《Fated To Fall: A Transmigrator LitRPG Tale》Chapter 19: Isn't It So Cute?
“My Lady, I truly don’t think this is wise,” Astrid spoke up from where she sat before an array of books.
“It’s a wonderful idea, Astrid!” Liliana assured her as she compared one atlas to a map Silas had provided her with.
“There are many issues with this plan My Lady, first and least of them do you think your family would believe that you’re sick once again?” Astrid asked wearily as she rubbed her temples.
“It matters not if they believe or not, when I return it will be moot,” Liliana explained again, voice full of confidence. She wouldn’t fail her self-appointed Quest, she couldn’t. Who knew when she’d next have this kind of opportunity?
“You’ve never been further than the forest surrounding the manor, what if you get lost?” Astrid tried her next tacit and Liliana held up the map she was modifying, using the atlases available in the library to ensure accuracy.
“I have a map! And Polaris will come with me, he’s quite capable with navigation,” Liliana assured her maid with a cheeky grin. Astrid stared at her for a long moment before she let out a sigh.
“Well do you really think you can face off against a Rank 6 beast? You’re only Rank 8, My Lady! What if it doesn’t take the bond and attacks you?” Astrid’s voice was tense with worry and Liliana set down the book she was looking over, taking a deep breath and meeting Astrid’s eyes. She let all the determination and confidence she had in herself shine through her eyes.
“Astrid, I will not fail. My Charisma is high, very high. I have no doubt in a few days I’ll be walking back through these halls with my first Bond. I’ll make this family recognize me. I’ll watch them all see that my commoner blood doesn’t make me less than, it makes me strong.” Liliana explained, her voice was strong with the inner fire she had preserved and stoked during her time in this world. She couldn’t believe she’d fail, it would lead to despair. And in this new life despair was all too close a threat for her.
“And if anything goes wrong I’ll just activate [Dance Of The Daystar] and [Enhancement] and nyoom right out of there!” Liliana tacked on a bit of humor as she grinned at her maid.
“Nyoom?” Astrid asked with a confused tilt of her head.
“Yea! Nyoom! You know how when you go really fast it’s just like nyoom!” Liliana explained, moving her hands to illustrate her meaning. Astrid stared at her for another moment before giggles erupted from her and the woman shook her head, but she was smiling now and some of the worry had leaked from her tense shoulders.
“Alright, but if you have even the slightest feeling of being in danger I want you to turn tail and make your way back here. There will always be more beasts for you to Bond Lady Liliana, but there’s only one of you,” Astrid turned a serious face back to Liliana as her laughter died down. Liliana met the woman’s eyes and nodded, though guilt gnawed at her heart.
Liliana had no intention of turning around if it felt dangerous. She had no intention to die, but she was willing to put herself at risk if it meant her plans could come to fruition. Astrid was right, there would always be more beasts. But would there be any more in the area that fit her criteria in the future? And how much longer could she hold back from saying or doing something in this house that would end up with her punished?
“I’d feel better if Silas came with you,” Astrid spoke sadly and Liliana winced. When she’d come up with the plan to go after the Cheshire Beast Silas had immediately tried to offer to come with her. However it would be far too suspicious if right when Liliana got sick again Silas went on a ‘trip’, and if he came back with her afterward there may be hell to pay. Even if she came back with the creature Bonded there was no telling if the Duchess wouldn’t try to punish Silas for his involvement.
It was why Liliana had postponed the trip until she’d managed to sneak into her stepmother’s room and learn a few Illusion spells. She could make a serviceable illusion of herself laying in bed now. It wouldn’t live up to true scrutiny as it could only be programmed with so many phrases and movements, much like a looping video. But it would in theory be enough to ‘fool’ Astrid into believing Liliana was sick. The illusion couldn’t eat or move but it didn’t need to. It would sell her illness if she couldn’t eat or leave her bed. She also highly doubted any of her family would come to ‘check’ on her. And they were the only ones she’d be afraid of seeing through the illusion.
“You know why he can’t,” Liliana reminded her softly and Astrid nodded. The woman picked up the book she was looking at again and seemed to force herself to change her mood.
“So what type of Cheshire do you suppose it is?” Astrid asked Liliana and the girl brightened considerably. From the pile of books, she dug out a Bestiary. It wasn’t anything too impressive, it covered some of the creatures one could expect to run into in their region. Liliana very much dreamed of having a true Bestiary eventually, one that had all the known creatures and beasts.
“So I hope it’s an Umbra Panther or an Evanesce Tiger!” Liliana excitedly gushed as she turned to the section of the Bestiary that included the Cheshire genus and the species found in their region. There were other types of Cheshire beasts, of course, it wasn’t a huge genus but it had several types. Anything under the Felidae family that could vanish was included under the genus so it had a fair amount of branches. It was part of the Pantherinae family, which was a familiar term from her time on Earth. Though on Earth there were far fewer members of that family alive. In this world, there were quite a few creatures that fell under the Pantherinae family. It didn’t help that the Beasts could evolve which further expanded the family to include the possible evolutions of each creature.
The illustrations Liliana turned to show Astrid were beautiful, and Liliana couldn’t wait to see the real thing. She had a feeling the pictures didn’t do these noble beasts justice. The Evanesce Tiger shared some similarities to earthly Tigers in general body shape and pattern, though that’s where the comparison ended. The creature’s stripes were a rainbow prism that could adjust to camouflage with any environment, what made them part of the Cheshire genus though was that their coat could completely vanish. Meaning all that was left to see were their shifting stripes.
They were incredibly dangerous ambush hunters because it was nearly impossible to see them. They used their natural Light affinity to vanish and change the coloring of their stripes. They could be seen as one of the natural masters of Illusion and Light magics and their skills would match nicely with Liliana’s own. They also boasted high Vitality and Endurance stats, making them veritable tanks. Though they sacrificed Speed and Dexterity as a trade-off.
The Umbra Panther was the other one she was hoping for. They were beautiful as well but in a darker way, their bodies were sleek and pitch-black almost so dark they seemed to absorb light allegedly. Also called Shadow Cats they could turn into ephemeral shadows that were nigh on impossible to see at night and evening, which was when they were most active. They specialized in Shadow magic and were masters of Speed and Strength. They hit fast, they hit hard and they didn’t stay around long enough to get hit back. If the Evanesce Tiger was a dangerous ambush predator, the Umbra Panther was a master. Even among higher-ranked monsters, the Umbra Panther was nearly peerless. They were weaker to Light magic as a result, but it meant that they could cover Liliana’s weakness to the Shadow element. And their fighting style was a close match to the one Liliana was growing towards with a focus on Speed and Strength.
Either creature would work beautifully with her, just in different ways. The only sad thing was Liliana hadn’t been able to find any information out on exactly what type of Cheshire was in the area. Astrid hadn’t heard much from the other servants as the most excited about the development had been Alistair, and he’d only gotten the bare bones of the situation from overhearing the Duke. The Duke for his part seemed unconcerned with the Rank 6 creature, most likely because Cheshires didn’t regularly prey on humans. Not to say they weren’t a threat but generally, they didn’t go out of their way to hunt humans unless they came into their territory. And Cheshire creatures were difficult and dangerous to fight, even by people over their Rank because of their vanishing abilities. It wouldn’t be worth putting the cities Adventurers or Guards in danger for a creature that wasn’t a threat.
“Aren’t they so precious?” Liliana asked Astrid as she held the book out in the woman’s face, leaning forward with her sapphire eyes sparkling. Astrid winced as she looked at the creatures, her first thought quite obviously not ‘Aw how cute!’ as Liliana’s had been.
“They are very...impressive My Lady, “Astrid finally said her voice pitched a little high as Liliana drew the book back and turned it to herself, tracing a delicate fingertip over the images.
“They are! I wonder how soft their fur is? Do their tongues feel like regular housecats? Oh, I bet I could even ride one!” Liliana gushed dreamily as she imagined coming home atop a giant rainbow tiger. Astrid stared at her in quiet disbelief that Liliana didn’t notice, too caught up in her daydreams of a majestic feline companion. She’d fought both creatures in the game, and had always been saddened by the fact that she couldn’t have one as her very own pet. In the game they’d been terrifyingly beautiful, she knew in person they’d be even more breathtaking.
“What would I name one, do you have any ideas, Astrid?” Liliana turned to the woman, eyes wide and expectant. The maid gulped and sweat a little at the young lady’s eager expression.
“Ah, I’m sure I could never dream to come up with a name befitting such a...fierce beast,” Astrid tacitly responded and Liliana wilted a little before she brightened.
“We should brainstorm then! In case it needs a name!” Liliana nodded sagely as she opened one of her notebooks and tapped a pen against her lips.
“Maybe Prism for the Tiger? Or Iris? Iridesce? Or maybe Kalideso? And perhaps for the Panther Nyx, Erebus, Shade, Artume, or Stygian?” Liliana wrote out the names as she thought. She was drawing on a lot of her knowledge of mythology from Earth for her names. Sadly there were far more gods and goddesses of darkness than rainbows.
“Those names are very regal,” Astrid nodded, seeming to find some relief in the fact she did not have to add her own ideas to the mix. The woman was obviously still trying to come to terms with the idea of Liliana having a pet beast in the first place.
“I’ll come up with the perfect name for my new companion!” Liliana promised the woman and Astrid merely sighed once more as she picked up her book, it detailed the different kinds of plants in the area. She was compiling a list of useful herbs for Liliana to forage during her trip.
“I’m sure you will, My Lady,” Astrid allowed and Liliana happily hummed as she continued to add more names to the list.
“[Mirror Image]” Liliana said as she waved a hand over the bundle of pillows tucked under blankets on her bed. Slowly the light around them shimmered until there was an image of Liliana in the bed, eyes closed and face waxen.
Liliana spent an hour ‘programming’ the illusion with different phrases to use periodically, and what to respond with to common questions she could expect. She and Astrid practiced with it to be sure it could respond well enough. Most likely it would be unnecessary, from what Astrid had told her during her coma none of her family had visited. And when she’d been ‘sick’ after her family returned no one had come then either. She doubted they’d suddenly become so familial they’d bother to visit her. More than likely if they suspected her of duplicity they’d visit to prove if she was faking or not.
When both of them were satisfied that the illusion would pass muster Liliana moved to get dressed. Astrid had picked up her new adventuring gear the day before, the one made from the pelt and core of Zephryn. She hadn’t let Liliana see it and the curiosity was killing her.
“Keep your eyes closed while I dress you, my lady,” Astrid ordered and Liliana dutifully closed her eyes, though as she felt the cloud-soft fur and buttery leather slip over her skin it became a struggle of truly titanic proportions to resist opening her eyes. Her fingers trailed blindly over the material, delighting in the sensations she felt.
“Alright, open your eyes,” Astrid instructed and Liliana’s eyes flew open, immediately latching onto her reflection. She was dressed in a beautiful outfit made of pale leather and white fur. The fur was placed where one would typically put reinforcing armor, so it covered her chest and abdomen, her forearms, and upper arms. Over her thighs and shins. Between swatches of the silky fur peeked out the pale tan leather, contrasting beautifully. Behind her flowed a gorgeous cape made of white leather and fur, clasped at the front of her neck with a water lily pin. Liliana held her arms out, seeing the leather fingerless gloves covering them, the same water lily symbol on the backs of them. A white leather belt hung off her hips with another water lily clasp, her bags already hanging off of it. Liliana did a twirl in the mirror, giggling when her cloak swirled around her.
“I love it!” Liliana said, turning to Astrid with a wide smile.
“Have you checked the buffs?” Astrid asked with a raised eyebrow, her lips cocked into a smile.
“Buffs?” Liliana asked, she focused her top, using [Identify] on it.
Chest Piece of the Zephyr
Made from the pelt of the Named Beast Zephryn, it is imbued with the power of the wind, lightening your steps and speeding your movements.
+1 Dexterity
+2 Speed
Set Bonus: ⅘ Pieces Equipped. Need all 5 to acquire a set bonus.
Liliana quickly checked her bonuses on the other pieces, the pants gave +4 Speed, the gloves gave her +3 Dexterity, and the cloak gave her +3 Speed, +1 Dexterity. Liliana paused as she looked over herself, she only counted four parts of the outfit, where was the fifth?
“Here are the boot my lady,” Astrid answered her unspoken question and she held out a pair of knee-high boots made of the same pale leather and white fur as her pants and top. Liliana used [Identify] on them as she tugged them on.
Boots of the Zephyr
Made from the pelt of the Named Beast Zephryn, it is imbued with the power of the wind, lightening your steps and speeding your movements.
+2 Dexterity
+3 Speed
Set Bonus: While all pieces are equipped you have access to the equipment ability [Air Walk] for ten minutes you can walk on air, truly becoming one with the Wind. 2 hours cool down, or until Mana is replenished.
“An equipment ability?” Liliana asked as she examined the new information. She knew equipment abilities were a thing in the game but she hadn’t been sure they existed in the world, she hadn’t found any books on the matter. It was a bit comforting to see this too was the same.
“Yes, it’s a skill or spell specific to your equipment. It can’t be leveled up like your normal skills and spells, but if you can get the needed materials to upgrade your equipment a good enough craftsman can improve it and get you an upgraded ability,” Astrid explained patiently and Liliana beamed. That meant if she didn’t manage to ruin her outfit she could realistically keep it for a while, as long as she found new things to improve it with.
“Typically monster cores are used for cloth and leather armor, so if you can get a better grade than what it was made with it can be used,” Astrid further clarified and Liliana nodded. It might be a bit difficult to find a Rank 7 Named beast, which would be what she’d need. But at least it was a possibility.
“What about Mana replenishment?” Liliana asked, that bit was a little unclear and hadn’t been in the game.
“Gear that has abilities has its own Mana pool. Much like enchantments the equipment draws in ambient Mana. However, for equipment with abilities, you can usually also refill it with your own Mana. Though doing so is costly and degrades the durability,” Astrid had dropped into her lecture mode as she educated Liliana on the intricacies of higher grade gear.
“Huh so it could be good in a pinch but doing it often will ruin the longevity of the gear,“ Liliana murmured thoughtfully. She’d need to be careful about it then, she didn’t know what she’d need to repair her clothes, likely more material from another named Great Horned Hare. Those didn’t exactly grow on trees.
“Exactly,” Astrid nodded, the maid took a quick look outside and her face twisted with worry but with a resigned sigh, she turned to Liliana.
“It’s time, my lady, “Astrid informed her and Liliana turned to her, her face serious as she met the woman's eyes. She grabbed the bulging pack on the ground and shouldered it.
“So it is, let's be on our way,” Liliana nodded to Astrid and the woman began to lead them out of her rooms. As they made their way through the manor they managed to avoid running into anyone. Yet neither of them noticed when a shadow detached from a wall and began stalking their steps.
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