《I'm a brick! But why am I a Humanoid? [A Non-Level LitRPG with a Humanoid MC full of Magic, Drama and Comedic Undertone]》Chapter 11- Where we find out why administrators should know how to administrate things


Raina, Launeior

As Raina glided through the swirling roads of Aurelian, liberally using Air magic to deafen any sounds produced by her and her baby and instituting a constant cover of Chaos to make her invisible, changing the nature of light may be hard, but it was quite useful . Thankfully, her parents had had a just in case location where she could hide for a while, waiting out this wave of change.First though, she would have to get there.

She had already traveled to the central square, her skills carrying her through, now though lied a greater challenge, the gate.

Built to last millenia, it was built by Ansoren Amfec using some of the most advanced Earth magic ever, Primal magic may be inferior to all others in straight up everything, but its sheer simplicity had allowed Ansoren to enchant the gate to such a degree that it had survived nearly three hundred regimes. Thankfully Raina was not here to destroy the overly sturdy artifact, she was here to fool some guards into opening the gate.

Given the voluntary lockdown, openly approaching the gate was obviously not an option, anyone approaching would immediately alert them. To circumvent this, Raina had devised a rather cliche, but nonetheless effective strategy.

Removing a horn from her pouch, Raina sounded a soundless call, calling upon her ancestral skill [Touch of Nature]. Using the skill was a gamble, while it would not be noticed on first sight, the guards would eventually detect its use and thus connect the next events to the last known descendant of her family, her. But Raina would rather take her chances with the guards than risk a confrontation with her former lover. The risk of her daughter being discovered was too great.

As she was ruminating, the summoned beast had appeared.


“Grade 3 as expected”, she thought. This grade was perfect for her purposes, strong enough to force the guard to open the gates while weak enough that none of the stronger Faction members would pay it much attention.

As she watched, the gate found itself being banged upon by a ninety foot tall monster. The ranged fighters began volley after volley of attacks, causing the sun to be covered by a plethora of colourful magics, from fireballs to chaos spheres, all manner of spells and skills were hurled at the monster. Sadly for the guards, the gap between Grade 3 and Grade 1 was large and without the more powerful commanders coming out, their attacks were ineffective against the monster.

The failure of the volley must have triggered some sort of backup plan for suddenly the wall itself twisted, shooting out spikes that definitely damaged the monster, in retrospect, Raina should have accounted for the wall itself having some defenses, it safeguarded the capital after all.

Thankfully Raina had a contingency that she could use in case some powerful ranker just happened to be on the wall when she attempted to escape. Summoning her mana, she activated her final heirloom, its activation ending three centuries of legacy for no one in three generations had been able to activate the skill needed to recharge the artifacts.

As the artifact activated, a ripple spread through reality, folding space as it went forward. Before Raina a tunnel formed leading outside the city. Finally she had escaped the clutches of the past, the only cost was the ruination of centuries of hard work.

I was never escaping again! Never, I say! I can not bear another one of Meemauy’s punishments, a full day in the bright glaring sun.It’s rays burning my skin, I swear I must be roasted by now! After all, I was a few shades more red now than I was supposed to be.


Worst thing was, the punishment did not end with that. Meemauy had me eat some very bitter concoctions, though apparently they were healthy? Even if they were, that is no reason to have an innocent baby suffer through them! I refuse to believe there aren’t less tortuous yet at the same time comparably healthy medicines! It just isn’t possible!

Even the system had joined in, soon after I had arrived it had started pinging me, telling me about something that happened in that land of mine, what was its name again? Thankfully, that had Meemauy rushing off, perhaps the notifications were more important than I thought them to be? Wanting to know, I started the administration tag in my interface, I had found the tag a few days ago and had yet to actually use it for anything.

Guess this was the perfect opportunity to test it out?

Land Name


Land title


Land Type

Independant, Merit-based governance(unactivated)

Land Administrator

Ariana Arlford,


Merit system (unactivated), Factional strife system (active)

Notable citizens


Well that yielded a pitiful amount of information, perhaps I should try something else? I then looked towards the Library, and the inviting books there, nah, It’s not like Meemauy is gonna let me do anything, better to just sit here and read some books. Wasn’t there some Kingdom Building story here? I bet that would help!

Ariana Arlford

Ariana was angry, the baby escaping was one thing, babies do foolish things all the time, it was quite another for the factions of Launeior to not care that a person had item-casted one of the most dangerous spells in existence, in the middle of their city. Granted they did investigate, they just did it individually and by constantly hampering each other. It appeared as if the goal wasn’t to get the item, it was to make sure no one else got it.

Sadly for them, Ariana had never been much for politicking. ‘Time to do away with them’ she thought as she activated the Merit system, causing a notification to appear in front of every adult in the country, asking them to vote on their rulers. The vote was something of a mixed bag, no single Faction gained enough votes, what Ariana had wanted however was not this, the system had now effectively given her the name and address of every single faction leader in Lauriena, all that was left now was getting them in a room.

Putting a bunch of politicians in a room should be enough to solve the problems right? It didn’t really matter if it didn't, Arianna was going to do it anyway.

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