《Again from Scratch》21. The world does not stop just because you need it I
Tercius pushed his left arm forward, his fingers tightly gripping the leather strap that was firmly attached to the shield. A sound of wood hitting on wood echoed and taking a step forward he lunged, his right arm aiming for the opening he created with the previous move. Only for it to fail. In that moment he had to opt for a quick retreat with a low crouch all the while returning his wooden shield closer to cover his neck and head while at the same time planing to take a step back to avoid the incoming attack from the side.
Even though he managed to avoid the sword hitting him and use the shield for its intended purpose, he still had to pay a price. His arm went numb as strong vibrations sent waves of pain all the way to his shoulder. His breathing was laboured, back drenched as he contemplated what to do next. He and his opponent started circling each other, content to seek an opening in the other's mistake.
If you won't, I will. Tercius thought. He took a step forward, while keeping careful watch of the movement of his opponent. After all, he did not come this far to be defeated so easily. Making a feint got a reaction, but not a one he could use in his favour. So he tried a few more.
There. his brain saw it before he did and his arms reacted with great precision, using the shield in his left hand to create a wider opening by occupying his opponents shield for a brief moment, while his leaf shaped short sword made a dart to gut the torso of his opponent.
Yet his opponent once again proved tricky, and once he saw that Tercius had a chance with the attack he made, the opponent abandoned all pretences of holding back, using superior strength to overpower carefully executed strategy. The worst part is that it worked. But Tercius adapted and used that exertion of strength of his opponent and took a step to the side, allowing the moving body that came his way to pass with no obstruction.
Then while he used the shield to cover his side in the case his opponent realised his ploy too early, his sword came from the side like a viper striking from the grass, unseen. His opponent found no resistance on his path forward, his shield passing through empty air, and he quickly adjusted, just continuing on the path he was on, making some distance between them.
While his opponent turned to find Tercius, he didn't wait for him, he used the time his opponents back was turned for the next step. Using his speed to his advantage, once his eyes observed which way his opponent went to turn, he ran the other way, at all times keeping out of his opponents line of vision, while coming in close. Yet as much as his shorter height proved an advantage, so did it prove a flaw that others could use.
His sword was still over an arm length away from any potential open target that he spotted, when his opponents sword, using his superior reach, made its way to his throat, over his shield. They both stood still, each coming to terms with the role they played in the spar. Damn, so close! he complained internally.
"You did good, especially there at the end." his opponent removed the offensive tool from his throat, as they disengaged from close contact.
"I would have done better if someone didn't rush at me like a bitten buffalo. I would have-" Tercius complained.
"Yes, well the loser has no right to complain." his father interrupted his self defence. "And don't be a sore loser. Just admit defeat with grace."
Tercius had to snort. "Maybe if you tried using a graceful strategy to win, then maybe I would admit defeat that way." Tercius said, his face contorted with frustration, a reaction to the increasingly popular method his father used lately.
Pure strength.
"Tercius, don't be like that, you know I don't have a skill like yours, so using my greater strength can only be seen as a sort of levelling of the game field. You use your skill all through the fight, don't you?" his father asked and he nodded in response.
"And I use my strength. See? So, no hard feelings?" his father came over and offered his hand, puling him for a hug once he took it. Tercius thought of the competitive spirit that overcame him in these moments, especially when he lost by a split hair. It does feel good to win.
"No hard feelings." he said.
"Any..." But he stopped himself there, because he forgot to check the surroundings before he talked about sensitive subjects. Using Mana Sight he made sure no one was close before he asked. "Any new levels?"
"Both of them went to 31. This truly works. I honestly didn't believe it even when your grandfather confirmed it. But this..." his father answered. He was honestly surprised by his father's skill level of the two skills he supposedly used occasionally over the last 15 years.
When he shared his thoughts with the older man, Septimus explained that he practised with those two tools of war since he was a five year old, entering into the army training with a level of 14 and 13, for sword and shield respectively. When he left the army, with almost two years of hard training it got to level 27.
The army had developed routines and exercises for target skills and used that knowledge to make the most of their recruits. That was, after all, one of their main points of attraction.
"Do you want another go?" his father asked when he had some time to rest. They got up with the first light of the day and were practising near the vegetable garden he and his grandmother maintained.
Recently they had a new student with them that helped as well. When she wakes up in time for it. he thought. Little Aurelia made a tantrum every time they skipped her when they went to work in the garden, because she overslept and by the time she got up, all the work for the day was finished.
"Lets, I don't think anyone else is up yet." Tercius said, tightening the leather strap that attached the round shield to the middle of his forearm.
He estimated the time for somewhere just over seven in the morning, the sun just making its presence known in full. His father and he practised for somewhere south of an hour, when his grandmother came out of the house, all cheery and chipper she greeted them and made it known to Septimus that Tercius was coming with her.
He gave his father another transfer of Energy as a parting gift, leaving the man to practice his moves and forms. It was a five meter distance from the edge of the vegetable garden and their duelling ring and he used that distance to wipe of the sweat from his neck, back and chest then left the soaked rag on the small fence that further protected their source of greens.
"Those plants there need weeding. When you finish that come over here, I need to show you something." his grandmother pointed to the ones in question and he promptly took to the task.
It was a five minute affair, making sure that he pulled everything along with the roots and then dumping the weeds in a large barrel shaped stone his grandfather made. It was used for leftovers of meals and generally everything that grew in the garden and was removed. All of that was then mixed with earth and left to stew for days on end. When the mix got to a point where his grandmother said that it was ready, he made sure to put the contents into beds where new growth was scheduled to be planted.
That's done. he checked his internal list. Next.
His grandmother was sitting on the ground near a single plant that was planted in a pot, her eyes carefully observing its white heart shaped leaves and the small flowers with its pink and white petals.
"It flowered?" he asked rhetorically, his voice filled with surprise.
"It seems so." his grandmother seemed mesmerised with the flower. "Recently too, two hours at most. It's beautiful isn't it?"
"It is." he answered. The whole flower was no bigger than than the small stone pot it grew in, its height just over 10cm.
"It's also damn expensive. Do you know for how much I can sell this? A fully flowered Pink Fjaren Flower can go for 100 to 120 tretas if I find a decent buyer. Its main use, you see, is in brews of regeneration. Some of the potent ones can restore damaged limbs to full function, the top tiers even rumoured to regrow them whole. Imagine that." his grandmother explained. "This one can be used for those top tier ones, I think. Now I just need to find someone to buy it, before someone steals it or it withers away. I will need to be discreet..." she mumbled to herself near the end.
"Maybe mother can help you there, after all she knows many more merchants than you do. But why don’t you use its seeds to grow more of those? Why sell it?" he asked.
"Because these plants are notorious for their seeds low chance of germination. It’s one of the reasons for its high price, that and the long time it takes for it to grow. Of the pack of hundred seeds I bought, only seven germinated, and only this one reached maturity and bloomed. And those who buy these plants don’t often like when you tamper with them beforehand, not even to remove a few seeds. Remind me to ask the buyer to sell me back the seeds. Now that I know a bit more about its needs while it grows, maybe next time we have a higher turnover, eh?" his grandmother explained and went back to making observations and writing them down in her small notebook.
"Do you need me for anything else? Grandmother?" he asked.
"What? Oh, no, no. You can go if you finished the weeding. I will water it all in a minute, don't worry." she said her mind clearly focused at the flower before her.
"Then take care grandmother." Tercius said and placed his hand on hers, leaving a strand of Energy behind. The older woman was finally snapped from her pondering and Tercius made his way out, leaving her to play with her skills.
After he and Aurelia finished with her lessons in writing, he left her to doodle on her own. He put on a shirt and started with a light jog towards the centre of the town. Their house was near the outer walls of the town, and to get to where he was headed it would take about 25 minutes with a walking speed. But since he came clean about his skills, he could now use the route that he usually walked to train. Now with Running it took him a third of that time, and he wasn’t even going at the top speed, just a bit over what he thought as average.
People were going about their business, most of them were your regular folk, farmers and craftsmen, some were servants, both indentured and paid ones, doing tasks for those who owned their debt or paid for their services. The small passages between houses were often crowded and he had to wait a bit or in some cases find a new path to get to the wide streets that snaked their way over major points of the town.
He had, over the years, made these passages and streets his acquaintances and could find his way just by focusing on a mental map he constructed. Hells, he didn’t even need to use it but liked having it either way.
His mother's store was on the Market Street where, as the unimaginative yet informative name suggested, most of the shops found their place. On it you could find everything from vegetables and fish to swords and potions. All of the production was based in other places, a regulation that was kept from the towns inception, never allowing smiths to make a forge, nor the alchemists to brew in fear of fires or explosions that were known to happen.
The street was one of the longest in the town, starting at the north gate of the town's outer walls and making a pretty straight way to the inner walls, where most of the nobility and the army made their residence.
He came to a stop near the back entrance to the shop, then went inside. And all of that without breaking a sweat. he thought.
Tercius spent the entire morning arranging prices and stocking the shelves, putting fresh vegetables on the top of the pile… and occasionally helping a customer with a few questions they had.
"I think my work here is done." he said to Petra when he didn’t see anything else for him to do.
"You will be going then?" his mother asked as she counted her profits behind the counter.
"Yep, I want to do a few more exercises with father, then maybe go and visit grandfather. See you at home mother." and with a wave he was off on another run.
The days went by in that manner, his daily schedule adjusting a bit to account for new additions.
Every third day of the week he went for the whole afternoon to Perdy’s and read books for free. Being surrounded by all those books in a relatively modern environment made him remember his last life, how passive he had been, just allowing stuff to happen to him, yet rarely reacting or acting for that matter. He did not want a repeat of that now, not again. But he was not one of those daredevils that just did things, quite the opposite in fact. He liked routine and stability, and yet didn’t that to be his whole life.
And here amongst the books he could be whomever he wanted, he would just need to open a book and read. A hero, a villain, a king, a pauper.
"Is something bothering you Tercius?" said Perdy. Tercius didn’t even hear when the man came so close to him.
"I asked you so many times not to do that." he said as the momentary tension left his body.
"Do what?" Perdy feigned ignorance with his usual smirk.
"Anyway, what’s the matter? You look so gloomy just staring at that book. Did something happen at home?" Perdy asked as he pulled a chair to sit across from him.
"No, just… I can’t stop thinking about something." he said. In his heart of hearts he was scared of just repeating the previous life. "It’s nothing."
"It’s not nothing, something is clearly bothering you. So, what is it? You know you can tell me, I can keep a secret. A lady love perhaps? Did you meet some girl that stole your heart at a single glance? No? Then what?" Perdy kept pushing.
The man is right about one thing, he can keep a secret. he thought. In the older man Tercius saw a kind of kindred spirit, one who kept to himself and lead a life of solitude, much like he did at near the end of his previous life.
"…Did you always want to be a book collector and shop owner?" he asked after a brief pause.
"Oh White Heavens no. Is that what this is about?" asked Perdy clearly surprised. "About who you want to be?"
"Kinda, yea." he answered weakly.
"Well that is easy." Perdy said exhaling.
"You know Tercius sometimes when I talk to you, I forget that I am talking to a child. Then topics like this one come along, and you remind me of it. Lets see, can you raise that book you are holding?" Perdy said pointing at the book that he gripped in his hand.
"Pyramid of Tergaron, The Foremost Academy of Thaumaturgic Skills. A fine informative book, written by a friend of mine actually. It has the most up to date information on the Academy." Perdy said. "Then let us remember what you usually take home with you. Correct me if I make a mistake along the way. Hmm, All four books that Nicodius del’Ar wrote, a bit dry for my taste, yet also highly informativein its own field of geography. Then I think you took that one about that sailor that went on the furthest voyage east of the Isles and returned to tell the tale. Then…" Perdy went on to describe a dozen more books he took with him home and quite enjoyed to read, all the while ticking off his fingers as he named the books.
The books topics revolved around two subjects.
Exploration and magic or thaumaturgic skills as they were called here.
"So you see my boy, it may be difficult for you to see this, but for me I can read it like an open book." the man said in his usual calm tone. "You are an easy character of sorts for me to read. A passive character that finds courage to do things in life through capability. You thirst for new and unexplored, the mystical, and you sate that hunger here with a bit of help from my books."
"Let me ask you something. If I make a promise to pay your full tuition fees at the Academy, would you go now? Leave everything here and go?" Perdy asked and with a snap of his fingers a small metal box fell on the floor between them, making a noise that made him jump a little, and opened itself revealing a pile of carefully stacked coins.
Over half of the box were stacks of tretas, while the rest were of an unknown design to him, and he knew there were only two he didn’t see in person. The one that his mother mentioned, used exclusively by the wealthy, and one more that was mere rumour amongst the citizens of the Empire. The Coin of the Emperors.
"Yes." he answered with a start, looking at the money and hoping for the sake of his sanity that the unknown coins were kvartas. Because otherwise…
"And would you go to the far north and see the frozen reaches of the Empire?" he asked and snapped his fingers once more, making Tercius close his eyes, expecting the box to fall straight on his head.
Nothing fell. No sound was heard.
"Well would you?" came the repeated question.
"Yes." he answered with a weak voice, yet inside he felt a clarity of sorts overcome him. He did want to do all of these things. To go where others haven’t. To learn new things.
"Good. Now that that is sorted out, I better take this money back to safety. We don't know what unsavoury characters lurk around." Perdy said with a small smile.
Tercius stared dumbly as with another snap of Perdy's finger the box closed and just disappeared. He jumped from his seat and started waving his hands through the space the box occupied just a moment ago.
"You are not just a book shop owner, are you?"
"Remember Tercius, everyone has a more complex personality than what is seen at first glance." Perdy seemed satisfied at that proclamation and released a pleased chuckle.
"Oh and if you haven't figured it out so far, I won't be paying anything for you. I just wanted to see your face when you saw that. After all I can't pay that sum for every child that stumbles into my shop and then spends half a decade reading for free. I would go broke in..." a far away look appeared on his face.
"Oh wait, I wouldn't. Never mind, don't mind my ramblings." Perdy said and stood up, with a snap of his fingers his chair went back to its previous spot.
"And before you ask that question I see on your face, the answer is no." Perdy said.
"What? There was no question there, I was just thinking about how smart and kind and helpful man you are. You would help someone even if it... " Tercius started running after the rapidly retreating man sprouting compliments as soon as they came to mind.
"No, no, get away you little rascal, I helped you enough..." Perdy ran through a doorway, the door flung closed with a loud bang a moment later. Tercius could only impotently try to kick down the solid wooden door when the doorknob wouldn't turn.
"I have solved your dilemma, now you better be out of my shop by the time I come out to lock the front door!" Tercius heard Perdy shout from the other side.
"Please, just show me something, just a bit to start with, Perdy please..."
- In Serial20 Chapters
Sword System Academia
2/17 NOTICE: I'm putting this on hiatus, possibly permanently. I didn't want to spam with an "update chapter", so hopefully here and in the story blurb will get enough eyeballs. There are a couple reasons for ending SSA for now. 1) I wrote the next chapter but wasn't happy with it. I've been less and less satisfied with SSA's quality the more I thought about it. Part of the reason is... 2) I am seriously thinking about trying to publish some novels to help pay the bills, since I don't have my other source of income anymore. I have never asked for anything from SSA readers, no money, not even a review or rating. SSA is written for fun to amuse myself, primarily, and I would kind of feel bad actually charging someone money for something as unserious as that. I don't think it is good enough to ask anything in return. To use an analogy from music, SSA is more like a jam session with a bunch of friends. You're just chiling and having fun playing some music. I mean, if you are Mozart or even Eminem, your jam session is good enough to sell, but for an amateur beginner like myself, haha, no. If I want to publish something, I feel like I need to go the proper route of practice and rehearsals, which might be more similar to a classical concert performance. With SSA, I work from worldbuilding notes and a loose outline, but what you are essentially getting is the first draft with lots of so-called pantsing. Pushing out a web novel like this also means it is very difficult to go back and improve things without breaking everything else downstream. I wanted to try this "jamming" approach, as it was a good way to teach me about another aspect of writing, but to move forward, I think I need to hone my "classical" techniques, which emphasize rewriting, or at least, revising outlines. 3) While I intend to try to make $$$, my actual current goal is to "get gud". I've spent a lot of time recently trying to understand the self-publishing industry, and I'm pretty sure I can make some money by using short-term strategies with my current amateur skill level. But I've seen too many authors come and go/burnout, and really, the only way that I think I can enjoy writing and still make money on a long-term basis is to become a better writer. And the next step for me, which I haven't done much before, is to spend more time on rewriting and outlines. That is pretty much antithetical to the way SSA is developing. I've always been kind of 20/80 plotting/pantsing, but I want to spend a lot more time outlining before I even start writing. SSA jam sessions don't really fit my goal anymore. If you're curious about what's next, read on... Among other regrets, I regret not finishing SSA. It's the first story I've dropped, but then again, it's the first web novel I've attempted, so I suppose that's not a surprise. I don't think traditional web novel formats suit me that well. The whole SSA story I had loosely planned (beyond a first book or major arc) is way too large as well. Big story = good for neverending webnovel with Patreons, bad for penniless and fickle writer like me. I am currently outlining a complete trilogy to another story in great detail. I want the story to end concisely, and I also want the chance to really spend a lot of time on the full outline to spot pacing problems, character issues, lost themes, and so on. I'll still share this story on RR. What I intend to do is finish book 1, flash-publish the whole thing here for a few weeks, then publish on the big Zon. Repeat for books 2 and 3. The upcoming story will be about crafting heroes. The backdrop is an isekai-like setting, where elves will summon humans to their world as heroes, but the whole hero crafting business is still in its infancy. The elven mage researchers are figuring out how to imbue heroes with power, while the heroes are trying to figure out how to use the powers that they gain. Humans are the best hero templates because they are blank and have no intrinsic magic. Or at least that what the elves thought. The human MC has his own secrets... There will be some similarities with litrpgs, but I would call it more a progression fantasy or gamelit story. For example, the stats are very low, at least initially. Say we have a stat called Str. Going from Str = 1 to Str = 2 is a huge deal. Also, going from Dex = 0 to Dex = 1 is an even bigger deal. I guess you could call it a "low-stat litrpg", haha. Also, the heroes won't be gaining stats simply by killing things or leveling up. You can't increase stats arbitrarily, either. There will be rules to how stats can increase, and how they work with each other. The elven mages will be figuring out these rules in order to craft stronger and stronger heroes. Some inspiration will be from cultivation magic systems, but there won't be overt cultivation, at least for now. A theme I really want to explore is the idea of interactions. That includes things like hero crafter vs hero, tactics vs strategy, skill synergies, racial interactions (dwarves, elves, etc), and son. Yeah, so hero crafting. I'm super excited about this project and venturing into publishing. If you want to check out the upcoming story, you can follow my RR author profile to see when it drops here. Finally... THANK YOU TO EVERYONE! I'm very sorry that SSA is stopping, but I hope at least some of you will find the next story at least as enjoyable, if not more. Thanks to all the readers who gave SSA a shot. Big hug or solid fistbump to all of you, whichever you prefer! I hope this message is not a downer but an upper, because I am psyched!! -purlcray -------------- BLURB: Talen, youngest Master of the Koroi, makes his way to the Empire's capital to salvage his clan's fate. But the bustling city has few opportunities for the traditionalist. For the old sword clans are fading. With the rise of alchemy, gold can purchase strength that ordinarily took years of training to cultivate. Sword artists, once rare and accomplished, are quickly growing in number, especially among the wealthy noble class. Even with such alchemy, though, no one has advanced to the rank of Grandmaster in countless years. Talen's true dream is to walk the path of a sword artist to the very end while fulfilling his clan duties. And then the Swordgeists return, fabled founders of all sword arts, gods who had touched the world long ago and vanished. These myths turned into reality warn of a coming threat. Alongside this warning, they issue an invitation to the Sword System Academy, a path to power beyond the mortal realm. But first, they will hold an entrance exam... Story notes:Sword System Academia blends elements of western and asian fantasy such as xianxia and litrpg. I took parts from different genres I enjoyed and twisted them into my own creation. There will be an explicit system, both of the litrpg kind and the hard(ish) magic kind, but it is embedded within an academic structure that will develop over the course of the story. This is my attempt to design a unique type of system, the System Academia.
8 153 - In Serial163 Chapters
Rising from the Depths
Earth is bought and fused with two other alien planets, but before the new overlords take total control, the System gives the original inhabitants one last chance to reclaim their fates. Stuck on an unfamiliar world in the midst of sentient creatures and savage monsters, humanity will struggle to survive until they learn to adapt to their harsh, new reality. However, Silas could ask for little more as the calamity provides him with the opportunity to turn his wreck of a life around and finally face the mess he once ran away from. Little does he know of the terrible foes he will face on the way, the grand powers he will gain, and the legions he will command. Author’s note: System-regulated Apocalypse story following a powerful (but not overpowered) MC and the village that he helps set up. While it is graphic, it isn't overly dark. Now complete!
8 361 - In Serial127 Chapters
Eleknar's Heir, The Infernal Prince (Demonic LitRPG)
A LitRPG and Epic Fantasy adventure: The son of a mafia boss finds himself abruptly plunged into an alternate world where he must find a way to survive the horrors of a realm called Oblivion, make pacts with demons, form unnatural friendships, and figure out what the hell is going on – all while dealing with the depressing reality of his past. An artificial intelligence has ascended into godhood and has thrown Trey’s home into Chaos, pulling millions of people into an enchanted new life... or, in Trey's case, a violent nightmare. As far as he can tell, he is locked into what the system prompts call a ‘Death Game.’ Here, artificial reality is manufactured for the enjoyment of a being called the All Spirit, and he has a very real chance of truly dying. Just how real is this place though? Is it merely a simulation, a realistic game of life and death… or is it something much more? Elves, dwarves, undead, and other races only thought to exist in fairy tales are now a reality. Black magics, pantheons of gods at odds with one another, predatory symbiotes, and an unholy calling, the significance of which he has yet to grasp, are all entangled with his fate. ============================================ ============================================ Some things to expect when reading this book series: - Brutal storyline where no character is safe and choices have real consequences. Heavy on action, survival, and adventure - An isekai. The main character struggles to find himself, repeatedly crossing the line between good and evil as other important characters influence his life - Harem (explicit), though this only starts about 180k words in. - Good amounts of crafting, town building, and guild building later on - Good amounts of fantasy-related LitRPG stats, rank ups, and evolutions. Heavy focus on demons and black magics - There will be many points of view, but there is only one primary/main character that takes up 90% of the POV - A long storyline. Currently (as of 7/26/2021) I have about 1500k words written, though much of it will have to be heavily edited and re-written. I also plan to go far beyond 1500k words if people like the story (A lot of it is also in the 'backstories' book that explores the guildmates, the link is below) - Chapters will have an average of about 4k-5k words, a little longer than most other books on RR, though there will be exceptions for more and less. I just didn't like posting chapters that didn't feel complete, and 2k words often felt like too little. - If you like super-heroic and goody-goody characters, this story is not for you. ***Updated once a week***
8 309 - In Serial34 Chapters
Death's Dancer
Death’s Dancer is the most powerful supervillain in the world. Or at least she will be soon. As the newest graduate of the world’s only academy for supervillains, she has one month to prove her skills by terrorizing the city of Toronto and defeating its resident superhero, Fireball. Should she fail, the powerful organization that paid for her schooling will make sure she remains ordinary, powerless Delphi Dunn forever. But Delphi is well-armed with a kickass evil ballerina costume, the ability to mentally alter inanimate objects, and a love of the spotlight. It won’t be long before the city is trembling at her feet. Death’s Dancer’s first day on the job starts with a bank robbery and a narrow escape from Fireball, and it isn’t long before she’s hijacking television broadcasts and blowing up buildings. But when Death’s Dancer’s crimes turn deadly, Delphi finds herself caught between her two identities. With time running out and Fireball hot on her tail, Delphi must decide if she has what it takes to be a supervillain. Hers is not the only deadly secret in the city however, and the choice might already be out of her hands.
8 105 - In Serial7 Chapters
Heroes Online : Against The Darkness
Lucan Karzark is the Game Master of Heroes Online and have role to save Northern Heavenly Kingdom from Evil Dragon attack. However, when he logged in, the system went error and he transported to the real Altra, the world name within Heroes Online. Yep, the real one. P.S This is my first fiction and because of my mother tongue is not english, I hope that all of you guys will give me correction if there is any mistake. Thanks! P.P.S I hope all of you guys enjoy my first fiction!!!
8 182 - In Serial22 Chapters
Free Your Mind
A journey through the mind can be a mixture of the good, the bad, the pure, and the evil. Free Your Mind is a collection of poems and short stories that I've written over the years. As of now, this book is still in progress, but I've planned to release at least 25 to 30 chapters minimum for Free Your Mind. Hopefully you enjoy reading through the works already published for this book, and I hope you'll stick around for what's to come in the future. If you have any comments, ideas, critiques, etc. please let me know! I'm always open to what people have to say about my work. Free Your Mind is a way for me to dabble into releasing my writings for the public to read. And hopefully, if all goes decent with this book, I'll continue to upload different works alongside this. Note: Currently the cover work for Free Your Mind isn't mine. I plan to upload an original design once I've completed the chapters for this book.
8 146