《Deepest Depths》Chapter 13: Space and Classes
Max was awakened by someone knocking on his door. The illusions around him quickly changed. The room started to glow, and Max had to shield his eyes. He opened them after a few moments of adjusting. The room was back to the infinite white light. Only his bed, desk, and chair remained.
“Max! Breakfast is ready.” Reep’s voice came through the door.
“Alright, I’ll be down in a few minutes.” Max sat there, trying to keep his eyes open.
He checked his notifications.
Note: No further experience can be gained without a class. Please see a Class Stone! Extra experience will be lost!
Congratulations you have gained the racial trait: Faye: Spatial Affinity!
This racial is from the ancient race of the Faye. Some say the Faye are older than the Gods! Masters of Time and Space, the powerful Faye, are the front runners of finding new and interesting homes. Forest, mountains, other worlds… Nowhere is out of reach of the Faye.
Spatial Magic comes easier to you.
That's convenient. Now I have a potential way to move between worlds… Max honestly thought it was too convenient. Racial traits, the way Max understood, were a roll of the dice. He could have gotten something like a fish race gills or something. Instead, he gains a long-lost race, masters of all magics, powers of demigods, and a potential way home? Max wondered if someone was pulling the strings. A man behind the curtain. He did remember the Goddess Ofes put a divine buff on him, intended to repel to lookers. Maybe that was giving him good luck?
Max figured this was a question he would find an answer to. If not, oh well, he has powerful racials. Max stood, instantly gaining a headache. He slowly made his way through the room. His head was spinning, and he tripped over his feet. Something was wrong Max knew. He was fine a few minutes ago. The only thing that had changed was Space Affinity.
Ah… I can feel the space around me. I can tell exactly how far the bed is from me. Four point one meters. Woah. How did I know that? Max needed time to get used to this.
Max stumbled forward and out of the room. Catching himself on a nearby flower table. Light started to materialize next to Max. An owl forming. Max knew that the owl was an illusion. He could feel that nothing was in the space the owl was forming.
Light and illusion. Amazing Max thought.
“Are you alright Master Max?” the owl asked.
“Please call me Max. And yes, I think so. Just getting used to my new Racial.” Max was slowly making his way through the hallway. He came to a hurdle though. The stairs. Max groaned slowly creeping down, one step at a time.
“Icarus, you are an illusion, right? You're not the real body, right?” Max already knew the answer but wanted to know a bit more.
“Yes. My real body is currently mixed with the house. I can oversee all when I am in this form. I use illusions to comfort the residents. I found, a long time ago, that people don’t like talking to a disembodied voice that watches over them at most times of the day. How did you find out? Did Veline tell you?” Icarus looked genuinely curious. Well as much as an owl could.
“Do. Do you watch us in the bathroom? I don’t think I want to live here if you do…”
“Rest easy Max, Master Lester gave me a strict order not to look in the bathrooms, and not to watch people sleep. Only in emergencies. But back to my question if you don’t mind.” Icarus gave a little hoot.
“My new racial is making it so I can feel space. Where you are, feels empty. I guessed since I knew Lester is a [Illusion Mage].”
“You gained a Racial that grants you Spatial Awareness?”
“It's called Spacial Affinity. I’m not going to tell you what the race is, because I think there is a lot of potential, but I-”
“How di-”
“Master Lester. That was one of his four Racials. You are very lucky. There are very few [Space Mages]. I can tutor you if you would like.”
Max thought about this for a moment. Max figured that Lester’s last order was something along the lines of “Take care of the house, and if a new Earthling shows up, help them.” But this was too much. Giving out potentially life ending information like that? Something was wrong.
“Why are you helping me? You just told me one of your master's secrets. There is something you are not telling me.”
Icarus flickered a little. Max took that to mean he was nervous. A light familiar, that oversaw a huge mansion was nervous...
“Master Max. I cannot answer any more questions along these lines until you are stronger. Your life and---” He cut himself off. Taking a minute to breathe, he finished. “--your life is not safe. Here in this mansion, you are the safest, however. I am sorry I cannot tell you more. Not yet. What I can do is this. I know how Master Lester trained his Special Affinity; I can tell you the regimen. It will be up to you if you succeed or not.”
Max looked at the bird. He caught his slip up. He was going to say someone else was in danger. Why would he not say if it was Clammy or Reep, hell even Iris or Domic. But he stopped himself. Vel said something about Lester being alive, since Icarus was around… Maybe Lester is in danger.
“Don’t call me master. Icarus, I know that you are under constraints.
You don’t have to apologize. I understand.” Max bowed to the light source. “If anything, I should be thanking you for letting me in and taking care of us. Thank you.” A grin slightly covering Icarus’s beak.
Icarus took off towards the smell of sizzling bacon and eggs. Max was certain he could hear Icarus humming The Imperial March.
Looks like Lester was a nerd. Max chuckled to himself.
Max was greeted by something like bacon, scrambled eggs, and some kind of waffle potato cake. It was good. Much better than fish or berries. Reep ate very little, but after some urging from Clammy and Max, she ate some more. Vel showed up an hour later, she happily ate the cold food.
“Max what level are you?” She abruptly asked.
“Ah! Level 5 one exp from being 6, but it says I have to go to a Class stone to progress.” Max wanted to get his class, he always liked the idea of powerful classes in games, he was hoping to get something good.
“Alright we will go after I finish eating. Then we will start your training. Where's that girl of yours? Reep? Was it? She should come along too. By the way... Where’s that fucking owl gone off to. I have more questions.”
“Uhh, don’t know. He left a little bit ago.” She seemed to accept that answer, nodding along. “Why do you want Reep to come?”
“If she's going to be free, she needs to drop her [Slave] class for something better. I think her other is [Archer], so something that complements that. Maybe [Poisoner] and try to get the combination [Toxic Arrow]?”
“There is a [Slave] class? What is wrong with this world?” Max was completely dumbfounded.
“Yes... Lester hated it. Did you know that it is the only class that can be forced on one? Other than Divine intervention, that is.” She had solemnity and hatred in her eyes.
“That's terrible. Do you know if Domic made my appointment to see that Downs guy?”
“Dows, and no. We will be going past the Guild on the way back. You need to register your plate anyways.”
The conversation tapered off. Eventually the girls come back to the table. Clammy was apparently showing Reep how to wear her dress and fix up her hair. For the first time he saw both girls clean. Clammy had a blonde crown braid, hints of her darker roots poking through. Reep Wore her hair down. Brushed and straightened. Her black hair shimmered in the light. She was beautiful. It’s a shame what has happened to her.
Vel explained her idea to Reep, [Toxic Arrows] or similar, were always in demand. Being able to kill a high-level monster at range, with very little issue on safety, was sought after. Clammy, not having any reason to stay in the house, followed along.
Max was getting used to his new awareness. He could tell when the girls were walking down the stairs, feeling a shift in the air. It honestly disturbed Max how much information he was sensing. The main double doors swung open, allowing Max to sense the outside. A horrible spike in his head overcame him. He fell, only being caught by Vel’s water. She lowered him down, and he could feel her mana rushing around inside him, looking for injuries. She became more confused when she found none.
“It's ok, just getting used to my new racial. Just give me a few moments.” Max sat down closing his eyes, allowing his new sense to feel its way around outside. Max could feel up to 65 meters away. He could tell where each tree was, where a stone on the path was missing, it was too much information. He stopped trying to feel so far out, bringing his senses to about 5 meters around him. That was manageable.
Vel saw him sigh in relief. She had seen something similar in the past. Lester. She wondered just how many secrets that man had.
The Class Stones were just that. Stones. Massive rocks. Vel explained that they just appear every so often, spouting from the ground. No one knows if they will one day disappear, or where they came from. Most just believed that the system had something to do with it, leaving it as a question better left asked.
There were three stones. Each about the same size. One dark, one lighter, and one porous. Vel explained how one of them would “call” to you, and that was the one you touched. Nothing bad would happen if you touched the others, it was simply to keep the flow of traffic around the rocks from flooding. People from all ages and backgrounds come to this part of the city. Apparently, the stones had their one pseudo religion. People would come and pray at the base of the stone, taking up valuable surface area.
The “call” is just the stone's way of telling you there was an open spot available. Reep went on ahead, already knowing the process. Vel told Max to wait while she explained what would happen.
“When you touch the stone, a menu will appear. You can’t release the stone until you make a decision. There will be a cancel option, but it will give you a cool down before you can touch the stone again. There will be a lot of classes. I recommend mentally sorting the box to classes that interest you. THAT will be [Water Mage] type. I am not going to try and teach a [Fire Mage].I would also sort by rarity. I don’t know, maybe you will get a [God] class. In that case, take that.”
“You can see a description, and what the class offers. Remember you only get to ‘favorite’ five spells. Most classes will give bonuses to those five, and debuff to any others. That does not mean you can’t change the “favorite” spell, however. You need to be out of combat for that.”
Max waited for more information.
“Oh! Don’t worry if you don’t get any off shoots of [Water Mage]. Plenty of great magi start there and move their way up. Now get on with it already!” she pushed him forward, making him almost trip on a person praying. He felt the “call”, but he already knew where an open stop was due to his racial.
The stone was the dark one. It looked cool and smooth. Max’s heart was beating fast. This was a big moment for him. He reached out, it was warm, he noted. A Box instantly took over his vision. He tried to move his hand but felt it glued on, unable to move.
Welcome to the Class Stone. Take your time, there is no rush.
Max was overwhelmed. There were so many choices. He did as Vel suggested, sorting into [Water Mage] first.
Fog Mage
Mist Mage
Ocean Mage
Tidal Mage
Water Mage
Five choices. He got rid of fog and mist right away. Those did not interest him in the slightest. He expanded the information for the remaining three.
Water Mage (common): Manipulate water with magic!
Favorited water affinity spells cost 5% less mana.
Non favorite spells cost 10% more mana.
Ocean Mage (uncommon): Like the [Water Mage], this class does everything it can do, just on a larger scale.
Favorited water affinity spells that use more than 100 cubic gallons of water cost 25% less mana.
Non favorite spells cost 10% more mana.
Salt water is easier to manipulate.
Tidal Mage (Epic): Knowledge of gravity and water magic creates the power behind this class.
Favorited water affinity spells cost 15% less mana.
Water affinity projectiles fly 10% farther and faster.
Water affinity domain spells are 25% easier to learn.
Water currents do not affect you if you will it.
Non favorite spells cost 10% more mana.
Max clearly saw a winner. [Tidal Mage]. He didn’t know what domain spells are, but the mana reduction alone is amazing. Having the other effects is only sweetener. Max did sort by rarity, just to see what was there.
Gravity Mage
Tidal Mage
Max didn’t even look at the description of [Tormentor]. He knew it would just piss him off.
Gravity Mage (Epic): Manipulate Gravity!
Note: This class is unknown to the world. The few who know of this class have hidden it well enough. Be warned.
Favorited gravity affinity spells cost 15% less mana.
Creation of gravity aligned spells are 15% easier.
This might be a good secondary class Max thought, The warning is ominous though... Max took a few more minutes to decide, creating pros and cons for tidal versus gravity. The main issue was Vel. She wouldn't teach him if he took a non-water class… Max also took the time to look for [Space Mage]. He couldn't find it.
I guess Space Affinity doesn’t unlock it... Weird.
Max chose [Tidal Mage], confirming his selection the box just faded away. Max looked around; it was noon. He had been in the menu for hours. He quickly walked away, using his space affinity to find his group.
"Well, boy, took you long enough. We are going to lunch. Come along. " Vel spun and Wales away.
The restaurant Vel chose was family style. Long tables held many parties, food served in large portions. Take all you want, but eat all you take, Max sang, reminding him of his family.
Max had something that reminded him of chicken cutlet, mixed vegetables, and a berry dessert. Nara's food game was seriously lacking. Apparently, there is magical food, but Max had yet to try any.
When dessert was served, Vel used a spell. A very thin wall of mist surrounded the group of four, floor to ceiling. Glance and you would miss it, thin. Vel explained it was a privacy spell.
"Out with it boy. What did you choose?” Vel demanded.
"[Tidal Mage], Epic."
Vel's eyes widened in shock. "You got a epic class, with no formal training? No rare blood lines? No [Arch Mage] master? I am calling doganshit."
"Uhh, I don't know what a dogan is first of all. Second, can I share a system box?"
"Just will the box to me. That's it."
Max pulled up his class description, willing it to Vel. He watched her eyebrows raise. They went even higher as she continued reading. Her eyes glanced at him and quickly back to the box, rereading.
"Boy. I don't know what "gravity" is, but this class is absurd. Domain creation? Projectiles and a huge mana reduction. Insanity." Vel's voice was cracking.
"Gravity is the force applied to something that pulls it down." Max picked up a piece of fruit that reminded him of a raspberry, tossed it a bit above his plate, watching it fall. "Also, what are domain spells? "
It was Reep who answered, she waited for Vel to, but Vel seemed lost in thought.
"Domains are large areas of effect spells that use the caster as a center anchor." She shuddered adding, "Denny was working on one that stunned everything around him."
This brought Vel back into the conversation. "He was only tier 2 common. No way in Yepo's ass was he completing that. But 25% and an Epic? Max might have one before evolution"
Vel sat back for a moment thinking. clammy spoke up.
"Is gravity magic what you… You know. What did you do to Denny?" She wasn't making eye contact.
Max answered by manipulating the gravity of the raspberry to look alike to be reversed. Max was honestly not ready for how fast it would rise, or rather fall. It hit the ceiling, bounced once, then held there until Max released it. He caught it in his mouth. Raising his eyebrow up and down at Vel.
"Ca-can you teach me that? I uhh… want to never let something like what happened in the forest happen again." Clammy asked.
Max looked at her, she kept his eyes. For the first time since they arrived in the city, she didn't look away. Max smiled.
"You want to get stronger? I can help with that. I also have a secondary class in mind also. If it exists. I was thinking about it for myself, but I think I'm going to go with water and gravity."
"Really? Some knowledge from your world?"
"Knowledge? I guess, but you know the concept already. I was thinking of [Sound Mage], If it's possible. I have some ideas about spells already. "
Vel leaned in, "Sound? How can magic effect sound? [Air Mage] and [Illusionist] is your best bet if you want to go that route."
"Mmm, I wouldn't be so sure. Sound is not air. It is just carried through air. Don't worry I'll explain it later. Heh, there was a… fiction in my world. In it, they had something like magic and mana. There was a village, hidden in the sound. The mages that resided there all had sound magic."
Vel just waved him off, clearly thinking he was wasting her time.
"What about you, dark hair? What did you change to?"
Reep subconsciously touched her hair. Not making eye contact, she spoke.
"I... I dropped [Slave] for [Lightning Hands]. I guess I unlocked it after being electrocuted so many times…"
The silence stretched an uncomfortable amount of time.
"I've never heard of it. What's it to do?" Max asked, trying to sound cheerful.
"Passively I will be able to electrify my arrows, and potentially my muscles, making them move faster." She straightened, turning slightly to Vel, still not looking at her, “I did not follow your recommendation. I will take whatever punishment you deem necessary." Reep exclaimed, her voice shaking.
"Kid. I'm not going to punish you. You have had a shit life. If anything, you should be making more choices. It shows you are not fully lost. Choosing a lightning affinity also shows me that you want to get over your trauma. Good on you. I truly mean it. That combo will very powerful. Good choice."
Reep quietly started to cry, Clammy leaned over hugging her slightly. Max wasn't sure what Vel did. To her spell, but the water turned black. Almost like a shadow came over a pond.
The water was just... not letting light through? Was that it? The new privacy mist blocked onlookers also. It drew more attention, but they couldn't see in. They couldn't see Reep's tears.
"Thank you. " She crooked.
She regained her composure a few minutes later. They packed up to leave. The mist dropping, patrons stared at them.
"Alright boy, we have two stops to make, then it's training!"
Max got a chill.
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