《The day I became World Administrator》14. Admin vs Gelom


Arcane, a new form of applied magic that Isaac had discovered somewhat by chance while tampering with the runes. It was not really a new magic, but simply a rune inscribed directly in the air.

But unlike runes inscribed in solid materials, runes inscribed on water or air were brief and fleeting the moment they were no longer held. The reason Isaac gave them the name Arcane was because they gave a whole new way to do magic.

While spells require you to focus your emotions and feelings to manipulate energy, arcana, like runes, require you to create a logic circuit to be able to manipulate mana.

Although creating the arcane requires concentration, the operation is much more precise and leaves very little room for error or emotional fluctuation. Once the arcane is created, all that remains is to breathe mana inside so that it is activated and that before it disintegrates because of lack of mana.

- "GOOO!"

Immediately, two runes each inscribed on the underside of the Gelom's feet activated and emitted a powerful blast of wind, propelling the two golems into the air before they reactivated them, reorienting themselves in midair and heading straight for the fruit under the rune under Isaac.

With a small smile, Isaac then opened his mouth:

- "Hell wave!"

Immediately, the red arcane above him activated and began to spin rapidly before glowing. Suddenly, the arcane vanished and in its place, a fireball appeared for a moment before expanding exponentially.

The wave of fire that followed the expansion then swept all around, passing around Isaac's barrier without touching or injuring him. The ground around it immediately caught fire and the center of the crater for twenty yards now looked like hell, flames everywhere.

The two Geloms then activated two runes inscribed on their palms and changed their orientation again to move away as quickly as possible from the wave of flame, far enough before the latter totally weakened and disappeared.

Without wasting time, they set off again but this time higher and with only one approaching, the other circling, waiting for a potential loosening in Isaac's defense.

For his part, Isaac then observed the flames and nodded. The flames were powerful and strong. They were probably capable of damaging the runes on the golems enough to disable them. It was one of the disadvantages of the Geloms having to face their creator since he already knew their main flaws as well as their main advantage.


With this hell surrounding, the Geloms could not approach any more and could only wait now. Their speed advantage was no longer of much use and left Isaac time to think about which next spell to test.

Without waiting too long, his hand still up, palm open, Isaac made a new arcane appear, this time white, one meter in diameter but extremely more complex than the previous one.

- "Seeking lightray"

He didn't really need to say the names of the spells he was casting. What's more, he was the one who gave them their names. However, after many trials with weaker spells and starting his arcane research, for which he was awarded the title of [Arcane Seeker] and [Arcanist], he noticed that by adding a physical or emotional trigger aids concentration and precise and synchronize the launching of an arcane.

For thought-cast spells without arcane it didn't matter, but he liked to say their spell, it made him look cool with his Aura Vestments. What's more, he preferred it to snapping his fingers or making hand gestures, by force his fingers would hurt and the last thing he wanted was a tendonitis.

Again, the arcane began to spin before shining.

A few moments later, four rays of light burst from the arcane which immediately disappeared. The rays immediately rushed towards their targets. Two for each Gelom.

Unable to react to the speed of light, the heads of the two golems suddenly exploded as Isaac let out a little cry of joy.

- "Headshot!"

Nonetheless, that little moment of joy then ended before he resumed a serious expression. Indeed, the two golems were still circling around Isaac.

He had aimed at the head for a reason, he wanted to test the accuracy of this spell on targets moving very quickly but also because the head of the golem had only aesthetic purpose. He didn't want to stop the experiment just yet and had a few more things to try.

The Geloms then both began to rise skyward before positioning themselves directly above Isaac at high altitude. They looked at him, or seemed to look at him since it was hard to tell without their heads.


Isaac knew immediately what they wanted to do. Without hesitation, he abandoned the idea of ​​accuracy or testing, the next move of the golems could possibly be fatal.

Instead of going through an arcane or rune, Isaac summoned his mana directly with his focus and created a thick barrier of at least three feet just as the two Geloms crashed to the surface and exploded into a thousand pieces.

"Kamikaze ..." he thought as he saw them explode.

The barrier took a big hit and a crack appeared on the surface without completely breaking the shield. Without waiting and seeing that the fight was over, Isaac dispelled the shield before looking at the fire around before placing his hand skyward.

Suddenly a blue arcane of about a meter appeared. Less complex than Seeking light but much more charged with energy, it seemed to radiate a soft sensation of freshness in the surroundings.

- "Heavy Rain"

The arcanum then activated and dissipated in a blue ray bursting into the sky before exploding and forming a large black cloud. Isaac then began to fly out of the crater and came to the edge. The barrier surrounding the crater then suddenly opened, leaving a hole that Isaac passed through before turning around, observing the cloud.

He then placed his hand towards the cloud and sent a fairly powerful mana pulse through the hole in the barrier which closed just after.

The wave of mana then passed through the cloud, creating a chain reaction. All over the cloud, the manicles then began to activate and the cloud began to rain, at times emitting lightning flashes circulating inside the cloud.

The localized torrential rain that followed then swept away the flames which in their turn did not weaken and reduced the drops of water to vapor at the slightest touch. Isaac didn't wait any longer and decided to leave the cloud like that. With the mana he had just given him, he was probably going to be able to last an hour with a very heavy rain which was enough to put out the flames.

He had learned this arcane from the runes built by maintenance golems when they wished to water plants and had managed to recreate it in such a way that it was more localized instead of causing large-scale, scattered rain.

The task was arduous but it was well worth it, especially when he had to clean up from behind after his experiments with fire magic.

After that, Isaac then set out towards the center of the plains and more precisely a rock about fifteen meters in width floating about 50 meters in height.

Above, one could notice earth placed in a hollow dug in the stone and in which a bush of blue flowers had been planted. The flowers emitted a small bluish aura, it was the flower that Isaac had found when he arrived and which could create mana over a fairly long period of time.

After the "flotation" rune was completed, Isaac tried to create a larger scale rune in an attempt to support a larger load. Alas, unlike its smaller version, the mana supply cycle seemed to have been broken and the rune was using more mana than it was absorbing.

Despite many modifications, attempting to decrease the mana consumed resulted in a rune unable to lift the boulder it was carved on. To overcome this problem, Isaac decided to use the flower as a source of energy.

The mana aura created by the flower thus gives a boost to the rune, increasing the amount of mana absorbed by the nodes and creating a stable or even excess supply cycle at times.

Isaac then came to float towards the rock before sitting down on the grass around the bush before lying down looking at the blue sky above him.

He took a deep breath then and closed his eyes, a smile on his face, the expression rested and ignorant of what was going on at the border of the Garden.

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