《TWIG - The System Can't Save Me, But It Can't Stop Me Either [a gamelit-portal-fantasy-poem by eric river]》Chapter 020 - I don't know what I'm running to or from, but I'll run fast



I don't know what I'm running to or from, but I'll run fast


~ Name: Leaf ~

Title: Wind Walker

Class: Scout [lv3]













A brave young lad with eyes of green, who’s small for one his age

Patient and quick witted, he never gives in to rage

With his speed he tries to always be there for his friends

He’s already one on whom his family depends

Leaf was lucky not to have been stung by any bugs

He was wounded more by his worried old mother’s hugs

“You brave young boy, we’re proud of you, but you have more to learn

Running fast is fine, but sometimes you must quickly turn!”

His mother was the fastest in his family by far

Next to her, the rest looked like their feet were stuck in tar

To Leaf however, what impressed him most about her speed

Was how fast she spoke, and she had lots to say indeed

“The gods have been quite clear about your young friend recently

Never have I seen the gods speak to us so freely

It’s as if they’re panicking but no one will say why

And I’ve never known a god of any kind to lie

It seems your friend is something of a quest that you can take

And I was warned that keeping you here might be a mistake

Something else is happening, though it may be the same

Who can say whose destiny or choices are to blame

A lesson that you’ll learn when running as fast as we do

Is sometimes quick and unfair decisions are forced on you

But if you are to follow in the steps of your heroes

You’ll need more abilities than just your speedy toes


Delilah told me earlier that he’d be leaving soon

But you will not be ready by tomorrow afternoon

You can catch up later, and although you’re young and small

It’s time for you to grow up fast, since fate has come to call”

Leaf caught almost every word she said but was surprised

She was much more supportive than he had realized

He was planning to sneak out when she went off to bed

Since he’d heard the rumours about what the healer said

“Are you really saying you’ll teach me the final skill

But you said I must wait until I’m old enough to kill

All my older brothers are still practicing it now

Are you sure that I could learn the final skill somehow?”

His mother looked with understanding eyes at her young son

Then whispered to him so she wasn’t heard by anyone

“If you want an answer you can trust, than tell me this

Is young Twig’s adventure something you would choose to miss?”

“I would go wherever Twig went, dangerous or not

He’s not even half as weak as all of us once thought

Even with his curse he always pushed himself so far

He inspired us to become as strong as we now are”

Achievement: Hero’s Blood

You are still a child but you are wise beyond your years

You see purpose in the overcoming of one’s fears

Your selflessness and keen perception of your friends and self

Show the strength of character of any wise old elf

~ Name: Leaf ~

Title: Hero

Class: Scout [lv3⇨ 5]


[10⇨ 14]


[10⇨ 13]


[13⇨ 18]


[17⇨ 23]


[8⇨ 10]


[35⇨ 52]

Now you’re almost ready to run down the hero’s path

Although you’re still a bit too weak to face destiny’s wrath


Take this quest to heart, it’s time to learn the final skill

If you put your heart to learning it, you quickly will

“Judging by the look on your face, you just learned the truth

It seems you’re loved by the same god that I was in my youth

Now you have the answer, so we’ll start the lesson now

The secret to a speed that nature would never allow

To learn this art you must use all the power in your legs

Pouring out your mana until nothing’s left but dregs

From there is get’s a little tricky, so follow my lead

This skill is only possible to learn at a great speed”

And so Leaf and his mother started running right away

Practicing the secret art until the break of day

Sure enough, before too long he could keep up with her

His status boosting his abilities as a runner

They ran around a mountain several hundred times at least

Running so fast they hardly disturbed a bird or beast

And just as she suspected, he picked it up before long

Even though his mother sort of hoped that she’d been wrong

“I guess it really is your fate to leave us all so fast

But you are growing up too quick to make this childhood last

You may join your friend, but of the things which you must do

Never challenge what a System Message says to you”


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