《TWIG - The System Can't Save Me, But It Can't Stop Me Either [a gamelit-portal-fantasy-poem by eric river]》Chapter 022 - You know, I've always heard them say that when it rains, it pours



You know, I've always heard them say that when it rains, it pours


~ Name: Sky ~

Title: Chaos Angel

Class: Berserker [lv2]













A girl with such prodigious talent pushed over the edge

Trauma driven between her and her fate like a wedge

Though she still is loved by many deities up here

It's the god of rage to which her heart is now most near

Sky went home to find her parents sitting quietly

She had no siblings and her parents raised her carefully

Both were quite well travelled and as strong as they were wise

And solemn understanding filled both of her parents’ eyes

Her father’s name was Oak, and it was fitting for the man

He was tall and strong, and never was without a plan

Her mother’s name was Hawk, and she had grown into it well

No change escaped her gaze and she had many tales to tell

~ Name: Hawk ~

Title: All Seeing

Class: Mage [lv149]













A woman with perception matched by very few around

Nothing would escape her sight, and she hears every sound

Secrets are like puzzles which she solves too easily

But even she, her god as well, can’t solve this easily

“Sky, you’re home at last, we have a lot to talk about

It seems you’ve had a grand adventure while you all were out”

Her voice was cold and calm but in her eyes there was a flame

And Sky could not have imagined the next few words that came

“Never in my life have I seen gods in such a state

And I have never witnessed the System retaliate

Your friend is caught up in a matter I don’t understand


And I fear something else entirely might now be at hand”

She looked toward her husband, Oak, and nodded solemnly

And he pulled out a letter that was folded quite neatly

He handed it to Sky to read and her eyes opened wide

“But how could such a letter end up in the countryside?!”

The letter was addressed to both her parents from the king

The crest and seal were both very certainly the real thing

It told of how the portals were increasing every day

Causing new dangers in an unprecedented way

Heroes and the strong from all around were being called

To assist in new defenses now being installed

They would report to the capital in just a weak

And prepare to face the future, no matter how bleak

~ Name: Oak ~

Title: Ghostly Archer

Class: Sorcerer [lv103]













An archer who can find his target from quite far away

His magic arrows and precision often save the day

But his insight isn’t limited to hunting game

His natural intelect is far too wild to tame

“The king would only send this if the worst was truly feared

It is likely some unknown threat recently appeared

It may be related to young Twig, but maybe not

All we know is something put our kingdom on the spot”

Her father said no more, but still her mother wasn’t done

“We must go, but it seems that your own quest has begun

Such a class as that may seem repulsive and obscene

But if it has found you, there just one thing it could mean

Your friend needs you now, and you must challenge fate with him

I wish I could keep you here, but our own fate looks grim

Something big is coming and you may just play a part

Just remember not to rely only on your heart”


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