Completion Chapter 116


Michelle Browning followed me inside the apartment. Her assistant, Julie, behind her. Bitsy was excited until she saw who was with me. My heart ached for both Bitsy and Jon. Michelle had never been anything but kind to us; she gave us the trailer. But her predecessor and the months Bitsy and Jon spent in foster care were not good memories.

"How are you, Bitsy?" she asked kindly.

Bitsy hid behind me holding my leg. I could feel her little body tremble, and more than anything I wished we never had to go through an interview like this again.

Michelle understood Bitsy's fear and turned to Jon, asking the same question.

"I'm good," he answered stiffly. His long black hair obscured most of his face and he didn't move it aside. Jon looked down and my heart clenched even more. I would never be able to erase those months that CPS took them away and the fear that it would happen again.

Michelle turned from Jon and focused on me. "How is school going?"

I took a breath. "With our new living arrangement, I should be able to take three classes next semester."

"That's wonderful. What hours are you working for Mr. Tyler?"

My muscles tightened and I hoped she didn't notice. "I work Monday through Friday for Mr. Tyler, but it's only during the day. Evenings I'm going to school one night a week and working at Tasty Burger two nights."

Michelle seemed surprised. "Are you being paid properly for your services to Mr. Tyler?"

I couldn't stop the heat from going to my cheeks. She could not be asking what my guilt made me think she was. I had to cover my embarrassment, so I went on the attack. "We have been at the edge of poverty for two years. Jon is going to college in two years and I will need to be home with Bitsy after he leaves. As long as they have food, clothing, and a roof over their heads, I don't feel our finances are CPS's problem."


I could immediately see I hurt Michelle's feelings, but she kept her voice professional. "You're right, Jaycee, but I was hoping that with your new job, you could stop burning the candle at both ends. I've never had a problem with your decisions when it comes to your brother and sister. I wish all my cases were this successful. Coming here is a required courtesy call and I'm more than satisfied with what I see. You have my phone number and know that I'm always available if you need something."

I did know that and I felt ashamed. "I'm sorry, Michelle. We're doing really well, but I want to be prepared if-" I waved my hands, "this goes away."

"I understand. Good luck, Jaycee. I'll call in a few months and check in with you."

They left and I couldn't help my huge sigh of relief. Jon went to his room and shut the door. Bitsy stayed by my side the remainder of the evening and barely spoke. It didn't matter what I did or said, she was scared.

"You know I'll never let you go back to foster care, Bitsy?"

Her lip trembled. "But what if you get cancer and die? That's what would happen."

Her words brought up all my old fears. I pulled Bitsy close. "Then I promise not to get cancer." Even at her young age, she knew I couldn't keep that promise, but she didn't argue. I was exhausted by the time I put her to bed, and I fell asleep before Reed called. I saw the missed calls and text messages the following morning.

Jaycee, I'm worried is everything okay?

Ten minutes after that-

Is this about the legal paperwork and my mother?

Thirty minutes-

Call me baby so we can talk.

An hour later-

I miss you.

I missed him too and didn't mean to sleep through his call. I entered a message that I hoped he got quickly so he wouldn't worry.


I'm sorry. CPS showed up and it upset Bitsy and Jon. I had a long night and fell asleep before you called. I hope you'll call me tonight.

Ten seconds later, I got my reply.

Is everything okay with CPS?

Yes, but it's always hard. I'm really sorry about missing your call.

Don't worry about it. I promise to call tonight when you get home from class. Have a good day baby.

You too.

How could a few simple messages make me feel warm all over? The driver picked Jon and Bitsy up for school and I headed to the main house. I needed to plan dinner and also do some more of Reed's never-ending paperwork. He'd signed the documents I'd found before he left, but I forgot to give them to Lawrence. I had to mail them immediately. Some assistant I was turning out to be.

I looked through the papers Reed wanted me to sign and without second-guessing myself put my name on the bottom line of all three. If Reed needed help dealing with his mother, he was paying me enough to intercede and make life easier for him.

In the afternoon, I completed the closed course driving and was ready for the next day's test. My class went quickly and my phone rang as I got into the private car's side door.

"Hi, baby," Reed said before I could answer.


"Are you home yet?"

"No, I'm in the car with the driver heading there."

"Okay, this will be a good chance for you to listen. No arguing in front of the driver."

My entire body stiffened because I had a feeling I wouldn't like what he said. "No promises."

His laughter floated from the phone. "I'm sure he's heard it all." He hesitated for a minute, but I didn't say anything. "Spring break for Jon and Bitsy is in two weeks. I want to fly all three of you out here. I need you, baby and Jon and Bitsy deserve a nice vacation. I know you want to argue about the money, but you also know I don't give a damn. Do this for me."

I couldn't speak for a moment because my head was spinning. I went with my gut, "Okay."

"That's it? Okay?" He was obviously stunned.

"Yes, that's it. I'll need to clear it with Dwaine, but I don't see a problem."

"The entire week. You can all come to the games and I'll have a day to take you to Disney World."

"You're pushing your luck now. Bitsy will love you."

"Fuck, Jaycee, that's a start, but it's not just Bitsy's love I want." My instant intake of breath had to be loud because he continued, "That's not how I meant to bring this up. I'm sorry. Forget I said that and we'll talk when you're here."

"Okay, we'll talk then."

"Two weeks. I don't know if I can wait that long. Tomorrow night we'll celebrate your driver's license on the phone with you in my bed. Deal?"

"You're so sure I'll get it?"

"I have no doubt. Thank you, baby, for saying yes."

"You're welcome, though I think it's me that should thank you."

"Tomorrow night, I'll call around this time."

"Good night."

"Night, baby."

I smiled after the phone went silent. I would have a hard time waiting two weeks to see him. I was desperate enough to travel anywhere.

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