《Surviving Zombies One Day At Time》Chapter 47 - 47. The approaching people


She broke into laughter as she saw strange-looking misshaped ... vehicle?

Mike and Mina approached her and he pointed at the thing with a huge smile. ''DO you like it?''

Jenny burst out laughing. ''What is this?''

''This is something they call all in one. It can drive on land and in water. It cant fly tho. But it has strong chase and lots of space inside.'' He pointed happily at all the things inside and turned his head to see Jenny shaking her head. ''What?''

''Mike, now most important question... What does it use to move...?'' She knocked on hard metal and nodded. ''It is quite safe, but do I need this? Really? Me?''

He held his head as he realized her words. ''Its gasoline. What do you want?''

She pointed at one of the solar cars. ''If you have such a thing but with being space, I will be fine. Taking one of those cars I will be fine. And it will be easier for me to protect it. My powers rose a bit and I need to test them anyway. After we go back home I will pack some food with me and go on a trip to a few next towns. Let's hope that idiot won't really drop a bomb. Maybe I should just go his was and make protections shield for theme s well..''

Mike shook his head. ''If they use you once they will try to do it again and again. Don't let them do that.'' If she let them blackmail her even once, they might really do all they could to make her life complicated.

''I understand. There is something I need to show you. Let's go to the office.'' She pointed at one of the closed spaces and he nodded while Mina was left out with children.


As soon as Mike closed the door, Jenny gave the order. ''Screen.''

A map of the city but this time it showed people and not dots like she showed the others. As she explained what happened so far Mike came closer and poked her clothes. It looked normal.

Jenny smiled and suddenly she was enclosed up to her neck into a black suit that had a strange consistency. As he touched it he shook his head. ''What is this and how did you get it?''

''You remember the black crystals...'' The more she spoke the more his face became serious.

''Then my assumption might be even true. This is not a natural disaster. This might be one of those apocalyptic things that came with meteor showers. You say the girls didn't perceive it?'' He poked one more time the suit and it disappeared and she stood there in her normal clothes.

''Not only didn't perceive it, but they also fainted as it was too much energy. Strangely I didn't feel anything bad. By the way, I will leave girls in the city. The more I think about it the more I fear that bigger things are happening outside. If they faint only by such small stone, what will happen if there is more of these? What if there are creatures that use those stones. To me, these stones feel comfortable. I prefer them to stay until I don't clear the surroundings. There is a place I want to visit. I hope people there are safe. Mike, look at the screen. There are many people coming our way, but there are some that seemingly can't hear us. I can see the record are not going their way. Send people that way to pick them up. Look that storage area people are coming out as well and getting on nearby cars and busses. Wait, not people... children...'' She smiled brightly as she pointed at the moving mass of people that rushed out the mall storage and started packing nearby trucks. ''Smart.''


The people she towards trucks and filled while one car rushed towards them. Mike pointed at the car. ''It seems they want to come to us. Let's leave. This thing, don't tell anyone, not even the girls. Let's first see what will happen with that moron on the trigger.''

The screen disappeared and as they left Jenny suddenly had an idea. ''What if we invite them all over and just take them hostage. They can't touch any buttons if they all are here.''

But Mike shook his head. ''I would prefer them where they are. Such slick troublemakers might cause trouble in the city.''

Jenny nodded. ''Then, we shall do as planned. Let's gather car parts as we said before and let's go back home. Send as many people to help those that are running our way. And send a few cars to check on those side streets. I covered the whole town after I gained this gear with a shield. Ther are no zombies in this town as it seems. I don't know if they killed them or the zombies joined that zombie raid. The only thing I know is we don't have much time. Sweety, let's go.''

The boy nodded and rushed to the sit just beside her. She didn't even have to mention to buckle up as he automatically did so she stepped on the gas and started driving away under wondering eyes of Mian and Mike. ''Where is she going now?''

Actually, she wanted to try something and took the boy with her. As she drove slowly she saw an incoming group of people that waved their hands. A man looked at her and asked. ''Where are the people that are going to shelter?''

She stopped and pointed at direction she just came from. ''There is large convoy to Save Heaven City. They are waiting for as many people as possible to come.'' She was about to close the window as a girl shyly approached her.

She smiled ta the child. ''Are you hungry?'' She could see child nodding and she sighed. ''Go down to the street. There are many children there. Ask grown-ups to give you food. I will be back soon. If you still haven't eaten I will give you. Ok?''

The little girl nodded and went back to a boy that was in teen years. ''Thank you miss.''

Jenny shook her head. ''Just go straight and people will help you. Like I said before, I will be back soon. If no one took care of you I will. Unfortunately, I have no food in my car or I would have given to you.''

He just smiled. ''It's fine with me to be hungry few days but she...'' He picked his little sister up and walked straight to the direction she pointed at.

Jenny sighed. ''I really need to get out town for a while. If there is a chance to save more humans...''

The boy looked at her and went quiet. ''Can't I come with you?''

''We will talk in a bit. Let me locate the crystal.'' Jenny saw the pulsing of the dark crystal on the map and knew right away what it was. She could feel similar waves like she had and wanted to see if he could handle the crustal waves.

He saw that she didn't explain anything and just sat silent. When the times come, she will tell him...

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