《The Unstoppable Ascension of Zu Mari, Time-Looper》24: Deception! Zu Mari's Cunning Plan Unfolds!


Ruxja Cougar looked over Zu Mari with clear disbelief, his catlike ears twitching.

“You? You are Othima Otta?”

Zu shook his head, laughing. “No, Othima’s running late, so I took it upon myself to come instead. Still, I have urgent business with your leaders, so let’s get going!”

“If you are not Othima, as I can clearly see you are not, how can you be the Otta ambassador? Othima would never let another take her place unless some dire ill befell her.”

Zu shrugged. “She didn’t tell me her reasons. If some of you want to wait for her to catch up, go ahead. But this really is rather urgent, so I’d appreciate it if we hurry.”

“And what is your name, then?”

“Zu…ma—” He grimaced. It felt like lying to omit his family name! But if they knew who he was, they’d try to kill him, and then he’d never be able to learn their secret suicide spell. “Otta,” he finished, though it felt like he’d sullied his soul to do it. “Zuma Otta.”

“Otta?” Avashir looked up sharply, the tattoos closest to his eyes gleaming white. “A main line family member, with an owl familiar?”

“Ye-es…” Zu said, glancing at Death Shadow. “Why shouldn’t I have an owl?”

“He’s an impostor!” Avashir shouted, unsheathing his sword. “No Otta would ever say such a thing.”

“No, wait, I—“

But it was too late. The battle commenced, leading to its predictable end. Though Zu fought hard and valorously, in the end, it was just not enough. Just another slow dragging out of the inevitable. Zu really wished he had Ozyri’s instant reset spell. It would be so convenient to instantly immolate himself on command. Save a lot of wasted time. But he couldn’t quite bring himself to stand and let them kill him without striving his hardest. That would be both a bad habit to get into and a wasted opportunity to test himself as he improved.


Alas, he hadn’t improved enough just yet, and found himself back in the center of his time sphere, twenty minutes back up the path.

“Do you know anything about the Otta clan?” Zu asked as he hurried toward the meeting place for the… fifth? Tenth? Too many’th time.

“I do not,” admitted Heart of Fire and Spirit of Twilight Death. “I have not been privy to the ways of the world for a very, very long time. The world is so different now from when I was alive, and different still from the last time I was wielded by anyone. My power is enough to terrify lesser mortals, and my blade too weak to satisfy the greater.”

“Yes, that’s true,” Zu mused. “We need to find a way for you to evolve your blade. If even Xashu could shatter it, you are inexcusably weak.”

“I have not been properly cared for. Lying neglected in a vault is both an insult and a sure way to weaken me. I will grow stronger as we continue to fight together. Even now, I suspect Xashu would have a harder time breaking me than he did at the beginning, and in another month he may be unable to at all.”

“Still, Xashu is the weakest of the foes we shall face the further we roam. The Eight Wild Clans are renowned with good reason.” Zu fell silent a moment, then reached a decision. “Once we have obtained all the Chartreuse Cougars’ secret knowledge, we will quest next for a way to strengthen you. There must be a way.”

“I would rather you put the effort into advancing your own progression, to be quite blunt, you have further to go and more to gain than I. I’ve resigned myself to my fate, and at least with my spirit bonded to your own even if I am shattered your artifact will allow me to return when you do.”

Zu felt his heart warmed by his sword’s generous nature and true friendship. “I must insist. We will all become strong together. I won’t leave you behind.”


“Your loyalty is commendable.” Heart of Fire and Spirit of Twilight Death sounded impressed. “I may have misjudged you.”

“You are as much a part of me as Death Shadow or my phoenix. I do not want any part of myself to be weak.”

“Of course. I should have guessed.”

“Speaking of Death Shadow. Where is he?”

“It will take him a few minutes to reach us, since he was out patrolling already when the time bubble went up.”

“Right. Death Shadow! Hurry back! I need to discuss his evolution as well. It’s been too long since he last advanced.”

“Too long? It’s been less than a day.”

“Exactly. We need to show those Chartreuse Cougars that we can hold our own.”

“Last time, they seemed suspicious about you having an owl.”

Zu shrugged. “No idea why. Owls are a perfectly acceptable familiar. And Death Shadow is more than merely acceptable. He’s utterly magnificent.”

The huge midnight-black owl winged toward them, diving from the sky to swoop and land easily on Zu’s shoulder. If not for the connection between them, his weight might have overbalanced Zu as he ran, but he could feel Death Shadow’s intention and movements as clearly as he felt his own and adjusted to the weight without slowing his stride.

“There you are. Have you considered what you want your next evolution to be?” Zu asked.

“My stealth skills are formidable when scouting, but I am not sufficient in a direct conflict.” Death Shadow looked down at his talons in obvious distaste. “I have no weapon, my beak is short, and my claws can’t do more than scratch at the outside of our foes’ armor.”

“Indeed…” Zu reached up and prodded the claws in question. “They seem very ordinary. You are right. We must look into advancing your strikes!”

“And are you sure you want me with you for this?” Death Shadow asked. “If they are going to kill you because of my presence, it might be best if I remain hidden.”

“Yes, you are right. Keep watch, and come back to me when it is safe.” Zu patted Death Shadow’s wing fondly. “Fear not, I will find a way to aid in your advancement.”

Death Shadow hooted in thanks, then flew swiftly off into the trees that lined the path, disappearing from sight.

Zu couldn’t wait to start finding advancements for his companions. Death Shadow was beautiful and perfect, but he was right that his attack power was weak. The Mari clan had never put much stock in familiars - they knew the basics, but Zu was one of only a handful to actually take one. How to assist them in evolving was another topic Zu would have to research as soon as possible. Perhaps the Cougar libraries would include something like that. And if not, he’d keep searching until he found it.

It would be beautiful to watch Death Shadow continue to improve. Perhaps one day he would be fast enough to strike from shadow without ever being seen. Or Zu could teach him to use a bow and arrow, and find him an epic weapon of his own. Or maybe he could learn to shoot his feathers like razor-sharp blades!

Zu neared the rise in the path, and had to pause a moment to gather his thoughts. He’d become so enraptured by his vivid imaginings of Death Shadow’s possible future, he’d almost forgotten his plan.

He strode forward with determination, calling out the moment he saw the patrol. “Ruxja Cougar? I am Zuma Otta. Othima is running behind, so I’m here instead. Please, let us hurry to your leaders, I have much to discuss.”

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