《The Nexus Games》Chapter 26 - Team 101
—Chapter 26—
—Team 101—
Kellan followed behind Xiang and her brother as they headed for an elegant staircase made of polished wood and marble. The twenty steps to the second floor were a breeze for Kellan, but each one was its own adventure for Sen’s short kid-legs.
When they reached the second floor of the AVU Palace, Kellan almost asked one of the thirty-eight other questions he had at the tip of his tongue, but Xiang waved her hand and another door opened.
“Here,” she said, calm and graceful. “This is where we’ll stay for the majority of the Nexus Games.”
Kellan stepped around her and entered a glorious suite, comparable to any penthouse he had seen. He hadn’t ever spent the night in a penthouse, but several of his missions had required him to protect politicians staying in them.
This suite was the kind straight out of a brochure—the perfectly immaculate room for all the photos and advertisements.
Lush crimson carpets, leather couches, and a grand dining table filled the entrance room. Four doors led to bedroom and bathroom combos, and a restaurant-sized kitchen was positioned near the back, adjacent to a palatial balcony.
“This is the suite reserved for legacy players,” Sen said as he hurried into the suite. He waved his short arms around. “Since Xiang’s mother won the last Nexus Games, she’s allowed to stay here for her time during the games.”
“Xiang’s mother?” Kellan lifted an eyebrow. “I thought you were siblings.”
Xiang entered the suite and then closed the door with a flick of her wrist. It shut with a quick snap. “We have different mothers.”
“So, you’re half-siblings.”
“You catch on so quickly,” Sen quipped.
He hustled to the center of the main room, between two gigantic couches. A large TV was mounted on the far wall, and Sen stopped to stare at his reflection on the black, dead surface. Then he touched his face, his fingers lingering on his puffy cheeks.
Before Kellan could get another comment in, Mavis and Husker stepped out of a bedroom.
Husker had ditched his trench coat and opted for just his pants—and his chains. Where had Xiang’s illusions gone?
Kellan glanced down at his own body. His ratty tank top, shredded jeans, and bloody boots were a surprise. He felt his body up, wondering when the illusions had disappeared.
Mavis wore her black T-shirt and jeans, her limp still noticeable, but not so much when she carefully moved about. The moment she spotted Kellan, her eyes went wide. “You made it!”
He nodded as she made her way over. “Yeah. Somehow.”
“I saw what happened on the TV.” Mavis patted his arms and chest, like she was searching for some sort of hidden injury. “That trial was insane. I can’t believe a dragon killed a man.”
“I think I lost a few years off my life from pure freight alone,” Kellan said with a forced chuckle. “But apparently, the Arbiter liked that I helped his kids and gathered some gold arcana.”
Sen wheeled around, glaring. “Are you still going on about gold arcana? I told you, that’s not possible.”
“The Arbiter liked that I got it—and wants me to keep gathering it.”
Sen stomped across the wide-open space and then frowned. “I saw the whole trial, even the footage of when you gallivanted off to play with children. There was no gold arcana anywhere to be seen.”
Kellan opened his mouth to rebut the statement, but caught his breath short. The videos hadn’t shown the arcana. They had all abruptly ended right after the children came over to help him. Kellan had thought it odd in the moment, and he wondered if it had been done intentionally.
But why?
“There was gold arcana,” Kellan muttered. He knew he wasn’t insane—at least, he hoped.
“If it exists, I’m sure we’ll see it again,” Xiang said, disinterest in her voice.
She practically glided across the suite, her steps making no sound and barely disturbing the carpet. When Xiang reached a bedroom, the door opened for her. She stopped in the doorway and turned around.
“At 8:30am tomorrow, the rules for the Nexus Games will be recited over the Arbiter’s channel. We should be awake for that.”
Husker shook his head, like a dog dispelling water. Then he smoothed his fur and nodded. “I agree. We shouldn’t miss that.”
“Until then, I recommend you take a dip in the spa, and then get some sleep. We should be well rested before the first games begin.”
Xiang didn’t wait for acknowledgement. She stepped into her bedroom and shut the door behind her. The click of a lock told Kellan she wasn’t expecting to emerge before the morning, though he did wonder why she wasn’t strategizing with them more.
Why weren’t any of them strategizing?
“Shouldn’t we be discussing the games more?” Kellan asked, the mounting pressure eating at him more than his fatigue.
“You can’t always,” Husker muttered. “There are different types of games for each round. The team leaders pick which game their team will participate in, once they’re prompted. Until then, we don’t know what the game will entail.”
Oh, fantastic. Just what I’ve always wanted. No information whatsoever.
Kellan kept his sarcasm to himself.
With a wide swoosh of his robes, Sen turned, headed over to Mavis, and then stopped by her side. He glowered at her leg, and she stepped away, frowning.
“What’re you doing?” she asked.
“Sit on the couch,” Sen commanded.
With a grimace of pain, Mavis jerked and turned. It took Kellan a moment to recognize the signs of the Tyranny Worms at work. They controlled Mavis until she did as instructed and sat down. Once situated, she shook her head and grabbed at her temples.
Sen walked over and pointed at her leg. “Take off your pants.”
On the edge of enraged, Kellan stormed over and grabbed Sen by the shoulder. He whirled the kid around, much to his shock.
“What’re you doing?”
Sen flailed around until he dislodged himself from Kellan’s grip. “How dare you! Don’t touch me. I’m not here for you to push around—I’m here to use my puppetry and fleshcrafting abilities! Our second warrior is hobbled. You think that will help us in the games, cretin? I need to fix her.”
Confused and uncertain of what was going on, Kellan stepped away from Sen. “You can fix her?”
“Of course I can!” He motioned to himself with dramatic flair. “I’m Sun Sen! A talented mage of esteemed repute.”
Mavis scooted to the edge of the couch. “Well, if you really can, you didn’t need to command me. I would’ve let you heal me at any time.”
“Just remove your pants so I can see the injuries.” Sen turned back to her, his eyes hardened and his focus intense.
Mavis did as she was asked.
Her legs…
Both had scars, but her left leg was much worse than the other. It was gnarled and shiny with twisted skin that had healed poorly. Her knee was the worst part. It looked like it had gone through a blender and then slapped back on her body.
In an attempt to polite—but still see what was going on—Kellan moved around to the back of the couch, so that he could see Sen, but not most of Mavis’s body. Husker joined him, his hulking werewolf form smelling slightly like wet dog.
There were no words exchanged, Sen simply touched Mavis’s knee and his hand slid into her flesh as though it were clay. Mavis shuddered as Sen’s fingers ran through her muscle and tendons, and then through her kneecap and bones.
“You were damaged by… shrapnel,” Sen muttered, his focus absolute. Then he yanked his hand out of her leg, leaving it slightly twisted, as though it had been deformed. “You’re missing pieces… Curse the good stars.”
After a long sigh, Sen pulled his red robes off his shoulder, exposing his own skin. Then he scooped at his body—physically removing a bit of his being—and held it in his hand like Play-Doh. With careful movements, he brought the flesh-ball close to Mavis’s knee and slowly kneaded them together, like a baker smooshing dough.
Kellan and Husker watched with rapt attention, never glancing away.
The chunk Sen had taken from his own body didn’t remain a giant hole in his body. Instead, it filled in with more flesh, seemingly coming from the rest of Sen’s physical being. It didn’t look like the work of the Tyranny Worms…
Kellan didn’t dwell on the mystery long.
It was intriguing the way Sen moved his fingers and molded Mavis’s knee back into a perfect form. It reminded Kellan of watching a master sculpture. With every movement of his fingers, Sen shaped Mavis a perfect leg, removing all scars and returning her to perfect health.
Before he was done, he shaped her right leg as well, scraping away the blemishes.
“You should take better care of your body,” Sen muttered with the authority of an angry teacher. “It’s the flesh cage that holds your mind. You don’t want it to break, do you?”
Mavis rubbed at her left knee. “Trust me, I didn’t want to get injured. It just happened.”
“Make sure that was the last time. I… don’t know if I can keep doing this.”
Sen stepped away from her and then pulled his robes back over his shoulder.
He appeared younger than before.
Perhaps a bit shorter.
Like a seven-year-old.
After a shaky breath, Sen walked back over to the TV. He glanced at the black surface, his reflection staring back at him. With slow movements, he touched his cheek again, examining the puffiness.
Examining his youth.
Mavis stood from the couch, put her jeans back on, and then twirled around. A laugh escaped her, high-pitched and giddy. Then she stopped and turned to Kellan.
“Do you believe this?”
He shrugged. “If an alien descended from the sky and said he could turn us all into llamas, I’d believe it at this point.”
Mavis slapped her left knee. “Stop joking around. Do you see this?”
“Yeah. It’s amazing.” Kellan walked around the couch. “I’m glad. I just…” He focused his sight on her, wondering if the numbers had changed…
Name: Mavis Cartwright
Race: Human
Magics: Magma, Metal
Rank: E, E
Armor Rating: ---
Health: 7
Dexterity—3 [Accurate]
Perception—4 [Mystic]
Willpower—4 [Tough]
Personal—[Rebuilt]—The mage can develop their physical stats (strength, dexterity, fortitude) for half the arcana cost.
“You gained a point of fortitude,” Kellan muttered. “And it doesn’t say you’re hobbled anymore. It seems like he actually fixed you.”
Mavis smiled and nodded. “That’s insane.” Then she turned around, laughter on her words as she said, “Thank you, Sen. Just… Thank you.”
The kid remained focused on the TV. He didn’t answer.
Mavis quietly walked to his side, clearly determined to speak with him.
Unwilling to disturb Sen, Kellan glanced around for Husker. The werewolf man was already in the kitchen, and heading for the sliding glass door that led to the massive balcony. Kellan jogged after him, wanting answers to so many questions.
He crossed the kitchen—the smell of lemon and sugar igniting his hunger—but he pushed past it until he came to the balcony door.
Then Kellan caught his breath.
It was just a normal balcony. It was a spa. The whole balcony. With water that fell from the far edge, like a waterfall, down to the gardens below. Hot steam wafted off the surface of the water, mists caught in a gentle breeze.
The water glowed with a gentle pink. The lights on the floor of the spa gave the entire thing a mystical and ethereal appearance.
The spa had to be large enough to allow for a whole herd of elephants.
Husker opened the sliding glass door. Then he undid the belt of his pants, carefully stepped out of his clothing, and then into the spa. He sighed as he sank into the depths, all the way until the water reached the bottom of his canine chin.
His chains seemed to hold him down, sinking immediately to the polished marble bottom.
“What is this?” Kellan asked as he stepped to the edge of the water.
He couldn’t fully articulate his feelings, but the water called to him.
“It’s a mana spring,” Husker said as he closed his eyes. “Step in, and your mana will be restored.”
Kellan hesitantly reached for the bottom of his tank top. He stared at Husker. The man had enough fur to hide anything questionable, but Kellan wasn’t so lucky. Then again, the sound of high-tempo music and joyous screams could be heard on the chill winds around the palace. Perhaps this was a “party place” that didn’t care about clothing.
The sound of scraping drew Kellan out of his thoughts. He glanced upward and spotted someone on the side of the palace, just above their balcony.
Kellan reached for the rifle slung on his shoulder, but he stopped himself once he recognized the copper scales and flat tail.
It was Levvy, the rezrah.
She was hanging on to the side of the palace like a freakish half-human, half-gecko creature. With a few awkward movements, she slid down the wall toward the balcony, and then unhooked herself the last few steps and fell onto the small walkway to the mana spring.
“I finally found you!”
Husker’s fur stood on end as he straightened himself. “What’s this?” he asked with a growl, his fangs bared.
“It’s okay,” Kellan said, holding up hand. “She’s with me.”
“You know a rezrah?”
“I wouldn’t say that. She’s just… the person I saved from the Arbiter.”
“I’m forever grateful.” Levvy stood next to him, her jeans and black jacket more scuffed up than before, like she had slid through the dirt at a baseball game. She held up a clawed hand. “I wanted to see you before the games began.”
Kellan glanced at the water, then back at Levvy, debating on whether or not to try the mana spring. “We’re on different teams. Shouldn’t you be with your friends? Preparing for tomorrow?”
Levvy tapped the tips of her clawed fingers together, her gaze falling to the floor. “There isn’t much to discuss. I’ve, um, been designated the Straggler.”
Finally making up his mind, Kellan ripped off his boots. Then he stepped into the spring, unconcerned with his pants, and opting to keep his tank top. I doubt anyone will care if I swim fully clothed, he thought.
“Straggler?” Kellan asked, only half paying attention to Levvy’s statements.
“That’s right. So… I thought I would come and spend time with you.”
The soothing power of the water soaked straight into Kellan’s body. He happily sank into the waters, just as Husker had, and allowed himself to absorb all the magical goodness the spa had to offer.
A notification filled his mind.
[Alex Kellan] has recovered all mana (10/10).
[Tyranny Worms] enter Hive Mode.
Kellan jerked into a standing position, his breathing ragged.
He rubbed at his face, his hand wet, and the warm water soothing his tired eyelids. “I can never just relax,” he whispered with a dark chuckle. “It’s always something. Worms in my body. Dragons about to crush me. Madmen bribing me to kill them. Can I get one thing, Universe? Just one moment of relaxation. I’m begging you.”
Levvy leaned close to the water. After staring at the calm surface for a long moment, she unzipped her leather jacket and removed it. She wore nothing underneath, and her copper scales only covered the sides of her ribs.
“What’re you doing?” Kellan demanded. He held up a hand to shield his appearance. “Put your damn clothes on.”
“Is-Is something wrong?” Levvy stepped away, her voice shaky. She grabbed her jacket and wrapped it around her body.
Husker rested back into the water and huffed out a laugh. “Nothing is wrong. Humans are just odd creatures. They have little dots on their chests that they don’t want anyone else to see. It’s shameful for them.”
“R-Really?” Levvy pulled the jacket away from her body—just a small amount—and stared at her own flat chest. “Rezrah don’t have dots.”
“Of course you don’t!” Sen shouted as he stepped out onto the balcony, his volume so loud, Kellan was sure the Arbiter could hear it in his pit. “Those dots are mammary ducts from which milk is secreted. Humans feed their young from their own glorious bodies, whereas rezrah chew food and regurgitate it for their children—who hatch from eggs, like disgusting lizards.”
Kellan slapped a hand to his face, somehow a mix of embarrassed, baffled, and frustrated. For some reason, the universe had answered his plea for relaxation with an interdimensional sex-ed class.
“What’re you doing here, anyway?” Sen asked Levvy, his volume ever-increasing. “You’re a spy for Brenner, aren’t you? You stink of treachery.”
The rezrah girl moved away from him, her scales flaring. “I came to see Alex Kellan. I… I wanted his advice for the games.”
“You won’t speak to him.” Sen pointed to the waterfall edge of the balcony. “Leave us! You’re not welcome here, snake.”
Levvy hugged her jacket close. Then she turned and ran to the edge of the balcony—to the last part of walkway—and leapt off toward the gardens below. Kellan wasn’t concerned since he had just seen her scuttle around like a gecko, but he couldn’t help but feel like she had been trying to explain something to him.
“Was there a reason you did that?” Kellan asked.
“She’s just a half-mage.” Sen sighed and rolled his eyes. He, too, stepped into the mana spring fully clothed. The pink water soaked into his adult-sized robes. “Next time, only use your boons for people who might be useful to our operations, understand me? Half-mages aren’t worth our time.”
“They have half the magic or something?” Kellan quipped.
“No, fool. Half-mages are incapable of ranking magics. They have a single magical ability, and that’s it.”
Husker leisurely wadded through the tranquil waters, his voice calm and relaxed. “Half-mages sometimes have a useful ability, though. They’re random. Each half-mage has something unique. Some make them glow in the dark. Some allow them to destroy building-sized objects. If we found the right half-mage, they could be useful for us.”
Kellan thought about Levvy’s abilities. She was lucky? That was her half-mage power? And that was all she got? Kellan almost felt bad for her. If that was her only magical ability, how would she survive in a world with monsters both machine and humanoid?
“Well, that rezrah wasn’t useful,” Sen snapped. Then he sank too far, and his head dunked below the surface. When he reemerged, his black hair was wet and clinging to his face. He could’ve starred in one of The Ring movies. After a few coughs, he shouted, “Who designs these? There’s no reason for them to be so deep!”
The sliding glass door snapped shut. Kellan glanced over to spot Mavis standing next to the spa. She offered Kellan a smile as she tugged off her own shoes and then stepped into the water—again, fully clothed.
It was now becoming a tradition.
“Sen,” she said as she sank down in the water, all the way to her chin. “Do you have a moment? I… I want to know more about our numbers… These stats, as you called them…”
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