Completion Chapter 117


I survived my first week in Reed's employ. I also passed my written and driving tests with little difficulty. I now had a driver's license and not just a state issued identification card. The picture was awful, but I didn't care. The three by four inch card gave me a sense of freedom I'd never had.

Maggie was waiting at the house when I returned from the motor vehicle department. She handed me a remote to one of Reed's other cars. It was a black Cadillac Escaladebright, shiny, and new, worth more money than I'd made in my entire life. It was parked next to my old trailer and was in the garage when we moved in. I checked the registration just in case Reed pulled a fast one on me, but he'd purchased it six months before I tried to burglarize his home. I was afraid to drive it, but figured I needed to get over that fear.

I was just leaving the garage, forgoing the temptation to take it for a drive, when my phone sounded. Reading Reed's text made me smile.

Congratulations. I know you passed even without being told. Take Jon and Bitsy to get a pizza tonight and celebrate on me. Be assured I bought the Cady before you came into my world.

In three short weeks, Reed knew me. He might not always play by my rules, but he took the time to understand how my thought process worked. I quickly texted him back.

Pizza party on you is a deal. Miss you baby.

I blinked my eyes and his reply was on my phone.


Two hours later, I gave Jon and Bitsy their first ride in a car with me driving.

"Buckle up."

"Where's a harness strap when you need one?" Jon thought he was so funny.

"You get your license next and I'll remember each insult." My hands were shaking, but it didn't stop me from smart-mouthing him back.

We went to the same pizza joint Reed took us to, and I missed him even more.

"Can Reed come with us next time, Jaycee?" Bitsy's voice echoed my thoughts.

"I hope so, Bits, but he's a busy man and doesn't have much free time now that baseball started."

The disappointment showed on her face, but she ate another slice of pizza and gave me a little smile.

"What if I take a picture and text it to Reed so he knows you're thinking of him?" It was a horrible thing for me to do, both to Reed and Bitsy. I shouldn't enforce their attachment, but Reed was paying for dinner and he deserved a picture. Bitsy smiled showing all her teeth and I managed to snap a pic with maximum pizza sauce on her face.

Bitsy misses you too, was my caption.

The restaurant was loud and I didn't check my phone while we played a few more games after finishing our meal. When I did, I read the first part aloud to Bitsy and Jon.


The perfect saucy faced princess.

This I kept to myself.

Call me when you're in my bed!

Even with Reed's thrilling final message, we left later than we should have. I was lucky that Bitsy was tired and went straight to bed.

"I'm heading to the main house to work on some accounting for Reed," I told Jon.

"Sure, sis, have fun." His smirk let me know he didn't believe a word of it and made me think.

"Have you talked to Reed since he left?"

Jon looked away, acting like the television was the most important thing in the room. "A couple of times."

I sat down on the couch. "And what do you talk about?"

He shrugged. "Just an update here and there."


He finally looked at me. "He wants to know how you're doing and also that you're not overworking."

"Was that so hard?" I tried to keep my voice even.

"Only because you're mad now and you'll take it out on Reed. He really likes you, Jaycee, and I don't want you to blow this."

My words were no longer even. "Me blow it? The men in our life-well our mother's-are the ones who blow it."

"Are you so sure, sis? You're the one who said you weren't like our mother. She made bad choices and expected the men to care for her and us. Her problems were solved as soon as a new guy was in her life. I think Reed's the real deal and so far you haven't screwed it up, but it doesn't mean you won't."

His words hurt. "I don't expect any man to take care of us. I take care of us."

"I take care of us too. I haven't had any more of a life than you've had. If we're honest, you know we both resent it every so often. Reed cares about you and I think he cares about Bitsy and me too. Just give him a chance."

I felt deflated. "But what if he decides I'm not good enough, Jon? What then? We can't let our guard down or it might destroy us. I'd like nothing more than to have Reed's babies and live happily ever after, but that's not how it works for the Shumways."

Jon gave me a resigned look. "You're missing the point. Maybe we need to change our luck and try taking some help. You let Michelle help by giving us the trailer. You let Dwaine help by accepting more work hours and taking his Christmas presents. You're not taking advantage of those people, you're letting them in. I think you need to let Reed in and tell him what's behind burglarizing his house."

Now the real problem was out in the open. "You won't forgive me for that, will you?"

Jon gave me the saddest look. "I already have. So has Reed, but he deserves the truth."


"Okay, I'll tell him. But that doesn't mean we'll live happily ever after."

He smiled. "No it doesn't, but does relieved ever after or telling the truth ever after count?"

"You're a goof." I pushed his shoulder and then stood up. "Now for that paperwork."

"Tell Reed I said hi, preferably before the heavy breathing starts."

Mortified anyone?

I refused to reply. I let myself inside the main house and went up to Reed's room. He did deserve to know who wanted his baseballs and I should have told him before he left. I didn't bother undressing, because I had a feeling this would not be that kind of phone call. Reed had programmed his number in my speed dial list and I pushed the button.

"Hi, baby," he said in his sleepy voice.

"Umm, hi."

It was no longer sleepy. "What's wrong, baby?"

"I need to talk to you." Silence was my answer, so I tried again. "There's something I need to tell you."

"So tell me." He didn't sound happy and it worried me.

"It's about your balls."

His nervous laughter sounded in my ear. "Please, baby, tell me about my balls, but remember I'm a man and you need to be gentle with criticism."

"Your baseballs, Reed."

His voice went all husky, making my panties wet. "You're no fun."

"Stop that. This is a serious conversation and I need to tell you the truth about breaking into your house. You're not making it easier."

"Has this been worrying you?" Nope, he didn't change his tone.

"Yes, but it's also worrying my brother and he's guilted me into telling you the truth."

"Why don't you tell me the truth when you're ready and you think you can trust me." A bit of censure came through this time.

I took a deep breath and tried starting over. "I am ready and I should have told you last week. I trust you."

"Then you don't need to tell me, because I already know. My cousin Derrick is a cop. I called him that first night. I had him tip off the detectives unit, without mentioning your name. They looked into it and Jim Pierson, the guy you know as Big Jim, is no longer on the street. Funny thing is I played college ball with him. He was just as big a scumbag back then as he is now and didn't last past his first year. But he did visit my house once and he did have an eye for those balls. Do you feel better now?"

I didn't know what to say. Reed had taken care of the problem that still worried me in the back of my mind even after we moved above his garage. "When were you planning to tell me all this?"

"I wasn't. I wanted you to trust me and I know it's hard for you. I come with baggage, Jaycee, even if you don't see it right now. We all do, but I'll take everything you throw my way and still be here."

He was breaking my heart. "I miss you."

I heard his breath expel. "You have no idea. The guys won't stop teasing me. Even the coaches are giving me a hard time. I love my job and I love this game, but I need you with me. It's not working with you so far away."

He was making me nervous. "This is going too fast, Reed."

"No it's not. Our life is in slow motion and you're holding it up. If you really trust me just let go. Let go of the past and let me completely in."

"I'm trying." A tear ran down my face.

"I know you are and this would be so much easier if I was there and could hold you and prove that I'm in this for the long haul."

Reed stopped talking and gave me a few moments to digest what he said. More tears ran down my face and I had no idea I made a sound until he said, "Oh, baby, don't cry."

I laughed shakily and said, "I know you have a camera in here somewhere."

He gave me his husky sex voice. "I can only wish, but next time I'm home I'll take care of that problem. Maybe this would be easier if I could watch you come every night."

"You're horrible."

"No, you just don't get it. Your eyes go all soft and your lips part just a bit. It's sexy as hell and I dream about watching you come. Hell, I even dream about the way your pussy smells. So far, I've managed to wake up before I embarrass myself on the sheets, but I've never jerked off in the shower so much in my life."

I knew exactly what he meant by smell, though my dreams were of his taste. I swear I could inhale at night and taste him on my lips. "Are we done talking, Reed?"

"Only if you're naked."


"I'll wait."

I turned the speaker on and tore off my clothes. I heard Reed's laughter; he obviously knew what I was doing and how ridiculous I looked.

"You are so fucking sexy, baby."

"You wouldn't say that if you knew my shoes were caught up in my pants and I was jumping around." Now I was breathing hard and it had nothing to do with sex.

"Just that picture makes me harder."

"That's because you're a kinky fool."

"Only for you."

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