dead. I swear I'm not gonna wake up one of these days, ho ho!"
They shared a laugh and had breakfast. While Thadius was reading, his satiety level had dropped. He didn't feel starved, but he could eat. So, without a moment of hesitation, he dug into the pancakes and sausage.
After breakfast, Thadius was ready to head to the tailor’s shop. Old Man Tony saw him off at the door before setting up his chess set on the table outside. Looking at the scene, Thadius shook his head at the thought of the countless lives that had been lost on that board. Then with a full stomach and a bundle of pelts, he quickly made his way to the tailoring shop. Thankfully, he remembered the way and found it easily. It wasn't until he was standing outside the door that he remembered something important: his financial situation.
'Hopefully, I can work it off somehow.' he thought as he opened the door.
Upon entering, he suddenly received a surprise. Behind the counter was a young girl with blonde hair, blue eyes, and an angelic face. At the sound of the door, she displayed an inviting smile.
"Welcome to the Needle and Thread, how may I help you?" she responded promptly.
"Christina?" Thadius said.
"Thadius!?" she exclaimed excitedly. Immediately recognizing the voice, she turned to shout, "Father, come and see! The man from yesterday is here!"
A man that looked very similar to Christina appeared from a room in the back. He had the same hair and eye color as his daughter, but there were streaks of silver here and there. Despite that, he looked quite young, and he seemed to carry himself with an air of nobility.
Seeing Thadius, he marched around the counter and shook his hand with a smile. "I heard you bought my daughter's flowers yesterday. You have my thanks. She's been having a rough time of it as of late. The name's Marshal."
"I was happy to do it. Selling flowers isn't the most lucrative business." Thadius smiled.
"That's what I told her, but the girl won't listen." Marshal sigh dramatically.
"Father!" Christina slapped her hands on the counter.
"So, Thadius is it? What brings you to our shop?" Marshal continued, ignoring his daughter's protest.
Thadius showed him his bundle. "I need some winter clothes. I have the materials, now I just need a skilled hand to make something of them."
Marshal took the bundle from his arms and examined the pelts. He flipped them over and ran his hands through the fur. "They're low quality, so it won't take much time to make something simple. But you only have enough for one piece. How about this. Since you helped my Christina, I'll teach you how to make a coat. No offense, but you don't seem to be rolling in coin at the moment."
"None taken, I appreciate the offer." Thadius certainly wouldn’t pass up the opportunity to save money.
"Come, my workshop is in the back." Marshal led him behind the counter and into his workshop. There was a multitude of fabrics and leathers strewn about. In the corner of the room was a long desk and a couple of chairs.
"This is where it all comes together." Marshal spread his arms wide in pride. "Now, first things first. We ne-"
Before they could get started, Christina walked in. "Father, Ms. Jackson sent word for you. Her husband found a big wolf den in the forest."
"Excellent!" Marshal cried. Then he started to rummage around his workshop. He found what he was looking for soon enough, pulling an intricate bow out from underneath a pile of cloth.
"Christina, show Thadius the basics. I should be back soon." He rushed out of the shop, without so much as a glance at the stranger he had left with his only daughter.
Christina walked over to the desk after her father left. She must have memorized where everything was because she moved without hesitation or guidance.
"Shall we get started?" she said as she pulled out the other chair.
Thadius agreed and put the pelts on the table.
"First you'll need a pattern. It's like a building blueprint or a weapon schematic. Then you'll need the materials." She handed him the pattern she pulled from out from the front counter. She had verified it as a basic coat pattern through Thadius. When he touched it, a message popped up saying he had learned a new pattern.
Christina continued, "Now just follow the pattern. You could make your own pattern, but that requires a higher level of skill. So for now, let's start with cutting the pelts into shape."
She reached out for his arm and handed him a pair of scissors. Thadius could have sworn that she had squeezed his arm to feel his muscles, but he took the scissors without a word and set to work. The whole process was a little more difficult than he anticipated since he had refused the automated guidance. Even with the shears of a professional tailor, the pelts proved tough to cut through. However, he succeeded eventually. The edges of the pieces weren't perfect, but they would do.
The next part was the sewing, which was also the most entertaining part of the experience. Christina would place her hands on his to guide him through the motions and for feeling the stitches for mistakes. Her ‘hands-on’ approach was much more than just simple guidance, and it was sometimes excessive. Thadius could tell that she attempted to be subtle, but with every success, she grew bolder. In the end, her hormones eventually got the better of her.
He had been stitching the arm of the coat when she leaned over him to check on his work. As she slid her hand down his arm towards his hand, he felt her breath against his neck. Taking advantage of the closeness, her lips brushed his cheek, ever so slightly. Needless to say, the temptation was real.
On the verge of being molested by the blind maiden, Thadius couldn’t remain silent any longer. "If I didn't know any better, I'd say you're after my body Christina..."
"I don't know what yo-" she stammered. Her face immediately flushed.
"You're blushing scarlet, and your advances weren't as subtle as you thought. Not that I mind. Your groping was very entertaining." Thadius chuckled softly.
"I-I didn't mean any harm! I just..." her voice trailed away and she went silent, blushing even more.
"You're what...fourteen, fifteen? Even if you're blind, you can still be curious about a man's body..." Hearing it put that way, Christina hid her face behind her hands in embarrassment.
'Is it because she's blind that she went so far? She's been deprived of eye candy at this crucial stage in her life.' Thadius mused to himself. Then he pondered on what to do next. If he had been a predator, Christina would have been in trouble a long time ago. She had to tone it down or she would wind up in an unfortunate situation, but he had to bring her down gently.
"Christina..." he whispered and stood from his chair, taking her by the hands and pulling her closer. "There are more things to look forward to from a man than his touch..." He placed her hands on his chest and wrapped his arms around her waist, drawing her closer.
Watching her shyly grasp his tunic, he continued, "Men are physical creatures, Christina. You have to be very careful. There are those that do not know restraint like I do. Until you come to trust and care for someone, I strongly advise you not to test them as you have tested me today. Your beauty would overwhelm them. Do you understand?"
She nodded with a downcast look on her face. Thadius didn't intend to end with a lecture. He raised her chin and put his lips inches away from hers, just enough so she could feel his breath on her skin. In seconds, her breathing quickened. The sound was clearly audible in the silent workroom.
"Now, if you don't find such a man in the next few years..." he left his sentence unfinished. Promising nothing, but implicating everything.
He'd done it now. Even he was caught in the mood. His blood rushed as he observed her quivering lips, and listened to her rapid breaths. The air was heavy with anticipation, and the wolf within him smelled it. It foamed at the mouth and licked its chops, just waiting for the next morsel.
Fortunately, Thadius had tamed that beast long ago. He released Christina and returned to the desk. When he looked at her again, the corner of her mouth was turned up in a sly smile.
Your seductive actions have unlocked the Charm stat.
+3 Charm
She had returned to her mischievous ways, but she didn't go overboard. Anyone that witnessed it would simply believe it was because she was blind. As far as Thadius was concerned, he had achieved his goal. Within the next hour, he managed to finish the coat. Just as Marshal returned.
You've made a Patchwork Winter Coat. Would you like to learn the tailoring trade?
"Might as well." he shrugged.
You've learned Tailoring LV.1 Novice
After learning the trade, Thadius analyzed his work. It was a shabby brown coat with no defense and low durability, but it was warm when he put it on. Marshal approved and congratulated him on his success.
While saying goodbye to Christina and thanking Marshal, Thadius saw himself out. Yet, he was stopped just outside the door.
"Thadius." Marshal said quietly from behind him. He had a serious look on his face as he closed the door.
"Yes, sir?" Thadius immediately tensed after seeing his expression.
"I appreciate the fact that you didn't take advantage of my little girl. I also respect the fact that you tried to teach her something. She's at that age now, and I don't want her to have a bad experience..."
Knowing he’d been seen in that situation, Thadius could only admonish himself silently as he replied, "You saw that, huh?"
"Did you think I'd leave her alone with some man I don't know? I came back under five minutes with my bow taunt and my quiver full."
Thadius had dodged a bullet, or arrow in this case, and he didn't even know it.
Marshal sighed, "Though I don't approve of your method, you were trying to guide her. That's something I can appreciate. Come back anytime, I'll teach you a few tricks of the trade."
"I will." Thadius nodded. He was a bit interested in the craft.
"And the next time you touch my daughter like that, I'll put an arrow in you..." Marshal glared daggers at him, and Thadius knew then that this man would carry out his threat to the fullest.
"I understand." he nodded.
"Good." Marshal nodded in approval.
They shook hands again then Thadius went on his way. Following the way he came, he was back at Tony's house within minutes to show off his new coat.
The old man appraised it with a smile. "Not too shabby. It oughta keep you warm enough at night."
"Thank you. I worked hard on it." Thadius smiled.
"You need a place to stay for the night? I got the fire goin'." the old man offered.
Thadius refused. "I'd take you up on that, but I don't think I'll turn in just yet."
On his way back to Tony's house, Thadius had an idea as gazed up at the mountain in the distance. It was something that he hadn't done in a long time.
"You said earlier that there aren't any monsters on the mountain right?" he asked. His gaze was on the peak that disappeared in the low floating clouds.
"They haven't been seen up there for years. You goin' hikin' youngin'?" Tony asked.
"I want to watch the sunrise from the top. It might take me a few days to reach the summit though. You mind if I take some of that leftover stew?" Thadius asked hopefully. He had planned to use his magical canteen as a container.
Tony shook his head. "I'll do you one better. I got some jerky dryin' out back, should last you for a week at least."
"I'd appreciate it." Thadius smiled and followed Tony out back.
It had been more than two years since Thadius had gone hiking. Every year his parents would go. Obviously, due to his injury, he had been left out on more than one occasion.
'Not this time.' he thought. The mountaintop, obscured by clouds, called to him. Being able to see the view from the top wouldn’t be a small matter for him, who had been spending his recent days in bed.
In no time, Tony helped him gather the supplies while he put them in his bag. When he was finally ready to go, night had fallen and the temperature had dropped again.
Old Man Tony pointed to a spot at the bottom of the mountain that was hidden in shadows. "There's a path the hunters use that goes up about halfway. If you take it, it should save you half a day's worth of hikin'."
"I'll keep an eye out for it. Thanks for everything old man." Thadius smiled and slung the bag of supplies over his shoulder.
"Mmmhm." Tony grumbled before shuffling back inside where it was warm.
Thadius said a quick prayer to Tegaia, and stretched his legs before he set off. With the moonlight to guide his way, he set a brisk pace. He was used to jogging in real life, but it had been a while. He wouldn't miss the opportunity to test the limits of his new legs. Cutting down the hiking time in the process wouldn't hurt either.
He jogged to the outskirts of the city, breathing through his nose and out of his mouth like he'd been taught. By the time he made it to the foot of the mountain, he had earned a new skill.
In light of your ability to regulate your breathing, a new skill has been unlocked.
Controlled Breathing LV.1 Novice Controlled Breathing LV.1 Novice
Stamina consumption when moving with Controlled Breathing active is cut by 5%
Stamina regeneration with Controlled Breathing active in increased by 2.5%
Thadius’ eyes lit up as he read the description. 'Oh? That'll go up on its own if I just stick to it.'
It didn't take him long after that to find the trail, so he checked his bag one more time to make sure nothing fell out. Being new to virtual reality, Thadius wasn't familiar with the inventory. He'd played RPGs before, so he knew its potential. However, he was still skeptical that the small bag could hold more than it looked.
'I really hope nothing falls out.' he sighed. Then, after surveying the trail ahead, he began his jog up the mountain.
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