《Surviving Zombies One Day At Time》Chapter 57 - 57. Big difference


The two maps in front of her showed clear sign of devastation. The meteor literally turned half of the city into ruins.

When they drove even closer a bunch of moving points could be seen. Zombies were black and humans were red.

Among black ones walked red. How is it even possible?

"Sewers!" Jacob suddenly had that idea.

Luckily most of the raid was killed by that zombie so she planned to go and kill as many she could before saving the humans that survived.

But getting there will be a serious task.

"System give me a safe route to the meteor"

"You will have to walk part of the way as the surrounding of the meteorite is quite messy."

Seeing her and kids descending from the vehicle family members from the car went out as well. Jenny calmly made another shield around her car and spread the shield that surrounded them.

"We will walk and try to bring here as many survivors as possible. You can stay and wait or come with us."

The man had calm decision.

"We are staying." But right after that young boy shook his head.

"I am going."

"It's dangerous out there." His father's face became dark.

"My decision." His words meant that he won't budge.

His family knew that he was one of the people that didn't change their decision easily. He completely ignored his father's icy expression and stood straight in front of her.

Jenny nodded and without another word she left the bubble into the grey surrounding filled with broken stones and devastated buildings.

This child knew she would use protection shield and trusted her enough. But that mans thoughts were not wrong as well. Trying to stay out the troubles as much he could.

They walked for a while and saw a few zombies running towards them.

"Kala, now it's your time."

Jenny wanted for Kala to use her powers as much as she could. And there are not many zombies anyway.

A grumble could be heard and stuck of lightning made zombie fly back and fall while he was twitching still. Next lightning made him stop.

"If there was rain and they were wet your power would give been enhanced. Don't worry." She patted her head as she saw her looking sad. "Just continue using it so your powers can grow more."


Kala pressed her lips in determination and continued to zip zombies that slowly gathered around them.

"Try concentrating and zipping more"

Kala got close to the thin wall and pressed her both hands as she had another idea. As soon the electricity left her hands all zombies were literally blown away from the shield and shook their heads.

When they came closer and were blown again they somehow were reluctant to attack again, but still did it. Some of them were already dead. But looking at now slowly coming zombies Jenny chuckled.

"Bitter food."

Jacob laughed as he saw a big smile on Kala's face. "That was her intention as it seems."

And so it really was. The third time zombies gathered around them she pressed her hands one more time and released even more energy frying few hundreds while rest just gave up, turned around and left.

With the sweaty face, she looked at Jenny. "Mom, they are gone."

Jenny took her handkerchief and dabbed the sweat on her face.

"You did an amazing job. For today is enough. You need to wait until tomorrow to use it again. Understood?" She hugged the little girl and smiled brightly at her.

"Yes, mama. But, now I'm hungry..." She patted her belly and Jenny chuckled.

She took out her bag a plastic container and opened. Nicely sliced fruits and fork stood there. "Eat some."

Kala munched on the fruits while the little boy signed deep within. His parents didn't even think about giving him some of the food they had. Suddenly his stomach grumbled.

Jenny took another box and gave it to him with a smile. "Eat. As long we have these, eat."

She couldn't storage live plants inside her space but all kind of fresh fruits and vegetables she collected were actually preserved quite well.

Jacob just sighed. "I actually didn't plan to ask you anything but what is your name? We can't call you boy."

The child froze for a moment as he realized that neither he or his family introduced themselves so far.

"I am sorry for our rudeness. We are the Maxwell family. I'm Steven, my father is Bill, the mother is Justine, and my sisters are Larissa and Mindy." An awkward expression appeared on his face.

Jenny just shook her head.

"Don't worry about it. We will part our ways soon so we didn't plan to ask. Steven, I know all of you have dark power crystal suits as you wouldn't be able to survive outside differently. Can you explain why are your suits different than ours?"


Steven stabbed a banana slice silently and shook his head.

"I am not sure. But I think your suit is definitely different as you have as well different powers than us. You are a defence. We are an offense. I can't explain differently."

She knew that Jacobs suit was as well weaker than hers so it seems he was offence as well. She looked at him and he smiled at her.

"I don't mind being a warrior. You being offence it is logical. That is the reason you have a feeling you need to help everyone."

Suddenly her system voiced in her head.

"That feeling you have has nothing to do with your suit. It's your own will. You could have just stayed at home. The system is there to help you grow not to make you do things you don't want."

"I know. Don't worry. So far you have been accommodating to me. I am not foolish to think too much into it."

This was the first time she heard system defending himself. She was curious. But for now, she let it go. Maybe later it will explain many things.

The kids finished their food and she packed the containers back inside her backpack. Not into space. She felt they might need it. She washed it before with some water so they were already clean.

Right after that she took four knives and gave them. "Its time to gather."

Kala already did this before and Steven as well. Only Jacob stood there not knowing what to do with it. He suddenly paled as he saw the two children with swift move digging out the small stone that actually grew right between eyes. Like a third eye it stuck out right there.

For a long time it was inside the brain but as zombies changed it became evident as outside stone.

"System, why did this happen?"

"Human brain is protected by hard bone. The stone is recognized as foreign matter so it was pushed out. But it can't function without it so with time it might grow protection around it later.

"Like horn?"

"Yes. Like horn."

Jacob snapped out daze as he didn't see any blood flowing. Two small children already cleaned dozen of zombies so he rushed and joined in.

No need for big movements. Small cut right under the skin and stone would pop out like a ripe pimple. He started chuckling as he realized that his comparing could be seen as disgusting. But what is more disgusting a zombie or the stone? Zombie won the disgusting competition.

But a strange thing started happening. Like something took whole air out the balloon, the bodies of zombies started drying rapidly and shrivelling like a dry plum. In the end it self incarnated and an only a small heap of dust was left.

"How interesting."

"That is because the real power came from a stone. Now plants, insects, animals, birds, fishes, humans, and other creatures all have stones. Mostly in the body. Only zombies have it in the head."

"Humans have the same?"

"Yes. If a human dies and the stone is taken away, the same thing will happen with happen with the human body as well."

"That is scary."

"Your stone is protected. And you won't die anytime soon."

"When..." She was actually curious.

"The stronger your powers, the higher lifeline. After you reach a certain point, I will tell you."

"What certain point?"

But the system didn't answer. Now she was really curious. But at the same time, her hands worked fast. Cut, extract, cut, extract...

Soon one of the containers became full and then the other was all st full when they finished.

She put both containers in Kala's bag.

"This is your win. Look how strong your power is." Kala happily was holding her backpack and swiftly walked behind her while a huge smile appeared on her lips.

Steven was shocked as he saw the stones going to the child. Last time father conveniently gave it to him. But just part of their stones.

He kept most of the stones under his own seat and mother's seat. Giving him just a handful made him feel ashamed. But looking at Jenny giving her daughter all her own stones made him feel bitter. Why is the difference so big?

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