《Epimanes Warrior of the Gods》Chapter 12 – Captive


Every single muscle in my body hurts, I can barely stand up and I need to walk. When we were captured, we managed to rest for a few hours, but it clearly wasn’t enough. Our guards look angry, I imagined they thought that would be easy to raid us, a small island in the middle of nowhere with no defenses, all that they needed was to get here and the rest would be piece of cake.

But they ended up cock block by another group of pirates. I don’t speak their language or even understand a single word that they are saying, but I’m pretty sure they didn’t even consider to fight the crew of the Dancing Fool for the village’s spoils.

They came here for an easy pick, not to fight against actually soldiers. Even if they were victorious, would be at best a phyric victory. Better to cut their losses and go home or to raid another place.

They did manage to capture some people, I have no idea about the price of slaves, but I don’t think that four slaves are good enough to break even. Hopefully since we are the only thing that they will get, they will treat us better to get a good price later.

Unfortunate I don’t think that will happen, but I’m pessimist son of bitch, so you never know. Maybe they are here to protect us from the bastards that are looting the village and are taking us to a safe place.

Now I’m just been stupid, I have seen my share of criminals in my last life and I’m 100% sure that these guys are not member of the Red Cross. It’s important not to fall into stereotypes, just because a man has a bunch tattoos and looks likes a criminal, he is not necessary a bad guy.

Nevertheless, when you take in consideration that this group is armed and was trying to sneak on us, you can say with certain that they were up to no good. Which make me wonder, what are the odds of two groups of marauders attacking us on the same day?

We have been living in peace here for generations, nobody never bothering us or even trying to make us pay tribute. We are so poor and have nothing of value to begin, what changed to make us so important?

Well, there is one factor that has changed, me. But that’s ridiculous, I have been in here for two years, they had plenty of time to attacked us, why now? No, must be a different factor or just bad luck.

Natali is ahead of me and stumbles in a tree root, I go to help her but somebody hits me on the back of the head while yelling something. The Brute kicks Natali back to her feet. There goes my dreams of getting better treatment for been the only propriety that they acquired.

We keep walking, once in a while I look at the trees looking for Pepita, not sure why, we are in a area where the trees are too closed for her to walk. I hope she is ok, would be nice if someone that I know to survive this and prosper.

Even without understand their language I try to listen to their conversation. There is lot one can learn just by paying attention to a person’s tone of voice. The leaders is still close to me but he isn’t talking, the Brute in the other hand, can’t shut up and is very angry.


If I was a betting man, I would say that he thinks that he knew from the start that this job was a stupid idea, but nobody wanted to listen to him. The others seem used to him and don’t even bother responding him. Or I’m just letting my dislike for him cloud my judgment and he is talking about something very profound, but I think that’s unlike.

We finally reach the beach, there is a warship in the sand. The ship is significantly smaller then the Dancing Fool, there is only two rolls of oars. That’s probably the reason they didn’t want to fight and decided to just leave.

The guy I think is leader is talking to two people. From his body language it looks like he is the leader of the soldiers but not of the operation, he looks way too respectful if he were the big cheese.

The actually leaders don’t seem happy about the situation, but them don’t seem to blame him. That’s very good leadership, never shoot the messenger for given bad news. Why the fuck I’m thinking this! Fuck, I really need to stop pretending that this has nothing to do with me.

The two leaders walk in our direction, they have olive skin and are wearing tunics, both are around 40 years old. The one in the right is a bit overweight but you can see that he used be in shape back in the day, the other one is just skin and bones.

They stop right in front of us and the skinny one put his hands on Rita and open her mouth and starts to analyze her teeth. He makes a few comments and the other one stays quiet. After looking her teeth he starts groping her and one of his commentary makes the other laugh like a idiot. I can see the fear in Rita eyes, but what she or any of us could do?

He finishes and starts again the same procedure with Natali, including the maniac laugh by his friend when he makes a commentary after starting groping. He dosen’t bother looking the teeth of Rita husband and just make a comment that makes his friend spit in the ground.

When it’s my time, he waist a few minutes looking at my teeth while looking serious, this is never a good thing. I thought only Rita and Natali had to worried about this, I didn’t thing that my chastity would be in line too. He gropes me and say something, for the first time the other one comes close and give me the same treatment.

The analysis done, they speak to each other and seems satisfied with me. I can feel every single bone in my body shake. I don’t mind death, but to be a play thing to them before meeting my end? That just to cruel, now I understand how desperate both Rita and Natali most be feeling and how selfish I’m. The woman must know her future and yet is trying to be my moral support.

The leaders talk a little to each other and seem to make a decision, they give a few orders and the crew starts to prepare the boat for the sea. They guide us to the boat, but only after putting some shackles on our hands and feet.

Not sure why they even bother, it’s not like there is a place for us to run. We are placed on the deck in a place where the shackles can be attached to the bulkheads. It takes very little time for such a large ship to be put out to sea.


We can hear the men below us using the oars and around us is full of sailors working with the sails and other things that I suppose have their own names, but I have no clue what they are.

I have been on boats in here and my past life, both times they were very bounce. But this time it’s too much, I can barely hold the contents of my stomach. Natali is the first to throw up and since we are very close, I end up been hit by a lot of puke. Which causes a cascade effect and we all starts to vomit.

It’s disgusting, but with my hands pinned above my head I can’t even wipe my eyes, what have I done to deserve this? The sailors pass us and yell or laugh at us, I suppose they are used to this. Heartless motherfuckers the lot of them. I’m just a human as you bastards, why treat me like this? Death is better than this.

I don’t know how much time passed and honest I stopped given a shit about when I started to vomit, eventually one of the sailors threw a bucket of sea water on us and then took us off the ship. The ship is already beached so we leave in dry land, but they make us bathe in the sea water.

Why they bother? Are they afraid we will get sick? Can’t let the merchandise die I suppose. After my bath they take us to a place with two stakes on the beach, before attaching our shackles on the stakes, we are give some water and stew, after the boat trip I know that my stomach is to fuck up to accept anything, even a very thin stew. But I try to eat anyway and end up throwing up everything.

I was put in the same stake as Rita's husband, just my hand shackles are stuck so I can laid down without much difficult. Sleeping in the sand without even a blanket would be impossible for the old me, but now? Sand in every part of my body it’s the least of my problems, besides, I think the sand will help me to get warm during the night, got to see the positive side in everything.

I look to my right and see Rita's husband and he is the definition of a man who has given up. Can’t blame him on that, my face probably looks the same. Dead eyes and the expression of a corpse, I was going to try to start a conversation to pass the time, but I don’t think that is happing.

And since the girls are to far away to talk, there is not much I can besides being with my thoughts. But I really hate my thoughts, to much negativity in normal times, now? I can only think why those guys spend so much time looking and touching me?

There is not a single answer that I can think that dosen’t make me want to die. On that note, should I try to kill myself? Slavery is not something that I want to try, much less been the sex slave for some perverted old man.

This is not some porn, there is zero chance that some horny MILF is buying young slaves. Even if there is, I’m sure that I wouldn’t be that luck. No, there is nothing but been some old geezer sexual tool. So why not end all?

Wouldn’t be my first time dying, I have some experience in the subject. Maybe the Corgi Gods can send me to be a prince or something like that, some lazy fucker that lives off the system. That would be life, not having to worried about anything besides enjoying life.

Worst case scenario, this would be the end for me and I would fall in the oblivion. No more worries for good old Nestor, sure, there would be no more pleasure, but wouldn’t be no more unhappiness either, there would be nothing.

Who I’m kidding? The worst case scenario I would keep being reincarnate in worst situations until the end of time. No situation is so bad that can’t get worst. Eventually I would loose my mind, but how long would it take? The Corgi Gods could make me stay sane so I could suffer more.

When I first got in this place I considerer all my options and in the end, was to scary to do something and decide to live and let live. Surely things would eventually get better. Well, they didn’t, they got a lot worst, by a degree of magnitude.

It’s probably the universe telling me that I tried my best, but it wasn’t enough. Better luck next time, if there is a next time. But do I have the gusts to do? Even if I had, what I could possible do? Bite my tongue? That’s anime shit, I can’t do that.

I try to bite my tongue to prove myself wrong and anime right, but it’s useless, instinctively I always stop biting. That option is not possible. What else can I do in my position? And the answer is a big fat nothing. I cant’ even kill myself, this guys are too professional, they wouldn’t let their propriety die.

Since we got inland there at least one guy guarding us, there is no way that they would let us escape or hurt ourselves. There were probably some guards in the boat, but we aren’t in position to see, to busy vomiting.

So, there is no easy way out. And that’s considering that I could kill myself, too much of a coward to do that I’m afraid. I still thinking of a way out or at least rationalizing that maybe slavery won’t be that bad and there would be opportunities to escape down the road. No reason to take a drastic measure now.

We are a bit far from the pirate’s main camp, close enough to call for help, but far enough so they wouldn’t come here without a reason. So when I see a group of men coming in our direction been led by the Brute I know they are up to no good.

They stop and talk to our guard for a while. The guard dosen’t look happy but after some arguing, he receives what I assume is a wine amphora and start drinking. The Brute looks gleeful, a child ready to open his Christmas presents.

They go in the direction of Natali and Rita, you don’t need to be a genius to know what they want. Rita husband is complete cut out of reality, which I think is a bless.

I hear Rita scream and the Brute laugh, I don’t dare to look, so I close my eyes and turn my head do the other side. Natali scream, I start to cry. Because crying is the only thing that I can do here.

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