《A Mouse's Grand System》New Friend


"AXEL! What are you doing in the crawl space!" Yelled the old man.

'I'm Screwed! Theirs no way I'm making it out of this.' thought Arvion in a panicked manner.

'I literally have no magic to fight back if they come down here! I guess I will have to abandon ship and run with my tail in between my legs.' Arvion thought to himself

Arvion quickly ducked through the rafters of the house trying to find the exit to only be greeted by a gigantic head of the young boy named Axel staring at him with a small smile on his face.

"It's just a rodent Father. Though this one is smaller than the others before it." Axel said before quickly forming differences in the air out of strange energy that could only be guessed to be mana. After a few seconds of Arvion running as fast as he could away he found that he could no longer move as gravity itself had seemed to reversed as he began to float in the air harmlessly.

'What's going on!' Arvion thought as he began to squeak loudly.

He looked around at his surroundings only to find that he was encapsulated by a glowing globe of pure blue energy. The globe seemed to ripple with an energy similar to a pond in moving from the gentle touches of the surroundings.

"Come little mouse," Axel muttered before making a pulling gesture in the air which seemed to send the globe flying into the air. Arvion cowered in fear from the gesture but did not feel any pain or harsh movement as the globe smoothly sailed through the air towards the brown-haired boy.

"Don't be afraid. Your too small to eat anyways" Axel said before laughing in a light tone. His brown hair shook to reveal bright blue eyes that seemed to be filled with an endless amount of energy.


'Eat?! At least I am fairly small. They probably wouldn't eat me as the boy said.' Arvion thought to himself.

Axel stood up from his huddled down form and walked to the front of the house and quickly stepped inside.

"Father, Look at what I found," Axel said with excitement in his tone.

The old man who had been standing up with a look of confusion on his face quickly turned into an old mentor in the presence of the boy. Turning from a grumpy drunk to a refined old man with a wisened look in his eyes.

"Hmm... That type of mouse is not prominent in a forest like the forest of stones. Though it's just a common household mouse, nothing to be afraid of," The old man said. "Though it is strange for it to appear so deep in the forest."

"He made quite a commotion underneath the house as well. Dealt quite a bit of damage to the foundation of the arcane formation." The old man continued.

"He must be quite special for his species but nothing to be amazed at. "

'At least I have something. Maybe I could break out of this bubble and make a dash for the door...' Arvion thought to himself as he was being examined by these humans.

He quickly activated his mana and sent it outwards before allowing it to run rampant hoping it would deal damage to the bubble. The blue orb was quickly filled with shadows that attacked the orb this time with greater intensity than before but with far more control. The bubble quickly popped and Arvion fell to the ground in a heap, landing on his back he flailed to get onto the front of his body as he made a mad dash for the door, trying desperately to find some hole he could fit through and escape.


"Hahaha. This mouse may actually be something to be amazed at. Innately magical. Get back here you rodent." The old man said before reaching out with his hands. Strings of a bright green color came lashing out at Arvion. After what felt like a few seconds the strings connected to his body and Arvion felt his body move without his consent.

Arvion felt his body being puppeted by these green strings. He was quickly moved around until he was facing the old man. The old man stood there holding his hands out almost as if he was a puppet master puppeteering. Arvion quickly found himself in the palm of the man's hand with no control of his body whatsoever.

Fear coiled within his body as he felt a great amount of energy burst in him as he tried his absolute hardest, to try and get out of the restraints he was in but all he could do was shake slightly before the strings regained perfect control of him.

The Old Man made Arvion look at him in the eyes with a flick of his wrist before staring at him intently. Arvion seemed to be consumed by a sea of green energy that whirled around as he stared into the pit of green that was the old man's eyes.

"He is intelligent. And has the ability to cast magic... A rare commodity for creatures, especially as tame as this one. He checks all the marks young Axel. I think we found a creature that is finally fit to be your familiar." The old man said before turning his endless gaze towards the young boy he just mentioned.

"R-Really Father?!" Axel said in an excited voice. "It's finally time for me to have a familiar?"

"Yes, son. It is finally time. He should fit perfectly though if I had to guess his magical affinity I would have to say either shadow or black magic. Which may not be a great match to your water magic though it should still work out." The old man said.

"I guess it's finally time," Axel said before turning his gaze at the young mouse.

'What the heck do these people mean Familiar?! Am I gonna be turned into a slave as soon as I got reincarnated?!' Arvion thought to himself.

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