《Surviving Zombies One Day At Time》Chapter 85 - 85. I give up


Bunch of people in strange armor suits came out of RV and went back inside, just three people came towards the building.

Lomax gasped. "Oh, no."

This was first time that any of these people saw fear on Lomax face.

Even President was curious and asked. "You know them?"

Lomax loudly gulped and straightened his back as he wordlessly stared at door, with clear signs of fear.

When three people came in he literally knelt on one knee. "Welcome."

Meira just rolled her eyes and Malek just ignored him. Jenny looked at him in curiosity. "I guess I need to make shields even stronger. You are not affected by shield."

"I'm vegetarian." Lomax stood up and explained simple fact. He is no threat to humans, so smiled brightly at her. "I'm excited to meet you. Wait..."

He suddenly realized something and pressed his hand on Malek's c.h.e.s.t. "Cure?"

Malek shook his head. "No cure, but relief. We need to bring the same thing to our..." He stopped talking as he realized that bunch of unrelated people were listening.

Lomax rolled her eyes. "Never mind. We shall chat later. These people seriously are anxious about the shield. We saw huge horde coming from south.''

"Don't worry. My stones." Jenny looked around and recognized the President. "We meet finally."

"Yes. The stones are on silos. How will you transport it?" He asked curiously as he knew she came only with RV.

"I'm not taking them nowhere. The stones are used to build a shield. Not for me to become wealthy." She actually didn't lie much.

The shield did indeed use the energy of the stones. To build such humongous shield will indeed need huge amounts of stones.


"I made preliminary shield but it's still thin as I used only the stones from zombies we killed on our way here. Hurry. It won't last long if we don't start soon."

That was big low as even current shield would be enough to help against zombies and mutations.

He paled as he saw her looking at shield in worry. "Let's go."

The silos was inside military zone, so they arrived quite fast with cars. She glanced at huge silos that used food usually and sighed. "Let's hope it will be enough. But I fear, it isn't."

He shook his head. "We have more. Come."

Huge storage got open and she gaped at piled up stones. " Wow. I think it's gonna be ok. Now show me a map and prepare helicopter. I need to go up."

He already knew she would ask about it and they rushed towards it. Malek, Meira and Lomax stayed on ground while only President and Jenny went up. Trough the microphone he explained to her what he hoped for.

She sighed. "You threw nuclear bomb and hope that I can stop radiation. It is possible, but you need to understand that radiation that already exist I can't protect you from. Now let's go. So from there to that point..."

He nodded and pointed at map.

As helicopter went down she asked everyone to step back. She concentrated and stones started slowly flowing towards her like stream or small river.

Over their head another shield started forming and going down. This time it was bigger and wider. It conected to the ground and started spreading more and more.

Small droplets of sweat started glistening on light as Jenny stood there in deep concentration. The mountain of stones started getting smaller and smaller as wider and wider the shield became.


As last stone hit her shield, she slumped to the floor weakly. "That is how big the shield is. Do you have more stones? I used all, even my own."

President looked around and saw few stubborn people. "I'm doing this for the future. Or do you people think you can live trough this mess. We have many people to feed. We need more land."

"But we planned to..." One of Ministers started consuming but this time Lomax lost her patience.

"Enough!" She was truly pissed off. "She came to save your sorry a.s.s. With so many people living in this small space, how do you plan feeding them? With air?"

She saw them being stubborn and chuckled coldly. "Good."

She turned towards nearby guard and made order. "Pull our people out. They should pack their things and families. I have no intentions petting them get hungry in couple weeks. Now!"

President paled. "Mr Lomax, we need your help."

"You have one million people in this city. Turn them into soldiers. The shield can protect you all. So even if you kill zombies from inside they won't be able to harm you. You don't need my people. I'm leaving with her." Lomax lowered her body and picked her up like she was as light as feather. "Stop worrying. You already did a lot for them. It's more than enough. Shall we leave tomorrow?"

She shook her head. "We plan to stay in city for couple days. Show us your place. I'll park there."

" Fine, let's go." Lomax walked straight towards elevator and entered it together with Meira and Malek.

President looked at the Ministers with a sigh. "You just lost half of army."

They paled. "What are you talking about?"

"Most of the army personel in this place is Lomax his personal army. We need to call General. He must start with recruiting and training of new soldiers anyway. World continues and you just made mistake."

" What now?" Ministers looked at each other.

" She finished shield. When shield is finished she can only make new one. That is why she asked for stones. I told you this before. Stubbornness. Knowing her, she won't be coming back again."

"You are President." One of Ministers spoke.

"I'm simple man. I just hold title. I don't have even power to fight you for stones we needed to extend shield." He shook his head. "Never mind. I'll leave my post anyway as I'm am getting old. You people chose a new President."

This is it.

It's Apocalypse.

There will be someone more powerful. And even powerful people will bow their head under her.

No one can touch her.

But these people don't understand that and walk straight into their Doom...

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      To Be Continued...
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