《History of the Orcs According to, The Beginning: Breath Of War》History of the Orcs - The Mountain Pass


For five whole years the Warlords prepared their WarHordes to invade the Red lands. Building messenger outposts, stone roads to allow the rapid deployment of their WarHordes, fortresses to hold their newly gained territory and an army of Goblins to serve as the vanguard for any attack. This was all done in preparation for the great battles to come, as word reached them that humans had been mobilizing a massive army to oppose them at the other end of the mountain pass.

And while High Shaman Grozak did not fear the Humans and their pathetic weapons, he did have great a deal of respect for these people who were able to survive out in the Red Wasteland. Few races could survive out in there, let alone thrive, yet these humans had done just that. They had built five great cities that were the envy of the world and had enough wealth to pay for a thousand armies at their disposal. These Humans had also made themselves a power to be reckoned with, and it was because of this that Grozak was careful in planning his campaign against them. Defeat against them was out of the question. The Humans were not only a blight against the land, they were a blight upon Lord Sezrath's dominion, spreading their heresies of the Light Bearer. For that reason alone, Lord Sezrath had declared that all of humanity be extinguished for their heretical beliefs.

During this period of preparation, a gradual change came over the Orcish people, after many years of only devouring raw meat. Many Orcs began to lose touch with reality once they smelt blood in the air or were enraged. Hearing murmurs of fear at this new sickness that had swept through his people, Grozak quickly proclaimed this sickness to be a gift from Lord Sezrath, as it would allow them to gain untold powers in battle.


This sickness was later known as the Bloodlust, which removes any of the Orc's inhibitions and releases stimulants to the brain after tasting blood. It also allows them to ignore wounds for a short period of time. But unlike the Berserkers rage the transformation only appears in their eyes, which become crimson red with rage.

Also at this time the Dragons that infested the mountains awoke from their hibernation, and started to attack the Orcish people, but through Lord Sezrath's power Grozak was able to arrange a deal with them. Goblin lives for the lives of Orcs. Some of the Dragons accepted this new arrangement, while others saw no need to bend to his will. Dragons attacked convoys, garrisons and towns ; massacring thousands of Orcs. The Shamans fearful of the threat these creatures posed to the Orc race, prayed night and day to Lord Sezrath and sacrificed thousands of Goblins to beg for his assistance.

Lord Sezrath pleased with their offering of blood, seized control of the greatest Dragon Vazkyron and bent him to his will. Infusing him and his brood with great power that darkened his scales making them harder than the hardest piece of steel, Vazkyron and his brood took to the skies to battle the other dragons.

No match for these Blood Dragons that had razor shark teeth and breath that could melt scales, the dragons were hunted down one by one,till eventually they were driven off the Mountain. For many days after the battle blood, ash and smoke still clung to the air in the aftermath as a sign of Sezrath's power. With no more obstacles in their path to crossing the Mountains, Grozak ordered the Warhordes to begin their ascent up the Mountain. Protected by their Blood Dragons the Orcs crossed over into the Red lands to face the might of Human hosts that awaited them in the valley below. To be Continued.

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