《Surviving Zombies One Day At Time》Chapter 48 - 48. Fateful family


As they turned into the next street on part of the front window appeared seethrough map. The boy looked ta her but went quiet as he saw a shining dot on the map that they were approaching.

''What is your name. I can't call you child.'' Jenny was concentrating to stay away from the mess on the street and then parked the car next to one nearby store.

He followed her and sighed. ''Jacob Chatman. I could hear Mike calling you Jenny.'' He just followed her into the dark hallway and suddenly stopped. ''Strange, I feel something...''

With worry, she turned her eyes towards him and saw that he was looking fine. The two women were already out when they came this close. ''How do you feel?''

Jacob closed his eyes and shook his head. ''I feel... attracted to it. What is it?''

On her face, a sudden smile emerged. ''Now I can tell you. It seems you and I have the same energies in our body. Unfortunately, the two power girls have completely different powers. Come, I think you might get the same present as I did. If you do, then I will take you with me.''

He happily held her hand and nodded. ''Oh, that would be great.'' He really felt fear to be alone. They all are gone, only she was left.

As they walked down the stairs Jacob had absolutely no fear. He had his own power of illusion and he could feel that her powers are not as simple as they seem. Soon in the cellar a big pile of black crystals could be seen, or was that just one crystal?

She took his hand and approached the crystals. ''Touch it. Let's see what might happen.''

The moment his hand touched the pile the crystals changed and suddenly a whole-body suit appeared on his body. With a smile on his face, he turned his head towards her and saw her standing with same suit next to him. He played games before the apocalypse so he understood the gear faster than her as he tried many things at the same time.

''Full body armour. Tracker. Shield. Protection against all kind of agents.'' Then he smiled and winked at her. ''Weapons...''


Suddenly in front of them could be seen multiple choices of known weapons and even unknown but strange numbers were written under the weapons. ''Uh, translation?''

But nothing happened so he just shrugged. ''It can be the number of zombies killed or something else...''

Jenny suddenly had an idea. ''Zombies have power crystals. But I fear that not only zombies have them. Animals, insects, birds, fishes and humans as well. Show me my stats.'' She realised that his idea might not be really wrong, and she was right about it. He summoned his stats and they could see that she had 2 powers in 3 level and whole amount fo experience in front of her while his stats were 1st level, one power and close to the second level.

But He suddenly yelped as he pointed at her stats. ''Storage!!! Mom, you have storage!!!''

She rose her eyebrows as she had no idea what is it good for. ''Storage?''

''In many games, there is portable storage that you can extend with time. I think if we find other dark crystals we might make our suits and powers stronger. And you can get as well more things.'' He already had so many plans. ''We might as well get a spaceship and travel universe...''

He heard her chuckling as he felt a slight poke on his head. ''Stop dreaming. Do you know how rare these things are? And some zombies eat them as well. Then they remember their humanity and chose to fight. I fear it won't be that easy to find black crystals. Let's start from the start on. Explain to me first the storage functions.''

Suddenly in front fo her a map could be seen. Multiple storage stages and she was amazed. ''What the hell...''

Jacob checked the options and saw that he already gathered some stones without knowing. ''Mother, you already have hundreds of stones on your account. There are two options. Two smaller storages or one big.''

Jenny shook her head and pointed at him. ''Don't you have that option?''

He checked his stats and shook his head. ''It seems it opens after the third level. I don't even have a full first level. Let's make two storages. One can contain food and other weapons and things we might nee don our travels.''


Jenny held her head. ''I completely forgot about that. I will open both rooms but will fill both of them with food until I don't have enough stones to turn them bigger, so I will just save these until later. We can just use my and your powers to travel around.''

Jacob smiled and saw her suit turning again into normal clothes and in curiosity asked. ''How?''

This time Jenny smiled brightly. ''I think invisible suit so people won't notice it.''

On his body suddenly appeared normal clothes and he smiled brightly. ''This is convenient.''

As they went out they saw two people running their way and waving hands. ''Did you hear that someone came to pick up survivors. Ar e you going that way?''

Jenny pointed at her car. ''Come sit down. We will join them as well.''

The two young men sat down quickly as they saw the boy sitting in the front seat and held their bags close. Jenny chuckled as she saw their action. ''Don't worry and relax. Save Heaven City is currently the safest town as we know. Even those from capital want to come. That is how safe it is.''

''Woah. Cool dude.'' The two young men were indeed tired but sat comfortably in an almost new car.

Jacob just glanced at Jenny tat looked in concentration at rubble on s trets and with quick moves move around all obstacles making the two young man clap in appreciation.

As she got close she saw many trucks getting ready and Mike waving at her happily. He saw two more people behind her and pointed at the buss. ''You two go with others in the bus. Soon we will move a few things from a nearby factory and will raid a few stores before heading back home. Is that ok with you?''

the young men nodded. ''We will help. Thank you, mam.'' They rushed towards the bus and saw it was not overfilled. They even recognised a few faces and greeted them happily.

Jenny smiled as she saw their happy faces and nodded. ''It is always good to meet people you know.''

Mike nodded. ''Any other survivors?''

Jenny opened the map on the side window and saw a few points moving their ways from different directions. ''These two we can pick up on our way but these few need to be saved. Where is Terence? I see a woman running this way. I think he can pick her up with motorbike. And Carlo can get the other three with a car on this crossing. That would be it inside the city.''

Mike sighed. ''Just few thousand people survived from millions that live d here. Dark days for humanity.'' He gave quick orders over the radio and pointed ta Jacob. ''Why do I have a strange feeling that two of you became even closer?''

Jenny nodded and whispered. ''he has same inner power as I do. The black crystals don't harm him and he got gear just like me. We will leave town in two days. We need black crystals as our survival and your power people are in need of simple zombie crystals. I will stay in contact with you. I think you can always use the normal land phone as the meaning of contact. And I will take my satellite phone with me as well.''

Mike looked at the boy for a long time and smiled. ''Everything is destiny. That boy's name is Jacob, right?''

This is the first time in a while that Jenny was completely flabbergasted. ''You know him?''

''I was not sure but then thought about it and knew was right. Jacob was living with his grandfather that had heart problems. His grandfather died a couple of days before the apocalypse. As soon social care came to pick him up he disappeared and just now appeared again. It seems he run away and was holding well in city jungle.''

Jacob was not far away and chuckled. ''I survived my parents, death of grandfather and even zombies. I guess heaven sent me someone I can finally trust.'' Mike saw him hugging Jenny's waste and closing eyes as she stroked his head softly. Truly, both of them had a hard life and found each other.

Fate is really something else...

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