《Trash Knight: System Recycler: A litRPG Satire that No One Asked For》62: A Most Dastardly Explicit Interrogation Scene


Jessie Barnabas. Former tank commander. Current prisoner. A person with a questionable origin. A person with secrets. A person with secrets that I needed to know.


About 5 foot 3--63 inches--160 centimeters.


Weighed 110 pounds, 50 kilograms.


Probably a... C-cup? Hard to tell.


Sometimes I even impressed myself. I was such a strong judge of women that it took only a quick glance at her figure to know all this information. No touching required. Well, technically, I could measure her weight since I had to carry her out of the tank, and my recycler data showed me changes in weight, so all it took was to figure the difference.

I dragged her to the end of the barn and tied her up to a wooden beam that ran up to the ceiling. She tried to weakly kick at me, but she was still groggy from the long trip and the near 12 hours of sleep I had given her.

I stepped back to make sure she was secured tightly, and I went behind the tank to quickly make a new set of armor.


+98,000 Earth Element

+6,000 Air Element

+10,400 XP

-70,000 Earth Element

War Machine Form activated.

My body clicked and clacked and all that sort of thing, and when I shook off the heat, I returned to stand high over her, domineering, demanding, powerful, manly, in control. I was totally in control of this situation. I was in control of every situation! I was never not in control!

I grinned down at her.

She stared up at me with tired eyes.

Then, I ripped off the duct tape from her mouth.

"Fuck," she spat. "That hurt, you little shit."

"I'm not little," I said, almost offended.

"Water," she said. "Gimme water. I'm thirsty."

I stared.

She looked away.


+1 Bottle of Water.

+1 Ham Sandwich (Common)

+1 Energy Drink

I set the goods at her feet and untied one of her hands so she could eat and drink in peace. I needed her to at least survive long enough for me to interrogate.

With hesitance, she did. Almost like a stray animal learning to trust the local baker when offered bread. I sat on the tank, watching, waiting patiently for her to finish.

She really looked like a stray. Not the confident, sexy lunatic I had seen yesterday. Now her hair was in disarray, her weird white uniform a mess, one of her boots was shredded, and she had smut all over her face.


"You ready to talk?" I asked.

"About what?"

"How did you find me so easily?"

She snickered.

I jumped up from my seat and stomped over. She didn't flinch. I raised my hand. "Speak, woman."

She said nothing.

I readied my most ultimate backhand.

She just stared.

I started to swing at her, but--a feint! I tricked her!

But she... didn't even react. She just blinked.

What the fuck!

"Did Marianna tell you who I was? Answer me!"

She yawned.

Tch. This one would be a tough nut to crack. Back in my paladin years, I would've had no problem just beating the shit out of someone during an interrogation, but now it was... different. Had I grown soft? No! I'm a manly man!

Obviously, I would need tools to properly torture this information out of her.


+1 Scalpel (Poor)

I drew it out of my vending slot, then gripped her free hand, and held it to her finger.

She yawned, harder this time. Harder this time! This woman had nerves of steel.

I shoved the scalped back into my slot for later use. Then, I inwardly asked Cassandra for assistance. "Uh, help?"

"Analyzing," she said. "Confirmed. Please upgrade me to Level 2 to unlock biometric scanning functionality."

"Oh. Uh, sure. How?"

"It will cost 2,000 of each element, or 18,000 Earth Element before transmutation. As it stands, you have the resources to complete this upgrade."

"Do it," I said.

AI Level 2 unlocked.

I felt something hum and faintly click next to my trash can heart, my recycler core.

"Scanning," Cassandra said. "Complete. Analyzing... complete. To complete the analysis, procure each tool I create and present it to her. Then I will measure her temperature and heart rate to find the most effective means to convince her to share information."

Leveling her up was a good idea. Now she was way more useful. "Go ahead," I said.


Without looking, I reached into my slot and drew it out.

It was a pair of pliers. I just sort of pointed it at Jessie for a moment, made sure she could see my smug, masculine grin, then I set it on the tank.

Cassandra made the next tool, and I showed it to Jessie, and we did this over and over through a long list of various handheld possible torture devices. During this process, Jessie typically gave no reaction; even with the nastiest, creepiest, stabbiest little things Cassandra would spit out of me. Some things, however, Jessie did react to. And when she would react, it was obvious.


Hammer? No reaction.

Scissors? No reaction.

Can opener? Nothing.

Some kind of brain opener? Nope.

A big knife. No.

A set of kitchen knives? Also no.

Rope? Her eyes widened a bit, but mostly nothing.

Bandages. No. Also, why did Cassandra make this?

Handcuffs. Jessie blushed a little.

Blindfold. Eyes widened more.

A sort of--what was it?--a riding crop. The kind you use to whack horses with. She looked away and squirmed a bit.

A leather whip? Heavy breathing. Was that... a faint smile? What the fuck?

And finally--I drew it out of me--a dildo! A dildo? A dildo!? A rubber dick? Why did Cassandra make this fuckin' thing!

And when I looked at Jessie, I knew why. She and I both did. She was mouth-open panting, face red, thighs squirming against each other--for goodness sake.

"Analysis complete," said Cassandra. "This woman is a sexual degenerate."

"So it would seem," I said as I tossed the rubber dick away. I wasn't gonna recycle that. "But that doesn't really help me. What am I supposed to do with this information?"

"This is unfortunate that you are unaware of yourself, Imsi." Cassandra had some spice to her voice. "As you are both sexual degenerates, it would naturally make sense that you understand the depths of her most dark desires."

I rolled my eyes. "I happen to be very well adjusted, thank you. Quite vanilla, in fact."

"Blindfold her," Cassandra ordered.


"Please follow my instructions."

I pulled out the blindfold, feeling a little dirty now, even dirtier when I considered I was being bossed around by a little AI helper, but even so. I approached Jessie with the utmost care--she practically salivated--and I wrapped it around her eyes.

"Turn her around," said Cassandra. "Bind her wrists together and raise them above her head."

"Uh, right." I took Jessie's thin little wrists and bound them together. Then, using a hook, I fastened her hands just above her head.

I stepped back. This woman was now stood with her ass sticking out, blindfolded, hands bound, panting in anticipation.

"Equip the whipping device," said Cassandra.

"Oh! You just wanted me to whip her," I said. "You should've just said so."

"Equip the whipping device," she said again.

I equipped the whipping device, reared it back, and--

"Wait," said Cassandra.



Feeling uncertain about this whole situation, I whipped her.


Jessie let out a sharp little moan.


She gasped with her soft little voice.


Her knees buckled. She arched her back and purred loudly.

I wasn't an idiot. I knew what was up. This was straight-up pornographic, and if I was still in my paladin body, sure, I would've pounced her, but I wasn't. I was a trash can wearing armor. More importantly, a dick-less trash can wearing armor. I just wasn't really feeling this. I didn't want to practice BDSM here in this dusty old barn. I just wanted answers.


She gasped in pleasure.


She moaned in pain.

"Uh," I stammered. "T-tell me where the, uh--"


Her legs were shaking. Her smooth skin glistened with sweat.


"How did you get your body back?" I asked.


"Uhn, yeah," she moaned. "Harder..."

Oh, for fuck's sake. This isn't working.

Cassandra scolded me. "Continue, Imsi."

Whap. Whap. Whap! Whap-whap-whap-whap-whap--

Jessie's moans grew louder, more seductive, more wanting and begging and demanding and--whap!--and she screamed in a mix of pain and pleasure and--


She fell limp to her knees. Her hands dangled above her. Her body twitched, and even I was out of breath at the sight of her.

"Well?" I said. "Are you ready to talk?"

Jessie said nothing.

"Imsi," said Cassandra. "You weren't supposed to let her finish."

"W-what? What the hell? I thought you were in control!"

The barn door snapped open behind me, and light flooded in. I hid the whip behind my back with shame, and I looked over to see Vil shutting the door behind him.

"Redrim," he said. "I hate to interrupt your... private time, but I have bad news."

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