《Surviving Zombies One Day At Time》Chapter 14 - Saving or not saving?


The highway out the city was still cl.u.s.tered with cars, but sidestreets were quite empty. From time to time they would see zombies struggling to come near and with a loud shot, they would go down.

Most people in his group were excellent shooters so the bullets were not wasted.

''Everyone, be careful. Soon we will be out the town.'' Mike gave them a direct order.

Actually, people were not stupid. they knew something supernatural was going on already for days as their cars were never attacked when they roamed the city. Now even this strange power that made shield around the town. But who would dare to ask? The most important thing now is to be safe and as long that power is there to help them and not harm, they are willing to just accept it.

So on their way out the city, they were not even surprised as they didn't see many zombies around.

But outside, where the rain fell in buckets and wind stormed, who knows what will await them, so they became more alert.

''Mike, I can feel outside the boundary group of zombies that are the same as Tyra. They are fighting against a sick amount of zombies. Maybe we should go and help them?'' She knew that they would die anyway soon but still, they retained some of humanity. They fought for them so turning their back to them felt shameful.

He shook his head. ''I know you feel sympathy. But do not forget what Tyra told you. they still feel hunger towards the human flesh. If we go there that could turn them completely into one of those monsters. Let them die as heroes. Not as monsters. If they regain their thoughts again after attacking us, how do you think they would feel? The only thing that keeps them going is that they are fighting for human survival. Don't make their fight harder.''

She understood his logic. The humans that realized what they became aggrieved and some even killed themselves. Only these few are trying to fight the zombies. But even if the zombies do not attack them they can still kill many.


A flash passed her eyes and she smiled. ''What if we find more of those things they ate and turn more zombies into humans? Or just study it?''

He sighed. ''Who will do it? I already asked around. We have no one that knows even a bit of medicine. Who has enough expertise to do that? You? Me? No one. We can find these things and turn more of zombies into human-like zombies to stay outside the city if they wish, but they would never be real humans. They would still have the urge to kill an eat human. And can you make a choice for that person? To live like that, not alive and not really dead?''

His question made her understand the complexity of her action. It is indeed impossible, however, she wanted to help them somehow, but how? She shook her head. She had no other abilities. The shield is the only one and it was good enough if they are not eaten themselves from the zombies. A small sigh escaped her lips while she watched with sadness at the direction those people were.

Mario saw her reluctance and patted her hand. ''I know your heart. But we would do more damage than help. The normal zombies do not feel any hatred or similar. If you have hated you have love as well. But zombies do not. Just hunger. That is the reason why those new zombies are able to fight them easily. Because the normal zombies pass them by like we pass the stones. Don't worry, the only thing they will die from is the time they have left. They won't be attacked or eaten alive as we would.''

She understood h and became silent. It was good that she did as they passed the shield. The moment they did that heavy rainstorm hit the trucks. He slowed down as the visibility became rather bad doe too much of rain.

It took them a couple of hours to arrive at that place as they had to stop many times and push away all kinds of vehicles out the way.


There was the barrier around her and wind and rain couldn't do much to her. She just joined in every time.

When they arrived at the mall and parked everyone already knew their tasks. So rushing inside and getting everything they could use was the idea. But first, they checked everything from top to bottom.

Mike found in the bas.e.m.e.nt a bunch of teens and saved them from roaring a group of hundreds of zombies. The kids had enough to eat but how long would that last.

They got assigned jobs and luckily they didn't make trouble accept one young pretentious woman. "I will not push around food like a commoner. Do you even know who I am?"

Mike was annoyed and wanted to retort but Jenny stopped him. She smiled at her sized her from up to down and sighed theatrically. " Too bad then. You will die or of starvation or as a tiny snack for those hungry zombies."

The young woman became pale but still retorted. "Didn't you come to save us? You can't leave me here alone. It's against any human law."

Jenny just snorted and shrugged. "Its the end of the old world. Look, we already saved you. We will leave a few things for you to survive for a while. That is it from our human side. We are not obliged to accept lazy people in our place. Everyone is working hard to survive, even children and elderly help out. If we take a lazy person like you with us, we would slap their faces, and we do not want that."

She turned to Mike with a smile and a tiny wink. "Mike, leave enough food for her to stay alive for a week. After that, she should harvest surrounding herself." Her order made the young woman became panicky and she looked at everyone face's.

Her eyes caught a few of her friends in the side that worked hard to bring out boxes filled with food and she rushed there. "You, you can't leave me here all by myself. I..."

The young woman stared at the group of teens with stiff expression while they rushed to help everyone. Reluctance, anger, annoyance was written all over her face but she still picked up a box and went to help.

Mike just shrugged and rushed with others to fill the trucks. This time they had over thirty trucks and filling them was a thing. Jenny could see that everyone was tired, but they didn't give up. She saw a famous fast-food chain and asked a couple of teens to help her prepare some food.

The moment the smell of food started spreading trough the mall everyone came to eat. They ate thankfully burgers and fries and picked up the rest packages from the freezer to bring it with them. Luckily they had few freezers.

It was almost night when they finished. They picked up on their way back a few trucks completely filled with all kinds of things. Two trucks with gasoline.

Mike was silent while Jenny almost fell asleep from exhaustion and weather. She sleepily yawned and stared at the long line of trucks following them through the rear mirror.

"We took so many things, but I think we need to go one more time." Her words resounded in a quiet cabin.

He nodded. "I know you are tired, but we need to do it tomorrow again. " He glanced at her and saw her getting comfortable.

"I need to sleep. Wake me up when we get back home. " She couldn't say she won't do it, so she just went to get some sleep.

He had to admit she not only protected everyone, but she also helped everyone with transport. Never complained or stopped. In the end, she even fed them. He felt sorry looking at her tired face.

But luckily nothing bad happened. They crossed the shield and as the rain stopped over their heads they could speed up their pace.

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