《Surviving Zombies One Day At Time》Chapter 13 - The shield


In her apartment again Jenny sat and drunk hot chocolate. It was raining in buckets. She felt lazy.

The last few days were quite busy. She already gave them positions of different small and big stores in the city. She filled the 19th and 17th-floor apartments with foods before the rain started.

Mike took over the rest of the building making a couple of apartments in the main office. He planted in this house only those that knew about her powers. Like that he felt assured she will have her own piece of mind.

The call stopped her thoughts. "Hello? Oh hi, Mike. What do you need?"

''What are you doing?" She was active whole time but now her deep voice showed she was sitting comfortably in some corner.

"Drinking hot chocolate and enjoy the relaxation. Don't you dare to ask me to go with you out while this storm is raging." There is no way she will go out by this stormy weather.

From the other side was a moment of silence but then he coughed. "Didn't you want to have safety glass surrounding your whole balcony, more heaters, solar panels, you wanted so many things more. Come with us we are going to go to the big mall that recently opened outside the city. It is raining so your blood protection might not work as it will be washed off by this kind of rain. Please."

She saw literally gusts of rain and wind hitting her windows and shook by the thought that she had to go out. ''Can't we do it after the storm? It won't last forever." She tried to negotiate one more time with him.

"No can do. You are ready for winter but the rest of the people not really. We have seven pregnant women, over a hundred children and a bunch of old ones that we need to provide a better livelihood. This time more than half of the people will drive trucks. Some older people are amazing shooters so they will stay and clean the cities from the save positions. But the rest of the survivors that will stay and some of my crew will build a wall at least around our part of town. Even by this weather. We can't afford now being lazy for a second. So your choice, building wall or harvesting the mall."


He could hear her deep sigh. "Of course the mall. I am not that crazy yet to choose the other option if I have."

She chugged the rest of the hot chocolate and put on the warm clothes, gummy shoes, wind and raincoat, hot packs and went out of the house.

Maybe even the weather changed as she never saw such wind before. She definitely needs to close the space between the house and the elevator. When she came out the wind gusts almost made her fly almost away. Her steps became firmer the more she was out there.

Somehow she didn't feel cold and the wind was not too scary. Inside her, there was something that bubbled and she felt as excited as when she at the zombie stones.

When she stood in the elevator her outer clothing was not even wet. That gave her to thinking. Is it really protection shield?

She sighed as she rushed towards them. Before Mike could even say something she rose her hand seriously. "I think I really have a power shield, but can I use it to protect you all, that's another story."

Luckily, all in this place knew her powers so they just nodded and waited. With steady steps, she went out and stood there. Slowly a vortex started swinging around her and rising higher and higher.

She suddenly spread her arms and the vortex disappeared, but at the same time rain stopped as well. As she staggered Mike held her in his arms and rushed towards one of the trucks.

"You'll drive with me. Fool." From one side he was happy for having her with powers, but on the other hand, he was worried. While driving he gave her glance and then looked at gloomy sky. "What did you do?''


She weakly smiled. "I just made a shield over the entire city. I don't know tho how long will that shield stay there. Do you have some zombie stones? I need them to recharge the energy."

He nodded and pushed a small female handbag towards her. "We filled it with the stones we gathered from the zombies that we killed last few days. But I have to admit that there seem to be fewer of them. Your friend told you the one week term, right? In that case, we will go to that part of town in a couple of days."

Jenny was feeling sleepy as she chewed on the power stones. She gave him a glance and could see the disgust on his face. Instead of getting angry she started laughing as she knew the reason.

"You tried it and it was disgusting, right?" His face could be this shocked? Its kind of fun to tease him.

''How do you know? " But seeing her big smile he knew it... Mina. "Your friend tried it before?"

He joined her laughter and saw how her complexion got normal again. "Too bad Mina got her days. She is a good driver."

They choose to speak openly about such things. They collected data from all females as they were worried that their blood might attract zombies.

In Jenny's case was the other way around. She had her days as well but as she stunk to zombies he chose her to go with them.

After this all happened, there is no time or place for shyness. Most females were now trained just like men to protect themselves, shooting, fighting. Most of them were steadier shooters than men.

"Does your stomach hurt or something? "He could see her scrunching her eyebrows.

She shook her head. "Stop asking me such questions, it's still not comfortable to talk about it. I am just wondering."

His eyes followed her gaze and fell on a dome-like protection shield. Even with the n.a.k.e.d eye, it could be seen that it was still raining outside the shield as rivers of water slid the sides of the dome and flew down to the sides. What should he do? What can he say?

But in the next moment, she just continued explaining. ''The shield now protects the city from the rain, but does it do more? I still have no idea. I just thought about protecting. Can we even go out?''

That was bothering but soon they will know...

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