《I'm a brick! But why am I a Humanoid? [A Non-Level LitRPG with a Humanoid MC full of Magic, Drama and Comedic Undertone]》Chapter 21- Where we learn that people are way to complex to make unchangeable opinions about


Raina, Bunker

While the mother falling had significantly lowered the tension in the room, it had also complicated matters. Children tend to listen to their mothers and this mother was assuredly against her being here. Was it because she did not like the threat that Raina represented? Raina was now more nervous than before, she had yet to see her daughter again and already things had become complicated.

Raina looked around nervously, unsure what to do, on one hand her motherly instinct demanded that she get back out there and get her daughter back.The survival instinct on the other hand told her to first make peace with the now belligerent transmigrator and then worry about other things. In the end Raina chose to go with what her survival instinct suggested. Perhaps she might get her daughter a bit later but her daughter would then still have a mother.

“Good Morning” Raina said, the words were common but surprisingly effective in situation like this, after all most people would usually reply with a Good Morning of their own and that would create room for conversation.

“Good Morning Mrs.Mage, I must apologize for your welcome here, we were not expecting anyone and presumed you were hostile, you are not hostile though, right?” the Father, to Raina’s shock, said.

“It is Mrs, Mister…” Raina replied

“Dunken Marine, pleased to meet you” Dunken replied

“Well Dunken, I must also apologize for my actions yesterday, I acted in haste, without knowing the full story.” Raina said, getting impatient as the conversation was going to slow for her

“I too apologize Ms…” Dunken began to reply

“Merryweather, Mr.Dunken” Raina said

“Well, I too apologize to you Ms.Merryweather, my son should not have acted against you in such a manner without knowing the complete picture” Dunken said,” I wonder however, why you, who is clearly a powerful Mage, did not realize that the one threatening you was a mere child?”

“I think you overestimate the threat I pose Mr. Dunken, I am not as powerful a mage as you think, the spell that I cast back then was the most powerful I could cast.” Raina replied, taking an immense risk by revealing her capabilities, hopefully it would get her closer to her daughter.

“That is still more powerful than anyone in this family save Trevor, my second son” Dunken replied.

“That may be, but you may find the difference in power between a Grade 4 and a Grade 3 greater than you Imagine Mr. Dunken, but that is not the point of the discussion is it?” Raina said.

“No, tell me Ms Merryweather, what are your intentions for coming to this bunker. Are you simply returning home or…?” Dunken asked

“I came here seeking refuge from my pursuers, would you please allow me to retrieve my daughter?” Raina said, no longer able to hold her tongue.

“Ofcourse, we are not such cruel people as to deny a mother access to her child, I would like to know however, Why are you so worried about her? Your haste to get to her is too great even for a mother.” Dunken said while signaling for the older boy, the one who had accosted her, to go towards the inside of the bunker. Presumably to retrieve her daughter.


“My daughter has many enemies,Mr. Dunken. It would be unwise of me to leave her unattended for longer than strictly necessary.” Raina answered

“Enemies? Will these enemies follow you here?” Dunken asked

“I have taken every precaution to prevent that .But they're finding out about this bunker and come looking for me is always a possibility. If you wish I shall leave right after this.” Raina said.

“I may have to ask you to do that miss, but first perhaps you’d like to join us for dinner. My wife makes an excellent spaghetti” Dunken replied

“Some food would be appreciated” Raina said, suddenly realising her hunger, meanwhile her baby girl arrived at the dining hal in the arms of the older sibling.

I had a rather enjoyable conversation with Anu and Manulise before the bell rang, there was still no sign of the teacher however.

After class we made our way to the cafeteria, Manulise levitating me because my crawling speed was just too slow, I needed to learn Teleportation fast now. Or maybe get my hands on an Air affinity potion. That should have me flying around in no time.

As we made our way to the Cafeteria I noticed that the school had horribly spartan decor. There were no paintings on the walls, no fruit baskets on regular intervals. Just one door after another, the only difference between one section of the wall and the next was that the walls were painted in a darker shade each time. It seemed as if it was following a VIBGYOR colour scheme. At the far end of the hallway where my class was located the colour was light purple and grew darker with each wall until it grew very dark, then it was replaced with Light Indigo. Personally I found change jarring and not at all to my liking, I would much prefer a more subtle colour scheme, perhaps something more golden?...hmm, purple was also a good colour.I seem to remember that lots of governments had purple and gold furnishings around, it was thus surely an attractive and welcome colour combination. Perhaps I could suggest it to the headmaster?

Soon enough we arrived at the cafeteria and I took out my waffle mix. The appearance of the mix shocked Manulise and Anu as they had not been expecting a large pack of a dark brown substance to suddenly appear before them.

“What in all the worlds?” Anu exclaimed while jumping up, his arm extending forward, causing a tongue of fire to appear in the air.

“No……..” I yelled, desperately crumbling the space between the fire and the bag, stretching space until it almost rended. Sadly I did not have the power to rend space yet or I would have simply rended the space and made the fire ineffective. Summoning all of my mana and skill I twisted space around, curling and angling it in such a way that not an ember reached the bag. In some places it was close, if I had messed up by even a degree, the space would lose its integrity and revert back to normal, thus ending my waffle dream.


For 67 seconds I constantly reacted, desperately trying to save the bag until finally the fire died out and the bag was saved. I turned to the bag, deciding that it would be safer in a pocket dimension and was shocked to see it not there. In its place was a note that said.

Caught you, you won’t get away so lightly next time little guy.


I stared at the note in silence until the System broke me out of the trance with its notifications

An act of that required great mental prowess has been committed

Intelligence +13

An act that required an appropriate reaction was committed, your reaction has met the parameters.

Wisdom +27

Well, at least I got a few good stats...maybe I could use them to create Waffles? Grandmist technically allowed for the creation of anything, it could probably create waffles. Order and Chaos on the other hand gave Alchemy...one of the best sources of money...and waffles! Wait...I could summon it with space too? No, that would be stealing and it would take years for me to get adept enough at Space to do it. Alchemy was a better prospect. Grandmist could create it too...but it would have me learn Molecular Bond Theory...No! I am definitely not opening that textbook again! Besides, wasn't it experiments into atoms that got that Emperor killed? What was it?Nuclear Magic? No way was I risking that. For my own safety. Not because I was too lazy to try to understand those things. Definitely not.

Anu Manarlin, classmate

Anu was scared. Very scared. Outwardly he may act tough but he still remembered the stories of arrogant young masters and how they treated their lessers. Since he read the first novel all those years ago he had always dreamed of putting the young masters in their place. Face-slapping them in public. Sadly for him, Donald Arlford killed all the young masters 17,000 years ago in an extremely controversial massacre of all the prominent noble families on Algrea.

When the Count had arrived at the classroom Anu felt that his dream was within reach. All along the way he had expected the baby and his evil comrade, Manulise, to make a move on him. Silence him before he found too many of their secrets. So when he saw an object appear out of thin air, he reacted without thinking, presuming it to be an attack and retaliating with the only spell he knew [Fire Wisp]. A largely harmless spell, it would still destroy what he now recognized to be Waffle mix. After all, he was an avid fan of Waffles and the mix was something he saw every morning. Now he’d destroyed it due to his foolishness.

As he had watched the flame approach the bag, he’d heard the Count roar,” No………” Clearly the Waffles were as dear to the Count as they were to him.To his surprise the flame stopped as it approached the bag and turned away, spluttering off harmlessly. The few embers that still followed the original direction also found themselves turned around. ‘What Magic is this?’ Anu wondered. Never had he seen any spell cast in such a manner. Was this the legendary Civilizational Magic? But it was so lowscale in nature, so probably not?

Suddenly it had occurred to him that he had just offended a wielder of such magic and done so irrevocably. Fear overwhelmed him as he lost control of his bowels and peed in his pants in front of the entire Cafeteria.








3 days


Heir candidate to the Earl of Cristanfor, Noble of the Kingdom of Mistrane, Baron of Losphintaius,Transmigrator

Land Name


Land title


Land Type

Independant, Merit-based governance(unactivated)

Land Administrator

Ariana Arlford,


Merit system (unactivated), Factional strife system (active)

Notable citizens


Flexibility[The range of movement of the body]


Precision[The accuracy of one’s movements]


Perception[The ability to notice nuances and advanced concepts]


Intelligence[The ability to comprehend the advanced concepts]


Wisdom[The ability to effectively use the concepts]


Aura Force[The ability to force your will on your surroundings]


Combat[The speed of one’s reactions, ability to process situations and other general combat abilities]


Magic Affinities

Fire[One of the greatest sources of Light and Heat in the universe, you have Greater Affinity for Fire]


Earth[Essential for life, earth is what renders things solid, you have a Greater affinity for Earth]


Mind[The consciousness and its relation to reality, you have Lesser affinity for Mind]


Chaos[Everything shall be anything but what it should be, no thing shall remain as it should, you have a Lesser affinity for Chaos]


Grandmist[The base substance that all subatomic particles are made off, you have Lesser affinity for Grandmist]


Space [The building block of dimensions, you have an Outrageous affinity for Space


Time[A mysterious force, you have a Minor affinity for Time]


Will [The force that propels you through life, you have Minor affinity for Will]


Force[The building block of Kinetic interactions, you have Minor affinity for Force


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