《I'm a brick! But why am I a Humanoid? [A Non-Level LitRPG with a Humanoid MC full of Magic, Drama and Comedic Undertone]》Chapter 22- Where we learn that even in Magical Worlds all are born equal.



Anu, Cafeteria

Anu looked around, trying to hide his embarrassment, he’d use fire to burn it off if it wasn’t more likely to burn off his private parts. At least the Count wasn’t paying attention yet. THere was no way he’d survive being embarrassed by the count and...this. Deciding that running away was the best option, Anu ran from the Cafeteria as fast as he could, leaving a trail of yellowish liquid behind him.

Excited by my discovery, I summoned the book on Affinity potions that I found in the library, I had just begun to read it when I was interrupted by Manulise saying,” Your excellency, What do you intend to do with Anu?”

“ Huh? Anu? Oh wait, that guy that flamed my bag! Why’d he do that?” I said, suddenly remembering, “Does he not like waffles that much?”

“ I think it was just him getting scared.” Manulise said, her body relaxing. Why was it so upright in the first place?

“Maybe we should go somewhere else for dinner? This place is no longer fit for your excellency.” Manulise continued

“Why? What happened?” I looked around a bit until I noticed a line of a yellow liquid that stretched forward into the interior of the school. Immediately I recognized it as the weapon that I once used to destroy one arrogant old Praetor. Urine. Knowing its potency as a weapon I summoned Chaos to change it to plain water.

“ That should do it.” I said to Manulise.

“ What was that?” Manulise said, clearly puzzled

“Oh, I just used Chaos to change the nature of the liquid, why’s Anu still peeing at his age anyway? I thought that all Banmeru stopped peeing at a year old.” I asked her.

“Wait you used Chaos, Didn’t you not have any Societal affinities?” Manulise asked.

“ I don’t? Only Fire, Earth and Space are Greater and above, the rest are smaller. Chaos is just a Lesser affinity.” I replied, puzzled at her question.

“There’s an affinity rating after Greater? How many affinities do you have?” Manulise said, practically yelling.

“Yes, and again three. Now what about Anu?” I replied, getting impatient.

“ No, all the affinities large enough to be listed on the stat sheet count. And why do you want to know about Anu anyway?” Manulise said


“Well then I have nine, also I like to know why things happen. Do you have a problem with that?” I said, not liking the tone she was taking.

Taking a deep breath in to calm herself, Manulise said, “I apologize, your excellency, I was merely flustered and lost myself for a moment. Please forgive me.”

“Very well, then I suppose I too should apologize, I overreacted, and for that I am sorry.” I said.

“That was not necessary, your excellency.” zManulise said, for some strange reason sounding puzzled of all things. There was nothing puzzling about this conversation right? I must find out.

“What exactly did you find puzzling in this conversation Manulise?” I asked, causing Manulise to look physically uncomfortable.

“Your excellency, I’d prefer that we not discuss this at this moment. You wanted to know about Anu’s situation, correct?” Manulise said, making me more curious but a;so nervous about losing this nascent...friendship? I am pretty sure that was the word.

Deciding to let the matter rest for now, I replied, “Very well, what exactly is Anu’s situation.?”

“Your excellency, are you aware of the People’s Discovery?” Mnulise asked.

“I cannot say that I am familiar with it.” I said

“It was the most important discovery in the history of Algrea, it is the only reason that the Arlford family retains its power and importance despite certain...events.” -she paused for a minute, presumably gauging my reaction to what was probably a slight against my family. Too bad I didn’t care.- “The Discovery was simple. Donald Arlford stipulated that in Algrea all Banmeru are born equal. THough they may each be born weak or strong in certain things, the sum total of all Traits, Pools, Affinities etc. comes equal for each person. If said person has a lack in the sum total it merely implies that they are good at something that has yet to be discovered.”

“This discovery has shaped the political, social and intellectual landscape of Algrea since. Anu is an example of his sum total being in lack. All Banmeru are born with a set amount of Mana that, by the age of one year purges all need for excretion. Anu was born naturally lacking in Mana. Thus his body could not complete the process. While he does not experience the need for constant excretion as was common before the First Transmigration, he still finds himself excreting in highly stressful situations.” Manulise continued

“This is actually curable if not for the fact that his parents are disgraced alchemists that can’t find a stable enough job to afford it.” Manulise finished.


“What do you mean disgraced alchemists? “ I asked.

“Disgraced Alchemists are Alchemists that were caught selling a fake potion. Creating a fake potion is common in Alchemy. Selling them however is illegal since they usually have adverse side effects.” Manulise answered

“So, they know Alchemy?” I probed, suddenly seeing a path to learn Alchemy open before me.

“They are distasteful people that used the desperation of those stuck on the Waitlist for critical potions to sell them potions that killed them or at least crippled them somehow. But yes they know Alchemy.” Manulise answered.

Smiling, I said,” Perhaps we should go see our dear embarrassed friend?”

“I would recommend not approaching a known Felon for training but sure, as your excellency commands” Manulise said, giving me what was probably a ‘dead stare’

Manulise turned in the direction Anu had disappeared into and walked in with a slow speed. While angry at her for doing this, I decided not to speak up since I was already forcing her to do something she didn’t want to. Besides, it gave me time to look around.

Unlike the previous hallway, this one was not as brightly coloured, in fact it was coloured in a dull grey. It was however equipped with a higher ceiling and had better looking doors. They were Large frames made of what was probably cheap wood with a single strip of coloured glass in between. Each door had a colour that contrasted with the colour of the class, creating an elegant, though simple image. Inside the rooms I could see students of advanced ages studying. By the size of them they should be approaching adulthood.

Perhaps this was the higher grade wing of the school? Either way, I did not have the opportunity to peek inside further as we approached what seemed like a mini corridor that branched from the main one, we could hear the sound of a person crying inside. Presumably the person was Anu. Even though I had a vested interest in befriending the boy, I still felt pity for the boy. Hopefully, time spent in my presence shall render him more confident, after all an Emperor had once said, “A person who cries is a person who dies.” It made for one of the most flourishing reigns in the history of the palace even though it lasted for only three days.

I personally saw at least thirty new forms of magic be created because a person was barred from crying. Clearly, once you remove crying from the equation a person’s efficiency skyrockets.

We approached the hallway and turned around to see Anu crying loudly as expected, what we did not expect was that he was covered in Flower Fae that seemed to be appearing all around him constantly.

Raina, Bunker

Raina was flustered, all around her she felt the stars move in concert as they created a symphony that was so outlandish that even her high Intelligence could not comprehend it, within her mind she could see a galaxy forming and ending constantly, the constant cycle enhancing her mind.

Magic Dish: Sphagetei Galaxia Consumed

Temperory Stat Intelligence gained: +23

Clearly the spaghetti was more delicious than statty, but to Raina with 12379 Intelligence, that mattered little as she would take this spaghetti over a few hundred stats any day.








3 days


Heir candidate to the Earl of Cristanfor, Noble of the Kingdom of Mistrane, Baron of Losphintaius,Transmigrator

Land Name


Land title


Land Type

Independant, Merit-based governance(unactivated)

Land Administrator

Ariana Arlford,


Merit system (unactivated), Factional strife system (active)

Notable citizens


Flexibility[The range of movement of the body]


Precision[The accuracy of one’s movements]


Perception[The ability to notice nuances and advanced concepts]


Intelligence[The ability to comprehend the advanced concepts]


Wisdom[The ability to effectively use the concepts]


Aura Force[The ability to force your will on your surroundings]


Combat[The speed of one’s reactions, ability to process situations and other general combat abilities]


Magic Affinities

Fire[One of the greatest sources of Light and Heat in the universe, you have Greater Affinity for Fire]


Earth[Essential for life, earth is what renders things solid, you have a Greater affinity for Earth]


Mind[The consciousness and its relation to reality, you have Lesser affinity for Mind]


Chaos[Everything shall be anything but what it should be, no thing shall remain as it should, you have a Lesser affinity for Chaos]


Grandmist[The base substance that all subatomic particles are made off, you have Lesser affinity for Grandmist]


Space [The building block of dimensions, you have an Outrageous affinity for Space


Time[A mysterious force, you have a Minor affinity for Time]


Will [The force that propels you through life, you have Minor affinity for Will]


Force[The building block of Kinetic interactions, you have Minor affinity for Force


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