《Keep Your Pants On! I'm Trying to Study!》Chapter 25 - NSFW 4


Kyle slowly removed his arm from under his sleeping sister and made his way to his laptop. There he set a third device down, this one he set to record every step Brandon had taken in the last few weeks, and would take from now on. Unfortunately, this also meant that it would take about three days of compiling due to the limitations of this world’s internet.

He also set his ship’s replicator to create a baseball, similar to the one he’d seen in Brandon’s room, only this one would include a camera so he could monitor the prince inside his home.

He did this with several other objects he remembered seeing as well. Now, the problem was how to get to his ship with no car and no public transit running close. He briefly considered a rideshare company, but he didn’t want any record of his odd movements if he could help it.

There was no doubt in his mind that this Lusundai was looking for any traces of a Tov. He had found it odd that he hadn’t picked up any traces of Lusindai tech from the house. Maybe the prince’s ship had crash landed so hard it had lost some of its replicator.


Kyle eventually broke down and rented a car. The insurance company was having a hard time, and while they paid out on Kyle’s car, they did not pay for their mom’s saying that they needed to do more investigation into where the car went before they handed out any payments.

This was, of course, to stall for time since otherwise the company would likely go under with all of the payouts they needed to give after the other night or what the news stations were all calling it, ‘The night of the Tentacle Apocalypse.’

So, Kyle grabbed Hanna and brought her to where the crash happened, He then hiked with her to his ship. Some of the drones had managed to survive, but he kept those stealthed and in orbit.

They also worked as a Subspace frequency booster, sending out a distress call to his mother ship and the closest Federation substation.

But what was important was that the drone looked almost exactly like his ship. Small, about the size of a city bus with wings and a bulbous area up front that held the main room.


When Hanna saw the ship, she almost freaked the fuck out. Her eyes glittered, and she probably had hearts in the center of her iris.

“Too beautiful,” she whispered in awe. “I would kill to go into space.”

A chuckle came from behind her. “Then I’ll just have to fabricate a spacesuit for you. When my ship is launch-worthy, perhaps I’ll take you for a ride.”


“You take me into space, and I’ll be yours for life.” She winked.

“I’ll remember you said that.” He grinned.

Not able to resist, she ran her hand down the ship’s smooth side. It felt like velvet. Then the big black doors in the back opened up revealing the interior.

“Can... I go inside?”

“That depends, did you like stroking your little brother’s big black ship?”

She rolled her eyes, “Kyle, I want to go inside.”

He grinned. “Yeah, go ahead. Just don’t touch anything.”

With a smirk, she sashayed into the vessel. It wasn’t very big. The hull seemed to make up a larger portion of the ship than she imagined. But it was still large enough. She immediately saw the stasis pod embedded into one of the walls, and inside rested her body’s actual brother. He looked so pale, but still healthy. He was shirtless and indeed, he had some muscle to him but not as much as Tov Kyle.

She turned when she heard the sound of the ship’s doors closing.

“So, we’re just here to collect those items you need to replace the ones in Brandon’s house?”

He nodded and opened a large panel that bulged out from the wall. There he grabbed each object and threw them haphazardly into his backpack.

She winced and hoped that they didn’t break. Then again it was also possible that they were made from some kind of super strong alien part plastic part metal stuff that his other devices were made from.

“Um, Kyle. Since we’re here. Do you think you could show me what you really look like?”

He froze and ran a hand through his hair. Then he glanced at human Kyle. “I don’t look like you humans. Well, my species shares many traits but... I don’t want you to be scared of me, Hanna. Knowing what your species is like, I think you might be terrified. Also, I actually don’t know if I would be attracted to you if I were to change back. When I do so, while I still keep the memories but, chances are, I’ll lose the instincts that came with the form.”

“To be honest, Kyle. I think if we want our relationship to remain stable, we’re going to have to find out eventually. And since we’re here, let’s do it! I mean see if you are.”

“Okay, it may take several minutes though. This is not an easy process for me or I’d stay in my room most of the time in my Tov form.”

She nodded.

He slowly undressed while staring at her. She bit her lip.


There was another point to this. She wanted to see if she would be attracted to his original form. Frankly, if he was just a big ball of tentacles then, she might leave.

Each button he took off showed more and more of his carved skin and beautiful abs. And now that she could compare them nearly side by side, Kyle was more ripped than her real brother.

When he finally stood in front of her, completely nude. His body color changed from pale cream to midnight with a hint of indigo. And he shot up nearly a foot and a half.

Then his face changed from the normal anime Kyle into an anime human-like alien. His nose was a little flat, and his eyes had no whites to them, but they were a pleasant greenish-blue that seemed to sparkle. His eyes turned up at the corner to give him a bit of a seductive vibe. He also still had hair... kind of. It was almost like thick feathery whisps on top of his head. It was a lighter indigo than his dark skin, maybe even a little bit brown.

Then she noticed his ears. For some reason, he had damnably adorable triangle elf ears. The kind often shown on demons in anime. She had the urge to touch them. But then she remembered that Kyle wouldn’t exactly be her Kyle anymore. She had no idea what his personality would be like without human emotions and instincts.

Several of his tentacles extruded from his back and stretched as if he were letting them breathe for the first time in years.

Her eyes traveled down past his impressive mermaid line and down to a certain feature that seemed to be in the right place. And, even though it was still flaccid, she could tell that it was bigger. Much bigger.

And fuck, but his leg muscles looked like he could lift the world.

He also had a different scent, it wasn’t that noticeable but it was a little spicy and definitely sexy.

She couldn’t help but cover her mouth that was open and drooling. “Daaaaamn, Kyle! You look fucking hot in your natural form.” She grinned. “What about me?”

He frowned, or what she assumed was a frown. Since his race was likely based on the human form, he looked mostly human but also definitely alien.

“I’m not sure. Can you undress?” His voice was different. It had a deeper, baritone, and had a slight accent that sent a shudder of pleasure down her spine.

How could a voice be sexy?

Her heart pounded in her chest. What if Kyle really wasn’t attracted to her? She honestly had a feeling that he would be, but she may have been taking this Hentai world for granted.

Nervously biting her lip, she dropped her bag to the floor then slowly took off her shirt. She threw the sports bra she’d been wearing, over her head to land in the pile with the rest of her stuff. She glanced at the large black alien cock.

Still flaccid. Unable to help herself, she bit her lip with worry.

After unbuttoning her jean shorts, she shoved them and her underwear down, bending near double to take them off entirely.

She nervously bared herself to him and spun around. “Well, what do you think? Am I the only one who feels attraction?”

“It’s hard to tell, just like this,” he said, calmly. Then he slowly reached out a hand to touch her areola with one finger. The contrast of black indigo on cream made Hanna swallow in nervousness. Then he started slowly circling her nub, and finally, he touched it. A shiver of pleasure ran down her spine. Her cheeks blushed.

“Kyle... Are you attracted to me? A-at all?” Wetness gathered between her thighs with each of his touches. Her cheeks burned.

“I’m not sure. Let’s try this.” His other hand reached down, He had to bend over in order to do this, but he reached the space between her legs and slowly circled that area as well.

After a short time, her breaths came out in soft gasps.

“K-Kyle. Are you sure you’re not sure?”

He grinned, showing slightly sharper teeth than she was used to seeing.

“I’m sure! In fact. I think I need to try this to help me be sure.” He leaned down and bit her free nipple. Then he sucked and rolled it around his mouth. Her legs nearly gave out. She held onto his very wide and strong shoulders for strength.“

“Fuck, Kyle.”

“Mhm. That’s what I’m thinking. We’ll need to fuck in order to resolve this issue and be absolutely sure,” He grinned. ”Are you ready and willing to fuck me, Hanna? Despite not being the same species?”

“Yes! Absolutely! Most definitely!”


*** NSFW 4 Start

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