《Surviving Zombies One Day At Time》Chapter 84 - 84. He is female


Malek's eyes shone with red passion as he jumped between zombies and started slaughtering them.

Yes, to zombies, vampires were probably invisible. They had no smell and nothing seem to be attractive on them. Not only that, the couldn't feel pulse in them that streamed life.

The problem with do called vampires that they had heart, just like humans. It was slow and their blood was hot and thick like lava.

Everything on them was slow, but their abilities were amazing strong. Everyone suddenly used chance to attack.

Jenny chose to stay inside as her smell was disgusting and scary to zombies. She took few of the stones and ate them like candies. As she cracked them open, the pure energy slowly entered her veins and she concentrated on first shield around the city.

Luckily they gathered many stones before. So she just ate those as support to her doing. From corner of her eyes she could see few creatures move away in scary speed that was not visible to normal human or even power users. But as she had strong defensive abilities, things like stronger perception was a must.

On the walls stood hundreds of power users and gaped at the happening. They gould literally feel the power that was emanating from the vehicle.

Strong lighting's passed trougouht the crowd, turning them instantly into the dust. Whole rain of fire fell over the whole surroundings and zombies started burning fast, bit then huge wind spread fire into other zombies and soon whole shield was surrounded by scary fire that burned so high that it scared everyone in million people city.

Yes, this is biggest and safest place. After Jenny first spoke to President, he just had tens of thousands of people. But as soon surrounding cities found out about possible safe shield, they moved all their people to this place and now approximately million people lived in this place.


While fire stopped them seeing what was going on outside, Jenny on other hand saw something in the surroundings. "Look! Black crystals!"

Everyone could see energy spread in their surroundings. "Fire will last for two more hours. You all spread and stay away from it. Go search surroundings and check for dangerous animals. But don't go alone. I'll gather black power stones and then share evenly. You all must become stronger. With your powers and protection of my gear, the black stones will not harm you. Now go clear the surroundings. "

People from city were closed and could t leave as the fire burned do high and all they could see the lightnings and hear loud noise whenever the crew attacked one of bigger creatures.

Two hours later the fire slowly died down and they saw the RV standing in front of gate, waiting for them to open.

What scared them was that there were not even bodies left. Piles of bones were stuffed in different directions and were left like that.

"President, I think she took all the stones." One of monsters complained.

He rolled his eyes. "She killed them. What, did you think you can keep them? Don't even dare to mention those stones, she has short fuse as I heard. We need her help. So don't act stupidly. "

Lomax was sitting there quietly and just coldly glanced at the man. With a smirk he stood up and everyone looked at him in fear. Even that minister.

"The negotiation will be between us and her. If any of you open mouth, I'll desintegrated you." His deep voice was seethed with darkness, making everyone feel coldness enveloping their bodies and hearts.

President rubbed his temples. "Mr. Lomax, please stop being bully. We are not on our positions be wise we are dumb. It is natural that people feel sometimes greed. But Minister Green is good politician. I understand his words and honestly I feel a bit aprehensive as well, but we are all logical beings. Of course we all know that we can't ask her to lower the price. I fear that price will be quite a lot."


Suddenly loud announcement could be heard trough whole city. "Trade windows are open for seven days. You can pay with stones or own blood. Blood from other people are not accepted. Please be calm as the trading windows will be there long enough."

" Blood?" Everyone were stunned. Even Lomax got stunned for a moment.

"Those with trading abilities usually exchange for stones or other items as well. This is frirst time that there is trade exchange for blood." He stood up and walked towards the window.

In the city tens of thousands of trading windows were open and even he paled by such power.

"One of my people is trader as you know. But he can open only one window for short time. There is someone very powerful." The shiny fits could be seen trough the whole city and they could see it as they were in top floor of highest building in the city.

President picked up the phone and smiled. "You are finally here."

"You are quite amazing. So many people saved. I am inside city and we are driving behind military car. Let's make quick deal as I literally want to sleep. I'll explain when I get there." She was dying for bed.

Even tho she ate those stones and had energy, but her body literally asked for rest. This time Roy drove while she dizzily leaned on table.

Everyone looked at her in worry. Even Meira hissed in anger. "Can't you wait until tomorrow?"

Jenny smacked her lips. " You want me to waste more of my precious time on them? Hah! After I'm done with them let's rest for a bit. System, can you tell me if any of cities in surroundings have survivors?"

" Yes. Not everyone came here. There is problem in D town that is approximately two days drive away from here. There are survivors that are trying to leave the town, but evolved animals and plants might not let them out. Do you want me to connect with them?"

Jenny opened her red rimmed eyes and agreed. " Connect."

"Connection will be available in two hours and twenty seven minutes." There was no direct connection. Even her system had to find multiple choices to find most stable way to contact survivors.

As they neared the huge building, she furrowed her eyebrows. She could feel powerful person inside and looked at Meira. "My dear, I fear one of your people is up there. And he is quite powerful."

Malek rose his red eyes towards top of the building and chuckled. "Mother, I guess he really came here."

"He? Who is he?" Jenny was instantly awake and looked at Meira with big smile. "Your lover? Maybe first love? He he he. Come one, tell me. I am curious about it."

Meira rolled her eyes. "If that person up is Lomax, I think you should be ready with your shields."

Jenny winked at her mischievously making her laugh. "Lomax likes to change appearance. Lomax is female. But she usually show herself as male. That girl is really naughty. So many had broken hearts last few hundreds years because of her. I wonder if she is in male or female body now."

This time these two will follow her, while rest was to stay down by the RV. Everyone from top floor gould see the big RV packed in front of building perfectly.

What happened next made them gasp.

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