《The Nexus Games》Chapter 25 - Twelve Magics
—Chapter 25—
—Twelve Magics—
Kellan stared at Brenner’s hand, caught in a loop of thoughts that yanked him back and forth.
On the one hand, Brenner was right. Kellan preferred to work as a soldier in a hierarchy that was straight forward with him. And Brenner reeked of military. On the other hand, there were two kinds of military people, in Kellan’s experience—the kind who valued loyalty, defense, and self-sacrifice, and the kind who valued power, control, and authority over all others. Brenner was clearly the latter. Kellan never much cared for those kinds of military people.
And there was also the matter of surviving an unknown game filled with obvious magical and technological dangers. Kellan didn’t trust Xiang—she had asked for his help, but Brenner was right again. She was shady, and Kellan knew he wasn’t entirely in on whatever secrets she had.
And they were probably substantial secrets, considering everything that had already happened.
So, what was it?
Play the deadly game with Xiang, an illusionist who didn’t trust him and clearly had a past that would come back to haunt them all?
Or play the deadly game with Brenner, a man with an obsessive need to win and dominate, who was potentially a sociopath?
Although no option was Kellan’s ideal, he knew he still had another obligation, and that was to Mavis. The only reason she was in the Nexus was because of him. Kellan couldn’t stand the idea of abandoning her or competing on a team without her. It didn’t matter how much everyone thought Brenner would win, Kellan wouldn’t abandon Mavis.
“Sorry,” Kellan said. “But I’m sticking with my original team.”
Brenner put his hand down, like he wasn’t surprised with the outcome. “A shame. But that’s fine. It’s not like you’re a threat. And killing you will be just as morally debilitating as taking you on my team—it’s just not going to be as amusing.”
“What a shame,” Kellan quipped. “It sucks when your petty revenge schemes can’t be amusing.”
With a casual shrug, Brenner once again slipped his hands into his pants pockets. “Well, it’s obvious you don’t really know what’s going on here, so I’ll let most of this slide.”
“How gracious.”
“I’ll see you around.” Brenner turned and walked off, no hurry in his step, no other words or even a glance over his shoulder. Once he turned and disappeared from the hallway, the chill dissipated.
Kellan glanced around, trying to see Jase. He couldn’t—the invisibility was perfect.
He did notice an eyeball on the ceiling, however. Large, half-flesh, half-machine. One of the Eyes of the Arbiter. Even now, the Arbiter was watching.
A shiver ran down his spine.
“You still here?” Kellan whispered.
“Yeah,” Jace responded, his disembodied voice on the other side of Kellan. “I wasn’t going to miss that.”
Kellan turned in Jace’s general direction. “What was that? Why was it so cold? He just has an ominous aura?”
“It happens when you start taking on so many hexes. Those taint the soul like nothing else, and after a couple, anyone sensitive to magic can feel them.”
Kellan crossed his arms and then uncrossed them, his thoughts wrapping around the concepts of curses and hexes. Sen had told him the difference, but Kellan still hadn’t fully grasped the situation…
Curses and hexes were the cost of acquiring either powerful items or powers.
“Brenner took a bunch of hexes in exchange for phenomenal magical abilities? And a laser sword, apparently?”
Jace dropped his invisibility, appearing out of thin air, casually leaning on the wall of the AVU Palace. He offered Kellan a shrug. “I’m pretty sure he went out of his way to find a bunch of specific powers to help him win the Nexus Games. Double arcana from kills? Wielding one of the legendary weapons? Immunity to a magical energy type? Too convenient to be random. Brenner planned this out long in advance. Not sure how he found so many beneficial hexes…”
“Do other mages do that, too?”
“Sometimes. But typically, just one—hexes usually have such a terrible negative side effect, that no one wants to take them.” Jace glanced over, his machine eye’s iris constricted. “You have a couple curses. Nothing serious. You might want to consider taking a hex to give yourself an edge. You’re so weak, otherwise.”
“Thanks,” Kellan muttered as he turned away. “I’ll keep that in mind.”
“It’s just friendly advice.” Jace pushed away from the wall. “And one more piece of advice—you should go register before something else happens. You never know around here.”
Although Kellan was suspicious of almost everyone in the games, Jace was the only one who seemed genuinely helpful, and with no seeming strings attached. It made Kellan wonder. Why? But he didn’t really want to go into it now.
He still felt exhausted.
With heavy feet, Kellan headed down the hallway, trying to retrace his path the Pestbyters had taken to the field. The music within the palace rumbled the walls and floors, even shaking the chandeliers. Some rooms were quieter than others, and Kellan appreciated the mellow attitude.
I’d take a hex just to get a solid eight hours of sleep.
Despite his fatigue, Kellan managed to find his way back to the door that led to the betting room with all the counters and windows. He pushed his way in and found the same quiet area that he had left. Soft jazz music played over the speakers as people walked up to the windows to place bets.
Kellan searched for Mavis, but he didn’t spot her. The only one from his team who still remained was Xiang. She was the most striking and beautiful individual in the room, her elegant grace superhuman. It was like comparing a supermodel to a bunch of terribly drawn stick figures.
He strode over to her, a million questions swirling in his head. When he approached, she regarded him with a neutral expression.
Xiang smoothed her long, silky white robes. “I’m glad you’ve returned. The Arbiter has given you his blessing?”
“Did you know what the Arbiter looked like?” Kellan asked as he stepped close to her. He tried to keep his volume down, but his anger made it difficult. “He’s a damn machine dragon. The size of a skyscraper! No eyes.” Kellan motioned to his face. “Nowhere. Just steam. And green, radioactive insides.”
Xiang brought a slender hand to her chin. Her gaze fell to the carpeted floor. “If you believe the legends, the Arbiter clawed his own eyes out to gain true sight over his domain. The Eyes of the Arbiter were his actual eyes that he imbued with life.”
“After everything I’ve seen, I believe it.”
Xiang motioned to the registration window. The same android from before was waiting—a machine person without any sort of facial expression or presence. “We should finish. Then we can go meet the others. It’s imperative we rest before the first game.”
Although he still had questions, Kellan went straight for the window. He placed his left arm on the counter.
“Welcome,” the android said with an old-timey radio voice. “The Arbiter has made an exception for your registration. Which team would you like to join?”
“Team 101,” Kellan said.
“A good choice! They have yet to register a fifth member, and they were close to being disqualified.” The android grabbed Kellan’s left arm and then ran its machine-hand over his skin.
It hurt for just a second. A quick jab. Then a black number blossomed across his skin.
Kellan removed his arm and stared at it. The odd tattoo marking almost seemed… capable of movement.
“Congratulations,” the android said. The sound of poppers and confetti sounded from his tiny speakers. “You have successfully registered for the Nexus Games. In the morning, at exactly 9am, your team leader will be given a prompt to choose your style of game. All instructions for the specific game will be given to you at that time.”
“Thanks,” Kellan muttered, his attention still on the number.
“Please follow all the rules given to you at the start of each game. Failure to abide by the rules could lead to punishment at the hands of the Arbiter.”
Kellan nodded.
“I feel compelled to remind you, given your earlier violence, that you aren’t allowed to attack the Pestbyters or the Justices.”
“Oh, don’t worry. I learned my lesson.”
“Good.” The android spun around. “Good luck in the Nexus Games!”
Kellan stepped away from the window. His arm felt normal. No pain, no differences. He walked back to Xiang’s side, now prepared to get more answers.
“Some lunatic named Brenner Hawke approached me,” Kellan said. “He wanted me to join his team."
Xiang had no reaction. She motioned to one of the far doors, and walked with Kellan toward it. “I take it he told you that he would win the games, and you should join him to have a chance of winning yourself?”
“Something like that.”
When they approached the door, Xiang motioned with her hand. The door seemingly opened by itself, moved by some unseen force. Xiang and Kellan walked through and entered another hall throughout the palace.
“He also said you were a manipulator,” Kellan muttered. “And after seeing your specialized ability about illusions, I’m leaning toward believing him.”
“You wanna tell me what’s going on?” Kellan lifted an eyebrow and glanced at her.
Xiang threw back some of her inky black hair. “It’s an uninteresting story. I was with Brenner. We made plans to compete in the Nexus Games, but during our planning, and gathering of arcana, I fell for someone else.”
“Me?” Kellan quipped.
“Yes and no.” Xiang pointed to a door in the hall, and headed straight for it. “He’s you, but his dimension is so far removed from yours, that you two really aren’t the same people. You look alike. But that’s where the similarities end.”
Kellan nodded along with her words. Was this a nature versus nurture situation? Was the other Alex Kellan different because his universe was strange?
When they approached the next door, Xiang once again flicked her wrist. The door opened, they stepped through, and then it closed behind them. The next room was an aquarium—several tanks filled with jellyfish, rays, and sharks were scattered throughout the dimly lit room.
A few other mages milled around the area, staring at the exotic fish. The ceiling was twenty feet up, and some of the tanks went all the way up.
One of the fish… Was a seahorse, but so large, it might as well have been an actual horse.
As they walked through the blue lights glowing from the tanks, Xiang half-smiled. “Well, after I… left Brenner to be with someone else… He didn’t handle that well. We had some disagreements, and after some violence, we went our separate ways.”
“Wow. That’s the vaguest story I’ve ever heard.” Kellan stared at a glowing green jellyfish. It had a red dot inside its bloom, like immortal jellyfish. “Do you care to add any details?”
“That’s as specific as I’m going to get.”
“Okay. Well, Brenner declared he’s going to win, but not before completely destroying you. I’m pretty sure he’s out to murder you in the most psychotic way possible.”
They walked to the other end of the aquarium, away from the other mages, and toward a door in the darkened corner of the room. Xiang stepped up to the door and stared at the handle. Kellan waited, wondering what was going through her head.
The door opened, but not from Xiang’s influence. Sen stood on the other side—his child-like size a slight shock as Kellan had to glance down just to see him.
“There you are!” Sen said once his eyes planned on Xiang. “I was beginning to worry. He shot Kellan a glare. “I saw what happened on the viewscreen. You’re completely reckless. I’m surprised the Arbiter rewarded that behavoir.”
Without a word, Xiang walked around her brother and into a second hallway. Sen followed close behind her, fussing with the hem of her sleeves. When Kellan followed, he tried to ignore “the kid” but he found it difficult.
“Why are you upset?” Sen asked, his brow furrowed.
Xiang shook her head. “I’m okay.”
“I know you, sister. You’re not. Was it something our warrior did?”
Kellan gritted his teeth. “I’m just asking questions. I don’t think it’s unreasonable to expect a few answers, especially considering that I’m going to be risking my life for our victory.”
“You don’t really understand magic,” Xiang stated matter-of-factly. “So it’s difficult to even begin to explain.”
“I’m picking things up.”
Sen rolled his eyes. “Please, warrior. Quiet. You’ve been bumbling your way through everything so far. You don’t understand anything. Do you even know how many magics there are? Or their basic properties?”
“I do,” Kellan stated.
Xiang glanced over, her dark eyes calculating. “From one day in the Nexus?”
“That’s right.”
Sen scoffed. “Tell us, then. Please. I can’t wait to hear.”
The new hallway was mostly empty, but a thin cloud of smoke milled around the ceiling, creating a BBQ aroma. Kellan hadn’t realized how hungry he was until then, but he hoped they’d find a room soon.
“Well?” Sen snapped. “Or were you lying?”
Kellan stopped walking. The other two did as well.
“There are twelve magics,” Kellan said.
He had seen them during the party. He had counted everything he saw, from his analysis, and the metal bars on people’s outfits.
Kellan continued, “And those twelve magics seem to be broken into four groups of three. The first group of three are storm, magma, and eclipse. They’re all magics related to elements.”
Sen’s eyebrows slowly crept to his hairline. Xiang waited, her gaze sharp and intelligent, like she was silently grading his performance.
“The second group is body, mind, and soul,” Kellan stated. “Since they’re all related to someone’s physical being.”
Xiang smiled slightly.
“The third grouping of magics are wyld, metal, and entropy, and I think they’re related because they have to do with the flow of life. Birth, civilization, and then death.”
“They’re known as the destiny magics,” Xiang added with a nod of her head. “And you’re correct. They’re the magic that stems from the circle of life. Growth, progress, and death.”
“And the last set of magics are the unknowable ones, aren’t they?” Kellan half-laughed. “The only people who had them were Bitso, the Arbiter, and Brenner Hawke. And they were travel, fate, and meta. Something about these make them special—or maybe more powerful—than the rest.”
Kellan had paid special attention to the frequency he saw the magics. Tons of mages had at least one elemental magic. Storm, magma, and eclipse magics appeared everywhere. A good portion of the mages had body, soul, or mind, and few had wyld, metal, or entropy.
But travel, fate, and meta were basically unseen, except for the three Kellan had listed.
“They’re known as ascendancy magics to those who are educated,” Sen said matter-of-factly. “Travel magic allows individuals to teleport or slip through dimensions. Fate controls luck and allows you to see into the future. And meta is the magic of magic. You can empower things or change magic fundamentally. These magics are too powerful and complex for most mages. Those who can learn them are thought of as ascended.”
He spoke as though he were caught in a moment of awe, happy to discuss the topic with anyone who wanted.
“And there are energy types associated with different magics,” Kellan stated.
His magics had told him about the lasers, Mavis had used fire, and the Ren Faire man who had attacked the Pestbyter had used lightning. Which meant different magics offered different typings.
And then there was Brenner’s hex… The one that granted him a magical typing immunity. It listed all the different types, but it made logical sense to connect them to certain magics.
“Storm magic has ice and lightning typing,” Kellan said, trying to logically grasp at which magic would have. “Magma has fire. Eclipse and metal seem to have lasers… Mind has phantasmal.” The mind magic was a guess, but he wasn’t about to admit that. “Entropy has entropy, obviously, and then there’s phase damage, and it comes from one of the unknowable magics.”
“Travel,” Xiang said. “Phase damage is the typing that breaks things apart.”
Kellan pointed at her. “There. I know the magics. I know they offer different skills, and have numerous magical energies.”
“Did someone tell you all of this?” Sen demanded.
“No. I just paid attention.”
Xiang smiled, but she quickly lifted her hand to cover half her face with her sleeve. After a moment, she said, “Maybe you and your counterpart aren’t so dissimilar.”
“Well, since I know what’s going on, are you two going to answer my questions?” Kellan crossed his arms and clenched his jaw. “I think I deserve to know. Why is Brenner so obsessed with killing you? And is there anything to do about it? I feel like we need a plan for a man like him.”
Xiang lowered her hand and nodded once. “Very well. You’re right. You’re more competent than I originally expected. But… my personal history really is of no consequence.”
“That’s right,” Sen said.
“And I already have a plan for Brenner. You needn’t worry yourself over him.”
“Oh?” Kellan lifted an eyebrow. “What’re we going to do?”
“Have you seen Husker use his power of decay and destruction?”
“The thing he used on the yami?” Kellan thought back to the beast in the bizarre swamp. Husker had rotted away its life in a matter of mere seconds.
“Brenner doesn’t know about Husker’s hex,” Xiang stated. In a quiet voice, she added, “The reason I reached out to Husker was because he wanted to get rid of his hex… And because I knew his power could kill Brenner within a matter of seconds. His hex deals more damage to the target based on the power of the target itself. The more powerful the mage, the more destruction it does.”
Kellan half-laughed. “Really?”
Xiang smiled. “If Brenner comes for us, I have an ace up my sleeve—and that ace is Husker.”
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