《Tower of Arnold: A Somnus Story》Chapter 7: Getting Propositioned


Oh, baby, Arnold knew this was a poor time to be meeting with one of the hottest girls in his graduating class. He had just decided not to meditate in his room, and he was still carrying a little bit of that, well, blood vessel dilation, if you know what he was referring to.

And with that body on Anna... Her mounds were just mountainful, like the peaks of Everest, at least before the demolition crews in China went and flattened the whole Himalaya region in order to provide more land for factories and farms out west. She obviously wasn’t wearing a bra, because her cute little nipples stuck out through the fabric of her designer blouse that was just thin enough to expose even the color of her areola for all to see.

Even though, yeah, Kat may have taken Anna’s virginity a couple weeks ago which probably proved she wasn’t sleeping around with the entire class, but he was certain she had probably done “hand jives” with a ton of guys or something like that. With wrists like those, who knows what kind of of job she’d pull off.

Man, those wrists...

(Author’s Note: If you use a computer frequently for your job, make sure to have good posture, especially with your keyboard and mouse; remember to exercise your hands just like every other part of your body!)

Anna was supple like a crafty tupperware lid, always getting lost and never quite fitting on like you wanted it to, but always giving you a reliable service, and in this instance her service was being a complete bitch about everything.

“Arnold, I’ve been waiting here for twenty minutes while you jacked off in your room,” Anna said, “and I REALLY don’t want to have to wait any longer. Can we just get this over with?”

“I wasn’t--I was just chilling out in my room!” he exclaimed. “Why the hell are you in my house?”

“For the contract signing, of course,” she said, her breasts bobbing rhythmically with each breath she took.

“What contract signing?” he asked.

She shifted her meaty legs with impatience. “The contract for our engagement. What the hell else would I be talking about?”


What? “What?”

Anna rolled her eyes. “You can’t weasel yourself out of this one. Your parents have already agreed, and since you are still in their legal custody, even in adulthood you must abide by their will or else be disbarred from your entire family legacy.”

“I... I-I Have no idea what you’re talking about. No idea what... Oh my God...”

“They didn’t tell you?” she asked.

“I... No.”

Anna burst out laughing. “They didn’t even talk to you about it. That’s amazing. You’re such a pathetic worm that they didn’t bother to tell you about your own engagement.”

She was laughing now, but if he got his way, she’d be moaning later--

Or that’s what he would think if he weren’t saving himself for Kat, who was surely right about to come around on him.

Anna stepped up close to him, and he could smell that fading virginal scent emanating from him. Yeah, she’d been with a woman before, but it wasn’t as true as having a real man go up inside her and release his inner self. So she had been half-taken, half-deflowered. And those petals were fast fading from her pores. Her remaining virginity would disappear on its own soon, and she’d finally enter through that threshold of womanhood from which girls were made into mothers.

“What’s the meaning of all this?” he asked.

“Your parents found out about Tower of Somnus,” Anna said. “They’re so furious they considered kicking you out of the family outright. But instead, my mother put a lot of pressure on them to finally sell you off to me. We’re getting engaged, and you’ll be spreading your legs for me whenever I ask.”

...They found out about Somnus...

He didn’t think they’d ever know. He did such a good job of hiding the fact that his tuition fund was completely empty, he thought. But somehow they figured it out anyway, and they never even confronted him about it... They confronted HER about it instead.

After all that Emmalee and Braedyn had done to disappoint the family, they were still in their parents’ good graces for their artistic and sportal pursuits, somehow. But one mess-up on Arnold’s part, and he was already being lambasted? What a waste!


Even if he was right next to the second-hottest girl he knew, and apparently about to become engaged to her, he was furious about this. Everything in his life was so unfair, and he didn’t do a single thing to deserve any of it.

“I’m not marrying you,” he growled. “I wouldn’t marry you if it was the last thing I did. You have no right to join the Jacques family.”

“You don’t understand,” she said coldly. “I’m not marrying you. You’re marrying me.” He blinked at her blankly, and she paused before continuing her explanation. “Your family doesn’t have nearly the status for an equal marriage, so you’ll be signing a consort contract. You’ll be joining the Donnst family, but not as a primary husband. In fact, I probably won’t ever have a primary husband, so that part doesn’t really matter.”

“A consort... A concubine. I’m not joining that kind of shit.”

“Well, you basically have to, unless you want to be on the streets,” she said. “Your parents will remove you from the family registers next month regardless of our status, so becoming my consort is the only way you’ll keep any of your current level of income stability. My family is very wealthy, so you won’t have to worry about anything like that. In fact, I’d like to invite you over to my house so you can grovel in front of my mother. We’re having grizzly bear steak for dinner, so it’ll be a great meal, though we didn’t hunt enough to give any to you. You’ll have to settle for buffalo.”

Arnold stepped back. His mind was reeling from all of this. None of it could be true. Surely there was some kind of mistake...

But then again, maybe this was an in, anyway. The Donnst family was very wealthy indeed, and they could help support him as he climbed the tower and got more EXP. He wanted to learn use a pseudopod and just go ham in bed with that kind of power, but he wasn’t leveled up for one yet.

“So, after the dinner, how about you and me consummate our engagement with a little--

“Hell no,” she laughed. “Like, no. Ew, gross.”

“Wh... Wha?”

“You’ll be my consort exclusively for procreation for me and any of my female consorts,” she said. “I mean, none of my children will be legally yours, but you’ll do the brunt of the daily chore work in the household, and reproduction will definitely be involved in that.”

“You’re marrying me for my breeding skills?”

“No, I’m not marrying you, remember? And I wouldn’t say breeding SKILLS, since you’re obviously a virgin. But you do have genes that would be nice to pass along. You’re pretty cute, for a guy at least.”

“Thank you.”

“But I hate men. Just, repulsed. Ugh. I don’t really want to be around you much longer, to be honest. Can we just get the signing done?”

“Oh, so you’re just gonna diddle around with Kat the whole time while I sit there waiting to shoot my sperm into your cervix?”

“That’s anatomically iffy, and also pretty much yes.” She shifted uncomfortably. “I mean, not with Kat, but with any woman I find. Kat and I... Well, she told me she wasn’t really looking for anything serious with me right now. She told me she was interested in someone else, but I think she was just being p--”

“She’s interested in someone else!” Arnold’s eyes brightened intensely.

It had to be him! Kat liked Arnold after all!

Even though he was forced to sign the consort contract and become engaged to Anna, that bitch, he was much happier now than ever before. Everything in his life had just taken a very positive turn the moment he realized the truth:

Kat was into him.

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