《Realm of Monsters》Glossary
Cover Art:
Null Realms:
The Null Realms are the ten Realms that compose the world where the story takes place. Each of the ten Realms is aligned with a chromatic color (See Chromatic Magic tab for more info on the chromatic colors).
Ebon Realm:
The Ebon Realm is one of the ten Null Realms. The Realm is aligned with chromatic black. Therefore the Realm produces more black magi then any of the other Realms. It is one of the coldest Realms.
The Ebon Realm has various small settlements sprawled around the land, with most situated in the Dusk Valley. Four very large cities known as great cities compose the largest populations of the Realm. The great cities are "Hollow Shade" in the Dusk Valley, "Frost Rim" in the Rupture Mountains, "Undergrowth" in the Glimmer Grove, and "Murkton" in the Silent Marshes.
The Realm is ruled by several oligarchies. The great cities govern the majority of the land around them, in turn the great cities are ruled by a city council consisting of members of named houses (See Named House section for more info).
Ebon Realm Map:
Dusk Valley:
The largest and most expansive region in the Ebon Realm. The region is covered in hills and plains. The valley is covered in tall grass, with a few bushes sprawled about. The Dire River crosses through the middle of the valley, including hundreds of smaller streams.
The Great City of Hollow Shade resides in the center of Dusk Valley. Several smaller cities and hundreds of villages reside in the region as well. The Valley Tribes also claim Dusk Valley as their home.
Vulture Woods:
A forest south of the Ebon Realm. The forest is covered in trees of crimson leaves with grey bark. The forest is known for being one of the most dangerous regions in the Realm. It is sparsely populated by society, with only the sylvan goblin tribes residing within. Various threatening creatures live within the woods, the most common are dire bears and wolves. Dragons are said to inhabit the deeper parts of the forest. It borders another forest, Glimmer Grove and also the Rupture mountains.
Northern Lands:
The lands to the North of the Ebon Realm. The region is constantly covered in perpetual winter, with snow and ice all around. It is the native home of vampires and drow from ages past, when the region was not always so cold, and was the richest of lands.
The Rupture Mountains crosses through the eastern part of the region. Hoarfrost Bay also borders the Northern Lands.
Rupture Mountains:
The mountain range of the Ebon Realm. It is home to many creatures, including frost wolves, sereguli, frost giants, and dragons. While the edges of the mountains are fairly safe, the majority of people stay away from the mountains, for risk of encountering one of its more threating residents. The only large settlement with the mountains is Frost Rim.
The mountains reach into multiple other regions, including Vulture Woods, Glimmer Grow, Dusk Valley, Mortis Grove, and the Northern Lands. The Dire River also crosses below the mountains.
Hoarfrost Bay:
A bay to the north of the Northern Lands. It is considered the coldest region in the Realm. Many rare aquatic creatures such as white eels and other resources reside within the bay, which entices many sailors to travel there, despite the risks.
Sirens are said to swim in the bay's frozen waters and guard Hoarfrost Island, which resides in the middle of the bay. The island is considered one of the most dangerous areas in the Realm. It is home to various dangerous creatures that despise visitors. The chrome-gate found by Crow resides within the island.
Glimmer Grove:
A forest bordering Vulture Woods. Unlike its sister forest, Glimmer Grove does not harbor various dangerous beasts.The Great City of Undergrowth resides within the forest.
In terms of wild creatures Glimmer Grove is fairly safe, although Undergrowth sends out patrols throughout the forest, who can be pose a threat to any unsuspecting travelers.
The most inner region of the forest has a unique variety of trees whose petals glow soft purples and pinks at night, giving the forest its name, "Glimmer Grove." The mystical eeriee Shadow Lake resides within the forest as well.
Silent Marshes:
The marshlands to the east of the Realm. It is home to many dangerous animals that lurk in the waters, although the region is not considered nearly as dangerous as Vulture Woods or Hoarfrost Bay. The Great City of Murkton resides within the region.
The land was once home to goblin-kind before they lost the war to orc-kind and were forced to leave their ancestral lands.
Mortis Grove:
The smallest region in the Ebon Realm. Mortis Grove is an old forest whose trees have long since died. The forest was home to many vampires of old. The region is fairly empty save for House Mora's ancestral home, a large castle.
Dire River:
The largest river in the Ebon Realm. It crosses throughout Dusk Valley, below the Rupture Mountains and back into the sea.
Ebon Sea:
The sea surrounding the Ebon Realm. Many ships from Murkton travel through its waters in order to reach other settlements. Sea serpents can be found within the waters.
The Four Great Cities:
The Four Great Cities are the largest and most powerful cities in the Ebon Realm. They act as hubs of rulership over the rest of the Realm. The Great Cities in turn are ruled by powerful individuals, family leaders of Great Houses.
Hollow Shade:
Also known as the City of Shades, is one of the four great cities of the Ebon Realm. The city resides in Dusk Valley, next to the Dire River. It is known for its trading ports and ideal trade location in the Realm. But, it is most well known for its iconic black magestone walls that harbor hundreds of shades. The city is divided into 7 districts:
Commoner District: The majority of the population lives here. It consists of the common people. The district is the nearest to the walls.
Bourge District: The middle-class, consisting of wealthy merchants and lesser houses, live here.
Villa District: The high-class live here. The district harbors mansions, expensive restaurants, and elegant stores for the leisure of the rich. Greater houses, powerful magi, high ranking civic and martial officials, and prestigious priests live in the district.
Scholar District: A district dedicated solely to the four academies of Hollow Shade. The martial, business, civics, and magic academies. It also holds apartment buildings for some of the academies’ staff.
Trade District: The largest district. The majority of businesses reside here. While many small stalls exist, there are also many high-end stores that cater to the wealthy of Hollow Shade. The harbor residing right outside of the city also conducts most of its trade in this district.
Night District: The district caters to the darker businesses of the city, including black markets, slave trade, brothels, etc. Many wealthy people visit the district to pursue their hedonistic lifestyles.
Central District: The smallest district, it resides in the center of the Hollow Shade. The important civic buildings are here, including the courthouse. The city council’s establishment is also here. The most iconic and religious building in all of Hollow Shade, the Ebon Tower, stands in the very middle of the district.
The Docks: The unoffical 8th district. It resides right outside the city walls and consists of large docks on the Dire River. Trade ships from both Murkton and Frost Rim travel from the river and arrive at the docks to unload shipments that eventaully head to the Trade District.
Frost Rim:
The city lies in the Rupture Mountains, bordering the Northern Lands. The city is the main source of magestone within the Ebon Realm. Frost Rim does trade with Hollow Shade via trade ships traveling through the Dire River.
The city lies in the far east of the Ebon Realm, in the Silent Marshes. The city was founded by orcs after The Schism, 300 years ago. The city was built over the ruins of an ancient goblin city.
Murkton still consists of mostly orcs. They are known to have some of the greatest centaurs in the Ebon Realm. The city also has the Crimson Tracks, the greatest and most dangerous racing tracks in the Realm.
The city was founded by drow when they lost the wars against the vampires in the Northern Lands. The city lies within Glimmer Grove, particularily at the heart of the forest where the trees glow at night. The city is home to the mystical Shadow Lake as well.
While the Undergrowth once had great relations with Hollow Shade and was their main source of wood (a resource lacking in Dusk Valley), after the Ebon Lords passed, relations between the cities detoriated. House Thorn great influence within the city has contributed to the bad relations with both cities.
In the present age the relationship between both cities is tenous at best. They have only opened a few trade routes between both cities in recent years, thanks to the efforts of House Noir and House Glaz.
Mellow Bloom:
A small city in Dusk Valley. The city is ruled by House Azol, a Great House of the Realm.
A river curls around the city, with half a dozen bridges serving as entrances to the city. They are known for their mead, the Seregulus Hunt, and their Bellflower festival.
Dull Water:
A small village in Dusk Valley. It is a poor village, prone to raids.
Witt, Louise, and Olly were born in the village.
Valley Tribes:
Who are the Valley Tribes:
The Valley Tribes are a nomadic people that live and travel through Dusk Valley. Hollow Shade has hunted them down for centuries and in turn the tribes have raided Hollow Shade's smaller settlements.
The tribes are known to take food, gold, animals, and women during their raids. The chieftains of the tribes were a golden band somewhere on their body, usually on their hair or arm.
The Cairn Tribe:
A tribe led by the War Lord Marek. The tribe has grown in power in recent years, amassing a large army. Marek continues to try and unite more and more Valley Tribes under his banner.
Bronze Eagle Tribe:
A tribe that was subjugated by The Cairn tribe during a night attack after failed negotiations between both tribes. Bronze Eagle's chieftan was beheaded by Nokuti, right-hand of Marek, chieftan of The Cairn.
Sylvan Tribes:
Who are the Sylvan Tribes?:
The Sylvan Tribes are the goblin tribes that reside within Vulture Woods. They are a war-like people who place great emphasis on strength.They survive the harsh environment of Vulture Woods through their hunters and their teamwork tactics. The Sylvan Tribes are for the most part disconnected from the rest of the Realm, only seeing the occasional traveler who enters Vulture Woods.
The Sylvan Tribes do not condone the strength of emotions, believing it to create only weakness in individuals.
The tribes practice the unique customs of Mothers, a group of women who are modeled after their patron diety, Lunae, goddess of the moon, and known as the mother of all goblin-kind.
Mothers give up their true names when they take up the religious role. Instead they are referred to by a number, with 1st Mother being the leader of the Mothers in a tribe. 1st Mother acts as the matriarch of the tribe, while the chieftan acts as the patriarch. The tribe's shaman serves as the spiritual leader of the tribe.
The Mothers are placed in charge of infants when they are born. The Mothers then raise the goblin children as part of the tribe, they do this to eliminate feelings of attachment to the child's true parents and for the child to see the tribe as their family instead.
The tribes while often agressive with one another are known to be respectful of thier traditions and meet together every so often under the guidance of the Lunar Elect, the sylvan tribunal.
Ebon Hollow:
The youngest of the Sylvan Tribes. Stryg and Feli founded the tribe while in Hollow Shade. The tribe is unique for a few reasons. The first being that the tribe does not reside in Vulture Woods. Secondly, the tribe consists of various species. Thirdly, there is no shaman nor Mothers within the tribe.
Blood Fang:
The Blood Fang tribe resides deep in Vulture Woods. Stryg once belonged to this tribe, before he ran away and founded his own tribe.
Hollow Shade's 4 Academies:
Mage Academy:
The city's one and only magic academy. The school trains mageborn novices for three years, at which point they graduate and become adept magi.
Hollow Shade offers a scholarship for any mageborn to come study at their school so long as they work for the city for 10 years upon graduation.
The principle of the academy is Lord Elzri of House Noir.
Martial Academy:
The city's premier school of war. Students are taught to be soldiers and are trained in combat and war tactics. Upon graduation students usually enter the military as officers.
Merchant Academy:
The city's largest academy. Students come from all over the Realm to study at the school. They are taught various techiniques of trade throughout their three years. The main goal of students who attend this school is to obtain connections with powerful merchant families for their own future businesses.
Civics Academy:
The school teaches young wealthy students to become government officials and to serve powerful Houses in their rulership of Hollow Shade. Civic officials are also sent out to oversee smaller settlements in Dusk Valley and to collect taxes from all the settlements that owe fealty to Hollow Shade.
Merry Crescent:
A tavern in the Commoner District of Hollow Shade. It's sign depcits a femine crescent moon with shapely legs. Feli used to work at the tavern as its local celebrity and barmaid. Carla continues to work there as a barmaid.
The Merry Crescent is Stryg's favorite tavern and he often visits, sometimes with his friends. Captain of the Guard, Rorik Polamtal, is also known to frequent the establishment.
After Stryg's magical demonstrations at the Merry Crescent, Stryg has become an icon of sorts in the tavern, increasing patronship greatly. Stryg holds great influence over the tavern and is its most respected patron.
Blue Meadow:
A wealthy tavern in Mellow Bloom. It has several floors and also serves as a brothel, whose workers are referred to as "flowers." It is Loh Noir's favorite tavern in the city.
Swift Winds:
A centaur establishment in Hollow Shade. They breed and raise high-stock centaurs for the wealthiest of the city. The owner of the store is Karlok, a vampire, and acquaintance of Loh Noir.
The centaurs Rhiannon (Rhian), Maximus, and Ruby, were born in Swift Winds.
White Rose Cauldron:
A top-class alchemy store and brewery in Hollow Shade's Trade District. Dextrian, an old drow red mage, serves as the owner and chief alchemist. His apprentices assisst him in the creation of the potions.
Ebon Tower:
A legendary building in Hollow Shade. It stands at the very center of the city, in the Central District. The ebon lords created the tower at the city's founding. People to this day are baffled by its unkown material, ineligible writings and strange structure.
Rumor has it ancient records claim that the tower serves as a monument to the ebon gods and as a promise between them and the ebon lords.
Singing Willow:
Is a professional and famous acting and musical troupe led by a woman known as "Captain." The troupe travels around the Ebon Realm peforming in cities. They are famed for their use of actual magic within their performances.
Ebon Hollow Tribe:
A goblin hybrid from the sylvan Blood Fang tribe. He is a manifold mage novice, wielding two chromatic colors, grey and black. He is currently a 2nd year student in the magic academy of Hollow Shade.
Physical Description: He has cyan skin, short silver hair, and lilac eyes.
Height: Book 1 - 3'7 (109 cm), Book 2 - 4'4 (132 cm)
Weight: Book 2 - 340 lbs
Book 1 Spoilers:
Stryg has founded the Ebon Hollow Tribe and serves as the chief. It is revealed that he is a prime manifold mage with great talent within each color. His physical attributes have increased throughout the year. He has been shown to have enhanced senses, durability, strength, and healing.
Stryg has perfect night vision, he is able to see clearly even in complete darkness.
A human barmaid of the Merry Crescent tavern. She is a local tavern celebrity, famed for her voluptuous body and kind demeanor.
Physical Description: She dyes her hair dark purple. She has chestnut eyes and olive skin.
Book 1 Spoilers:
She is engaged to Stryg and is the co-founder of the Ebon Hollow tribe. She lives with Stryg in his apartment near the Magic Academy.
Rhiannon (Rhian):
She is a centaur born and raised in the Swift Winds establishment. She was bred to be a showhorse and has been trained to be as such. Rhian was the most skilled and talented showhorse among her brothers and sisters which has led her to become very prideful in her looks and abilities. She is currently serving as the steed of Stryg.
Physical Description: Rhian is noted to be very beautiful even among the other showhorses. Her lower body is lean and muscular with a sleek black coat without any splotches of other colors. Her upper body is pale, with long raven black hair. Her eyes are a pale grey and her nose is decorated with faint freckles. She has thin lips that is often found smiling.
Rhian is on the smaller side for a centaur, since she was bred for agility and grace. She stands at about 7 feet.
Hollow Shade Residents:
Rorik Polamtal: A drow captain of the guard stationed in the trade district. He is a son of house Polamtal, a martial middle-class family. He occasionally drinks with Stryg.
Karen: A goblin commoner. She is a pickpocket and member of the Wild Knives gang. She is the girlfriend of Jax. She was one of the first people Stryg met in Hollow Shade.
Maximus: Is a war-bred centaur, who has excelled in all martial categories. He has a calm demeanor and rarely talks, only when neccessary or if he is surprised. He trains Rhian in how to use her lance.
He is towering figure even amongst other centaurs, standing 10 feet tall (304 cm). He has long grey shaggy hair and a beard. His body is rippling with muscles and covered in scars. He was born in the Swift Winds establishment. He is the war steed of Loh Noir. Ruby: Is a pleasure-bred centaur. She has a quiet demeanor and spends her time taking strolls through the city with her rider, Loh Noir.
Maeve Mora: A vampire high-class woman. She is the daughter of vampire house Mora. Maeve is the paternal cousin of Callum Veres, her mother is the younger sister of Callum’s father. She is a student at Hollow Shade’s merchant academy. Maeve is a beautiful dainty woman, with platinum blonde hair, pale skin and the red eyes of a vampire.
Celica Skeller: An orc white mage who runs a clinic in the trade district. Her clients mainly include middle class families and Hollow Shade’s guards. While the guards can’t afford her services, the city pays for any injuries they incur on the job.
Jax: A goblin commoner. He is the gang leader of the Wild Knives gang. He is the boyfriend of Karen.
Leroy: A goblin commoner. A member of the Wild Knives gang and right hand man of Jax.
Sophi: Karen's younger sister, she is a goblin toddler. Shirleen: Is the goblin mother of Karen. After Sophi's and her own abduction, Shirleen has broken off her relationship with her eldest daughter, Karen. She blames Karen for Sophi almost dying. Grolm: Kithina's father. He is a dwarf with a long dark beard. Gidget: Kithina's mother. She is a dwarf. Skobby: Kithina's younger brother. He is studying to for the civic academy's entrance exam. He is a dwarf. Carla: Is a human barmaid working in the Merry Cescent tavern. She has a bad relationship with Feli since their time working together. Gwen: Is a human woman working as a stablehand at Stryg's apartment complex. Although she is from a merchant family, her family was unable to afford buying Gwen her very own centaur. She works hard in the hopes of one day having her own centaur. She adores Rhian and does whatever she can to make her feel comfortable and happy. Lucy: Is a human doctor and white mage working at the merchant academy. She is also the secret therapist of Maeve Mora. She cares greatly for Maeve and hopes the vampiress can one day live a free and happy life. Dextrian (Dex): An elderly drow. He is a very skilled high master red mage alchemist. He owns the famous White Rose Cauldron alchemy brewery in Hollow Shade. Elm: The head priest of a small temple in Hollow Shade's Commoner District. He has reacently taken Karen on as his apprentice acolyte. Byrel: The front-desk secretary of Hollow Shade's magic academy. She is a middle-aged drow. She tested Stryg's magic when he first came to the academy.
Book 1 Spoilers:
Byrel sabotaged Stryg's Duels class' final exam and unintentionally almost gets him killed. Loh Noir finds out and has her arrested. Loh allows Stryg to pass the verdict on Byrel. Stryg chooses execution by the shades of the wall. After Byrel's death it is revealed she is the mother of Plum.
Karlok: A middle-aged vampire. He is a breeder and owner of the Swift Winds establishment. He raised and trained Rhiannon, Maximus, and Ruby.
Magic Academy Students:
Plum: A drow 3rd year student. She works as a librarian’s assistant. She is a purple mage. After many years of reading in low light rooms, Plum needs to wear glasses. She is considered short for a drow, standing at about 5' 4 (162 cm).
Book 1 Spoilers:
It is revealed after Miss Byrel's death that she was Plum's mother. Her death creates a rift in the friendship between Plum and Stryg.
Kithina: A dwarf 1st year student. She is a yellow mage. Born in a low-class family, Kithina hopes to be able to support her family through a mage’s salary. She loves the idea of becoming a mage, a powerful spell caster traveling the land.
Kegrog: An orc 1st year student. He is a brown mage. Standing at 6’5 feet, he is the tallest in his class.
John: A human 3rd year student. He performed the chrome-probe exam on Stryg on his arrival to the academy.
Magic Academy Staff:
Gette: A human master black mage. He is a professor at the magic academy of Hollow Shade. He is skilled in both spell forms of black magic, necromancy and shadow. He currently teaches “Intro to Black Magic” to Stryg and other 1st years.
Ismene: A human high master mage. She is the professor of meditation. Despite being aged, Ismene remains a prominent blue mage, feared and respected among mage circles.
Rime: A drow master green mage. He is the professor of Magic Fundamental and other magic theory courses. A strict teacher, who denies the existence of the ebon gods.
House Noir:
Loh Noir:
She is a drow manifold high-master mage who wields 3 chromatic colors, black, grey, and orange. She is a scion of the famed magical Noir family. Her grandfather is one of the 7 city lords of Hollow Shade.
Loh's astounding spell casting skills coupled with her offensive chromatic colors, have made her one of the most prominent mage duelists in all the Ebon Realm.
Loh’s background, power, beauty, and infamous rude behavior, has made her a popular controversial topic among the high-class. She currently works as a professor at the magic academy in Hollow Shade. Stryg is her mage apprentice.
Elzri Noir:
Elzri is considered the most powerful arch mage in Hollow Shade. The leader of one of the seven ruling families of Hollow Shade, Great House Noir, Elzri is feared and respected by many. He holds the titles of mage and city lord, and principal of the magic academy.
He is the father of Dolores and the grandfather of Loh and Aizel. He is the younger brother of the late Esletha and Aiden Noir. He is the older brother of Una Noir and the son of Alastair.
Elzri boasts a tall figure with pale grey skin, white hair, and cold grey eyes.
Dolores Noir:
She is the daughter of Elzri and mother of Loh and Aizel.She is married to a commoner-turned-Mage Lord. Her husband married into House Noir.
While tecnhically being a mageborn Dolores has shown very little talent in magic, to the point where she cannot cast even the simplets of spells.
Aizel Noir:
He was the older brother of Loh and the grandson of Elzri Noir. Aizel was a latebloomer mageborn, his magical abilities only awakening later in his life. Because of his latent magical abilities and lack of talent, Aizel was passed over for the inheritence of family leadership.
Loh and Aizel had a tense relationship because Loh was forced to take the role as heir of House Noir, while he was allowed to live a "carefree life." Aizel also became engaged to Loh's secret love, Tauri Katag.
Esletha Noir:
Esletha was a young and talented mage. She was famous for her intelligence, beauty, and her martial and magical prowess. Most people expected her to inherit the mantle of leadership of House Noir, but her father chose Elzri, her younger brother, as heir instead.
It is said Esletha challenged Elzri to a duel for the inheritance of family leadership. Elzri accepted and surprised everyone by revealing himself to be an archmage. He promptly defeated Esletha and killed thier older brother when he tried to save her. Elzri slit Esletha's throat soon after.
Una Noir:
Una is the younger sister of Elzri, Esletha, and her (unamed) eldest brother. She ran away from Hollow Shade after Elzri killed Esletha and their eldest brother. Her dissapearance solidified Elzri's leadership over House Noir.
It is suspected that Una stole the black dagger and book relating to the story of Noir I and the Monster in the Dark.
Noir I:
He was the founder of House Noir. He was born into a small merchant family as the 5th son. He later met "Holo The Tall" and became Holo's apprentice, eventually rising to the rank of arch-mage and the title of mage lord.
Noir was said to have made a deal with the Monster in the Dark to marry Rose.
Rose Noir:
Rose was the wife of Noir I and the mother of the Noir family line. She was known for her great beauty. Rose was married to an Ebon Lady, before she met Noir I.
Noir I was obssessed with her and was said to have made a deal with the Monster in the Dark to have Rose for himself. Rose's wife died and their castle burned down. Rose married Noir I soon after. She was later said to have slit her own throat and died during her daughter's coming of age celebration.
House Veres:
Callum Veres:
A hybrid 1st year mage student. He is half-vampire and half-human. Callum is a manifold mage, wielding red and white magic. He is friends with Stryg and Kithina. His father, Lord Veres IX, is a war and city lord and leader of the family. His paternal cousin is Maeve Mora.
Lord Veres I:
The Founder of House Veres. He was a genius military tactician born in a small village in the Northern Lands. He served under Ebon Lord Koval and married his daughter. Koval granted Veres the enchanted blade Krikolm as a gift for his loyalty.
Veres was best friends and rumored lover of Lady Gale I. They fought together in many wars until her untimely death when she sacrificed herself to protect Veres from an ambush. Veres went on to lead Koval's armies to many victories and the eventual unification of the Ebon Realm under Koval's leadership.
A few historians believe Lord Veres I is the true father of Gale's son.
Lord Veres IX:
The current leader of House Gale. He is the father of Callum and the uncle of Maeve Mora.
Alice Veres:
Was the late younger sister of Veres IX. She married Lord Mora and had several children, the youngest child is Maeve Mora. She loved her children dearly and is said to have been a very kind woman, compassionate to the commoners and aristocrats alike. She grew sick and passed away when Maeve was still a child.
House Katag:
Tauri Katag:
She is an orc manifold master mage. Tauri wields two chromatic colors, orange and brown. She works as the professor of physical conditioning in the Magic Academy. Tauri is the favored daughter of the famed warrior family, House Katag. Her father is Krall Katag, leader of their House. Tauri is a childhood friend of Loh and Aizel Noir. She was once engaged to Aizel.
Krall Katag:
Krall is the leader of House Katag. He is a war lord and one of the 7 city lords of Hollow Shade. He is a very large orc, towering over others. His martial prowess and skillful tactics have made a prominent general within the Ebon Realm. He is known as a very honorable and serious man. He is friends with fellow city lord, Elzri Noir. Tauri Katag is Krall's favorite daughter.
House Glaz:
Vayu Glaz:
A scion of House Glaz and the second son of the family leader. Vayu is known for his incredible magical talent as a true purple mage, but he is most famous for riding into battle on the back of a fire drake.
He served as captain and right-hand of Loh Noir during her time as general of House Noir's northern army. Lord Elzri Noir arranged an engagement between Loh and Vayu during that time.
House Ashe:
Calantha Ashe:
Calantha is the family leader of the vampire Ruling Family, Ashe. Her family is in charge of all the religious proceedings of Hollow Shade and as such she holds the highest religious title in the city, High Priestess.
Calantha is said to have been blessed by the war goddess, Bellum, when she was a baby and that Bellum's blessing has granted her supernatural capabilities.
House Goldelm:
Freya Goldelm:
Freya is the daughter of Lord Goldelm, the family leader of House Goldelm. She is a very talented mageborn and a dual manifold mage. Her chromatic colors are white and orange.
Freya is an elitist who does not enjoy being in class with commoners. She dated Callum Veres in the past and is still on good terms with him.
Freya is currently a 2nd year student in Hollow Shade's magic academy and is one of the seven potential candidates for the mage tourney.
House Gale:
Clypeus Gale:
A vampire 1st year student. He is a manifold mage wielding green and yellow magic. He is a skilled warrior hailing from the vampire House Gale. Tall and broad shouldered, he is the image of a powerful warrior. Clypeus has a strained relationship with Callum Veres, because of his hybrid nature. Clypeus believes him to be unworthy of carrying the Veres name.
Clypeus wields two gladii blades and is one of the youngest swordmasters in Hollow Shade.
Gale VIII, Gale:
She is the heir of House Gale, elder sister of Clypeus, and first-born child of the current family leader, Lord Gale. She is considered a sword and mage prodigy and currently holds the ranks of high-master mage and grand swordmaster.
Gale is a famed mage and sword duelist who has often times been compared to another mage prodigy, Loh Noir. The two duelists are known to have once fought on equal footing until they reached a stalemate.
Many people have noted Gale VIII bears a striking resemblance to her family's founder, with their similar golden hair and dark red eyes.
Gale instructs Clypeus and Stryg in the renowned "House Gale Swordsmanship" during her free time. She is named after her family's founder, Gale I, partner of Veres I.
Gian Gale:
Gian is an older vampire who serves House Veres as an embassador and sometimes-spy in Frost Rim. He is one of Lord Veres IX most trusted advisors and the lead historian of the Veres Family.
Gale I:
She was the founder of House Gale. She was a Mage Lady and the most loyal follower of Lord Veres. Gale was said to be one of the greatest magi of her time, whose power even the Ebon Lords feared.
Gale is said to have loved Veres I greatly, eventually giving up her life for him. Veres and Gale were orphans from a village in the Northern Lands.
Blood Fang Tribe:
First Mother: Leader of the Mothers of the tribe. She threatend Stryg, telling him if he failed on his quest she would kill him.
Second Mother: Second in command of the Mothers. First Mother sends her to accompany Curvor on his quest.
Sixth Mother: She is the youngest of the Mothers. She takes great pride in her beauty and often picks on Stryg for looking different.
Ostroz: Goblin acquaintance of Stryg. He advices Stryg to do anything to get what one desires.
Cruvor: Goblin Shaman of Stryg’s tribe. He chooses a group of young goblins to accompany him in search of treasure.
Srixa: She is the strongest of the young goblins, and one of the best hunters in the tribe.
Bril: She is a skilled hunter and the prettiest of the young goblins, Cruvor has his eye on her.
Gathi: A goblin gatherer. Stryg challenges her for his first night challenge.
Cairn Tribe:
Marek: War lord and leader of the Cairn Tribe. He is a dire human and a tri-manifold high master mage (Chromatic Orange/Yellow/Brown).
Nokuti: A vampiress and right-hand of Marek. She is a manifold high master mage (Chromatic Yellow/Black).
Crow: Advisor to Marek and historian of the Cairn Tribe.
Dawn: A vampire-drow hybrid and a manifold arch mage. She is the twin sister of Vaughn.
Vaughn: A vampire-drow hybrid and a manifold arch mage. He is the twin brother of Dawn.
Lysaila: A lamia grand blademaster from the Amber Realm.
Kyriil: An elf and white high master mage from the Ivory Realm.
Grim: An axlean and water high master mage from the Azure Realm.
Mythos of the Ebon Gods:
The ebon gods are the four gods worshiped by the people of the Ebon Realm. While their existence hasn’t been proven, many throughout the years have claimed to have seen them. Some believe that the gods were once powerful magi who have since passed into legend.
While the description of the gods have varied throughout the years a few traits have been mentioned repeatedly:
Lunae: goddess of the moon, the Watcher (over all), and patron deity of the goblins. Lunae is said to have silver skin and long white hair. She is depicted wearing a black crescent mask and a large white scarf covering her body.
Stjerne: god of the stars, the Traveler, patron deity of once dark elves, now humans. He is said to have skin the color of the midnight sky, a chiseled body, and taller than the other gods. He is depicted wearing a two-faced mask, one side black with a smile, the other gold with a frown. He is shown wearing pants made of some form of hide. He is known to carry a silver staff, crackling with power.
Bellum: goddess of war, the Guardian (of the Realm), patron deity of vampires. She is said to have hazel skin. She is depicted wearing a black helmet and dressed in a red breast plate and leather skirt. She is known to carry a large blazing sword of ebon flames.
Caligo: god of the deep earth, the Mystery, caretaker of the Realm’s secrets, patron of none. He is known as the greatest secret of all. His skin is said to be an assortment of terrene shades and depicted with long silver claws. Unlike the other ebon gods, Caligo isn’t known to wear a mask, but his face is covered with shadows, save for his eyes, which are said to shift through a range of colors. He is also the only ebon god to be depicted without clothes.
Named Houses:
What is a Named House?
A Named House is a family with a surname within the Ebon Realm. Those with surnames are considered aristocrats, while those without are considered commoners. Named Houses are a form of aristocracy, but not nobility for three main reasons.
1.) Nobility requires titles such as king, earl, duke, etc. Named houses have only adopted the general term Lord/Lady to refer to a powerful figure within a House.
2.) Only a king can grant the status of nobility. There are no monarchs in the Ebon Realm. A person can rise to the status of a Lord/Lady so long as they have sufficient power, whether it be martial, wealth, magic, etc.
3.) Nobility holds lands and the people in those lands owe fealty to the nobles. Whereas in the Ebon Realm anyone can technically own land, even commoners, so long as they have bought the land or conquered it. The ownership of land can also be exchanged through monetary transactions.
A House can only be founded by a lord or lady. The House will be named after the founder's own name. For example, house Gale is named after their vampire founder Lady Gale. Even after the founder dies or if their are no lords/ladies left within the family, the House will still exist, so long as it wields a significant amount of power, whether it be magical, martial, political, or financial.
If a named House has several lords/ladies within the family after consecutive generations or within the same time, they are considered a Great House. Great Houses are considered the most powerful families within the Realm. If a Great House ceases to produce lords/ladies after several generations or if there are no lords/ladies currently alive then it reverts back into a regular Named House.
If a House has no lords/ladies or power they are considered a Destitute House, a pariah of society, and are shunned by other Houses.
Even if a new lord/lady were to appear within a Destitute House, they would be unable to rebuild the House's standing. Instead the lord/lady would have found a new Named House. This is called a Remnant House. Remnant houses have a difficult time holding any real power within society because of their ancestral background.
A similar example would be a Legacy House. This is when a lord/lady splits from a regular named house (NOT destitute) and founds their own House. While considered a normal House, society still tends to see them as having the same ties of allies and enemies as their ancestral House.
Ruling Families:
Ruling Families are the seven most powerful Great Houses within Hollow Shade. Each of the Ruling Families' leaders have a seat of the city council.
House Noir:
An ancient drow family, tracing their lineage back to the days before the Schism. They are one of the most renowned Great Houses in all the Ebon Realm and one of Hollow Shade’s Ruling Families. Their insignia is a black flame.
They are famed for producing many powerful magi throughout the centuries. Noir magi are known to be as skillful as they are ruthless.They are even feared among the high-class denizens of the city. The family is known to produce magi skilled in orange magic, particularly flame magic.
They currently have two mage lords within the family, with a third to be expected from Loh Noir, prized scion of the family. House Noir has held great influence within the great city of Hollow Shade ever since its founding. Lord Elzri, the family leader, currently sits on the city council.
House Katag:
An orc Great House and the youngest of the 7 ruling families of Hollow Shade. They are a military family with the most powerful armies in the city. House Katag has been known to produce many War Lords throughout the years. Scions of the House are said to be very skilled warriors and powerful magi.
They are constantly looking for ways to increase their military strength and overall power. Katags regard duty, honor, and family very highly. Most members of the House are well-known generals in the armies of Hollow Shade.
House Glaz:
A drow Great House and one of 7 ruling families of Hollow Shade. They possess powerful armies and magi. Their family is known for producing talented purple magi, including several true purple magi. Their founder, Glaz, was also a true purple mage.
In terms of overall wealth, influence, military and magical power, House Glaz is considered the most powerful of the Seven Ruling Families. Their insignia is a purple eagle on a blue sky.
House Veres:
One of the oldest vampire families within the Realm. They were loyal servants to the Ebon Lords and migrated from the Northern Lands to Hollow Shade during the city's first founding years.
The family is famous for having once united the Ebon Realm under Ebon Lord Koval’s leadership. The family has consistently produced several war lords and even mage lords throughout the centuries. The Veres are known to produce skilled black magi and expert swordsmen.
The legendary enchanter and smith, Ebon Lord Koval, crafted and gifted the sword Krikolm to Lord Veres I as a reward for his outstanding loyalty and performance as the marshal of his armies.
Krikolm became House Veres’ ancestral sword and a symbol of their power. The sword was wielded by Veres family leaders until its rumored disappearance. Nonetheless, Krikolm remains one of the most famed weapons within all the Ebon Realm. The red blade of Krikolm is pictured in the banner of House Veres.
House Goldelm:
A dwarven Great House and the wealthiest of the 7 ruling families of Hollow Shade. They are known for their enchanting magic. The family tends to have blonde hair and gold irises (a very rare trait among dwarves).
Originally a minor House within the Great City of Frost Rim, the Goldelms gained prominence when their family leader became an apprentice to the legendary enchanter Ebon Lord Koval. The family has since sired various Mage and Merchant Lords.
The family is known to produce powerful chromatic brown magi specializing in enchanting magic. The family has become the number one producer of enchanted items within the city, having the most smithies and shops in Hollow Shade. They are also the main supplier of docility collars.
Oginum, a magical golden hammer, was a gift from Koval to his apprentice Lady Goldelm II. Oginum has since been implemented in the family’s sigil and has been the symbol of leadership within the family, similar to Krikolm for House Veres. In fact, both weapons are often compared to one another.
House Ashe:
A vampire Great House and one of 7 ruling families of Hollow Shade. They are a House known for their religious ideals and are in charge of the religious proceedings of Hollow Shade. Like House Helene, the Ashes hold a strong stance of neutrality within the city council. The Ashes have produced many lords and ladies, including merchant, war, and mage lords throughout the generations.
Hollow Shade’s people revere the family as a sacred House, with Calantha Ashe said to be blessed by Bellum, goddess of war. Because of their sacred reputation among the common folk, House Ashe is the most famous House within Dusk Valley.
House Helene:
A human Great House and one of the 7 Ruling Families of Hollow Shade. They are the youngest of the ruling families, coming to prominence after the founding of Hollow Shade. They are known to stay neutral in any disputes within the city council.
Their founder, Helene, is considered a legendary shrewd figure in the Ebon Realm. She was a woman of great intellect and beauty who had settled in Dusk Valley a few years prior to the Schism. She used her wisdom and wit to establish herself as a prominent leader, and made treaties with the Valley tribes, eventually rising to the title of Merchant Lady.
When humanity became stranded in the Ebon Realm after the Schism, Helene consolidated her power among the ensuing wars and rose to become the first human Great House of the Realm. With her newfound power she bargained with the Ebon Lords and bought a place for herself within Hollow Shade.
Great Houses:
House Mora:
A vampire family originating in Mortis Grove, a dead forest southeast of the Northern Lands. They are the rulers of the port city Forlost. The family has produced a merchant lord or lady every few generations, eventually allowing the Moras to claim the title of Great House.
The House rose to prominence through trade between the great cities of Hollow Shade and Frost Rim. Forlost’s port sits on the Dire River, between both great cities, allowing Forlost to act as a mediator between the two.
House Azol:
A human merchant family. They are the rulers of the small city of Mellow Bloom. The family focuses on honeymead trade between their city and Hollow Shade. Despite being a Great House, the family has had few lords and ladies in their history and currently only have one Merchant Lady. The House generates most of their income from their budding trade caravans and mead businesses. Azol’s crest is a blue bellflower.
Named Houses:
House Polamtal: A drow martial family. The house is considered quite young, existing for only a little over a century. Founder Polamtal was a warlord and general of Hollow Shade. While the founder has passed away and the family hasn't produced any more lords, House Polamtal has stayed relevant thanks to their scions' consistent roles within Hollow Shade's military.
House Skeller: An orc mage family. Originally from the great city of Murkton, the house moved to Hollow Shade a little over a century ago. While the family currently does not have a mage lord they have many magi within the city. Most of the Skeller magi are either red or white chromatics. They have made a name for themselves within Hollow Shade by setting up clinics and potion brewery stores throughout the trade and bourge districts.
Magic System:
What is Magic?
Magic is the act of transforming ethereal energy (also known as mana) into a corporeal substance. There exists three forms of ethereal energy, chromatic, elemental, and void.
Mana exists within the natural world, invisible to the naked eye. It is produced by the Null Realms themselves. Some creatures have the innate and passive ability to absorb mana into their body, they are the ones who can use magic. Once mana is absorbed into the body it resides within the heart and flows through one's veins.
How to Create Magic:
There are two ways someone can create magic. The first is called natural magic, also known as innate magic. It comes through a natural act, innate to a species, such as a drake breathing fire. The drake is capable of breathing fire without any practice or focus, it is simply a part of them, like lifting a finger. Natural magic users can control the amount of energy flowing within the body as they are using magic. For example, a drake can control the size and heat of it’s flame while breathing fire.
The second way to create magic is called spell casting. Someone who uses spell casting is called a mage. A mage cannot naturally use magic or control the amount of energy flowing within while using magic, unlike natural magic users. Instead a mage must imagine a clear specific image of what they wish to create with magic. They must also have an incredible focus to summon the energy from within themselves to match the exact amount required for the magic they imagined. If a mage can do both these actions they can create magic, also known as a spell. If a mage fails to create a clear image or have a mismatched amount of energy, the spell will fail, possibly fizzling or backfiring.
Elemental Mana:
Elemental mana is divided into 11 types. Death, Life, Light, Creation, Fire, Earth, Air, Water, Lightning, Dark, and Chaos. Chaos is unique in that no creature can absorb it and that it bonds with no chromatic color. Species that can naturally absorb elemental energy are collectively known as elemental species. Some species are natural magic users, while others are magi. Every member of an elemental species has the natural ability to absorb elemental energy. For example, all drakes can absorb elemental energy and breath fire.
Chromatic Mana:
Chromatic mana is divided into ten colors, Black, Grey, White, Red, Brown, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, and Purple. All the species who can absorb chromatic energy are collectively known as chromatic species. Unlike elemental energy, only a few members of chromatic species have the natural ability to absorb chromatic energy. The only exception being dragons, who all have chromatic energy. All users of chromatic magic are magi, there are no natural magic users.
Chromatic energy is unique in that it does not exist in its pure form in nature. Instead chromatic energy inherently absorbs elemental energy around it. Making chromatic energy always blended. Each color bonds with two different elemental energies. The mixture of energies creates two spell forms within each color of chromatic energy. A third form exists, which consists of pure chromatic energy, this can only be achieved by a true chromatic mage. (*Note* The third spell forms of chromatic magic will not be listed in the glossary due to potential spoilers)
Void Mana:
Void mana is purely theoretical and has no actual proof of existence.
Chromatic Magic:
Chromatic Pie Art:
The 10 types of elemental mana are listed in bold lettering and are shared by two chromatic colors each.
Elemental Mana: Death, Life, Light, Creation, Fire, Air, Earth, Water, Lightning, Dark
Chromatic Mana: Black, Grey, White, Red, Brown, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Purple.
The spell forms are listed in between the elements, with each element corresponding to its spell form. For example, "Light - Wards" means the combination of red and light energy creates the "Wards" spell form.
Manifold Mage:
A manifold mage is a chromatic mage who has more than one color of mana within themselves. 1 in every 10 chromatic magi is a manifold mage capable of wielding two colors. Any more than 2 colors is very rare, for example a manifold mage who can wield 3 colors is 1 in 100. The more colors a chromatic mage wield the rarer they are.
Having multiple colors does not equate more power. A mage’s talent varies on each color. Meaning, a mage could be incredibly talented in blue magic, but have subpar talent in green magic. The same applies to both spell forms of each color.
True Chromatic Mage:
A true chromatic mage, is a chromatic mage born with the ability to purify the chromatic mana, within themselves. By doing this they are able to split the chromatic from the elemental mana within their bodies. This creates two reactions. The first is that the elemental mana within their bodies is now free and the mage’s body can no longer harbor the energy, causing it to be naturally expelled from the body. The second reaction is that the mage is now able to cast spells with pure chromatic mana. Each pure color creates its own spell form.
True chromatic magi are incredibly rare. However, there tends to be more true chromatic magi in the same color as the color aligned Realm. For example, the Ebon Realm’s color alignment is black, therefore it generates more black mana, along with more black magi and true black magi.
A true chromatic mage will never have more than one color and therefore can never be a manifold mage.
Black Magic:
Black mana is fused with death and dark elemental energies.
The fusion of death energy creates necromancy spell form. This form allows a mage to raise and control undead. Necromancy can only control the bodies of the dead, not their souls in any way. The more preserved the corpse the easier it is to control. The longer a mage spends on reanimating a corpse the longer it will last as an undead, before needing to be replenished with mana. Most black magi, at best can only control a few undead at a time. Undead are weakened by light, their bodies become stiff in daylight and are rendered useless. Undead are very useful at night, however. They can perform various tasks, such as patrolling, fighting, carrying, etc.
The fusion of dark energy creates the shadow spell form. These spells can manipulate one’s own shadows and through it the shadows of others, including objects. Shadow magic tends to be used as a form of camouflage, to help infiltrate or to help in night battles. Very skilled and powerful shadow magi can turn shadows tangible and use them to attack others. While tangible shadows are very flexible and strong, they are brittle and are a poor excuse for defense.
Pure black mana creates soul magic, the third spell form. Soul magic allows the user to manipulate the souls of others, which normally causes their death. Soul magic is generally not used in combat, because the spells require direct contact and long channeling times. Powerful true black magi can use soul spells to create shades from the souls of others. The more powerful the soul, the more powerful the shade. However, even an arch mage would at best be able to control a few shades at a time.
Hollow Shade recruits many black magi that focus in necromancy magic, to help bolster their undead warriors. There are far fewer black magi that focus on shadow magic within Hollow Shade, most of whom act as spies or assassins for powerful families. True black magi are revered highly within the entire Ebon Realm, thanks to their magic sharing alignment with the Realm’s color, black.
Grey Magic:
Grey mana bonds with the elements of life and death.
The fusion of life mana and grey mana creates the drain spell form. Drain magic allows the user to drain different forms of energy from others. While this often consists of draining life force or stamina from opponents, the spell can also drain mana. Grey mages can not only drain energy they can also absorb it into themselves. A grey mage can absorb the life force of others into their own bodies in order to heal themselves. A grey mage cannot absorb the mana of others into their own bodies unless they also have the same kind of energy. For example, a grey mage could absorb and use grey mana from another, but while they can drain blue mana they cannot absorb it into themselves.
The fusion of death energy and grey mana creates curse spells. Curse magic has various effects that all share a common goal, a passive attack on the opponent. Curses can range from making an enemies skin itch, to cramping their muscles, or even blinding them. Majority of curses last for very short periods of time, and have long casting durations. But there are a few curses that can be cast quickly, and even fewer that can last very long, even a whole lifetime.
Because of the offensive nature of grey spells, grey magi are normally combat oriented. Many serve in military groups as high ranking officials. Along with orange magi, grey magi are generally considered the most deadly of all magi.
White Magic:
White mana bonds with the light and life elements.
White mana has little effect when mixed with the light element, producing the bright spell form. Bright spells are generally used for utility, such as when traveling in darkness, or for blinding enemies in a battle. Though a sufficiently concentrated blast of light can prove lethal, most white magi don't have the skill to produce a blast of this degree.
The combination of white mana and life energy creates the healing spell form. Because of the complexity of a living body, healing spells are incredibly difficult to master; with each body part, ailment, and wound requiring extensive knowledge to cure. Most white magi who use healing spells often study to be doctors as well. While there are a few potions that can help accelerate healing, white magic is the dominant curative chromatic magic, without question.
Healing magic is incredibly sought out in the Ebon Realm. With white magi being paid handsomely for their work. Because of the difficulty of mastering healing spells, it is incredibly expensive to hire a white mage. Middle class families can manage to pay their fees, but only high class families can do so comfortably.
Red Magic:
Red mana is fused with two elemental energies, light and creation.
When combined with light energy, red mana produces the ward spell form. Wards are spells created by sketching symbols, known as spell words, in the air. No one knows the magical language where the symbols originate from only that if the correct symbol is written then the ward will block that representation of the symbol. For example, if the symbol for water is written, the ward spell will create a shield that blocks water. The strength of a ward is based on the skill, knowledge, quantity of mana, and chirography of the caster. Wards only last as long as the caster is focused on them. The moment the caster’s focus is lost the ward spell will break. Wards can be very useful in battle as a form of defense, thanks to their range of protection.
Red mana mixed with the creation mana creates alchemy-like spells, known as the potion spell form. Although one of the slowest forms of chromatic magic, and requiring ingredients of all sorts, potion brewing offers a vast array of abilities. Ranging from healing, defense, offense, subterfuge, and other uses. Red magi are highly sought after for their potion capabilities.
The potion business is quite lucrative in the trade city of Hollow Shade; most red magi of the city choose to focus on potion-brewing spells rather than ward spells for this very reason.
Brown Magic:
Brown mana is fused with creation and fire mana.
The fusion of creation and brown energy produces the enchanting spell form. Enchanting can create enchantments by combining a magestone with another physical material and etching spell words to the object. The spell words are the same mysterious language as the ones used in red's wards spell form. Depending on the spell words and material used, the enchantments create different effects. Enchantments can only be activated if the magestone is charged with mana. Enchantments are one of the most diverse spell forms, because the spell words are compatible with other colors. For example, even if the enchanter cannot use the color green, they can still create an enchantment for green magic and a green mage can charge the magestone for the enchanter.
The fusion of fire and brown energy produces the vigor spell form. Vigor spells are one of the 3 body enhancement spell forms. The spells allow the user to enhance their own strength greatly. The vigor spells can even mimic orange’s agility spell form, by strengthening one’s own legs to enhance the user’s speed. Vigor spells can’t enhance speed to the extent of agility spells however. Vigor spells do not enhance the users durability. When a vigor spell is cast the user’s skin gains a bronze sheen. Like other body enhancement spell forms, a mage requires having a very fit body to be able to cast the vigor spells properly, otherwise risking grave injury, even death.
Brown magi who use the vigor spell form often work as warriors in armies. They prefer to act as long range sharpshooters, using their enhanced strength to attack from great distances and with great speed and force.
Enchanters are wanted throughout all of Hollow Shade for their magecraft. Because of the expensive nature of magestone and other required materials, enchanted objects are incredibly expensive. Enchanters often compete with red magi potion brewers in the market of magical objects.
Orange Magic:
Orange mana is fused with fire and air mana.
Orange mana has little effect on its fusion with fire mana. The fusion creates the flame spell form. Flame spells are able to produce fire to varying degrees of heat and size. The spell form is quite destructive, although even the simplest of flame spells take large amounts of mana, with the more complex spells capable of emptying a mage’s orange mana reserves. Flame spells are also potentially dangerous to its owner; if a mage loses concentration while casting, they could potentially burn themselves to the point of death.
The fusion of orange and air mana produces the agility spell form. Agility spells enhance the users themselves by granting them extra speed and reflexes, along with making their body lighter, allowing them to jump large distances. While all magic takes a toll on the user’s body, agility spells take a more excessive burden on the body. An orange mage could cast an agility spell through skill, but if their body is not in very good shape the spell would threaten to overwhelm the caster and injure them, if not outright kill them. When agility spells are cast the user’s veins visibly darken for the duration of the spell.
Most orange magi try to focus on the flame spell form due to its powerful and flamboyant appeal and the difficult body maintenance requirements of the agility spell form. Because orange magic can be very dangerous to its own users, many young orange magi have suffered spell casting accidents and have been forced to retire or have died. Orange magi commonly join military groups and serve as elite warriors or high ranking officials. Orange and grey magi are generally considered the most deadly of all magi.
Yellow Magic:
Yellow mana is fused with air and earth elemental energies.
Yellow mana fused with air energy creates the wind spell form, also known as aeromancy. Wind spells allow the user to manipulate wind around them. Yellow magi are capable of creating powerful gusts to smash into their foes and wind walls to block incoming projectiles. Very powerful yellow magi can even harness the power to consistently manipulate the wind, allowing them to fly.
Yellow mana fused with earth energy creates the durability spell form. It is one of 3 body enhancement spell forms. It has the ability to increase the defenses of the body, hardening the skin, muscles, and bones, along with increasing one’s own weight significantly. The spell form can even help against extreme temperatures. When active the user’s skin gains a bronze sheen. Sufficiently powerful durability spells can protect one from blades, arrows, and blunt trauma. Like other body enhancement spell forms, a mage requires having a very fit body to be able to cast the spells properly, otherwise risking grave injury, even death.
Yellow magi who specialize in aeromancy tend to be found near large bodies of water, where they manipulate the wind to aid ally ships or defend against pirates. Magi who specialize in durability spells can be found in armies, where their defenses shine. Yellow magic is said to have the greatest defensive capabilities of the chromatic magics.
Green Magic:
Green mana bonds with the water and earth mana.
Green energy has little effect on earth energy. The combination of the two creates the stone spell form, also known as geomancy. These spells cannot create rock, only manipulate it. Geomancy spells are limited to the manipulation of solid stone and require the user to be touching the earth to spellcast. Nonetheless, the strength of manipulating the earth is highly prized. Geomancy is used in construction as much as it is used in battle.
The combination of water and green energies creates the flora spell form. Flora magic involves the manipulation of plant life. While the spells can’t create plants, they can control and grow them from all different stages, including seedlings. Flora magic is prominent in forests or areas with very little vegetation.
Green magi have been known to work as rangers in Glimmer Grove, thanks to their magic being well adapted to the environment. Green magi are also regarded highly in Frost Rim’s mines. They are able to help open up new tunnels, clear debris, and protect others from possible tunnel collapses.
Blue Magic:
Blue mana is fused with the water and lightning elements. Blue mana has very little effect on its fusion with either element.
The combination of water and blue energy creates the torrent spell form. These spells revolve around the creation and manipulation of liquid water. The spell form is limited to the control of water’s liquid state, it has no effect on the solid or gas states. It takes more energy to create water than to control existing water. In combat the spell form tends to be used to create whips or blasts of water to attack one’s opponents, hence the ‘torrent’ namesake.
The combination of lightning and blue energy creates the storm spell form. The spell form allows the caster to produce electricity through their own body and discharge it. Storm spells are considered the most destructive spell form of all, however it is notorious for being the most difficult spell form to master. Unlike other spells that use ethereal energy to create a corporeal substance outside the body, electricity is created within the body. Because of its extremely volatile nature, any lack of focus or an imperfect clear image, will cause the electricity to recoil and electrocute the caster, almost always leading to instant death. Only a handful of blue magi are able to cast electric spells, and even less have mastery of the spell form.
Most blue magi tend to find work in naval regions, such as the Dire River, Hoarfrost Bay, or Ebon Sea. Their ability to manipulate water helps ships have swift travels and protect them from pirates, similar to a yellow mage. The few blue magi who are able to cast electric spells do not normally engage in combat, preferring a more tranquil life. The few magi that have fought in battle are feared throughout the Realm for their devastating prowess.
Purple Magic:
Purple mana bonds with dark and lightning mana.
Purple mana is mixed with the darkness element. The combination creates the illusion spell form. Illusion spells are often used to confound enemies, ranging from espionage to large scale battle tactics. Some purple magi use their illusions as a form of entertainment as well. While illusions may seem ethereal, they do in fact have a physical form, that is almost as faint as air. An illusion that is damaged, even by the slightest touch, can easily crumble. Only skilled purple magi have the ability to sustain their illusions through injury and for long periods of time.
Purple mana when fused lightning mana creates the mind spell form. Purple magi can use these spells to access the minds of other people, to read their thoughts, search their memories, and even damage their brain.
Purple magi who specialize in mind spells tend to work as inquisitors and torturers. Because of their unique skill set, they are one of the most feared types of magi.
Mage Ranks:
Latent: A latent is a mageborn who is unaware of their magical abilities. A person who has no magical training whatsoever. Their magic can be dangerous to themselves if they accidentally miscast.
Novice: Is a mageborn who has officially begun their magical training and has therefore become a mage. Students at the magic academy are all considered novices. They have begun to learn how to spellcast but still have not mastered the basics.
Adept: An adept is a mageborn who has mastered the basics of spellcasting and can reliably cast their spells without any difficulty. The rank of adept is given to a mage student once they graduate from the academy. The vast majority of magi fall under this rank. While adepts are considered full-fledged magi they still struggle casting any powerful or complex spells.
Master: A master is a mage who has managed to master advanced spells and can reliably multicast at least two spells without any trouble. Only talented magi manage to reach the rank of master. On average it takes between 15-20 years for an adept to become a master. Very talented magi tend to reach the rank more quickly.
High-Master: A high-master is a mage who has mastered high-tier spells and has vast control over their magic as a whole. Only very talented magi ever reach this rank and only after decades of training. High-master magi are often sought by powerful Houses in an effort to employ them to bolster the power of their Houses.
Arch Mage: An arch mage is the fabled highest mage rank. No amount of training alone will allow a mage to ascend to this rank. Only a genius has the ability to reach this rank. Arch magi are known to have mastered the most complex and intricate spells. They can manipulate their mana and spells with ease, being able to spell cast for long periods of time.
There are only a few dozen arch magi in the entire Ebon Realm. Any mage who attains this rank is immediately conferred the title of Mage Lady/Lord. They hold great influence and have the power to even challenge the will of Houses. Few beings in the Realm dare anger an arch mage.
Other Ranks:
Martial Ranks:
Weapon Master: Is a person who has mastered an advanced weapon style, whether it be the sword, spear, bow, etc. There are only around a dozen found within each army.
Grand Weapon Master: Is a rank of great renown. Only someone who has mastered various advanced weapon styles of their domain and created their own advanced technique is granted the title of grand weapon master (i.e. grand swordmaster). On average less than three dozen of these warriors live within a Realm.
Species Classification:
A chromatic species has the ability to use chromatic magic.
An elemental species has ability to use elemental magic.
A mundane species has no ability to use any kind of magic. (The people of the Ebon Realm refer to as them animals, despite some of these species being sapient.)
Beastkin are technically a mundan species, although they were created through magic by the Mortem. The people of the Ebon Realm use them as draft animals, steeds, guards, and pets.
Dire creatures sometimes appear within a species. They are born larger, stronger, and more durable than others of their kind. Dire creatures are more common in some species than others. Due to their abnormally large size, mothers of dire babies tend not to survive child labor.
Chromatic Species:
Features: While not very tall they make up for it with their sharp claws and low light vision. They are also quite lithe and agile, with fast reflexes.
Physical Description: Goblins have dark hair, often black sometimes brown. Their skin ranges different shades of green. Their irises are yellow with slit pupils. They have grey claws and pointy ears.
Lifespan: 80 Years
Homeland: Ebon Realm
Features: They are faster and more agile than the average human, although they are physically weaker than the average human. Their feritlity rate is also quite low.
Physical Description: They are tall and have a wiry body form. They have almond shaped eyes, with irises commonly blue; rarely they have grey or teal irises. Their skin ranges from a pale grey to soft grey-blue hues. Their hair ranges from a pale white to dark grey. They have thin pointy ears. They have no facial hair.
Lifespan: 150 Years
Homeland: Ebon Realm
Features: They are fast and agile. They are also physically stronger than humans and dwarves. They also have good night vision. However, they are weak to sunlight (and light magic), with long or strong exposures to sunlight injuring them. Their eyes are especially sensitive to light in all forms. Their fertility rate is also lower than even the drow.
Physical Description: Their skin ranges from a pallid white to a dark brown, although their complexion is always pale. Their hair ranges from a pale blonde to dark black. Their irises are always crimson red.
Lifespan: 200 Years
Homeland: Ebon Realm
Features: They are humans...
Physical Description: They are still humans...
Lifespan: 100 Years
Homeland: Jade Realm
Features: They are stronger than humans and have a natural resistance to poisons, including alcohol. They are the slowest of the chromatic species in the Ebon Realm however.
Physical Description: They often have stocky builds. Their irises ranging from blue, green, grey, brown, and a few even have gold irises. Their skin ranges from a pale white to dark brown. Their hair ranges from a pale blonde to dark black.
Lifespan: 130 Years
Homeland: Unknown
Features: They are faster than humans and have greater physical strength than even vampires. On average, they are taller than humans.
Physical Description: They often have stocky and tall builds. Their skin ranges from a pale red to a dark bright red. They have long canines that are visible when they speak or smile. Their eyes range from a pale yellow to an amber orange. Their hair color ranges from a dark black to a dark black-blue.
Lifespan: 100 Years
Homeland: Scarlet Realm
Features: Unknown
Physical Description: Unknown, save that their scales are said to shimmer in different colors of light.
Lifespan: Unknown
Homeland: Unkown
Features: They are faster and more agile than the average human, although they are physically weaker than the average human. Their feritlity rate is also quite low.
Physical Description: They are tall and have a wiry body form. They have almond shaped eyes, with eyes ranging from blue, green, grey, and brown. Their skin ranges from a pale white to dark brown. Their hair ranges from a pale blonde to dark black. They have thin pointy ears. They have no facial hair.
Lifespan: 150 Years
Homeland: Ivory Realm
Elemental Species:
Root Bison:
An innate life elemental species. They travel in large packs throughout Dusk Valley. Their hooves are a pale white and glow with a soft green light and specks of gold, as do their eyes. They stand over 6 feet tall and are stocky animals, with thick brown fur. Their horns are sharp and durable.
They transmit life magic through their hooves and into the ground around them, bringing life wherever they tread. Each step practically bursting in golden light. They are the main reason as to why Dusk Valley's grass stays green despite the harsh climate.
Dire root-bison are quite common and often serve as protectors of the herd, acting as rearguards and vanguards while the herd travels.
Root-bison are hunted for their fur, meat, and horns. Though, the process can be difficult as they travel in large herds.
Axlean's are a water elemental sapient species native to the Azure Realm. They are a tall hairless grey humanoid species (standing at about 10 feet). Their necks are half a meter long, with their vertebrae being visible rising beneath the skin on the back of their necks. Their sclera are black and their iries are a milky white, with no pupil. They have no noses and are digitigrades.
Fire Drake:
An innate fire elemental species. They are quite rare and are only found in caves deep under Rupture Mountains. Despite not having wings, they are feared by many for their ability to breathe scorching hot fire.
They are covered in orange scales and have long horns. The drakes also have razor sharp claws and fangs. Their height ranges from 12-15 feet on average.
Fire Drakes are considered very powerful and often require a group of high master magi or an archmage to defeat one safely.
An innate water and air elemental spaient species. They are rarely ever seen. They live in Hoarfrost Bay and are said to guard Hoarfrost island from any visitors. Sailors fear them from accounts of sirens eating anyone unlucky enough to fall into their waters.
Frost Giant:
A mageborn water elemental sapient species that resides in the northern parts of Rupture Mountains. Despite their fame within the Ebon Realm they remain a mystery to the people of the Realm.
They are said to have blue skin, white hair, and to stand at a towering height of 10 feet or more.
White Eel:
A water and lightning elemental species. They are native to Hoarfrost bay. Their flesh and eggs are considered delicacies in high-class society. Their skin is also used as high quality leather.
White eels are also used in the mage tourney during the race challenge.
Are the most common of beastkin within the Ebon Realm. Due to a lack of horses within the Realm, centaurs are bred and used as the main steed for people.
A very rare kind of beastkin within the Ebon Realm. They are considered very dangerous and have evaded capture for centuries. Hunters who encounter them almost always end up dead. Nonetheless, their venom is practically priceless, and alchemists from all over are willing to pay exorbitant amounts to have even a few drops worth.
Lamias have incredibly fast reflexes and are physically quite strong. Their scales are as hard as platemail and their tales have the strength to easily shatter bone. The venom from their fangs can kill even the largest of men with ease. They also have extremely sensitive hearing that allows them to fight even in complete darkness without problem.
While having quick reflexes, cat-folk are one of the weakest of beastkin. There are few in the Ebon Realm.
They are considered quite attractive by many for their cat ears and beautiful eyes. As such, they are often taken as pets by wealthy aristocrats. Some cat-folk are also work in high-end brothels in the Night District, catering to wealthy aristocrats.
Mundane Creatures:
Sea Serpent: A sapient species. Despite not having magic they are considered incredibly dangerous. They continue to grow throughout their lives, some reaching several hundred feet long and are easily capable of destroying large ships that wander near their waters. Sea serpents live throughout the Ebon Sea. A few ancient sea serpents are worshiped as gods in the Azure Realm.
Bears: They live throughout Vulture Woods and Glimmer Grove. Dire Bears are quite common especially so in Vulture Woods.
Wolves: They live in the outskirts of Rupture Mountains. They are also found throughout Vulture Woods and Glimmer Grove.
Moose: They live in the Northern Lands in large numbers.
Panther: They live within caves in the Rupture Mountains.
Mountain Lion: They live in the outskirts of Rupture Mountains and in Dusk Valley's plains.
The Mortem:
They were an order of magi from the Scarlet Realm. They are responsible for the creation of the beastkin 400 years ago.
Ebon Lords:
The ebon lords were a group of powerful indivuals who once ruled the Ebon Realm. They were kings and queens in all but name. They are known to have founded the Great City of Hollow Shade and created the city's magical wall. There are no ebon lords left in the current age.
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Ancient Bones: The Changed Ones book 1 (Post-Post Apocalypse LitRPG)
Is it truly an RPG Apocalypse... if no one can see the RPG? Generations after the Fall, Mankind has achieved a balance in a world it is no longer the master of. But your prospects in this Malthusian world are limited. Johanna Milton and her friends have an answer: delve into Ancient ruins, avoid Changed beasts and mana pockets, and salvage Ancient materials, collectibles, and trinkets to sell. It pays well if you avoid the perils of the Ancient world. But when they find the skeleton of an Ancient, their lives take a strange turn. Suddenly, Talents straight out of fantasy novels become theirs. While they try to make sense of what happens, eyes turn to them, to the four who seem to break all rules. Or are they merely following them? Because, in the Beyond where he's spent 150 years waiting, one dead Ancient knows the truth. Douglas Moore has played those games often enough when he was alive to make sense of the System that rules the Changed world. He can no longer act on his own, but he has access to the Interface. And four people for which he can bring whatever it takes to face the world. Change is coming. The Changed Ones is a slow-burn litrpg fantasy trilogy (Ancient Bones, Ancient Books, Ancient Bonds) set on Earth, 150 years after the RPG Apocalypse... which mostly failed. It is an homage to the venerable ancient RPGs of the Golden Box era, the Baldur's Gates, and many others, offering adventure where You must gather your party before venturing forth. Keywords: LitRPG, realistic setting, low-leveling, post-post-apocalypse, fantasy earth, slow-burn, secondary POVs, female primary MC, team adventure, worldbuilding. Trigger warnings: casual swearing, adult innuendo (no explicit scenes whatsoever, though). Oh, and potentially a bit of politics. Bonus content: a Litrpg Easter Egg hunt. With lots of eggs across the book, some easy, some hard to find. Current score: 6/20 (20 eggs, 6 found) Publication schedule: on hold until September for book 2.
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(I'm taking some time off to rewrite certain scenes and improve the quality of my writing. I'll restart updating the fiction once done it.) Update: at the moment, I don't feel like continuing this story. I'm working on another one in my free time, thus I don't know if I will ever come back to Ereborus. A mercenary has recently arrived at the festive city of Soldra in search of a job, but little do they know that a catastrophe will soon strike the city, causing multiple deaths. The mercenary is among the victims of the disaster. Or maybe not. They wake up again in a dilapidated Soldra where strange creatures now roam around freely. Will they survive in this post-catastrophic scenery and understand what really happened? Disclaimer/Trigger Warning: In future, there will be scenes with gore, graphic deaths and animal cruelty. Moreover, considering that the mc is a non-binary mercenary, cases of PTSD and misgendering may be included. If you are too sensitive to these topics, this story isn't for you. ━━━━━━━━━▲━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━▲━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━▲━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━▲━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ Hello dear visitors! If you like my story, then please consider supporting me through Patreon or Ko-fi. You can also find me on Twitter! Be aware that I'm slow at writing, but I'll do my best to update this fiction regularly once a week. ━━━━━━━━━▼━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━▼━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━▼━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━▼━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ Credits for the elements used in the cover: •Frame design by macrovector on Freepik •Font "Roman SD" by Steve Deffeyes on Dafont •Ouroboros symbol by Xoxoxo on Openclipart •Chainmail pattern by paintingred on Vecteezy
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The Briar Rose
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