《Echoes of the Tribulation: An Historical Apocalypse LitRPG Series.》Chapter 21: Harbinger
22:25 June 4, 1329.
Hall of Glitnir,
Liam felt a chill run down his spine. Hesitating, he sent a question to the presence.
King David?
There was no answer.
He waited a moment, but heard nothing else. Bragi was looking at him, waiting patiently for him to assign his attributes.
“Lord Bragi?” Liam asked. “What is a Spirit Heritage?”
The Aesir arched an eyebrow in surprise. “You have already unlocked it?” he asked. “Of course, you have. How else would you know of it! Perhaps there is far more to you than it seems!”
Bragi paused for a moment, collecting his thoughts.
“Your Spirit Heritage is a formation of your spiritual core. As time passes and you overcome adversity, you unlock each heritage. By attuning to it, you can access your Spirit Nexus, allowing you to expand your powers. Your attuned nexus will passively improve your statistics at a rapid pace through effective training or combat. Eventually, when you have attuned all three, you become immortal.”
“Usually the first spirit is your Hamingja. The maternal spirit of your most powerful female ancestor. She unlocks the Spirit Nexus of your heart, bringing you luck and aiding you to gain love! Usually she is compassionate and encourages a slow growth.”
“The next is your Vǫrðr.” Bragi spoke the word as ‘Voether.’, but it was clearly a strange pronunciation. “He is the guardian spirit. He will guide you to unlock the Spirit Nexus of your Mind, allowing you to channel greater magics and do so more rapidly. It will also increase your defences against attacks of the mind or dreams. He will help you gain true wisdom and aid your perception of the world.”
Liam was about to speak up, but stopped as he saw Bragi was about to continue.
“The third is the most dangerous, both to you and others. It is your Fylgja. This is your animal spirit and relates to the Spirit Nexus of your core. When attuned, you will move faster, become stronger and dodge and strike more nimbly than ever before. The Fylgja is dangerous because it is fickle, and if you are weak, it can take over, turning you into a beast. If you cage it, it eventually breaks out and will take you over completely. Tame it and care for it, and you shall become vastly powerful. This is the final spirit that grants immortality.”
“Take heed: If your Fylgja meets a final death, so do you.” He finished.
Liam absorbed this information rapidly, understanding he’d encountered his Vǫrðr. “What happens if you unlock your Vǫrðr first?” He asked, worried that he’d done something wrong.
“Truthfully? You unlocked your Vǫrðr?” He looked at Liam closely.
“Yes, I can see it now. Remarkable! Few ever gain access to their Vǫrðr until they are much older, wiser or have fought and slain many foes. That you have done so now is a significant benefit to you. If you can attune it quickly, you will have access to magics that most mortals can only dream of attaining.”
“I heard a voice too,” Liam said, trying to gain more information on the ghostly presence. “I tried to respond, but I heard nothing back. How will I learn from him if I cannot speak to him?”
“The spirits act through the world of Dreams.” Bragi said. “When you sleep, you can communicate with your ancestral spirits. They may offer advice counter to each-other from time to time but can never force you to act against your will. That it has already communicated with you simply shows it is powerful. Few spirits can enter your waking thoughts unless you have attuned them.”
Liam nodded, hoping that his slight understanding would be enough. There was only one way to find out, but he hoped he could learn more from the Aesir. He opened his mouth to ask another question, but Bragi held up a hand.
“You have much to learn about the system, but I will not and cannot teach you all you wish to know. Much you will have to discover for yourself!” The Aesir told Liam sternly. “Do not worry overly. The Spirits will guide you through their trials. Once you have opened your first Spirit Nexus, you will understand.
“But why would I need to complete trials to unlock the Nexus?” Liam asked, wondering why a series of trials was necessary. Weren’t the spirits already a part of him?
“To refine your intent.” The Aesir replied. “Without the correct force of intent, your soul will not fill the Nexus, and you will never improve your body or spirit.”
“What do y…” Liam began, but Bragi shook his head.
“No.” Bragi said. “I will answer no more questions on the matter. If I tell you too much now, you may decide against your nature, ruining your spirit.”
The answer frustrated Liam, but he accepted the Aesir knew much more than he did of progress within the System and its snags.
He willed the Heritage away, seeking his statistics once more. This time, another vision appeared.
You are now eligible to select a class.
Available Classes:
Scottish Page (Common)
Apprentice Nexii Magus (Rare)
Senior Apprentice Carpenter (Uncommon)
Apprentice Skald (Uncommon)
Harbinger Page (Epic)
Order of Jesus Christ Page (Angelic)
Paladin Page (Epic)
Liam could see no description attached to any of the choices, so he tried focusing on them one at a time.
Scottish Page (Common)
A Page of the realm of Scotland. Due either to an inheritance of status or a great deed, you may become a Scottish Page. A warrior class, the Page serves the Knights and Lords of the realm in battle. A Scottish Page is taking their first steps towards becoming a Knight of Scotland, in service to Temporal powers.
Each Level of Page Trainee
1 Strength,
1 Vitality,
1 Intelligence
1 Charisma, and
3 Free attribute.
Per Level
This choice will unlock unique evolutions.
It sounded amazing. Becoming a Scottish Page would grant him the same number of Available Attributes but would also give four to his core most useful attributes as well.
It tempted him to choose this outright, as it fit with his role in the Retinue of Lord Douglas, but a nagging feeling he’d missed something made him look back to the vision showing the other classes. The Scottish Page was a common class. Frowning, Liam looked at the others. One of them was Angelic, and the others were Epic, Rare or Uncommon.
Deciding that the more rarified the class, the better the benefits might be, Liam focused on the next class.
Apprentice Nexii Magus. (Rare)
A Nexii Magus is a wielder of the power of their Spirit. They can channel greater volumes of Magic through their bodies and project their power, shaping the world to their will. The Apprentice Nexii Magus takes their first steps upon a path of magic and mystery.
Each Level of Apprentice Nexii Magus:
3 Intelligence
3 Wisdom
3 Will
2 Free Attributes
Per Level
This now gave eight whole attributes more than he received from levels 1-10, with 2 of those being free points per level.
This sounded better and better. The only problem with this class was that it was too reliant on magic, and he still did not know how magic worked!
Looking at the number of attributes, it was very tempting. He wondered if the scarcity of the class defined how many attributes you received. He found his answer when he focused on the next choice.
Senior Apprentice Carpenter. (Uncommon)
A Carpenter is a crafter of wood into weapons and tools of war and production. You have had the good fortune to attract the attention of a Master Carpenter who will train you in his art. This is a builder class. War is not won on the battlefield, but in the workshops that produce the materials necessary to prosecute war. A Senior Apprentice Carpenter is progressing upon a path of great wealth.
2 Agility
2 Vitality
2 Intelligence
3 Free Attributes
per level {This choice will unlock unique evolutions}
From what Liam could see, the System ranked classes by tier, with common as the lowest. Each tier of scarcity gave higher numbers of attributes, as Rare classes seemed to give more than Uncommon, and Uncommon more than Common. Having discovered this trend, Liam wondered what the highest tier would be!
He refocused on the Carpentry class. While he’d enjoyed his time in the carpentry, but he knew deep within his soul that this was not his calling. The clang and clamor of battle had called to him as nothing else had. He knew he needed to choose a combat class. He needed to protect his friends, and in doing so help them build a better world.
Apprentice Skald. (Uncommon)
You have had the good fortune to attract the attention of a Master Skald who will train you in his art.
You will receive
2 Agility
1 Wisdom
1 Intelligence
2 Charisma
3 Free Attributes
Per Level.
Once more, it tempted Liam to just accept this class straight away. Nine more attributes per level, and - at least according to the System - Bragi would train him!
Becoming an apprentice to an Aesir of unfathomable wisdom could mean access to great power. But it would also mean remaining in Vanaheim.
Liam had long since stopped being wary of the Aesir. Not only did they accept God in heaven as the one true God, but they also seemed reluctant to accept the mantle of divinity themselves. Rather, they had it thrust upon them by people who saw power and did not understand it.
He had hoped for a powerful Knightly class. But so far, none had presented themselves.
He kept his excitement in check as he focused on the next class.
Harbinger Page of the Davidic Order {Additional Hidden path} (Epic)
To become a Harbinger Page is to build a foundation of substantial power. They are the greatest Knights, tasked with carrying the message of their Intent across the stars. None can match a trained Harbinger in feats of arms, and no magician can long stand against their mighty will.
This path is only open if the Davidic Heritage is unlocked.
A Harbinger Page combines Martial prowess of a Paladin Knight with the foundations of the spirit powers of the Nexii Magus. They are messengers of Love, Faith, Retribution and Hope.
Each aspect explores a different intent.
This is an Epic Class. Additional Classes will become available!
Crafting Class: +1
You receive.
1 to all Attributes
4 Free Attributes
Per Level.
Liam stared in awe. One thing had caught his attention more than any other.
They are the greatest Knights.
He re-read the statement.
This was beyond any class he’d seen so far, and it was merely still a Page, with further class evolutions available! If it also could evolve into a Squire, Knight, or even Lord, it would surely be unsurpassed. It not only added one to each of his attributes, but would also have four to assign per level.
This class seemed to be something that would create a foundation for further growth, but Liam had seen what an Epic class could grant, now he wanted to see what the Angelic class could do.
He knew he’d have to at least check the last two options.
Page of the Heavenly Order of Jesus Christ. (Angelic)
A Page of the Heavenly Order of Jesus Christ is selected for immediate ascension. If chosen, you transcend your humble beginnings and you shall rise to the ranks of the Heavenly Host. Service is for the duration of your immortal life.
Selecting this class changes your race from Human to Demi-Angel.
Evolutions Locked. No further evolutions possible.
This is a locked class. No further Class selection possible.
The System will transport you to the heavenly realms.
You receive:
+5 to all attributes
Per Level.
Attribute Will and Attribute Luck no longer apply:
You are a fated being. God wills it. You shall obey. Keeping your own Will is no longer possible!
You are a fated being. A fated being's role is pre-determined. Luck is no longer a factor!
If you chose this class, the system will set your resurrection point to: The Kingdom of Heaven.
He could become an Angel!
Well, a Demi-Angel.
As he read further, his enthusiasm waned. It sounded as though he would have to give up his life, his hopes, and his destiny for an immortal span of service. He wasn’t willing to throw that all away. While he loved God, and was grateful for Christ’s sacrifice, he also knew that if he’d wished for God to rule all aspects of his life, he would have joined a monastery or become a Priest.
He had neither the desire nor the patience to do so, and to allow God to remove his choice seemed… wrong. It would also mean that he would likely not see his friends again, and more than anything, he wished to see them again.
While it was by far the most powerful option, it would bind him, and make him incapable of forming his own decisions or following his own choices. If they ordered him to kill children for the greater good, he would have no choice and no recourse. He wasn’t sure giving up that much control - even to God - was a good thing. Of course, he’d heard the parables where God had tested Abraham by demanding he kill Isaac, and wasn’t sure he would have been able to do the same.
He looked at the last class.
Paladin Page (Epic)
A Paladin page is a warrior knight in service to his ideals. Choosing to serve God in all his deeds, the Paladin page is capable of extreme feats of valor and power upon the battlefield, while ensuring he abides by God's will. Gifted some of the powers of God to heal and smite, the Paladin is a paragon of good.
3 Strength
3 Agility
3 Vitality
1 Charisma
Free attribute points, +4 per level.
{This choice will unlock unique evolutions}
Finally! This class seemed to be the Archetype of his dreams. Not only would he be the most massive and muscled knight, capable of wearing the heaviest armor, but he'd also have ability to heal damage!
Despite his enthusiasm, that nagging thought returned. Perhaps this wasn’t the best class. Perhaps if he chose this, he'd ruin his chances for later growth.
He realized he was underutilizing his greatest resource in this decision. Bragi!
Now he’d come to Vanaheim and met Bragi and Forseti, Liam’s eyes had been opened to the vast complexity and excitement the planes and the System offered.
Liam looked to Bragi, the vision of the class selection morphing into a semi-transparent vision of gold text on a red field before them.
“Would you give me your advice?” he asked, displaying the class screens for Bragi to look over.
The bearded skald hummed, his fingers tracing an unthinking melody upon the strings. “It appears you have accessed several greater class pathways already!” he hummed, musing the selections. “The first four are useless unless you seek to spend most of your life working up to your first race evolution.”
His fingers flicked against the harp momentarily, creating a discordance which he quickly blended back into the melody. “The last three are unique. I have not heard of the Davidic Order, although, I am not surprised it exists. Many of the ancestral kingly lines have developed secret sects and orders over the eons. The benefits of this are some of the best I’ve…” His voice trailed off as he looked at the sixth.
“You should take the sixth.” He said, certainty mixing with jealousy. “The statistics boost is considerably beyond all others, and you immediately ascend to the Host of Angels, keeping your mind.”
“Not only that, you can resurrect! You will live forever outside of the control of the fates.”
Liam protested. “But what about the lack of my own Will?”
“Overrated!” Bragi spat. “I and all the Aesir and Vanir had choices gradually stripped from us in exchange for our fate. While someone may indeed resurrect us at the earthly coronation of Christ on Earth, we will spend a long time waiting!” He chuckled ruefully. “It has already been one hundred thousand years. What I would give for an opportunity to ascend right now!”
That made little sense to Liam. Why would Bragi be so desperate to ascend! “So, how do you know there is not a way to ascend beyond the Aesir and Vanir without dying?” Liam asked.
“We only know of this path because Forseti’s father died, and he ascended.” Bragi smiled sadly. “Maybe there is another way, but after one hundred thousand years of searching Baldr’s path is the only one we’ve found, and none of us wish for death, despite wanting to ascend.” Liam nodded his understanding as Bragi continued.
“The last class is a waste. It may make you physically powerful, but without great magics, even after evolving and gaining immortality, you cannot affect the world beyond your arm’s reach.”
“I will not force you to choose the sixth class, but you have my advice.” With that, he played a soft melody on his harp, as if he had grown bored.
Liam nodded and made his choice.
Bragi sighed as he glanced over at Liam as the changes of the Class took hold.
“Your choice will frustrate the fates!” he said. “They never liked those who challenge their choice over the ascension of mortals. Expect your path to be difficult, Liam.” Bragi counselled. “Luck can be fickle and come in forms both good and bad.”
Finally, Liam opened his Statistics screen.
Titles: Page, Primus, Guest of Glitnir.
Name: Liam Lamberton
Level: 11
Genetic Heritage: Davidic Scion
Class: Harbinger Page (Davidic Order)
Age: 13
Tribulation Experience: 13/ 931
Health: 190
Magic: 150
Stamina: 65
Available Attributes: 17
Strength: 21 +
Agility: 16 +
Vitality: 19 +
Intelligence: 21 +
Wisdom: 15 +
Charisma: 19 +
Luck: 29 +
Faith: 20+
Will: 15 +
Sword: 8
Swimming: 1
Manners: 13
Tactics: 6
Animal Husbandry: 10
Light Armor: 8
Riding: 10
Carpentry: 19
Chivalry: 5
Reading: 9
Stealth: 4
Wood Chopping: 19
Writing: 1
Housekeeping: 11
Languages: 7
Maintenance: 16
Athletics: 19
Mathematics: 1
Harp: 5
Music: 6
Heavy Armor: 4
Liam had not only gained 5 attributes from his genetic heritage but also two more from his class in all attributes. There was also a significant increase in his skills. Most surprising were the rapid gains he’d made in the harp and music.
When training with Father Doreen, Liam had shown no aptitude for music. Now that a more considerate and patient teacher took an interest, Liam’s skill flourished. Liam knew that the harp and musical skill increase was because of the improved learning rate from the Harp of Bragi as well.
It was surprising to Liam how free the Aesir was being free with his information, and with his teachings. Liam was eager to gain every bit of information he could from the ancient Skald, but did not wish to make himself unwelcome.
Despite that, if the Aesir proved willing to give advice, Liam would be a fool not to ask. Liam displayed his statistics for all to see.
The Aesir looked over his displayed statistics, finding them amusing. “You are a young one.” He said. “I suppose you have several options depending on how you wish to proceed.”
“But what is the best?” Liam asked, his naïve excitement immediately making him presume that great strength would be the path any sensible person would choose.
“There are many best paths, depending on who you are and who you wish to become. But there is only one great path.” Bragi said.
"It is a path that can change the weaves of fate. To bend the Tribulations to your intent and craft a future for your people."
“The greatest power comes not from your arms, but from your will, your wisdom and your intelligence. It is not feats of arms that win Tribulations, but Magic! No sword can defeat a dragon without magic. No arrow can cut a wraith in two.” Bragi smiled, strumming his harp, and a harrowing howl brought a moment of silence to the hall.
Liam blanched at the sound. He didn’t understand what Bragi meant.
The greatest path is that of a magician? He thought, doubtfully. When the princess sang of Arthur and Merlin, it was Arthur who was the hero. He was the man who changed the world! Not the Magician!
Merlin was just an old man who used magic to trick people and help Arthur.
Something else occurred to Liam. “But isn’t magic against the will of God?”
The Aesir smiled at his response. “Magic is powerful, but it is not without risk. The schools of Magic take two forms. Use of either school entirely depends on the intent of the user.”
“Called magic is the magic of curses and is the sorcery of evil beings. Its very nature is discordant. Every curse affects the world around it like nails scraping on sandstone. It vomits its horror out of the ether.” The Lord shuddered, clearly disgusted at the notion.
“The other school of Magic is that of Music. It weaves into being, much like fate. The Magician takes the role of the weaver.” Bragi smiled. “The Magic of Music is harmonious to nature, and the weaves can make detailed patterns. Patterns from which we build greater magics.”
“Why do you think God broke the Heavenly host into Choirs?”
Liam thought about this for a moment. “To praise Him?” He asked.
Bragi shook his head with a chuckle. “It is because each choir works together through music to create and sustain the miracles of God’s creation. And what did you think miracles were, if not magic?”
“So music is the foundation of magic?”
“Music is not a foundation of anything. There is no difference between music and magic. The only reason magic does not spring forth when you sing is because you lack intent when you release the song upon the world.” Bragi strummed his harp, and the fire died down, plunging the hall into darkness. Silence descended in the hall as curious Vanir and Aesir turned to watch Bragi.
“Music IS magic.” He strummed the harp again and from it flowed a golden light. “And to God, Music is the greatest prayer we can offer.”
The light left the harp in a stream as though a liquid, but instead of dashing itself against the floor, the stream flowed amongst the tables, the rafters and even the still smoking logs of the fire-pit, causing them to sputter and spew forth a mass of fine smoke which closed around the golden light, giving a backdrop for the performance to come.
The hall filled with excited chatter as news spread that Bragi was about to begin a performance. Bragi’s display was a source of great mirth amongst those of the higher realm, Liam saw. He could not help but smile at the sight himself. Compact forms of beings Liam suspected were illusory pixies ran along the golden threads, beckoning one and all to gather for a tale.
Bragi strummed the harp a third time and the fire re-started and the golden light slowly dissipated. “You can learn magic too, Liam. Attributes in Intelligence, Will and Wisdom shall help in that endeavor, though you have enough to learn the basics now if you wish.” Bragi said, his eyebrow arching as he offered the ability.
Liam nodded, affirming his desire to learn. Despite wanting to learn magic, he was still somewhat uncomfortable with the idea that strength of arms alone could not defeat the mightiest of foes.
“Agility is also useful to play the instrument of your choice. The more finely you play, the more finely your intent translates through music into the magic.” The Aesir studied the Statistics display and then focused on Liam. “It is still low, so I would Increase that first, followed by your Wisdom and Will.”
Liam nodded, impressed with Bragi’s abilities. More so that even the other guests had seemed awed by the display, yet even this level of skill must not be too much for high leveled magic users like Bragi, who did not even seem to concentrate on his tune.
To Liam, the light had indeed seemed almost holy, and he wanted to learn the skills, but Liam also was still intent on learning to become a Knight. He felt that learning magic may prevent that in the future. He told Bragi of his worries.
“I have always wanted to be a knight, and to quest like in the tales. I’m not sure how knights use magic! It would seem a bit like cheating.” He said.
Bragi laughed at this.
“I had planned on singing you the Havamal. But the kennings of the All Father may yet be too great a burden on your mind. Instead, I shall sing to you the true song of the Nibelungs!” With that announcement, he began. “It will show you the significant powers where magic and man meet."
Bragi’s singing was unlike anything Liam had ever heard, accompanied by the harp images that appeared of lands and times long ago. Voices in the hall silenced quickly except for the sound of Bragi’s powerful voice and the gentle, sad notes of his harp.
The mighty king of Caroling, returned home from war,
His wife for him, a son did bring, she lost him evermore.
The king was wroth, as his betroth had not yet with him bedded.
And so the boy was cast away into the forest, dreaded.
The golden light and smoke combined swirling into a scene as Bragi played. It showed a fell king, returning to his castle from a great war, banners and trumpets blew in time to the music Bragi played, although no trumpets were present in the hall. A beautiful woman stood over a cradle, smiling at a young boy. Pulled from his mother’s arms, the king took the infant into the deep forest, and left him there, naked upon the ground, to die.
Left in there with naught to care, the boy was soon for ruin.
Yet Mimir came and heard refrain, he took the lad to him.
The boy was raised and ‘Sigurd’ named! He grew to great power.
And Mimir thought the sapling boy mayhaps was Wise-Ygg’s flower.
The scene changed and now a light snow was upon the ground, the infant crying in hunger and cold. A figure stood over him, kneeling to look upon the infant with compassion. He was a man of noble bearing. Strong and tall, he wore his hair long and thick like his beard, braided with many golden rings. His clothing was poor. That of a smith, but it was the eyes that drew Liam’s attention most. They shone with power beyond mortal reckoning.
Liam looked closer. No. He was too tall and fell to be a mere man. This was one of the Aesir.
Taking the infant up in his arms, the Aesir walked into the forest. Rapidly, the scene changed to a blacksmith's forge, in which the Aesir held the infant to the teat of a magnificent wolf, allowing him to suckle. It changed once more, showing the boy growing, and learning far more quickly than a mere mortal, and Mimir wondered aloud, “Is this boy of Odin’s blood?”
Liam was amazed, the words in perfect synchronicity with the harp had come - not from Bragi - but from the vision!
Sigurd learned of Mimir, the art of blade and round,
He took nine spells that granted him an armor tightly bound.
Soon, tall he grew and Mimir knew the might of his great strength,
And quick with wit and wisdom, his mind was full at length.
The song shifted to Sigurd, learning the sword and shield as Mimir instructed him. Liam learned from the instruction too, ways of shifting a sword along the edge of a shield, to use both to press an opponent’s shield and open their guard. To strike always with the shield guarding and the blade hidden behind. He learned how to balance on rough ground, on ice, how to strike with the back edge after a feint and when to do so, and how to use all parts of the blade and shield offensively and defensively.
Liam saw three visions spring up before his eyes.
You have learned: Feinting Slash [Level 1]
You have learned: Covered Strike [Level 1]
You have learned: Shield Parry [Level 1]
But he closed them quickly lest they interfere with the tale. He knew what they would do and how much stamina they would cost him instinctively.
The scene once more changed and this time, showing nine spells of power. Liam’s nose started to bleed. He could only discern three before he had to shut his eyes. The power too much for his young mind to bear. The brief pain receded in an instant as the song continued.
Once more, three visions appeared before him.
You have learned the Spell: Ward [Level 1]
You have learned the Spell: Healing Song [Level 1]
You have learned the Spell: Flame [Level 1]
The vision showed Sigurd growing from a small boy into a powerful man, tall and broad of features, his honest face shining in the sun as his eyes burnt with a ferocious intelligence and wisdom that spoke of expert knowledge and mastery of arts.
Unbeknownst to Sigmund’s-Son, betrayal was close tended,
As vain did grow the Master-Smith, his love was mere pretended.
His dwarf-brother dear, he did draw near, plotting in a field of straw,
To slay Sigurd and cut fate’s string, within Drake Regins Maw!
The vision turned misty and showed a dwarf talking to Mimir in a field of wheat, birds chirping around them, telling of none other hiding in the straw.“Brother Regin.” Mimir said, hugging the dwarf. “I have a task for you, for which I will reward you with a great treasure trove.”
The dwarf’s eyes widened in excited greed. “Aye brother, what would you have of me?”
“It is this damned apprentice. He seeks too much of my knowledge and worms it out of me with each passing year. He shall soon surpass me in the arts. A Mortal!” Mimir said, outraged. “I wish him dead.”
The dwarf thought for a moment. “I am unwilling to risk my life to kill such a one who is near as mighty as thee in the arts of arms and song.” He said with cunning. “If you change me into the mightiest of Dragons, I see no risk. Yet I would have the hoard in advance!”
Mimir nodded, seeing that he could ensnare Sigurd on a quest to recover his stolen hoard. “It shall be so, brother!” The smith chanted some unheard song and the small dwarf rapidly transformed into a mighty green dragon. The vision shifted perspective as the Dragon turned to stare at the audience, its jaws flashing out - terrifying Liam - who flinched back in his seat.
Vile Mimir slyly did approach the hero of our tale,
A hoard to claim and questing fame, thus he did regale,
Sigurd swept up in glory, impatiently departed,
He found the Dragon Regin and fought him brave hearted.
The vision showed Mimir approach Sigurd as he rested from labor at the forge, whispering something that made Sigurd start. His brows furrowed in anger and with a mighty roar, he sprinted into a hut, emerging in a shining golden mail with a sword of purest white light. Upon his brow a helmet stood proudly, Sigurd’s eyes glowed with dire intent causing Mimir to recoil.
Sigurd ran off into the forest, emerging as the vision changed into a cavern in which the Dragon Regin reclined upon a trove of glittering treasures. Sigurd and Regin exchanged words and soon fought. Liam learned even more skills as the vision showed him how to dodge and absorb strikes from monstrous creatures.
The dragon whipped at Sigurd with its mighty tail, clawed at him with falchion sized talons, and rent the air around the dodging hero with razor-sharp teeth. Sigurd sang as he fought, each blow striking him healed in moments. From around his head fiery orbs sprang to life as did spears of ice and of liquid lightning, all of which he hurled at the dragon with sword strokes from afar. Sigurd closed the distance and the speed of fighting grew so that the audience could barely see the blurring form of Sigurd. Finally, he found an opening, sinking his shining blade deep into the chest of the Dragon with a roar of triumph.
Liam watched in awe as the sword erupted into a white flame which expanded the hole the blade made in Regin’s green chest. Liam, mesmerized by the display of power and skill the knight had shown held his breath.
The killing blow, struck by hero, did Regin through his heart,
And vital flow began to flood the caverns deepest part,
Sigurd, he did drink the blood and heard the voice of birds,
And so did he come to learn of Mimir’s hateful words.
Sigurd leant forward as Regin’s heart blood pooled in the cave. He drank from the flow and listened as a bird landed on his shoulder and spoke to him. Liam felt horrible for Sigurd, whose life had been full of hardship, and who was once more betrayed by those who had shown him love and hope. Liam wondered how he would feel if Colm or Lord Douglas had cast him aside. He dismissed the thoughts, not wishing to think of how horrible that betrayal would be, feeling suddenly queasy.
Sigurd son of Sigmund, did wrathfully decide,
To confront false-father Mimir, and justly tan his hide,
Yet knowing Mimir’s powers dire, he bathed in battle-flood,
Invulnerable he sang himself yet cursed by Regin’s blood.
The vision showed Sigurd strip his armor from him, and bathe in the dragon’s blood, splashing it over himself until it covered him from head to toe. As he worked, he sang a song so powerful that Liam could not hear it. When Sigurd reached his head and drenched his golden hair into the blood, closing his eyes, the golden glow flashed darkest black for a moment.
A linden leaf dropped from sheaf and lay on Sigurd’s side,
And blood did not cover where cursed leaf did reside.
Satisfied, yet full of pride, Sigurd then departed.
To slay his foe, and claim his home, vengeance freshly started.
Liam saw that within the pool of blood, a heart-shaped linden leaf floated, and as Sigurd bathed, splashing himself with the bloody liquid, it adhered to his skin in the same spot on his chest where his sword had struck the Dragon Regin. The glow from the song faded and as Sigurd stood, the linden leaf dropped away, unseen. It left a patch of clean skin untainted by Dragon blood. The scene changed once more, and Sigurd rode from the mouth of a cave and towards the forge, where he confronted Mimir. Mimir pretended not to understand, but lashed out at Sigurd when he turned his back. Sigurd had been waiting, knowing Mimir was a betrayer, and cut off his head with a single blow of his vengeful sword. Sigurd then burned the forge to the ground and set off towards a distant castle.
Liam recognized it as the castle of Sigmund, the vision had shown at the beginning of the tale.
A sad dispute of ill repute did end his epic tale,
And a linden gap was found by spiteful thrust of nail.
Yet too does show the worthy meld of knight and magic blended,
But learn to heed impatient pride, and linden leaves befriended.
Liam saw Sigurd return to the castle, greeted by people who recognized his fell mien as that of a mighty lord. The scene soon changed with the betrayal of Sigurd by people he’d seen standing and smiling only moments before. They were on a wooded path, and Liam yelled out in protest as he saw a man throw Sigurd to the ground as two other men held him down. The man approached and, crying, sank a dagger deep into Sigurd’s side. Right where the Linden leaf had been. Sigurd's screams turned weak, and he died. The man with the dagger holding him in a mournful embrace.
The scene disappeared slowly into bright lights and Liam felt a comfortable sensation settle over him. Bragi was smiling and bowing to the audience, who were furiously applauding. Liam found himself exhausted. He wiped his nose and cleaned the blood from his face. In front of him were several visions he’d ignored during the performance.
Liam quickly checked his Statistics, seeing that there was both a “Spells” and “Abilities” section! He closed them and stared in exhausted awe at Bragi.
“Lord! That was the most amazing thing I’ve ever seen!” He yawned. “How did you do it?”
Bragi put his harp down and accepted a flagon of mead from a servant, who bowed deeply as he passed it to the Aesir.
“It is the Skaldic art of Kenning.” He said, wiping his arm across his bearded mouth to clear some suds away. “To know the true name of something, you must understand every aspect of its existence. When you learn enough, you can summon images through your music. Later you can summon the sound of the Kenning, blending it into the song. Finally, when you know it fully, you can summon it directly.”
He put down the flagon and picked up his harp once more. In a pop of inrushing air, it vanished from sight. “Be warned, however. Summoning can open doors to places that are far more dangerous than anything in the mortal realms.”
Liam’s eyes boggled. “So, you know Mimir?” He asked, “Is the tale real?”
“It is part of your world's history. Mimir was the chief of the Vanir, before he fell in the war. Odin beheaded him and brought him back through magic to speak his wisdoms once more. Mimir’s heart was always vile, and betrayal was his wont.” Bragi said. “My song is but a small piece I created from the later history after Midgardr. Your people know the tale as the Thidrekssaga. Some may know it as The Song of the Nibelung.”
“Who are the Nibelung?” Liam asked, fighting to keep his eyelids open.
“Some royal house or other.” Bragi put up his harp on a stand, and stood, stretching his powerful limbs.
Liam decided not to pursue further questions. His eyes were growing heavy, and his mind was foggy as the strain of the song caught up to him.
Slowly, his head drooped forward and as it rested upon his chest, he fell into a deep, warm sleep in the halls of Glitnir.
- In Serial213 Chapters
I'd Like to Change My Reincarnation Subscription, Please
[Participant in the Royal Road Writathon challenge] Superpowers abound. Villains rule the world. A transmigrated dork that has absolutely no idea what’s going on. Strong-armed by the Superhero Enhancement System into the thankless job of endlessly performing good deeds in a world where such actions are often met with violence, Lucas Lynn doesn't have much choice in regards to using his supposed gifts. It’s bad enough having to pretend to be a supervillain, but how exactly does Boss System expect him to save the world with only the help of a homeless orphan, a dog that’s smarter than he is, and a yoyo? Oh, just trick some supervillains into becoming superheroes instead? You make it sound so easy! ----- >>>Excerpt from the end of Ch1; [Bzzt... Scan complete. Analyzing...] 'Eh?' [Analysis complete. Positive value found, now loading... Loading complete.] 'Okay, WTF is...' [Binding successful. Congratulations upstanding citizen. You have been selected by the Superhero Enhancement System. Please select your desired enhancement. The following options are avail...] 'I'M DYING! IS NOT DYING AN OPTION!?' [Error, invalid selection. An enhancement will be randomly selected. Randomizing... Strength has been selected. Enhanced strength will be calibrated for your rebirth. Please look forward to it.] 'WHAT IN THE ACTUAL F...' With this final thought, Lucas has finished dying in a pool of his own blood on the sidewalk. ----- Little character theater: Lucas, attempting to broker a deal for benefits for his freshly forced vocation of heroic servitude: “Hey 427, do I at least get some vacation time?” System # 427, completely deadpan: [...There's a new minor task available to the southwest. There's also a cute dog you can pet over there.] Lucas, with newfound enthusiasm: “WHERE'S THE PUPPER!?” ----- Discord for myself as well as a small handful of other authors and their works, a few fans are already in here if you care to mingle: https://discord.gg/MR6FnbmPRQ Personal WP page that has other relevant links for the novel, a little about me, information about the novel's inspiration, as well as a link to the character reference sheet and art gallery: https://geminel.wordpress.com/2021/07/07/fancy-seeing-you-here/
8 150 - In Serial42 Chapters
The Gamer Magician
Synopsis: When he fails to become an apprentice for the Mages Union, Nico Kanazawa must push the limits of his magical abilities. But can he establish a place of power before the magical forces of the city devour him? Does not contain: Harem, Post-apocalypse, Portal Fantasy Does contain: GameLit elements, Progession, Spell Analysis, Urban Fantasy Outspan Foster is the author of staples in the GameLit+LitRPG genres such as First Song and The Crafter. He started his career on royal road, and is now a small, full-time author.
8 110 - In Serial20 Chapters
Ravenport: Luna's Awakening
Life is kind of a bummer for eighteen-year-old Luna Oswald. She works dead-end job, has a less than supportive family and feels like she's nothing special. And it looks to be another boring Christmas Eve in the year 2059. Just as she gets off from work and prepares for another night of surfing the internet, she's sent out to gather firewood with her step-brother.While out, the two stumble across a secret ritual that ends with Luna being transformed into a werewolf and running for her life. She manages to stumble into the city and eventually onto the car hood of Miguel Morales, a cybernetic ex-cop determined to find the crime boss responsible for murdering his family. Together, the two must search the city for clues while also keeping themselves safe from other supernatural threats and keeping Luna's monstrous form a secret.
8 163 - In Serial101 Chapters
1855 American Tycoon
1855, this is the best era, the extended railway, the roaring locomotive, the flowing gold casts the towering tower of the sky; this is the worst era, in the dark shadow of the tower, the north, and the south are opposite. , the disparity between the rich and the poor, the strong prey on the weak. If you don't want to stay in the shadow of the Babel Tower and let others trample on it, you must climb to the top of its brilliant tower and trample everything under your feet. In this world full of noise and turmoil, conspiracy and deception, light and darkness In the Gilded Age, see how a traveler who is familiar with history will turn the tide and create an era of his own.
8 197 - In Serial37 Chapters
The Last God (Excerpt)
This is an excerpt of the upcoming novel The Last God. Everyone cheered the day the world ended. Everyone cheered the day he saved the world. Cael Cavanaugh did not. Cael Cavanaugh survived the brutal invasion of his home and is now living with his family and adopted siblings on the ashen lands of the west. He rescues people from a fate that eclipses death and is the bridge between a rebel group that will stop at nothing to achieve its goals, and a tyrannical government that treats those who have not been reborn as dregs. But when Cael inadvertently sets off the end of the world, he will have to choose between a government that could avert world annihilation but that holds sinister motives, or the equally vicious rebel group that would sacrifice everyone for what they call liberty, even those Cael holds dearest. How far would you go to save the world?
8 65 - In Serial12 Chapters
My Life As A Superhero Slash Supervillain
James Jude Jamison is experiencing something a bit odd. He was sitting quietly at his computer desk, playing some kind of RPG, he couldn't which one, although the fate of the universe rests on him remembering which (Oh well, it had to end sometime). So, anyway, suddenly, out of nowhere, he got a bit of a headachne, his nose started to bleed, he then proceeded to make a mess in the family room at the computer room. His mom shouted at him, then he died. Then he woke up. He was reborn. Only he had a UI screen suddenly at the edge of his vision. What the hell. He was meant to have some cool powers, like lazers that shot out of his nipples, maybe some mad dancing skills. He would finally be able to speak to girls without laughing in their faces. Sigh. So this is his story, of how he couldn't decide which career prospect appealed to him more. So he decides to give both being a hero and a villain a go. What could go wrong? *** Edit: 2017.06.18 - 03:08 am EST - JJ seems to have buggered off somewhere without telling me where he went. So I am going to have to piece together this story back from the start with the fragments that he gave me. I will leave the original chapters up, but I will be renaming them so they are obvious if new readers don't want to read them. I am currently trying to write chapter one anew. It will feature new reasons of why JJ starts with the villainous lifestyle first, and the reasons of why he is granted the power he was given. If JJ does come back, I will inform you thusly. Then it will be decision of writing from where he left off or telling him to go choke on his own c**k. If I do decide to take the story up, then it will be a decision of to split the stories in two, and if to keep my version alive and concurrent. Thanks.
8 176