《The Empty Valley Cries Unheard》Oasis


Chapter 36: Oasis

For days a drifter walked in the desert. From afar, he finally chanced upon the visage of an Oasis.

Alas, when he got much closer, all he saw was the Wonderwall.

It's a kind of wall that makes people wonder. That's why when they saw it, the first thing they'd always say.

"I said maybe."

Because the sight of such wall was so wonderful, most would not even believe its real.

The wall that was adorned with so much sparkling in the desert. Giving the rays of hope, any drifters within desert hell would find their salvation.

The next thing they'd say was.

"You're going to be the one that saves me."

The wall with glitter unmatched even by the most precious diamond. The closer you got, the more greed would be roused within you.

"...and after all, you are my Wonderwall."

..wanting to possess the entire wall to yourself.

On their journey before, as he drifted from the desert paths, the harsh wind of sand impedes him. With the sun rays so blinding, it was difficult to see what's ahead. There were many things to complain to the desert, yet, as there were so many sands; afraid of it getting sucked in his throat, he didn't know the best way to let his voice out.

When the drifter finally reached it; the Wonderwall had all but faded away, revealing the Oasis. Instead of grabbing the walls with even grander luster than a diamond, he fell upon the scorching sand.

That's when the drifter was so upset, he said:

"I hate Wonderwall."

The Oasis replied:

"Me too."

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