《Surviving Zombies One Day At Time》Chapter 21 - 21.


"Mr. Cole what is the rush. We can always go and enter the town as it seems." One man with sleazy expression smiled at him. "I feel safer in here than to be on open air being attacked by unknown creatures."

Luke Cole just thought for a moment and nodded. "If that is how you fell, then stay. But take my warning. The shelter is old. If zombies evolved they can just brake trough the crumbling walls and enter inside. That city has quite strong power field. I can't make anyone come. But whoever wants to survive, come with me."

He did want more people to get to the safety. But there will be always people that felt safer inside the shelter or those that just felt afraid going to new place.

"Those who trust me will come. I will not push anyone. But I will not come back. Its on you will you survive then or not. Not my problem tho." He had no time to argue. On their way back he could see strange movement in tall brushes. If Mike's assumption is real, many things will change, fast.

From about couple thousand people about half came with him. He was glad that at least that many came. Most troublemakers stayed there and scared ones. But in the world where daily changes occur, there is no space for those that are afraid. All they could do is to die.

Long line of trucks filled with people appeared on streets rushing towards the town as the sum slowly started lowering on the firmament. His heart hit hard his c.h.e.s.t as he could literally feel fear. From time to time he would call others and ask them to rush.

When the last lights of sun slowly disappeared they already passed the shield and started to park so others could have enough space to get in. Unfortunately the amount of trucks were quite a lot so the process became longer and more bothersome. Suddenly a loud yell could be heard as many cars appeared from inside city.


"Idiots! Are you trying to kill those behind you. Continue to the city, why the hell are you parking here. Where is your leader, is he brainless?!" Mike was furious. Luckily they came from other side of town or they would be in trouble now.

"Sorry. Its my fault. I am anxious to save as many as possible." Luke felt bad, but saw Mike's face get red.

Mina and Jenny went by his side. Jenny coldly looked at Luke. "Then tell your people to move. Or did you plan to save only yourself?"

Her cold voice sobered him up and he started giving new orders. Soon the line moved but it was slow... too slow. Suddenly shouts could be heard and bunch if people started descending from vehicles and rushing towards the safety.

Mike pressed his hands on shield and it started covering the road and people that rushed. Luckily only about two dozen of trucks and busses were stuck outside so the shield expanded over them.

Jenny actually was already quite tiered. But she knew that survival if these people depend on her so she extracted last bits of her power as Mike pretended he did.

"Tell your people to hurry up. And clear the damn street from the vehicles, who knows if there is more people trying to escape." His clear orders were heard by the drivers and so they quickly went back and one by one entered the town.

Luke could see how Mike's men took over the rest of work and appointed them free and usable accommodations. But before everyone left Mike gathered them all and looked strictly.

"This town is one if safest places in surroundings. There will be three shield from now on. Inner city, where our base is. Then outer ring that will be place where we will plant stuff and raise animals and then there will be outer city. Only those I trust can lice in inner city. If I lose trust in someone in inner city he will be kicked out and not be able to come in. The main rule is no lazy people. From tomorrow on you all will help everyone else with building protection wall. That is just in case that something happens and our protection shield disappears. OK?"


When he looked at their faces he knew that they understood. "As long none of you have some stupid ideas you can stay in city. If you make trouble, we will just kick you out. That's all, now go eat something and rest."

After they got appointed their apartments they realized how comfortable they lived now and felt even happier. Luke Cole followed Mike to the inner city and as soon he passed the inner shield he felt strange and helpless.

Jenny just smirked at him. "Inside here no power user can keep his powers. And there is magnetic field that could stop you using bullets. So its safest place for elders and children."

Luke looked at her silently and then sighed. "Miss, I have feeling you misunderstood me, somehow. My intention all along was to save as many people as possible. I can see that you all know about powers. I have fire power and can protect myself. But alone to protect thousands of people is just too much."

Jenny stopped. "I am tiered. For days we are all trying to survive. Yes, it is indeed to much to fight alone. Sorry about my reaction. Mike already accepted you all. Could you please talk to your people. When we start growing crops they will have to help as well. Or do outside missions. I have many ideas but now I need long sleep, VERY LONG SLEEP." Her glare was printed over Mikes back and he felt it.

He scratched his head and sheepishly smiled at her. "Today was not even me... it was your wish to join us."

Mina jumped in as she could see Jenny's face turning dark. "Jenny, just tomorrow. With new people we will be able to scavenge rest if the new group help us."

Luke didn't know where they had to go but knew that they need to work together. Or their survival would be in danger.

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