《Trashmancer》C11 Trash Magic
C11 Trash Magic
Eddie strutted outside with his new woggle staff in hand. He went into the large basin area and aimed at a wall. Clearing his throat and readying his stance, he shouted: “Trash Chute!” He felt the mana in his body transfer into the foam tube of unlimited power and he quickly tightened his grip. A split second later a pair of broken dentures flew at a high velocity towards the wall and shattered upon impact.
A grin stretched on Eddie’s face as he looked down the hollow woggle tube. “Ha-HA! This is awesome!!!” As the long seconds ticked down on the cooldown, he fired it again. “Trash Chute.”
Eddie danced around as he practised using it like a ninja staff; twiddling around and firing it out at either ends. He was becoming a mage- slowly, and not a typical mage; an unorthodox mage- a Trashmancer.
You have levelled up Trash Chute I→II
Mana Cost: 15
Distance: 3(+1)-33(+3)m
Damage: 3(+1)-40(+3)
Cooldown: 5s
“Oh? Is that because of my awesomeness?” Eddie questioned the air in front of him with a devilish grin.
No, you just practised the skill. It’s automatic.
“Are you sure?”
No response from the system came. “Right,” Eddie said, “Now for the other reward.”
Spell Rewards:
SPELL Tier 1 Trash Cocoon
Description: Ever found yourself in need of a quick way out? And I’m not just talking about the suicide type because you have an existential dread of remaining lonely forever and the only person you have to comfort you is a piece of metal. *Breaths and clears throat*. Trash Cocoon wraps the caster in pieces of trash that regenerates mana, health and stamina over the duration you spend inside the cocoon. Cocoon defense rating is dependent on the trash summoned which you will have absolutely zero control over.
Mana Cost: 35
Defense Rating: 70-120
Cast time: 3s
Duration: 1 minute (can be dismissed)
Cooldown: 3 minutes
Regeneration: x3 for HP, MP and SP
SPELL Tier 1 Banana Slip
Description: (Note: this skill does not represent the funny memes of minions you see on facebook. Any attempt to correlate will result in your immediate removal from the server and the Unfunny Police will arrive at your door within the next three minutes). Running away from monsters because you’re too scared to fight them? No problem! With Banana Slip, expel 5 rotten bananas from your hand. If it’s a big dumb monsters with negative points in intelligence then it will have 100% chance to cause the monster to slip over.
Mana Cost: 15
Damage: 3 per banana (Does not take into account fall damage)
Chance of work: Dependent on target.
Cooldown: 15 seconds
Distance: 5m
SPELL Tier 1 Trash Wall
Description: All these skills are defensive whereas this skill is also defensive with just a smidge of crushing your enemies to death. Summon a wall of trash that is 5mx3m. Wall is made of randomized trash that correlates with defense ratings. When this wall is erected(hehehe) you are able to move it with free will therefore crushing your enemies to death. Please note: Excessive use of the wall’s movement will cause huge mana cost.
Mana Cost: 35
Defense Rating: 40-65
Damage: Undetermined
Cast time: 3s
Duration: Unlimited until dismissed (Will still drain your mana).
Cooldown: 40s
Eddie exhaled in confusion and confliction, all the spells seemed good and worthwhile. But, there was something Eddie couldn’t understand. “System, why does the banana slip not have a cast time?”
Because it doesn’t have one you complete mo-
“Alright, alright, I get it… Why isn’t trash themed like the rest?”
Just because it is trash related but not entirely limited to the trashmancer class.
That was sufficient enough for Eddie. Now with the confusion gone, he was now left with conflict. Eddie pouted as he clicked his tongue, it was a tough decision. Trash Cocoon seemed like it was more effective when fighting in large groups and not just with himself and Frank. Banana Slip seemed very handy since they were doing a lot of ‘tactical retreats’ lately constantly. Lastly- Trash Wall, it seemed fairly good with defensive and offensive qualities.
He had to think long and hard since these spells would be with him his entire gaming journey. He also had to think about if he wanted any other golem types and whether they would have similar skills to Frank or himself. They needed to compliment-
“Ah, screw it, too much thinking,” Eddie declared. “I chose Trash Wall.”
T1 Trash Wall Rank I
Mana Cost: 35
Defense Rating: 40-65
Damage: Undetermined
Cast time: 3s
Duration: Unlimited until dismissed (Will still drain your mana).
Cooldown: 40s
Distance: Undetermined
“Saweet! Ok, Trash Wall!”
Thirty five mana was instantly sucked out of his pool and his woggle staff started ejecting random pieces of trash, it formed into a large rectangle before him. “Woah,” Eddie said in amusement. It was just a hovering wall of trash but damn was it impressive to him. “Ok, so I can like, move it…” Sure enough, the wall started to move to his commands. When it was hovering it was costing him a mana point a second to hold it up, but while it was moving it was costing him three points per second.
There was all sorts inside the wall, much like the trash surrounding him. He did see something that was once alive squashed in there- it was a hoarder’s cat specifically; he tried his best to not look at it.
Soon though, Eddie was swinging the wall around in a circle a few metres away from. He also noticed that the further away it was the more mana it was using. He started to rotate it and play around with it, he was a mage after all. At the end of his mana pool, the trash turned into transparent white cubes and disappeared.
Eddie sat down on the compacted trash floor and went over the spell more in his head. It was cool- really cool, and far more flexible than Trash Chute. He felt it could have many uses.
“Sir,” Frank’s voice said from inside the cave.
“Would you please mind showing me where you would like the bones from the deceased monsters kept.”
“Sure, Frank,” Eddie said as he shot up.
Far, far, far above the metal man and trash guy, a group of ranked players were rushing to get down into the trash dump. There were four of them in total, each looking well kitted with powerful weapons.
“C’mon, we have to hurry,” a woman said. She was small, asian-american with dark navy hair cut into a bob. She was wearing light cloth and had a robe in her grasp. She was very small, only standing at five feet and six inches.
“I’m comin’, I’m comin’,” a giant, burly african-american man replied hastily. His voice was abnormally deep and that reflected his bulging muscles. He was bold, and had a mean looking face but the personality of the BFG. Not only were his muscles impressive but he stood at six feet and six inches.
They were running through Arindought trying to find the entrance into the Trash Dump. Since it was the first major event to come into Chronicles Of Fantasy, all the high ranked players in the city were trying to get down there. The boosts to spawn rates meant for a huge increase in experience grinding.
Luckily for them, they had bought a very expensive map from a grumpy NPC and were now trying to get down there first before anyone else. Getting to an area first meant they had first dibs on unique quests and even rare items in some cases.
The four turned a corner and spotted an old staircase blocked off with metal gates. It was down a maze of alleys and there was not a soul in sight.
“Are you sure we should be doing this?” the burly man asked.
“Do not worry,” a man with a Russian accent said. His skin was white like the other man next to him. He had a bow strapped over his shoulder and a cigarette hanging on the side of his mouth. He brought out a buzz saw and went away cutting the gate.
“Ok, guys, when we get in I’ll start recording,” the woman said.
“Don’t get the outside in the shot, Mira, people will know where the entrance is,” the burly man instructed.
“I’m not an amatuer, Denzel,” Mira chatted back.
“Relax you two,” the Russian man said in his broken English accent.
“Sorry, Viktor, just nervous,” Mira explained.
“Same here,” Denzel agreed.
“LET ME FEAST ON ROTTEN TOMATOES AND CLIP THE FEET OF THE KING’S JESTER!!!” the man next to Viktor bellowed randomly. He had an American accent and his voice was very hoarse.
“You ok, Bear?” Mira asked her cousin who was the man standing next to Viktor.
Bear was a strange person. Two hatchets were hooked on his waist, he wore a pink tutu and white pulled up socks. A white cropped top was tightly stretched around his muscular chest exposing his abs. His blonde hair had never met a comb in its life and his eyes were always open- never blinking. He stood at exactly six feet.
“Yeah, I’m nervous too,” Mira said. She seemed to understand what he was saying.
Bear had a problem with putting words into his mouth. Although he was never diagnosed with a problem; his mental state was perfectly normal- minus the unusual dress sense. He could only communicate while shouting absolute randomness at the top of his voice.
The metal gates fell towards Viktor in two pieces. “We are in, I’ll seal it up once we’re inside.”
The four players stepped into the dark staircase leading down and waited for Viktor to block off the entrance.
“Ugh, I wish the Guild Master came, she never comes. I really thought she’d want to join back up when the event was announced,” Mira complained.
“Hey, I wouldn’t worry too much, we’re getting tonnes of applications by the day. She’s already got enough for her plate,” Denzel comforted.
“Ah,” Viktor huffed in annoyance. “If we find another full PK party down there we will have to run. We do not even know if there are spawn points.”
“Yeah I agree, Bear,” Mira said. “It’s risky but well worth it.”
“I am all done,” Viktor stated as he put the buzz saw in his inventory.
“Ok, I’ll start recording.” Mira was an ‘upcoming’ professional gamer. She was ranked fairly highly in the leaderboards and had started gaining followers online. She was very hopeful for how many views the dungeon was going to bring in. She switched on her camera and it started recording her POV.
The party made their way down the dark staircase, it winded and twisted in such unusual ways.
“Do you think the rumours are true?” Viktor asked the group as he lit another cigarette.
Mira shrugged. “That the dungeon was unfinished? Probably, no one’s even heard of it before and all of a sudden the first event is down there.”
“I’m with you there,” Denzel agreed.
The steps went on and on until they completely disappeared
“Shit,” Mira said, “It completely drops off, there’s nothing.”
“Let me look,” Denzel said, he had special skills to determine what was in front of him. He carefully made his way next to Mira and dropped his cigarette down. It vanished into the darkness below before hitting the ground. “I tried.”
“Go on then,” Mira said, taking a step back.
Bear’s hand went inside his inventory and brought out a glowing crystal. He threw it far into the darkness and landed 30m down.
“Wait,” Denzel said. “Stick your head in.”
Bear did so and a notification appeared. He could also see the dungeon in all of its trashy, smoggy greatness. It seemed there was a permanent darkness around the dungeon. He swivelled the notification around and allowed the rest of his team to see it.
You have entered the dungeon: Arindought’s Trash Pit
Level recommendation: 5-50
Party size recommendation: 5
Difficulty: Hard
“Yes! We found it!” Mira exclaimed joyfully.
“How do we get down?” Viktor questioned.
Mira stuck her head into the dungeon. “I’ll see you guys down there.” In a flash of dark blue light, she teleported down onto the trash surface. Instantly, she pinched her nose and withheld the vomit rising in her throat.
Denzel started laughing. “Me next.” Bear and Viktor parted to the side as he took a few steps back. He activated a buff that increased his strength and started running; he leapt off on one foot and disappeared into the smog.
Soon, the other two joined him; also joining Mira in pinching her nose.
“It smells so bad,” Mira whined.
“This is normal in Russia- smells like home.”
Eddie was brainstorming new ideas with Frank, it was nice to bounce ideas off him. Since the Uncommon core was broken, he was thinking of what golem type to build with the Common core; the core had the Move Metal skill. It was Tier 3 too and could move trash at 390% speed.
“What about a golem with big hands?” Eddie asked as he hunched over a big sheet of paper on the workbench. “Ooh, a- uhh- four hands, four small hands.”
“Sir, I understand that your brilliance knows no bounds since you did make me, but what moves metal other than a machine built to move metal?”
“Is that a riddle?” Eddie questioned, dirty fingers rubbing his temples.
“No, Sir. A shovel moves trash, pitchfork, hands, trucks, dump trucks- the list can go on if you’re creative enough.”
“Something that moves trash,” Eddie pondered in thought. “I just can’t hack it.”
Eddie wanted something that was unique; Frank wasn’t much so in the way of a ‘golem’, sure, he was British, cool- far cooler than himself, devilishly handsome and had murderous impulses, but his body was basic. In fact, Frank was a basic bitch.
“Oh, Sir, I have an idea,” Frank said.
“Please, elaborate.”
“You’ve been constantly thinking about human golems like myself. Sure, I have many uses, but what about an animal? A metal human golem can run fast but what about a lion golem? I know that may be a step too far but I hope it can open your mind.”
Eddie clicked his teeth. “That’s not a bad idea, you know…” Eddie didn’t finish his sentence as his brain led him astray. It did quite a lot, he was a man too so multitasking was as much outside rather than not on the table. “How about a dog with four small han- paws? No, Eddie, dogs do have four paws.”
“How about just a dog, Sir?”
Eddie halted his ramblings and stared off into space. Suddenly, he turned around and said: “Frank, you really are a genius.”
“Thank you, Sir. Do you need me to leave you in peace for sometime?”
“Uh- yeah, yeah, I’ll draw up some designs; see what will fit best.”
“Did you want me to retrieve anything for you?”
“Urm, tch, tch. Oh, I want to start using the iron ingots so look for a forge and a- what’s it called: the bash thingy.”
“Bash thingy?”
“You know, the bashy thingy,” Eddie said, hitting the air in front of him.
“An anvil, Sir.”
“Ah, that’s the one.”
“There’s nothing but racoons down here,” Mira said in disgust. “I thought it’s meant to be level 5-50?”
“It could be bigger,” Denzel challenged. “I mean, we’ve been walking for an hour now and it hasn’t got any smaller.”
“Have faith, there wouldn’t be an event if it were useless to be here,” Viktor added.
“There’s a house over there!” Mira exclaimed. “Do you see it on the map?”
“That area is massive, it’s all a commercial area,” Denzel said.
The group started to hurry over.
“Do you think we’ll get any quests?” Mira eagerly asked the group.
“It would make logical sense, Mira, yes,” Viktor replied.
“This is gonna be such good content, I might even get on trending!”
“Sir,” Frank said. “I’ve found a forge and anvil for you.”
“Really? Great” Eddie questioned.
“Yes, Sir, both appear to be in the Crude classification.”
“Better then nothing, Frank.”
Frank started to drag in the forge and anvil on a wood plank. “Where would you like them, Sir?”
Eddie put them in his inventory and headed over to a far corner in his workshop room and laid them down. He checked the item descriptions.
{Stone Forge}
Grade: Crude
Durability: 41/49
Description: It’s a…Forge? Can smelt up to Common metals.
It was entirely made out of interlocking stone bricks whereas the anvil was made from pure metal.
{Steel Anvil}
Grade: Common
Durability: 52/72
Description: An anvil made of steel; can bash up to Uncommon metals.
“Frank, this one is common,” Eddie stated.
“Thank you, Sir. Do you know how to use them?”
“Uhh, just put it in the fire and uhhhh, bash it?”
“That is a problem, Sir.” Frank remarked.
“Do you know how?” Eddie asked.
“I’m a butler, Sir,” Frank explained.
“Ok. System, how does a forge work?”
By searching how to smelt and forge weapons, you will limit how fast you gain the skill and the level ups. We encourage you to teach yourself or find someone to teach you.
“That sucks,” Eddie cursed. “I guess I’ll have to teach myself.”
“That is unfortunate, Sir.”
“Well, it’s not like the average person smelts something in 2049. I’m guessing everyone would be as clueless as me. But then, how hard could it be?” Eddie really needed to touch some wood.
“I’ll leave you to it, Sir,” Frank said. The golem went back to organising and cleaning his trash house.
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