《Epimanes Warrior of the Gods》Chapter 22 – Facing the Facts


I stare at the pyramid made from the skulls of people that I used to call neighbors. I don’t know what to think or do. I didn’t think very much about them in the last few months, in my head they would end up as slaves, just like me.

Sure, their lives would be difficult, but they would be alive. Being a slave is terrible, but it’s still better than being dead. And it’s not like life here was a paradise on earth, I wouldn’t be surprise if the life of some of the villagers got better by being slaves!

I never imagined that something like this would happen. Why would they do this in the first place? There is no profit in slaughtering people like this. They are burning money by doing this!

And it’s not like we were their long time enemies! If anything we were important trade partners! There is not a lot of value in this goddamn place to be take in the first place, no mines or good agricultural land. There is not even a trade rote close to here, they will never win back the cost of conquering us and building this town.

None of this make any sense! People are not stupid to do something so brutal and expensive like this, for no good reason! I mean, people do meaningless slaughtering all the time, humans love to murder each other for no good reason, but not when that gives their leadership no profit and worst of all it’s super expensive!

Even in the Holocaust, the Nazi leadership made a fortune by stealing their victim’s property. I can’t see any kind of reason for this.

Or maybe there is, me. I’m the wild card here, when I lived here, I heard nothing about people like me existing.

I thought that maybe the reason was that we were too isolated. But in Lebos, that is considered a very big city, I also never heard anything about people being reincarnated. I never acutely asked “Hein, anyone know someone that was reincarnated here”.

But if that was a common thing someone would mention in a conversation, truthful I never looked very hard to find answers, I thought that there was time. And it wasn’t that important in the first place.

Fuck, why do I always do this? Let important things go unanswered, until they come to bite me in the ass.

Why did they made the pyramid were used to me be my house? Is this a message? Did they know that I lived there? Maybe they are saying to me, you may have escape us, but look what we did to all the people that you used to know, we will find you and put your pretty head here.

Why? It’s not like I’m that important. I was barely keeping my shit together here; I would never do something important in this world I was already resigned that I would live and die in this corgiforsaken island.


My big plan was just to make life here a bit better for me, that’s all. I didn’t want to conquer anyone, I just wanted to build a public bath house so I that one day I could take a hot bath. Is that why they did all this? It’s a crime to take hot baths?!

Wait, there is a second variant, the people that captured me. I know for a fact that they planed to capture people and sell them in the slave market. Knowing my owners, they would never murder people when they could make a profit selling them.

What by the Seven Hells is going on here? Nothing makes sense, even if I’m the reason for all this, why would they capture me and just send me to be a slave soldier? That dosen’t make any sense, nothing of this situation makes any kind of sense.

So much death and destruction and for what?

While I was lost in my thoughts the night arrived. I get up and see that most of the town is dark, with the exception of where the welcome party is being held. I could go there and try to steal something to eat.

All I would need to do is enter the kitchen and say that my master ordered me to bring something. The chef wouldn’t care and would give me food or that’s what my Little Teacher told me.

But I’m not hungry, better for me to return to the ship and pray that we will leave this land of death tomorrow morning. I start walking to the dock, according to the Brute, it would be suicide to walk alone in Lesbo during the night.

That’s asking to get yourself killed and rob, not necessary in that order. But in such a small place? I’m not in any kind of risk, besides, who would want to rob me? The only thing that I have is a small knife.

Not that I would complain if someone decided to kill me and put my head in the pyramid. The fact that so many people died thanks to me is eating me alive. It’s one thing is to screw your own life, but so many deaths thanks to me, is driving me insane.

Soon I can se the Sea Glory, the crew is sleeping in barracks but they keep a small guard in the boat, to avoid any locals from having ideas of stealing something.

The guards recognize me and I enter without any problem and sit on my usual spot.

I think about trying to sleep, but I know would be futile. I’m not tired and would just keep turning from one side to another in the floor.

I look up at the sky and not for the fist time I curse the fact that I didn’t study astronomy back on Earth. I would really like to know if I went back on time or I’m in a different timeline or world,


If the stars were the same, I would know that I’m in the same world, so either I have traveled back I time or I’m in a different timeline. If the sky were different, I would be in a different world.

Not that knowing that would make any kind of difference. But would be nice to know and feel like I have some form of control on my life. Because I feel like everything is complete outside of my hands and I hate that.

Since I got here, I've been tossed around, always reacting to a situation. Never taking the initiative. Not that I see what kind of choices I could have take to make my situation better.

But I know deep down that I didn’t try very hard in anything and since I got here, always making excuses for why I shouldn’t bother.

I never tried to understand the other villagers, keeping myself apart and isolated. I know that I could have made a difference for the better if I had really tried. But I only did some half ass attempts.

Even now, I have not tried to understand what means to be a Skiritai. Instead of trying to research to be as prepared as possible for my future.

I only studded and trained as little as possible. Thinking that the people around me must know what they are doing. I should have been more proactive with my future, instead, I let my future be in the hands of others and hope for the best.

And why? Because if a let my future in the hands of others, I have an excuse in case of failure, I could just say “they made me failure”. Which I couldn’t do if I had tried my best and failed, the only one that I could blame was me.

I know what I need to do, but I refuse to take responsibly. I may be a slave, but you never know the future, if I prepare myself I can scape and become something great.

Unless there is a group of people trying to kill me because I’m some aberration that shouldn’t be alive in this world and must be kill for the greater good.

For the greater good, how many lives were destroyed for that. Before I can enter a intern monologue about the great good I hear foot steeps and when I look for the origin I see Adastros walking in my direction.

Weird, I thought that he would be staying the night with the host, he stops in front of me.

“Did you see the pyramid of skull?”

My heart stops, does he plains to put my head there? Might as well, let get this over.


He slaps me hard in the face.

“Yes Dominus, know your place scum.”

I need a few seconds to control myself since I’m seeing stars everywhere.

“Yes, Dominus.”

“Do you know why they murdered everyone in the island and made that aberration?”

“No, Dominus.”

My heart is betting fast. I don’t know what to think.

“One of their Gods send an oracle telling them that some sort of evil cult was occurring here and they needed to clean up the place. Do you know anything about that?!”

My mouth is open while I look at him, I forgot about slave protocol and I’m looking direct into his eyes. I can see that his face is a bit red from alcohol, but not enough to lose his senses. He gest angry that I don’t answer him and slaps me again.

“I made a question, answer me!”

The second slap is harder then the first and makes my head hurt.

“We were a village made of poor farmers and fishermen. Too busy trying to make a living to care about evil gods or even good gods. Only the wealthy has time to care about those kind of things… Dominus.”

I almost forgot to say Dominus at the end. I need to be careful right now, if I piss him of too much he may tried to kill. Good investment or not, now that he things that I’m part of some evil cult.

He stares at me.

“You will stay in the boat and will leave for no reason.”

He turns around and leaves me alone with my thoughts.

If a had any questions about the reason why the village was attacked, I have my answers now. It was because of me, there is no evil cult. There was only me here, a aberration that shouldn’t exist in this world and the native Gods were trying to correct the books.

Almost hundred people died because of me. Tears that I thought had dried after watching Natali and Rita being raped are back on my face.

Why, why I’m responsible for so much suffering? I didn’t want any of this. The worst part is that the responsible for all this is alive and well. Only the innocent died because of me.

I hug my legs and continue to cry and curse the Corgi Gods for putting me in this kind of situation. Heartless motherfuckers.

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