《The Empty Valley Cries Unheard》Money to Burn


Chapter 35: Money to Burn

You just received $ 1 Million! What would you do?

OP's Answer: spend it all on anime tiddies (especially on mobage).

"What the heck, that's so friggin idiotic. If I were to get them, I'd upgrade my gaming gear."

"I'd buy a luxury condo and live the rest of my life as a NEET, haha!"

"Yep, with that much, why bother working. When it runs out you can just return to your parents' basement anyway. Or you know, go to another world."


"Just think, how many hundreds of thousands of Instant noodles could I buy with it."

"Why must settle for instant noodles when you could just go to an Italian buffet or something?"

"Instant noodles are the best tho."

"As for me, I'm thinking of buying all the marijuana I got and smoke it in front of the presidential building."

"As if the president weren't high already, lol."

"Any newfags thinking of investing in stocks or real estate better forget about it. You don't have enough brain to best those money-grubbers."

"I don't really need that much money. I live in a third-world country where I could just download everything. One million dollars in here already made me a billionaire lol. Maybe I should just put it in a bank or something and just live out of the interests."

"...and then someone stole it all from you one day."

"C'mon man, no need to be such a spoilsport."

"These anonfags think they already got the money. Go get a life."

"If we had one we wouldn't be lurking on this thread."

"I had a full-time job but I hate my life, can I join in?"

"I already have a girlfriend."


"Go kill yourself, riajuu."

"It's a lie, the only girlfriend he'll ever have is his right hand."

">tfw someone actually believes it."

"Hello, I'm a girl."

"Tits or GTFO."

"Yes yes, we're all girls here. Am I kawaii enough uguu?"

"We all know everyone on the internet are anime girls."


"It goes in email field you dumbass."


One million dollars huh.

If I got one, I could just quit my job and live my life without a care. I didn't have to waste every day working on a job with minimum wage, yet the work hours were long af.

Sometimes I thought, why didn't I have any talent to make money? I wish I was like Kram Bucker Zerg of the Zerg race or Adun Gates from the Protoss race. As a lowly Terran, I could only buckle on my mobile suit and do tons of hard labor, every single day.

Yet, what did I know about those two billionaires? I knew from the very start they were very intelligent and had supreme talent compared to a pleb like me. They seem to live their life in Easy Mode like they had a Cheat or even an unfair System.

Why did they deserve to live like that, when I have to spend so many years like this?

"Because you suck."

Deep down, the only answer I could think was this.

Yet, I know, I no longer wish to continue on this kind of lifestyle. It's draining me so much, I'd feel like dying.

As per the consultation with my unreliable folks at TerranChan, I quit my job to became a librarian and study a lot of things.

Even if I was an idiot, a snail pace for learning, knowing and experiencing was a lot better than nothing.


I might not be able to make billions of dollars like Kram Zerg or Adun Gates but I did not need so much money.

It's enough for me to just live leisurely making few bucks and be satisfied with what I got.

Those billionaires might live a life filled with satisfaction, but no matter what, it's their own life—not mine. I still got my own.

Maybe I just did not want to see the struggles they had to face on rising to the top and continuing to sit down on such pedestal, nor I plan to do so anyway. They live in a completely different world from me. No matter how much I tried to, I sure as hell would not understand.

They had their own role and it's not my duty to understand them.

I'm on my way to find my own and hopefully, I'd find it soon.

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