《Magus Of Darkness》Chapter 14: New enemy!


“ I am here to meet you because I want you to make a poison to kill somebody” Said Linda with a low voice, she was scared that someone could hear her.

The Person in front of her, Adrius, was really calm as always, she couldn’t see his face because of that damn mask. So she didn’t know what expression he had on his face.

Neither of them spoke a word for a whole minute, finally Linda couldn’t withstand the pressure that was forming between them and spoke first.

“ Now will you do it?” Asked Linda

“ Depends?”

“ Depends on what exactly?”

“ Benefits, what will I get from this job?”

“ How much do you want?”

“ 10 magical stones” Answered Adrius

“ What?! Are out of your damn mind?” Screamed Linda, she has money but it was everything she owns so he is draining her of her wealth.

“ You are asking me to make something that will kill someone, this is a big risk since the school forbids killing students. I’m here putting myself in danger so 10 magical stones is the minimum” Explind Adrius with a calm manner like the raging Linda in front of him can’t harm him.

Linda sat down and thought for a minute, she didn’t want to pay him much, that was everything her Father gave her. But then an image popped into her mind, there was a boy with a girl, the girl looked pretty and was leaning on the boy's chest.

She made her choice after this image popped into her mind.

“ You got it” Said Linda with a poisonous glare at Adrius. She really wanted to rip his arrogant eyes off his face.

“ Wonderful, now before we speak let Phil bring us some drinks” Said Adrius, he then took out a small book and put his magic power into a mark on the page.


Phil then entered with some drinks for them and left immediately.

Linda drank her drink very fast she was thirsty after the screaming she did earlier.

“ Now who is the target and their power rank?” Asked Adrius in a serious manner.

“ Her name is Rose, she is a noble from the same country I came from, she is a rank 1 magus apprentice” Answered Linda.

Linda saw Adrius think and a lot of thoughts went into her head. Thoughts like ‘one day I will kill this fucker for taking my money” and other stuff. But it all stopped when Adrius spoke.

“ Does she have a strong faction or a person supporting her?” Said Adrius

“No, she is under some professor but there are a lot of other students under him” Answered Linda without lying.

Adrius fell into deep thinking again, and after some time he spoke.

“ I will do it, now I want you to hand me 5 magical stones and 5 after I give you the poison” Demanded Adrius.

Linda took out 5 stones and gave it to him, her heart was bleeding the whole time.

When he took the stones he said something that made Linda confused, and a bad feeling was established within her.

“ I have made some arrangements so this will stay secret and I will trust that you won’t tell any living soul” Chuckled Adrius while saying it.

“ What does that mean?!” Screamed Linda.

Adrius didn’t answer but he looked at the glass that was in front of him, Linda followed his footsteps and the feeling of danger only grew stronger.

His glass was still full, and her glass was empty so it only meant one thing, he poisoned her.

She looked at Adrius again, he was still sitting and there was a hint of amusement in his eyes.

“ You son of a bitch!” Screamd Linda, and started to cast a magic spell. But before she could finish, she saw Adrius move his right hand slightly and the next second an invisible force slapped her face. That made her lose focus and her spell failed to cast. She fell down on the floor because of the slaps force, when she looked up she saw Adrius watching her with a sarcastic look.


“Are you done? Anyway I think you have understood that I poisoned you, this poison is my professor’s masterpiece so don’t drink healing potion or see a healing magus because it will only make it worse. Don’t worry it will not do anything to you like coughing or weakening but it can if you don’t take this antidote in 5 days. I will give it to you when you give me my money and I give you the poison.”Said Adrius

Linda wanted to attack again after hearing that but she stopped herself because it will only make it worse for her situation.

‘ It is my fault for walking into his trap, what kind of a dumbass doesn’t watch what they eat or drink while a toxicologist is around. I can only blame myself for being stupid’ Thought Linda to herself, then a thing came into her mind her mom was always saying “ Love can make the smartest person a fool” And she has experienced it today.

“I will never forget what happened today!” Threatened Linda as she walked out.

After she left Adrius didn’t move an inch and fell into deep thought, he didn’t poison her but made her think that she was. And that thing about healing potion and medicine making it worse is also a lie, but it worked at least he knows that his secret business will stay secret.

He now has two problems, he has to make a poison which is the easier problem but then he had made an enemy with this Linda and she looks like trouble, so he started to think of a way to eliminate the danger without risking his life. He then got a brilliant idea, his eyes turned cold for a second and then got their neutral look again. He then made the same move when he called Phil and Phil came in.

“Here is you share and I will give you the rest when she gives me the whole price” Said Adrius while handing Phil 2 magical stones.

Phil took them and asked a question

“ Did you really poison her?”

“ Yes I did, why are you asking?”

“ Nothing just curious” Answered Phil, on the outside he still has the same expression he always has when he sees money but inside he is in a mess.

‘This man is dangerous, he is talking about poisoning someone like its nothing. I should be on watch of him from now on’ Thought Phil, he made a relationship with Adrius because he thought that Adrius was easy to control but he has only proved him wrong again and again. So when he asked phil to use an odd ingredient in the drink he made, he felt suspicious. His suspicions were confirmed by Linda who walked out angry and stressed.

After a little chit chat about a potion deal, Adrius left phil’s shop and headed to his room. He opened his room and walked in, took off his mask and started to cultivate. He really thought that he was close to raising his magic power to 13,5.

Every point is very important, with every point he can use more magic and his spells will get stronger with each point. Like if two persons casted the same spell but one is rank 3 magus apprentice and the other is rank 1 the rank 3 will have the stronger spell because of his magic power which is higher.

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