《Deepest Depths》Chapter 14: Shop and Guild
They walked through the shopping district. As they bypassed the nice-looking building, Max was afraid that they were lost. Vel stopped Infront of a shabby, rundown shop, in the back of a nook. Vel looked at the three of them.
"How much mana do you all have?
"40" Max answered first. "5 unspent points also."
Max saw the look on their faces.
"Boy. You are telling me you have spent ten level ups of points on only wisdom. ten levels that you could not have since you are level five? "
“Ten level ups? I've spent ten points on wisdom. I put the other 5 in intellect." Max just remembered that he gained 5 points per level. Humans Didn't necessarily gain 5.
"Lost One's dongoshit... What about you two?"
Clammy answered, "I'm only level four. All points unspent."
Vel nodded to this, looking at Reep.
" Ten mana."
Vel nodded again, looking off into the distance for a moment before returning.
"Max we are getting you mana regeneration enchanted robes. And a pair with an intellect enchant. During training you will wear the mana regen, and intelligence during combat. I have some ideas about your future stat points later."
“What do those enchants do? I think I understand the idea of enchanting, but not what the specific enchants do.”
“Ah right. Stat enchants simply increase your stats. They will provide you a rather large boost in whatever stat you go for. There are more specialized enchants, however. Think flaming sword enchant, or flame spewing shield.” Vel turned her attention to Reep, after Max nodded at her explanation.
"Reep, we will get you some enchanted bracers and maybe a bow and quiver If they have one. Clammy, how do you want to progress? Do you want to go for this gravity mumbo jumbo, along with sound dongoshit? Or do you want to go sword and shield or something?"
Clammy honestly did not know. She wanted to be stronger. That was it. The way outran the means to her. She gave Vel a sympathetic shrug.
"Generalist it is. Your first order of training will be to get to level 5. That should be easy if you learn Max's Huskoberry launching spell. From there, find what you want to do.
"You are going to teach me?" Clammy looked genuinely shocked.
"Not just you, the three of you. I will be requiring you all to call me mas-", she glanced at Reep, ".. never mind. Call me Vel."
They took a moment before going into the store. Vel entered first, then the girls, lastly Max. He held the door for a gentleman wearing a cloak. When the man passed, they both glanced at each other. He had fully black eyes. No whites, no irises. Clammy nudged him, breaking out of his daze. Max looked outside where the man should have been. He was gone.
"Nope, get out! I can't inspect you. Leave!" A young beautiful woman shouted at Max.
Vel stepped between them. Fire in her eyes.
"Sythia. You old hag. He's with me. Also drop that ridiculous illusion. You are not fooling anyone."
Max was fooled.
The other also.
Flower petals started to sprout and grow from the woman, covering her completely. They withered and died, revealing an old craggy woman. Her hair, what was left of it, was white. Wrinkles covered her pale slightly grey skin. There was something off with her, Max noticed.
"Sythia, meet my three new apprentices." She gestured to them, with one arm.
She looked away from Vel, regarding them in a new light. She raised an eyebrow at Max. Still not sold on him.
"Max, you are up first. You two. Look around the shop. Bows and stuff should be over there. Clammy just look at everything. Find some inspiration. You are after Max. Remember ladies. INSPECT. BEFORE. TOUCHING. I don't need you to pick up a cursed item." Vel quickly ushered Max past Sythia, into a back room. Everyone else was stupefied.
“That woman is going to be the death of me.” Sythia said to no one in particular. The room Max entered was small. It had a wooden frame mirror standing from the floor, just shy of Max’s height. The wood had rune carvings, hinting that it was magical, somehow. Val stopped Max right in front of the mirror. His whole body reflected.
“Uhh…” Max started to ask.
“Hush boy!” Vel Snaped.
The mirror’s runes began to glow a dim green. Frost started filling the outer edge of the smooth mirrored glass. Vel quickly grabbed Max by the arm pulling him out of the reflection. Max was fully to the side, but his reflection remained, like a photo had been taken of him. Numbers started to appear, one next to his torso, thigh, arm, neck, waist, and more. Sythia made a grunting sound. Poring her mana into the runes. At the base of the wooden stand, a slot opened, a runestone dropped out, just like a vending machine.
Sythia picked it up, and spoke to Max.
“This is a sizing Runestone. It holds all necessary measurements for cloth sizing. If you hold it against a mirror and give it a few moments, it will update. Just like how we did now. Any tailor worth a damn will be able to use the information stored on. Now come on, find something you like.” She gestured back to the main room.
Since all of the drama was over, Max got his first good look at the place. Max remembered a reality T.V. show about people hoarding stuff. This room looked like it could have been on the show. Shelves full of this and that, overflowing on the floor in some spots. Small pathways have been made over the years. There was a lot of stuff, an overwhelming amount of stuff.
Max saw Clammy helping Reep strap a bracer, next to her was a bow and quiver. Guess Reep found what she wanted. Max smiled at his thought.
“Clammy! Get your boney butt over here it's your turn.” Clammy turned and hurried over, almost tripping over a large warhammer. She stopped, glancing back at the hammer, before stopping and turning back.
Max wandered around at first, just trying to take in everything. There was just too much, so he decided to try something. Max sat down on the floor. Sliding things around with his feet. He closed his eyes, focusing on his Space Affinity. Feedback instantly hit him. He was feeling around too broadly. He narrowed his area of search, he could make out shapes, book here, sword there. Rock? Gems? Max had no idea what most of the stuff was. Just shapes.
He stood back up, marginally upset his idea didn’t work. By now, Vel and her group were just finishing up. Clammy held a little rock. Clammy walked over to Max, and Reep found her way also. Vel stayed with Sythia, explaining what she wanted.
“Find anything?” Clammy asked.
“I don’t even know what to look for. This is all overwhelming for me. I don’t know what half of the descriptions I read were talking about.” Max explained.
“I’m in a similar boat. I know what stuff does, just I don’t know if I want it.. At least we suited up Reep. Enchanted bow, bracer, and quiver.”
Reep looked… Happy? Max couldn’t tell. Max went over to ask Vel for advice,
“What do you mean, ‘I'm charging you double’, that is outrageous.” Vel demanded.
“Last time you were in here, I watched you steal that book about Moe Juice recipes. I was going to make a recipe in it!!”
“Oh, come on, that was a hundred years ago. I was going through some stuff.”
“Yeah, yeah yeah, I’ve heard it all. Just get out the gold, we both know you have it.”
Vel grumbled something, and pulled a bag of coins from thin air, and dropped it on the counter. Sythia handed over two small boxes. Vel gave the larger of the two, to Max. He slowly opened it, His new robes sat in there, one Blue, one dark grey. Max would inspect them later.
While Max was by the front counter, he saw a small wooden box. There were no special features, no carvings, no stain, nothing. Max thought he could hear whispers coming from it.
“Do you hear that?” Max asked, not waiting for an answer. He stepped over, putting both hands on the small box, yanking hard. The box released, causing the stuff on top to fall a few inches.
The whispers were getting louder. He set the box on the counter, just staring at it. Not knowing how or why it was calling to him. He had felt something similar, his dream of whispering waters. Max didn’t know how long he stared at the box. Minutes? Hours? Vel grabbed his shoulder, twisting him to look at her. His pupils fully dilated. Vel spoke.
“Sythia. What is this?” she said, slightly worried.
“Not sure, I picked it up in Hidel’s Hideout. Man said it was a valuable relic. Until now I’ve just been using it as a support for one of my stacks.”
“How much?” Max asked, maybe a little too harshly.
“Just take it kid. I’ve already got enough gold from Velly.” She gave him a dismissing hand wave, making Vel seethe with anger.
“Thanks.” Max dropped the box into his inventory, noting that the system referred to it as “Relic Box”. He was going to have to investigate later. The whispers wouldn't let him ignore it.
“Alright Sythia, it is always a pleasure, but we must be getting to the guild. Come along, apprentices.” She seemed to WANT to leave, Max didn’t know their history, but Vel obviously was frenemies with Sythia. It warmed his heart seeing two ancient women battle it out over cookbooks and gold!
Max offered to hold Clammy’s box and Reep’s new gear. Easily storing them in his inventory. Right before the door to the shop closed, Max tried to inspect Sythia. Max knew that it was considered rude, but his curiosity got the best of him.
The spell failed, and Max was hit with the equivalent to a mental slap. Max could have sworn he saw the old woman give him a sly smile.
The walk to the guild was far nicer than walking to the store. The crowds were smaller in the Guild district, making traversing easier.
The Mage Guild was huge. It reminded Max of a college campus, building here and there, with interlocking paths that connected the buildings. The main administration building, that the group was heading to, was smaller compared to the surrounding area. It was made with a grey dusty looking wood, completely out of place to the surrounding brick.
They entered the building, a typical office building greeted them. Receptionist and their desk off to one side, something of a common/waiting room taking up the rest. Small hallways extended out, presumably for the offices of the Guild officials. Vel took the group over to the receptionist.
"Hello. We need a guild registration done. He already has a plate; it’s just not attuned to him." She gestured to Max, holding out her hand.
Max took the hint, pulling out his black metal plate from his inventory, hanging it to Vel.
The receptionist gasped, standing to bow at Max, making Vel grumble. Max didn’t know what to do in this situation. Does he tell her to stop? He doesn’t know her; it would be awkward to have to explain that he doesn’t want her to treat him any differently. But on the other hand, it could be seen as rude. She might think that he is not respecting her, saying that she is not allowed to bow. Max decided to let it go.
“My Lord, I am sorry I did not realize it was you! I knew that there was a new Lost arrival, but I had no idea that you would be in today! Please forgive me!” she spoke so quickly, it reminded Max of a certain chipmunk movie.
“Ah. Think nothing of it. I’m just here to fully register. What do I need to do?” Max tried to move the conversation forward.
“You will need to fill out some forms. The fee is waived for Black Plates. Then I will need some of your mana to imprint the plate. Let me get you those papers.” She scurried off.
“You knew that was going to happen right?” Max directed Vel.
“To a certain degree. Get used to it, boy.” She said, rolling her eyes. “Reep, you already have an adventuring plate, correct? Copper?” She got a nod, “Clammy once you get your class, you will come back and register.”
“What rank is black in relation to copper?” Max asked.
“There's not a rank discrepancy per say. Black just means VIP. Each black plate will have their real rank imprinted into it. You will be wood, until you rise in ranks. I expect you to be copper after your first real mission.”
“What's the highest rank?”
“Magestone.” She said with a smirk.
“What’s Magestone?”
“This.” She said taking her own plate out from her inventory. It was a small blue rectangle, slightly glowing. It looked like something was crawling around inside, creating an ever-changing effect. “This is also called Living Mana.” She quickly hid the necklace, not wanting to draw attention.
The receptionist came back, handing the paper and a quill to Max, and directed him to an open table. Clammy and Reep came and sat with him, Vel went to find Domic. The question on form, looked like any other. Name? Profession? Race? Do you have any restricted classes? Clammy had to explain that one. There were some classes banned by the Guild. Most of them considered [War Mage] classes. Things like [Hurricane Mage] or [Eruption Mage]. Also, some less than savory classes. [Death’s Blade] and [Assassin], were a part of those.
“Is [Necromancer] a class?” Max asked.
“Yes, they are not banned, but their main evolution is. Most you see walking the streets will evolve themselves into [Afterlife Guides]. They help lost souls cross over to where they should be. It is a pretty niche profession though.”
Huh, Max thought. Classes are awesome. Max chose not to list his class, instead opting to use a truth crystal to prove his class was not banned. Once Max was finished, he walked back over to the receptionist. She looked over the information. She pulled out a small crystal ball and set it down on a circle slice of wood, with runes carved into it. She pushed some mana into the rune, then talked to Max.
“Please put your hand on the ball.” Max moved his hand to the ball. “Do you confirmed that you have no classes that are banned by the Mage Guild of Lesterwood?”
“Yes.” The ball glowed green. The receptionist nodded, stamping his paper, with red ink.
“Alrighty. May I see your plate?” Max took his plate from his inventory and handed it to her. She accepted it very cautiously, putting it on the wood slab. Again, she pushed some mana into the wood, making the runes glow.
“Press your thumb to the plate, and push in some mana while you do.” She spoke.
Max did exactly that. When he removed his thumb, a wooden imprint of his thumbprint was left. The receptionist went on to explain that when he ranked up, his thumbprint would automatically update. Max gave her a bow thanking her for her time. She bowed back. The party of three moved to a table waiting for Domic and Vel.
After about ten minutes. A scrawny looking male came up to them, he explained that he was Domic’s assistant and to follow him. He led them through a few always, eventually finding a door that said, “Guild Master”. The assistant opened it without knocking, allowing the three of them to enter.
Inside was a fairly large office. Books littered the shelfs, covering all of the walls. A large wooden table took up most of the space. A few chairs and a small couch filled the rest. Domic and his huge red muscles took up the spot behind the desk, Vel and an armored woman with wings, sat in the chairs directly in front of the desk. Max and the others moved to the couch. They caught the ending to the conversation.
“--so, it would be great if you could get your mages to scry the nearby woods. If the princess is still alive, they should be able to find her.” the woman said. Getting a nod from Domic.
“Max! Welcome in. Have you met Captain of the Guards, Olivia Shatterwind?” Both of them stood and bowed to Max. Max returned the gesture.
“It is a pleasure, Captain Shatterwind. Thank you for sending your men to get me.” Max couldn’t help it. He had to know what race she was. He inspected her.
Sylph, [Blessed Wind]
“Ah sorry. You are the first race I've met with wings. My curiosity got the best of me. I apologize.”
She chuckled. “Don’t worry, most won’t be offended if a Lost One inspected them. They would understand.” She gave him a heartfelt smile.
“If you don’t mind me asking. What is [Blessed Wind]? That is a class, right?”
“You can see that? Interesting.” She shared a look between the three adults. “Normally, Inspect doesn’t show the evolved name of a class... I was blessed by the wind after evolving into tier two. I don't know why or how, but after years of training with it it has just become a part of me, and I unlocked the class for tier three. I will have to ask you not to repeat the name to anyone. That goes for the rest of you also.” She got nods in response.
“To answer your second question. The higher the class, the more ambiguous the name. For example, what do you think [Forsaken Retort] describes?” Max shrugged, “Don't worry. Almost no one can guess it. It is a tier 3 [Frozen Mage] evolution, and it is banned. So don’t try to unlock it."
The conversation from there moved along. Vel explained that she would be taking the three of them on as apprentices. Getting worried looks from Both Olivia, and Domic. At some point Iris came in. Rushing straight over to Max, hugging him. Surprising everyone, except Vel it seems. Apparently, she had been worried about him, and the others.
She asked how Reep and Clammy liked the house, Max offered to host dinner in a few nights, inviting everyone in the room. They all accepted. Max noticed that Clammy had not spoken much, he had an idea why, but he wasn’t about to ask her about it, deciding it was not his place, and she would tell him when she was ready.
Eventually it was time to go. Max and the others bid the rest a farewell. Domic and Iris walked them to the door. Olivia on the other hand walked with them halfway to the bridge before splitting off to do her own things. Vel seemed happy, she kept muttering things about training, smiling to herself.
This worried Max.
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