《Spirit Reincarnation》Chapter 17: Reunion and true self?


We approached a clearing in the forest quietly. I looked around and saw many makeshift tents with its inhabitants sitting around. Some are eating while others are crafting things.

‘It’s weird seeing monsters craft things. Isn’t it only a matter of time before they have the ability to evolve like humans?’

Helen walked around the fence while the others walked through the tents. It seems their numbers are few today. The leader, Helen probably predicted this.


Four orcs were sitting in a circle devouring something. A foul stench emanated from the thing they were busy eating. I looked closer and almost puked.

‘A human...?’

And by the looks of the wrist guard around the severed hand... whoever that was, was an adventurer as well.

My fists tightened. Monsters view humans as either food or prey. Seeing another person eaten in front of me... it gave me the chills thinking if that were me.

This is what I’ve been growing stronger all these years for. Protecting my family and friends, my future lover and myself.

‘But i’m nowhere near strong enough to protect everyone.’

I vowed time and time again to get stronger.


Helen raised her hands when she entered through the fence. She was standing next to the biggest tent. The chief must be there. An orc chief is classified as an A rank monster. How a chief is selected is different from humans. Orc chiefs must have red skin instead of the usual dark green. Red means something like a symbol of the Demon Battle God, Rodion that lived hundreds of years ago.

That evil god was a being that also had a huge mana pool. He killed millions of people and was the first to commit genocides that almost made humanity go extinct. He was a human born with devil blood apparently.

Luckily a hero slayed him one day. Legends say that the hero is still alive even today. He was the lover of The Great Sage as well.

His name was the Sword King, Alucard. One of the four heroes that included the Saintess, Great Sage and another unknown individual.

“It’s starting.”

Lucy, who also stayed back, whispered and prepared her spells. She casted a buff and sent it through the whole camp. The orcs were then alerted but it was too late.

The martial artist, Paula, smashed the head of an orc with the heel of her foot.

The orcs were then sent into disarray. One even fell after tripping on something.


Billy bashed a shield with his spear, taunting the enemies.

The Orcs that heard the shouting exited their makeshift tents and came outside. They looked toward Billy and roared.

“Come on, bastards! Get a taste of my muscles!”

He dashed forward and bumped into an orc. The poor orc, despite being taller than him was thrown into a tree’s direction. He mercilessly swung his spear and stabbed another in the face. The red strings around the handle must be confusing the orcs since their ugly faces had what seemed like confused expressions.

A total of twelve orcs were taken down after a while.

A series of thumps soared through the forest. Helen was standing in front of the tent, wielding her saber.

A giant pushed aside the cloth acting as a cover and exited.

He roared loudly and swung his club in an aggressive manner. The ground shook as he threatened Helen.

Although she hasn’t moved an inch. She kept her fighting stance making the orc leader go even more crazy.


He roared louder than before and charged at Helen.

After a while....

“Well done, everyone.”

Helen wiped the blood from her face after I took out a cloth. The others were busy taking out magic cores from the orcs. Magic cores can either be found in dungeons in the form of crystals or inside monsters as a sphere. They are a concentration of magic power that accumulated over time and acts as fuel sources.

I dare say that they are similar to batteries.

“Unlike the previous ones, you stayed behind when you saw the orcs.”

The big guy that uses the spear, Billy came up to me.

“Orcs are A rank monsters so of course people would be scared. I hunted a few monsters back home sometimes. I haven’t faced an orc though.”

Helen finished resting and stood up.

“Let’s head back. We managed to get rid of the orcs in just an hour. I haven’t slept in two days so let’s go.”

Her face definitely looked fatigued. It must’ve been that long she had to take to make preparations.


I received two cores as payment even though I haven’t really done anything besides hold some bags. Billy says that the extra core was for my courage as I stood standing even when an orc tried to rush me.

I sold the cores for 20 silver coins. It wasn’t much considering I have to take care of two girls who are also from nobility.

“I’m back.”

I shouted in the hallway when I got to the top of the stairs. I heard voices coming from the other room.


Just then, the door opposite to mine opened. A familiar face was there gazing at me in surprise. No actually two.

Erica and Nate.


Both ran up to me and hugged me tightly. Erica had tears in her eyes while saying my name.


They took me into the room where Arielle and Charlotte resides in. The two of them were sitting on their beds with smiles.

“When we just entered the magic tower, these two exited.” Charlotte spoke.

“It’s been so long since we last seen each other.” Nate cried like a little baby as snot came out of his nose.

“Long? Haven’t we seen each other more than a week ago, though?”

“Clyde-sama, listen to this.” Charlotte got my attention, “The two of them have been here for a month.”

“What? How is that possible?”

Arielle also looked confused. I’m not sure if she’s even following.

“Just like Her highness said. We’ve been here for a month and two days. Whatever happened in the kingdom was not normal according to nature.”

“So it was someone’s doing.”

“Good deduction, Clyde-sama. We might’ve been somewhere where time stops for us. Even if we landed here a week ago, our thirst and hunger wasn’t any different from when we were on the carriage back then.”

“Where time stops, huh...”

I rubbed my arm that always turns white with spirit activation.

That technique has been malfunctioning ever since that phenomenon. I found that weird since the backlash was far stronger than other times.

‘So it really was that teleportation…’

“What have the two of you been up to all this time?”

“We were asking around for a way to go back home. We actually came from the duchy that’s near this kingdom. That’s how we found out that this was the other part of the continent.”


Nate answered.

“We were attacked a lot of times by bandits and monsters. Luckily, miss Erica and I managed to deal with them with teamwork. Can you believe the fact that she could strengthen spells? Since I have little mana, I had to end battles quick. She’s really amazing! Now I know why she was given a recommendation.”

I looked over to Erica. She was blushing while scratching her cheek.

‘She’s not used to praise huh? She’s kind of cute.’


I found Arielle glaring at me after pinching my arm.

‘Geez, control that monstrous strength.’

“Then, were you guys able to find anything out at the information guild?”

Erica shook her head to my question. Her blonde pigtails also bounced.

“All the rumours we heard there were fake. No one could even tell us what teleportation is similar to the one we experienced.”

“Damn, what is the Order doing? And here I thought they were elites…”

Arielle grumbled to herself.

We dispersed after night time arrived. Charlotte and Arielle said they’ll try asking around tomorrow as well. In the meantime, I will be joining the party tomorrow for their raid. Helen gave me a piece of paper that has the location written on it where I should meet them. The directions were also there since I don’t know this city yet.


It was past midnight when Charlotte got up to head to the toilet. Her bladder problem is giving her trouble these days.

Just as she was about to head downstairs, she saw Erica come out of Clyde and Nate’s room.

“Miss Erica… Can we talk?”

There was something she has been wondering. She decided to ignore why the girl was in a boy’s room.

“Yes? What is it? Why is your highness awake this late?”

“I’m going to ask you straight. Were you the one that hurt Alfred Wessex?”

“Alfred Wessex?”

“Don’t play dumb, Miss Erica. The one that Clyde-sama saved you from the other day. A few days after that incident, he was reportedly mana poisoned. His life as a mage ended right there.”

“My, that’s tragic.”

Erica had a sad expression on her face while Charlotte looked she was about to burst.

“Were you the reason?”

“Accusations should not be taken lightly or thrown around casually, your highness.”

“Miss Erica. Something about you feels off to me. Nothing like this happened before that incident in the plaza. What changed since then? Why did you do it?”

In response to her, Erica laughed coldly.

Mana poisoning is a condition that strips a person of their magic power. They lose their mana veins and slowly start losing their sanity as well. Clyde heard that that young master even bit off his finger in frustration of what happened.

“Yes. I did it.”

Erica’s face changed entirely. Her face turned cold as she gazed at Charlotte with emotionless eyes.


“He threatened to kill Clyde. Did you expect me to sit back and watch him hurt my friend?”

“Miss Erica, your idea of a friend is–“

Erica’s smile looked eerie.

“For years I’ve been seen as an insect. Mother was the only person I could depend upon. Then one day, she fell sick and died. Do you know what it feels like? Oh, I apologize. I forgot the Queen is bedridden.”

Charlotte’s face was wrapped in anger. This girl dared to mention her mother.

“Then one day, the person I could depend upon finally came to me. He was a boy with light brown hair that looks like the colour of honey in the sun. His green eyes glistened like a jade crystal. Ah, I feel like I’m going off course. I wouldn’t know if this is love but I want to protect him with my life. With my power. This cursed power I was forced to live with…”

The Light Attribute is a rare ability that can also slowly corrode one’s mind. The Holy Saintess might’ve appeared like a kind woman to the public but in truth she was a psycho that loved torturing people that did bad deeds. Only her sister knew her true nature and accepted it.

People born with this power have different side effects. Some develop multiple personality disorder while others become mad with insanity. Formerly, light magic was something that only gods and angels could use. It wasn’t something meant for mortals. Due to the dire state the continent was in the year HE450(Holy Era 450th year) when the Demon Battle God attacked, a saint was born. The person that birthed this child was also the person that birthed the Great Sage. It was but by coincidence that someone as rare as the Saint could be born in the same family.

The woman became pregnant out of nowhere. She said that she received a prophecy from god that she must bear the child that will save the world. And the child did. Along with the other heroes that were born as well.

Erica was born with DPD(Dependant Personality Disorder). Ever since she was born, she faced the ridicule of others. She never knew why so many people hated her. In a world where the house you come from matters, this was like a curse to her that was born from a poor household. Her potential was meaningless if she is not from a fairly rich household.

Thus, she started relying on those that gave her kindness. She does not know what it means to be independent since she’s a child. There have been many people like that that often found her annoying. Ever since getting a secret recommendation into the academy, her life changed for the worse.

She, who was from the slums was a target for bullying. Each and every day was hell outside the classrooms. One certain day, she was almost raped by a third year. She used the powers she was told to keep secret on that person, as a result the person went into a vegetative state. Erica directly destroyed the person’s brain cells with her powers. That’s how unique her ability is.

The only person that was nice to her ever since then, was Clyde.

“You probably won’t be able to understand my feelings of wanting to protect him.”

Erica turned around and left without saying goodnight. Charlotte was dumbstruck. Having met many people that wore masks throughout her childhood, she could discern a person based on their actions and deduce their personality. Having seen the girl everyone thought was naïve and shy show such a cold smile while admitting to her wrongdoings, she felt a chill through her spine.

She doesn’t know what powers Erica mentioned.

‘But whatever it is… she’s dangerous…’

Charlotte went towards the toilet as she intended to. She would investigate this girl called Erica once she returns to the kingdom and have her authority as third princess back.

‘She must be kept away from Clyde-sama as well.’

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