《Spirit Reincarnation》Chapter 4 - Lightborn


Several weeks passed by. It felt like it went in a blink of an eye since we were so busy with training. It was obligatory to study economics and politics with Arielle as well. I couldn't see Arielle signing a bunch of documents, not by a long shot. She struggled so much in class that I had to explain to her what everything means.

'Seriously, aren't you older than me?'

I had a degree in college before dropping out so I'm fairly knowledgeable. Arthur also seems to be good at his work unlike Arielle.


Arielle groaned when the lesson was over.


I held out my notes.

"What? You think I'm dumb, huh? T-This is just too much work and I'm too exhausted from training. Yes ,that's it!"

I shook my head and opened her papers casually.

"What are you–"

"Tsk, tsk. I'll help you with all this. It's not really hard once you write it down three times in your head."

Arielle was busy clenching her hands while hungrily looking at the paper.

'Right. The title of successor is on the line.'

Her brother may be the eldest but he's still not the successor. Things aren't like the medieval stories I read in my past life. Where the first born gets the house even if he's incompetent.

In this world only power and ability matters. Even a bastard son can inherit his father's legacy. All this started because of the current King. Philip Ilion Colchis. He was the fourth prince who rose to the top, achieving the throne before his siblings could.

The amazing thing is that he did it with ability alone. He didn't shed blood at all to get to where he is. The man may be the current Colchis' king but he already has his name written in history. I read about his history when I was 4 years old.

"… thank… you…"

Arielle took my papers with a flushed face.


One year passed by.

I adjusted to my life at the Luxembourg Manor. Arthur can even compete against the knights of the manor in speed even at his age. He showed tremendous growth throughout his training with Captain Kennedy. The latter is a knight who works under The Order. Duke Luxembourg used his influence to hire that great man to train Arielle and Arthur. With the Kingdom at peace, he agreed without hesitation.

I also participated sometimes and managed to improve myself with the sword too. Although I have to enhance my physical strength with mana to make up for my weak body. I can fight equal with the two of them with this. But I'd lose if they used Ki against me.

Training with the sword was only if I ran out of mana, so I can protect myself. I'm not sure how long it'll take for me to run out of mana though.

I asked Arielle to duel with me the other day and got absolutely pummeled. She's not so bitchy anymore, thank god since she even helped me to the medical room.


"Why are you like this!?"

Just when I was about to enter the corridor after practicing spirit magic in secret, I heard yelling around the corner.

'Arielle and Kenia?'

The latter was angrily glaring at Arielle.

"I-I'm sorry Onee-sama…"

This is the first time I've seen Arielle on the verge of tears.

"Guh. Seriously! You embarrassed me in front of my friends! And what is this!? You look up to me!? This is weird!"


She threw a stack of papers at Arielle.


"B-But I do, Onee-sama. You're s-so beautiful, smart and–"

"Stop! You're so goddamn annoying! Don't approach me again. And if I catch you visiting me at the academy then I'll punish you!!"

'What the hell?'

Was Young lady Kenia always like this? I only ever saw her as a cool beauty that always wears a gentle smile. Compared to the image in my head she looks like the villainesses in those otome games.

Arielle meekly lowered her head and picked up the papers. Kenia then stepped on her hand.


"It's plain creepy having a shadow like you follow me around so much. Look up to me? I find that bothersome for my rival to do that…" she spoke coldly.

Her gentle nature on the surface made me think she would either marry into another family than fight the other nobles in the war of politics.

Then again…

'Haa… I forgot one thing. She's the daughter of that snake, the first wife.'

No wonder I thought her real side looked familiar.

"O-Onee-sama, I.."

"Shut up!"

Kenia kicked Arielle in the face and spat on her hair.

"You are a lowly second daughter, beneath me. You will listen to whatever I tell you to do."

She then left, leaving Arielle crying.

I walked up to her. Her sister is kind of scary so I hid instead of stopping her actions.

"Are you alright?"

"…how long have you been watching?"

She glared at me with hateful eyes.

"I won't judge you, Arielle. I look up to someone too." That would be the king, "She probably isn't used to having her sister whose also her rival for the head of the household, shadow her like this."

I pushed aside her bangs and took out a handkerchief.

'She really does look pretty if she just keeps quiet.'

Arielle lost the hatred in her eyes and a tint of red was on her face when I wiped her tears.

"Don't worry about her. Focus on improving yourself. How do you think it would feel to surpass your rival?"

I asked with a smirk and then her eyes brightened.

"Come on. The Madam would worry if you caught a cold out here."


We walked towards the dining hall. I felt a strong killing intent from behind but it disappeared when I looked back.

'What was that?'

Colchis Kingdom - Belmor City, Royal Academy.

"Lets goooo~"

Arthur shouted and pulled my hand towards the carriage.

Today is an open day for those who want to enroll in the Royal Academy of Graponia. Mostly children aged 8 and older are attending today with their parents. Special demonstrations will be done in all the fields available to the students.

Arielle, Arthur and I held hands as we ran through the crowd. A lot of fancy carriages are parked around the outside of the academy grounds. It's prohibited to have them inside after all.

One particular carriage that caught my eyes was a huge red with gold ornaments carriage being pulled by two excellent white stallions.

'The Royal Family…'

A family that stands above the entire Kingdom. Possessing both power and resources that equals to half the continent. I heard that there are two children from the Royal members that are about our age.

Duke Luxembourg's cousin is also married to one of the princesses so that technically makes them Arielle's family as well. But Arielle only looked bitter when the third princess Charlotte came towards us.

Arthur and I backed away from them seeing as how the attention will be focused on us.



The princess hugged Arielle causing the latter to groan with a displeased face.

The princess has silky blonde hair that reaches all the way to her butt. The dress she wore today brings out the natural glow of her big blue eyes. In conclusion, she's pretty. She might even have Arielle beat.

They spoke for quite a while.

"I'll see you later then. Huhuhu~"

Charlotte said goodbye after they finished chatting and looked at us for a moment. I swear she had this mockery in her eyes.

"Ugh. She really likes putting on such a face!" Arielle stomper her feet. "I could blatantly hear the ridicule in her voice. "

Yeah. She has this air of arrogance that's on a whole other level from Arielle and her sister. I tried talking to her several times at the parties that the duke frequently throws for his connections.

She always speaks condescendingly to me like I'm a little child. Well I am… but she usually takes her ridicule too far. Using roundabout ways to mock someone is pretty mean but I tried to not let her childish remarks get to my head.

"Come on, guys." Arielle grabbed my hand and then we left the crowds of people. Arthur only joined a bit later while mumbling something to himself.

We eventually ended up at the fighting arena where the first to fifth years will be doing their demonstrations. It's randomly matched so there's a chance that a mage could be in battle with a warrior type or archer.

The goal of these demonstrations is also to help the children by showing them how to fight. It might have that goal but it isn't any less bloodier than a real duel. Opponents even broke each other's bones or burnt each other. Healing magic is extremely effective against these types of injuries so there's no worries there.


A beautiful elf girl walked up to the stands. She had gorgeous white hair that fluttered in the wind. Her face looked like it was painted or sculptured by a master artist.

'Wait, a high elf?'

High elves have longer ears that are far droopier than regular elves. They are also extremely rare but have exceptional magical abilities.

Naturally my eyes were drawn to her peculiar eyes. She had this type of lime green eyes that I've seen for the first time in this world.

Well, having such eyes means that you're adept at spirit magic. That's what the senior mage told me last time he visited. Judging by her kind of green eyes, she must be at yellow rank or higher.

By the way, no one will know I can cast spirit magic by my eyes alone. Spirit magic is supposed to be an elven trait so it's not that common for humans to be capable of it. I'm not sure why my eyes aren't as bright as hers. Mine would probably be as bright as gazing at the afternoon sun since my mana is at the White Phase(although imperfect).

The elf was up against another mage girl.

'They're balanced. Only skill will matter at this point.'

Although spirit mages are certainly cheats, they only experience a power boost once they reach silver stage. Since I acquired white stage immediately after reincarnating, my power is sealed for the time being. If I remember correctly, the old man said that my power would even one day change the tide of a war.

'Isn't that an exaggeration?'

"We should put on a show for the children. So do not hold back." The elven princess said and smiled. It could be taken as an insult since she's blatantly telling her opponent she'll never win if she doesn't use her full power.

Sure enough, her opponent flew into a state of rage and conjured ice spears.

"3rd tier magic –"

"Too late!"

Vines shot up from the ground and flew towards the other mage girl.


The other mage hurriedly took out a barrier scroll. Scrolls exist for mages who can't cast fast enough so that was a smart move instead of dodging.

The elf girl summoned two guardian spirits. One glowing Green and the other blue.

Lesser Spirit Monarchs. These types are two ranks below the absolute monarchs like Undine and Ifrit. Which are capable of changing the very physics of the world.

"Go! Heat and Depth!" the elf girl screamed their names to attack.

"----!!" The spirits stopped and turned their gazes up.

'Fuck. Don't look at me like that! They'll be suspicious!'

They had such a strange look in their eyes when they made eye contact with me.

"What are you doin–!"

Before the elf girl could finish, a fireball hit her body, causing huge explosions.

The spirits regained their focus and dispersed the smoke.


The opponent screamed since her spell didn't work on her foe.

The elf girl looked where the spirits were gazing at earlier. She met my eyes and then her face looked at me and the spirits in confusion.

She then shook her head and then spirits gathered around her.

"Get ready!!"

Her spirits combined their spells which is amazing considering that they are fire and water. The opponent had a panicked expression but then it turned into determination.

"Flame storm!" The elf shouted.

'isn't that a little overkill?'

The opponent fired an ice attribute spell.

It looks like that girl wasn't thinking of the consequences and wanted to show off. The high elf's spirits fired their spells.

The crowd cheered from the display of spells.



But then suddenly something bizarre happened. The elf's spell which was about to hit the other suddenly steered off course.

"Oh no!!" The elf screamed.


I looked to where it was headed.

"It's headed for Charlotte!" said Arielle.

'The princess?'

The spell trajectory was headed for Charlotte. She was oblivious to this since she was speaking to her maid. Her maid then saw the incoming spell and tried to warn her.

The people were also in chaos when they saw its target. The princess will die without a doubt since she's a noncombatant.

She then froze just as she was about to reprimand her maid.


She ducked down on the seats as the people escaped.

'Shit… I didn't want to use this…'

There has been a spell, or more like a technique I managed to create with the help of my white spirit arm.

Lightborn. A technique I can use to stop time. I can only use it for two seconds at the moment.

'Thank god I can cast spells without needing to chant.'

My right arm glowed white causing my sleeve to burn up from the intense heat.

"[Lightborn]…Rewrite reality…"

Arielle and Arthur's faces then froze as they were about to get up. The world was dyed in a gray color, not even light has a color in the stoppage of time.

I hurriedly held out my hand when I arrived in front of the princess.

I then deactivated the spell.

The sound effect of the sky breaking rang out and then the world returned to normal.


My white arm absorbed the magic spell's mana. A huge torrent of mana shot up my arm dissipating into particles of light through my skin.


The princess who was screaming a second ago looked blankly at me.

"You okay?"

I held the large ball of mana in my right hand. The crowd was quiet for a second but then…


They erupted in applause while screaming "White Mage!"

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